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Although public administration scholars have long been interested in promoting administrative ethics, recent lapses in judgment by government employees make the study of ethics even more pressing. Yet, we know relatively little about how public values and publicly oriented motives influence the ethical obligations employees reference when confronting organizational problems. We employ Perry's (2000) process model of public service motivation to connect public values, public service motivation, and employees' understanding of their ethical obligations. Using data collected from over 1,400 managers in United States municipal governments, we present findings that suggest that public service motivation appears to be positively correlated with ethical obligations rooted in virtue and integrity, or high road ethics, for less professionalized employees. Further, broader constellations of public values encourage increased application of high road ethics for the same employees, but only to the extent that they foster public service motivation.  相似文献   

The relationship between state and non‐state actors has been the subject of extensive debate within the governance literature. During this time two influential but very different accounts of governance have emerged: a society‐centred account which talks of governance without government and a state‐centric perspective which maintains that governance largely occurs by and through governments. There are of course alternative and more nuanced positions on offer. These two have nevertheless served to frame the debate around governance by engendering a zero‐sum understanding of the relationship between state and non‐state actors which obscures the way in which the presence of non‐state actors can enhance the policy capacities of state actors and vice versa. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has been lauded as an exemplar of governance without government and has indeed, on occasions, had to overcome the indifference or even outright hostility of governments. But the society‐centred account does not do justice to the range of very different and sometimes mutually beneficial relationships between the FSC and state actors.  相似文献   

The literature on comitology has largely ignored the European Commission's actual behaviour in the daily workings of the numerous comitology committees that were designed to control it. On the basis of survey data of Danish and Dutch representatives on nearly all comitology committees, this paper investigates the Commission's role in the system. We find that the Commission acts both as a mediator and as a policy advocate, but to varying degrees. We take a first step towards understanding this behaviour by an inspection of four arguments found in the literature on comitology and the Commission: the constraining or enabling impact of the comitology procedures; the institutional position of the responsible Directorate‐General; the nature of the cases dealt with by the committees and, finally, the intensity of the member states' preferences in relation to the committees' cases. In comitology, each of these arguments shapes the mediating or the advocating behaviour of the Commission.  相似文献   

This article refines Lipsky's assertion that lacking resources negatively affects output performance. It uses fuzzy‐set Qualitative Comparative Analysis to analyse the nuanced interplay of contextual and individual determinants of the output performance of veterinary inspectors as street‐level bureaucrats in Switzerland. Moving ‘beyond Lipsky’, the study builds on recent theoretical contributions and a systematic comparison across organizational contexts. Against a widespread assumption, output performance is not all about resources. The impact of perceived available resources hinges on caseloads, which prove to be more decisive. These contextual factors interact with individual attitudes emerging from diverse public accountabilities. The results contextualize the often‐emphasized importance of worker–client interaction. In a setting where clients cannot escape the interaction, street‐level bureaucrats are not primarily held accountable by them. Studies of output performance should thus consider gaps between what is being demanded of and offered to street‐level bureaucrats, and the latter's multiple embeddedness.  相似文献   


This article examines how new Chinese bureaucrats were made at the Customs College to retrieve the Chinese Maritime Customs Service from the foreign staff in the Service. The policies of training new bureaucrats vacillated between three courses: generalist education, specialist training, and cadre cultivation. China’s assertion of control over the Service set the scene for four decades of political struggle between the Inspectorate of Customs, Chinese governments, and the Nationalist Party.

The article’s first section explores how China’s drive to self-modernization generated the needs for new bureaucrats, led to the College’s initiation, and shaped its educational program and policies. The second section examines how the Nationalist Party politicized the College’s education and discusses interrelations between the war decade from 1937–1949 and the decline of the College’s status. Finally, it concludes by discussing the continuity of the College in Mainland China and Taiwan after 1949.  相似文献   

于坚 《法制博览》2010,(12):50-51
这个时代造了一个新词,叫做城中村。官方资料说,这里城市化进程相对滞后,人口密度大,外来人员集中,违法建设、违章建筑和私搭乱建严重,市政基础设施匮乏,房屋破旧,环境脏乱,社会管理混乱,公共安全隐患多,已成为困扰城市化进程的“痼疾”。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to examine to what extent legislators in Estonia use performance information in budgetary decision‐making. Interviews with the members of the finance committee of the parliament show that legislators make only limited use of the formal documents containing performance information. Instead, they rely, for the most part, on informal social networks for gathering information they consider necessary for budget discussions. According to the legislators, the main reasons for limited use of performance information are the following: the documents containing performance are too long and cumbersome, the legislative budget process is too time‐constrained, and the parliament has only a limited role in making substantive changes to the budget. The study also indicates that more experienced politicians are less interested in performance information than the novices but there are no significant differences between legislators from governing and opposition parties.  相似文献   

由上级工会向基层工会委派法律顾问,把工会法律援助由被动咨询变为主动参与,事后救助变为事前控制,使职工法律援助真正地融入到劳动关系协调的全过程。9月26日,这一全国首创的新举措在四川省泸州市启动。  相似文献   

A key motive for establishing the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was restoring public confidence in the wake of multiplying food scares and the BSE crisis. Scholars, however, have paid little attention to the actual political and institutional logics that shaped this new organization. This article explores the dynamics underpinning the making of EFSA. We examine the way in which learning and power shaped its organizational architecture. It is demonstrated that the lessons drawn from the past and other models converged on the need to delegate authority to an external agency, but diverged on its mandate, concretely whether or not EFSA should assume risk management responsibilities. In this situation of competitive learning, power and procedural politics conditioned the mandate granted to EFSA. The European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council shared a common interest in preventing the delegation of regulatory powers to an independent EU agency in food safety policy.  相似文献   

春节前,中央纪律检查委员会召开第三次全体会议,胡锦涛同志在会上发表了重要讲话,全会要求全党同志紧密联系加强和改进党和国家的各项工作,大兴求真务实之风。  相似文献   

一凡 《工会博览》2004,(14):1-1
前不久,北京市工会十一大胜利闭幕。这次大会,认真总结了市工会十大以来首都工人运动和工会工作的基本经验,研究确定了今后五年工会工作的指导思想和目标任务,选举产生了新一届市总工会领导机构。大会指出,要以与时俱进、求真务实的精神,开创工会工作的新局面,团结动员全市职工为实现“新北京、新奥运”的各项目标而努力奋斗。  相似文献   

小时候,每当得到了一样只能由一人享受的好东西而我们是两个人时,就要做个小游戏来决定谁是幸运者。如你所知,这种把戏叫做“石头、剪子、布”,这三种东西循环相克,你出其中某一样,正好被别人克住,就失败了。这种游戏有个古老的名称,叫做“百姓、洋人、官”,我相信这名称是清末民初流传下来的,当时洋人怕中国的老百姓,中国的官又怕洋人。  相似文献   

谭汝为 《法制博览》2010,(15):57-57
“荆”和“楚”是同一种灌木的不同名称。这“异名同实”的二者,也有细微的区别,就是——“荆”是这种灌木的雌株,“楚”是这种灌木的雄株。春秋战国时期,地处南方的楚国旧称“荆国”,中原地区的国家有时称其为“楚”或“荆”,或称之为“荆楚”“楚荆”,或蔑称之为“荆蛮”。这也证明了“荆”“楚”二者的异名同实。  相似文献   

其然 《工会博览》2004,(21):1-1
国庆期间,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛同志,专程来到北京市,亲切看望了广大基层干部。他强调,广大基层干部是党和国家的宝贵财富,各级党委和政府都要从提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位、实现党的执政使命的战略高度,真正重视、真情关怀、真心爱护广大基层干部,满腔热忱地支持和帮助基层干部做好工作。  相似文献   

田立 《法制博览》2009,(24):56-57
那些喜欢并且得益于高房价的人,只看到了房地产可以被变成鱼翅的一面,却忽视更多的人需要粉丝的实情,只看到了鱼翅可以卖高价的表面现象,却忽视了鱼翅是剥夺别人享用粉丝的权利而后获得的事实本质。企图把房地产变成远离大众的鱼翅就可以肆意提高房价,或者愚弄百姓逆来顺受,是竭力掩盖事实真相之举,绝非科学发现的灵光闪现。  相似文献   

新中国成55周年了,在这个伟大的节日到来之际,我们向工作在不同岗位上的广大职工群众、工会工作者,致以最亲切的问候!  相似文献   

砒霜、水银、鸩酒是《水浒》中写到的三种毒药。分别写在书中的第二十五回“王婆计啜西门庆,淫妇药鸩武大郎”及第一百二十回“宋公明神聚蓼儿洼,徽宗帝梦游梁山泊”中。  相似文献   

在我们生活的这个城市里。处处留有外来务工人员的身影、足迹。他们为首都的发展、建设做出了贡献。同样。首都的各行各业也在用不同的方式、形式维护着他们的权益、关爱着他们的生活……  相似文献   

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