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潘文 《金陵法律评论》2006,(2):150-154,160
“被”字句在不同语体中的分布及句法结构、语义特征都有差异。用“叫、给、让”来表示被动的句子只能出现在文艺语体中,并且“叫、让”后的宾语不可省略;在“为+所”构成的“被”字句中,动词既可以是处置动词,也可以是判断动词和心理动词,并且不同类别的动词在“为+所”“被”字句中的句法表现并不相同。文艺语体中“被”字后以带宾语为常见,而事务语体和科技语体中“被”字后以不出现名词性成分为常态;政论语体中,“被”字句的动词可以是光杆动词。  相似文献   

经过20多年的发展,作为边缘法学的法律语言学的学科地位在事实上得以确立,法言法语渐被纳入学科研究对象。此外,作为现代语言学的分支,语体学已相对成熟,但法学语体问题却少有人问津。这也许与修辞学泰斗王德春教授主张语体种类之一的科学语体"不再细分"有关,也与自古以来"文术多门,各适所好"、"明者弗授,学者弗师"有关。然而,法学语体具有科学语体与政论语体甚至公文语体交叉的特点,可以视为语言分化的结果。法学语体研究滞后对我国法学研究与报刊编辑出版中的语言质量已造成消极影响。法学语体逐渐形成一些典型的语言手段及表达方式,如:词汇上庄重、严谨、文雅;句式完整,但具扩展性;语篇上具连贯性、充分性。我们应当恰当使用带语体色彩的词汇体现法学气派,并且合理使用长句、复合句反映法学风格。灵活运用的多种修辞表达方式充分体现了学术语境的科学理性与思维美感。法学语篇不妨在行文上流光溢彩,活泼多姿。与此同时,要防止不当话语修辞对交际和传播带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

第二人称主语是陈述句的有标记主语.各类动词谓语与该主语共现时表现出不同的选择性:或整个类别受到高度限制,如自主动词等;或类别倾向于受限制,如状态动词等;或类别内部不同个体受限制情况不同,如变化动词等;或同一动词在不同语境中受限制情况不同,如某些关系动词.限制原因主要来自两个方面:违反陈述语气的语用要求或者组合构成其它语气.  相似文献   

在“V的N”结构中,除了先导、能愿、判断、结果、使令等动词外,绝大多数光杆动词能充当“V”;“V”和“N”有“动作─—受事”、“动作─—施事”等七种语义关系;“V的N”语法功能是充当主语和宾语,语用功能是描述性强和突出中心语。  相似文献   

刘永红 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):23-27
"对"字句是法律文本中使用频率较高、应用比较有特点的的句式之一,它在法律文本中主要有强调突显、指示范围、分类列举等语用功能,但运用中有与"对于"句混用现象,并存在滥用、漏用、错用等不符合现代汉语语法规范的问题。  相似文献   

连A带B"、"又A又B"和"一边A一边B"三种近义格式在形式、语义、语用方面都存在着明显的差异。在形式上,除音节的对称性和AB语法单位的不同外,三种格式A、B对动词性、形容词性、名词性成分的接纳所呈现的阶梯状分布差异,直接导致了三者句法功能的倾向以及格式义丰富性的差异。在语义上,前两种格式AB的概念关系关联度越高,越容易进入格式,后一种则相反;三种格式内部逻辑语义关系除都存在并列、顺承外,还都有着各自的特性。在语用上,"连A带B"和"又A又B"多表主客观的融合,而"一边A一边B"只表客观描写;三者焦点信息也不同:"连A带B"在A上,"一边A一边B"在B上,而"又A又B"的则在AB共同构成的语用意义上。  相似文献   

刘浩 《行政与法》2021,(2):92-101
腐败的本质是权力的滥用,腐败预防立法体系能够有效控制权力.理性的腐败预防立法体系建构应当考虑腐败的衍生规律与治理效能,厘清腐败预防立法体系中存在的一些现实障碍,明确公共权力在管理国家与社会事务中的角色定位,一体推进"不敢腐""不能腐""不想腐",以确保公权力行使的廉洁性,有效预防腐败.  相似文献   

本文在分析"第三方"出现的基础上,分析了我国目前现行的医疗纠纷解决机制存在的不足之处,并结合"第三方"在解决纠纷时所表现出来的优势及其在解决民事纠纷时所发挥的重要作用,提出了在我国医疗纠纷的解决机制中引入"第三方"方式的思考.  相似文献   

中国马克思主义是马克思主义普遍原理与中国具体情况相结合的产物,毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想是中国马克思主义发展史上的伟大丰碑.中国马克思主义发展形成了自己的特点,这就是正确认识和坚持马克思主义基本原理,科学总结历史经验教训,在反倾向斗争中主要是防"左"反"左",根据实践的需要,在理论观点上对马克思主义作突破性的发展.  相似文献   

现代汉语中能产性极高的"性"缀是由实语素"性"经过两次复杂的语法化过程演变而来的,"性"字在不同历史时期的语义、语法上的差异导致了现代汉语中"X性"的语义、语法上的复杂现状."X性"的基本句法功能比较接近于区别词,"X性"的语义特征可以描述为:表示具有"X"的性质或表现.  相似文献   

The essay seeks to single out, describe, and analyze the main semiotic features that compose the fundamentalist understanding of authoriality. Given a definition of authoriality as the series of semiotic dynamics that induce a reader to posit a genetic relation between an author and a text, the fundamentalist authoriality is characterized as displaying six main traits. First, centrality of the written text: in order to postulate a perfect coincidence between a transcendent intentio auctoris (intention of the author) and an immanent intentio lectoris (intention of the reader), fundamentalist exegetical and juridical hermeneutics must be anchored to a stable message, canonized into a written verbal text or into a corpus of written verbal texts. Second, fundamentalist authoriality rests on the assumption of the immutability and mono-centrism of the religious semiosphere that irradiates from the written text. Third, literalism, infallibility, and non-contradiction are attributed to the relation between the written text, its exegetical hermeneutics, and the pragmatic normative orders to which it gives rise. Fourth, fundamentalist authoriality rules out any potential duplicity of the operations that ‘extract’ meaning from religious texts. Fifth, the assumption of the immutability of the religious text leads to exclusion of any operation that might alter the form of both its expression and content, hence to stigmatization of translation. The sixth feature of fundamentalist authoriality encompasses all the previous ones: in fundamentalism, a religious text is not actually a text anymore, but a mirror, whose passive reflection of the exegete’s mind undermines the semiotic nature of the relation between the reader and the text.  相似文献   

Informal economy functions without any formal social control for lack of a supervisory authority. Within a regulated locality the same activities would have an illegal character, but in that deviating situation those informal activities can thrive because the authorities do not intervene. Globalization of our western mixed market economy implies that also the aspect of government control takes on a global character. The fact that formal economies settle in places where an informal market is the rule leads to a combined action which, eventually, creates new market relations. In the present contribution we study the effects of a meeting between a formal and an informal market on the basis of a concrete case. An analysis of the market of medical products in Third World countries gives an idea of the new relations that arise when an informal market of natural medicines is confronted with a formal market of western medicines. We study both the situation in which there are no regulations and the situation in which the formal market is supported by economic regulations. This text illustrates how those situations can give rise to new opportunities for one group and to exploitation for another.  相似文献   

Using random samples of adults from three European countries rarely surveyed about crime-related issues, this study seeks to identify, with more extensive indicators than is typical, individuals who are likely to contemplate the commission of criminal acts. Then, it assesses the contextual universality of deterrence claims by estimating the deterrent effectiveness of perceived formal and informal sanctions for theft and violence among crime contemplators in Greece, Russia, and Ukraine. With criminal contemplation taken into account, our findings confirm the patterns established in past research. Whereas the threat of formal punishment shows little deterrent effect, perceptions of informal sanctions appear to influence projected crime. However, supportive findings hold only in Russia and Ukraine. Overall, it appears that the deterrent effectiveness of sanctions may be to some extent contingent on cultural or contextual characteristics.  相似文献   

杜焕芳 《中国法学》2014,(2):235-256
国际条约的文本制订及其为当事国接受仅实现了条约的形式统一,而条约的实质统一则需要通过一致解释和适用来达致。国际公法条约解释更多针对的是国家的权利和义务,而国际私法条约解释更多关涉的是私人的权利和义务,且没有相应的管辖国际私法条约的国际争议解决机构,故存在当事国解释的多样性风险。国际私法条约解释在路径上依赖条约解释的习惯法规则的同时,必须坚持自洽性和统一性解释要求。当事国在司法实践中对国际私法条约的解释,倾向于采用约文解释和目的解释方法,要求法官学会自我克制和比较借鉴,使用补充资料作为辅助手段,同时处理好多种约文文本和公共政策条款的解释问题。  相似文献   

Will paid home care erode informal support?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the main barriers to the expansion of paid home care for the chronically disabled is the fear that policymakers have that it will cause friends and relatives to curtail their informal caregiving efforts. Using the first wave of the National Long-Term Care Survey, we examine whether the amount of paid home care used by disabled elderly persons had a significant influence on the amount of informal support they were receiving. Results from a two-stage least squares regression analysis suggest that the amount of informal home care received was not significantly affected by the level of formal care. This conclusion held for subgroups of formal care users most likely to exhibit substitution: those without cognitive problems, the disabled elderly with above average income, and persons who lived alone. Even the more severely disabled elderly, who are the target of most proposals to expand paid home care, did not substitute paid care for unpaid. Thus, our study suggests that an increase in paid home care will not erode informal support.  相似文献   

I will suggest, in this article, a possible explanation of the fact that legal language appears incoherent to the general public. I will present one legal text (an indictment), explaining why it appears incoherent to legal laypersons. I will argue that the traits making this particular text appear incoherent are, first, that a specialized legal meaning is conveyed implicitly and, second, that there are no key-words that could direct laypersons to the knowledge making this meaning obvious to legalists. I will conclude that any legal text having these traits is likely to appear incoherent to the general public and suggest that the traits making my example appear incoherent might be rather common among the various texts of the various legal systems. On this suggestion there is no need to assume any causal relation between lawyers’ social interests and the apparent incoherence of legal language as it entails that this incoherence is inevitable. (I will argue that it is a result of the facts that legal language is ordinary language used, in the ordinary way, in the special context of the legal discourse.)  相似文献   

民事审理的集中化研究——以庭审程序为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘万洪 《现代法学》2011,33(4):123-130
庭审是集中审理的关键,集中审理的主要内容是在开庭审理中得以落实的,审理是否实现了集中化也主要是在开庭审理阶段体现出来。对于我国是否实现了审理的集中化,还存在比较大的争议。但我国立法上并没有严格区分审前程序和庭审程序,虽然有些案件表现出来的是只经过一次庭审即告终结,但这实际上是建立在多次"非正式开庭"基础上的。而且由于"非正式开庭"喧宾夺主成为法官获取案件信息的主要渠道,开庭本身都不具有实质意义,就更谈不上有集中、连续地开庭审理的可能。有鉴于此,为了实现审理的集中化,就需要对现有的开庭审理程序进行改革和完善。  相似文献   

Although sanction threats promote fear, among committed offenders, that fear can become a resource with which to sculpt emerging crime preferences. In such cases, criminality is not deterred but channeled. We explore the channeling process here as it relates to auto theft and carjacking. Our qualitative findings reveal that auto thieves are reluctant to embrace the violence of carjacking due to concerns over sanction threat severity they attributed to carjacking—both formal (higher sentences) and informal (victim resistance and retaliation). Meanwhile, the carjackers are reticent to enact auto theft because of the more uncertain and putatively greater risk of being surprised by victims, a fear that appears to overcome the enhanced long-term formal penalty of taking a vehicle by force. We examine the implications of offenders’ decision-making for the analytic intersection of rational choice and deterrence, offering the notion of projective risk sensitivity to encapsulate the process.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of criminal sexual assault adjudication shows how prosecutors, defense attorneys, and witnesses animate text message evidence. In contrast to other forms of courtroom testimony, text messages function as multiauthored representations of recorded correspondence in the past. Attorneys and witnesses animate texts authored by or said to characterize persons represented at trial. By whom and how the texts are animated shapes trial processes. Through a detailed comparative case analysis of two Milwaukee, WI, sexual assault trials, this article attends to the process by which text messages are said to personify or characterize authors’ meaning and intent. This animation of electronically transmitted text speaks to credibility and variably emphasizes a witness's place within gendered and racialized cultural norms. Rather than unsettling the trope of “he said, she said,” text messages become contested evidence animated by court actors within contexts of long‐standing cultural narratives of sexual victimization and offending.  相似文献   

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