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我国的法律、司法解释、规章和其它规范性文件要求对多种侦查行为进行录音录像,但侦查行为录音录像的功能尚未被完全认识。侦查行为录音录像除了防止侦查人员非法取证之外,还具有多元的功能,包括作为证明力审查的辅助证据、保障当事人的质证权、提高诉讼效率。由于具有这些多元的功能,侦查行为录音录像应当随案移送;辩方也可查阅、复制侦查行为录音录像,但在特定情形下可对查阅、复制的范围有所限制;侦查行为录音录像必须经过庭审举证、质证后才能用作定案的根据,但根据具体情况,可以转为不公开质证,或对录音录像进行技术处理之后再质证,如果录音录像不宜向被告人透露,也可以由法官进行庭外的单方核实。  相似文献   

安全行车的监护神--汽车行驶记录仪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了行车记录仪的发展及其对交通安全的重要作用  相似文献   

陆滢 《桂海论丛》2005,21(4):71-73
诚信是经济社会和谐的基础。维护诚信,必须构建一个完备的社会信用体系,而其中最根本的就是要建立信用档案体系。  相似文献   

《刑事诉讼法(修正案)》规定侦查机关在办理可能判处无期徒刑、死刑的案件时均须对讯问过程进行录音或者录像;侦查人员必须研究录音录像可能给侦查讯问工作带来的挑战,调整心态,合理地研究制订审讯策略。既要注重发挥录音录像的独特优势,也要注意避免法律明确禁止的违法取证手段。  相似文献   

侦查讯问录音录像作为一种现代刑事技术,不仅可以极大地减少刑讯逼供的发生,而且还能有效保障犯罪嫌疑人的权利,其作用已被我国司法界所认可。然而,在实践中我国司法界对其诉讼价值还未达成共识。本文通过对此问题的分析,进一步明确认识,以此推动我国侦查讯问录音录像制度的逐步完善。  相似文献   

讯问同步录音录像制度刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讯问同步录音录像具有客观、同步、完整、动态连续和容易复制伪造等特性。其可以固定讯问内容,有助于提高犯罪嫌疑人口供的真实性,提高讯问效率,规范警察的讯问手段,并且对侦查人员也能起到保护作用。对讯问人员和技术人员要进行培训,防止其在讯问前先对犯罪嫌疑人实施逼供、诱供和骗供;录音录像时应告知犯罪嫌疑人有关事项;录音录像资料要反映讯问全过程,要有一定的格式,并妥善保存。  相似文献   

Beautiful Life     
WAWA is a makeup artist working in the wonderful world of fashion. She can repaint a model's face faster than a Formula 1 team can change four wheels in a pit stop. Originally from Harbin, Wawa has been living in Beijing for five years. She showed a talent for fashion from an early age and delighted in daubing her face with makeup and parading around in her mother's dresses and high heels  相似文献   

Beijing Life     
FIRSTcametoChinain1988forathree-montharchitecturestudytour.AtthattimeImetayounggraduatest-"dent,ZhangQiang,fromtheQinghuaUniversityarchitecturedepaxtment,withWhomIcorrespondedoverthenexttwoyears.WhenIreturnedtoChinawithmyhusband,Harlan,wemetmanyChinesestUdentsandmademanynewfriends.ZhanghadbecomeateacherandhadmetayoungwomannamedLiQian.Anerweret-urnedtoBeijing,ZhangtoldusheandLiintendedtomarryafterSpringFestival.Inthespringof1991,wevisitedZhang'shometowninZhejiangProvince,anditproved…  相似文献   

Life Wish     
Three career women playing multiple roles: daugh-ter, wife,mother, colleague andfriend, handle everyday pressure and enjoy life to the full. Suddenly one day, their lives change. They become patients, identified with their medical case history rather than business card. Facing death, these three women pool their courage, wisdom and tenacity.  相似文献   

Dream Life     
HUNAN’S“king of mask changing” is the 70-year-old Zeng Jingui. He spent most of his working life in Chinese opera,  相似文献   

June1islnternationalChildren'sDay.Chinesechildrenlovetheholiday,sincetheygetadayofffromschooljusttoplay.Thisyear,China'selementaryandmiddleschoolstudentsarebetteroffthantheyhaveeverbeenbefore,becausenotlongago,theMinistryofEducationissuedacircularreducingtheirheaVyhomeworkburdens.Thechildrenhavebeen"liberated"andnowhavemorefreetimetopursuechildhoodjoys.ThisissuefeaturesseveralarticlesonChina'sneweducationpoliciesandchildren'slives-Wehope,throughthesearticles,readerswillgainabetterunderstan…  相似文献   

Cherish Life     
After a 200-hour ordeal,115 survivors were successfully rescued from the flooded Wangjialing Coal Mine.This is a miracle in the history of Chinese mining rescues.Eight days ago,surging underground water trapped 153 workers in the mine.  相似文献   

Pop Life     
正Elements of pop art add new twist to epic portrait series Liu Yigang, a 51-year-old artist, is making efforts to interpret history through painting portraits of well-known international figures. In one of his recent works, Liu painted a confident and strong-willed U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. The  相似文献   

Park Life     
WITH all of their mag- nificent histories and cultural relics, the Chi- nese capital’s larger parks like Beihai and the Summer palace feature highly on the tourist’s must-do list. But as a land- locked city of more than 5 million peo- ple, Beijing has …  相似文献   

Dai Life     
SUBTROPICAL Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province is home to 13 ethnic minorities, including the Dai, Hani, Blang, Yi and Jino, all of whom go about their daily business clad in colorful folk costumes. Xishuangbanna resembles a real-life Xanadu, far removed from temporal life. Of the ethnic minorities living here, Dai people have the longest history.  相似文献   

Floating Life     
One in six people in China have left their hometown in search of a better life and the number continues to grow,creating a challenge for host cities,according to a government report.The floating population,or people who live and work outside their permanent home,reached 211 million last year and the number could reach 350 million by 2050 if govemment policies remain unchanged,said the Report on the Development of China's Floating Population issued on June 26 by the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC).  相似文献   

碑刻文献表明,日据时期台湾开始步入殖民地化的进程,殖民统治不可避免地给台湾社会留下了或多或少的日本印记。然而透过分析可以发现,殖民者带来的变化是有限的,台湾庶民社会的深层依然激荡着中华文化的潜流,50年的殖民统治并未使台湾人与在台日本人于精神文化层面达到交融,他们依然是两个世界的人。  相似文献   

保持说写同步是制作问话笔录、保证笔录质量的一个基本要求,也是公安民警应具备的一项基本功。为了提高记写速度,保持说写同步,除了应有一定的基本素养和能力外,在办案中还要掌握一些行之有效的方法和技巧。  相似文献   

<正>Soaring consumer prices are leaving the average Chinese citizen with less money and more worries When Ren Xiaofen, an employee at a foreign company in Beijing,  相似文献   

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