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王云龙 《思想战线》2004,30(5):94-98
展馆的投资风险是由其固定性及消费特点决定的。我国许多地方在建设展馆时不考虑展馆的特性,而一味将其建成标志性建筑,这种建设结果往往加大建设成本,也就加大了其经营和运转的难度。展馆周边配套设施对展馆本身的经济收益有着极大的促进作用,收回对场馆建设的巨额投资需要通过会展带动其他产业的发展来实现。  相似文献   

贵州清真寺建筑艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清真寺为穆斯林宗教活动场所和文化中心。贵州穆斯林历来重视清真寺建设。贵州清真寺建筑继承了伊斯兰建筑艺术 ,学习和吸收了中国传统建筑风格 ,融伊斯兰教特色、阿拉伯建筑风格和中国传统建筑艺术于一体 ,具有独特风格和多样型制 ,许多建筑物有着重要艺术价值。  相似文献   

当前我国地方政府结构优化主要体现在三个层面,即纵向层面的省管县改革、横向层面的区域行政整合和自身的大部门制改革。本文从这三个维度出发,在地方政府结构变革的框架内,探讨了各层面改革的目的、基本走向及其对地方政府结构变化的作用与影响,认为改革体现了政府结构走向合理化的总体趋势。由此提出:只有当地方政府内外整合系统充分发挥作用,地方政府与市场、社会间协调有度,地方政府利益与观念高度同化,地方政府制度衔接性好,地方政府流程顺畅时,才能实现地方政府结构的优化。  相似文献   

WALKING along the archaistic streets of Yongqingfang Square in Guangzhou,one will notice a museum built in the architectural style of a Lingnan gar-den (a typical garden south of the Five Mountain Ridges in south China).That is the Cantonese Opera Art Museum.Standing as a local landmark,the "garden museum" has attracted many Canton-ese Opera lovers.  相似文献   

中美地方政府治理结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以中美地方政府治理结构比较为主题,从种类结构、层级结构、组织结构、职能结构、决策结构等方面对中美地方政府治理结构进行比较分析。分析得出,美国地方政府治理结构具有地方政府种类结构相对简单化、层级结构扁平化、组织结构灵活多样化、职能结构非同构化、决策结构多中心化等特征;中国地方政府治理结构具有地方政府种类结构相对复杂化、层级结构金字塔化、组织结构单一化、职能结构同构化、决策结构单中心化等特征。  相似文献   

Xinmin Liu 《当代中国》2008,17(57):699-716
How can film become a tool of ‘conservation of remembrance’ and be a part of rescuing and rebuilding of cultural and communal memories? Taking a cue from recent ecologically oriented debate on modernity, this paper will focus on memories through films on rural localities that intently counter the trauma of urban migration and dislocation in and around local ‘dwellings’. By looking at recent Chinese films like Dai Sijie's Little Chinese Seamstress and Huo Jianqi's Postmen in the Mountains, I discuss the directors' emotive re-imaging of local and folk architecture and landmarks so as to dispel feelings of displacement resulted from frenzied urban booming, and posit an emotive ‘embedding’ linking urban migrants to their nostalgic home dwellings. These visual narratives consciously negotiate over the emotive terrains between memoirs of local landscape and nagging issues of poverty and backwardness, between tourist exoticism and ‘emotion pictures’, between progress and preservation, and between the lure of global consumer culture and the beckoning of local and nascent ‘dwellings’.  相似文献   

布依族石板屋主要分布于贵州南部、中部、西南部的布依族同袍居住区域,是全部用石料建造的、有悠久历史的少数民族民居建筑,具有独特的审美价值和旅游价值,是极有地方特色和民族特点的一种原生态建筑。  相似文献   

Erik Mobrand 《当代中国》2009,18(58):137-156
Discussions of migration in contemporary China often center on the distinctive institutions, especially household registration (hukou) regulations, which continue to limit the options of rural people in cities. This paper draws attention to how another part of the Chinese state has engaged migration: governments in communities of origin. Evidence from Sichuan in the 1980s reveals that local leaders authorized, facilitated, and even organized out-migration of villagers, at a time when Beijing gave scant indication of official approval of peasant migration. Local innovations to sanction migration built directly on the broader trend of rural cadres becoming increasingly responsive to local economic needs. The story of local government involvement in out-migration indicates that the relationship between migrants and the Chinese state has transformed fundamentally, even though formal institutions governing urban residence have changed minimally. As in other fields of social and economic life in China, authority over migration has fragmented.  相似文献   

民族地区全面贯彻和落实科学发展观,推动经济社会更快更好地发展,必须从本地实际出发,从战略高度考虑,加强基础设施建设,发展特色经济,加快民族地区扶贫开发,高度重视和解决“三农”问题,以生态立省战略为核心,做好资源和环境保护工作。  相似文献   

无线网络技术在教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在信息化技术不断发展的今天,各大院校纷纷建设起自己的网络教学模式,无线网络技术被较好的融入其中。随着无线局域网技术的提高和标准的不断推出,无线局域网在各大领域中的应用逐渐得到重视。笔者通过分析校园网建设中的实际应用要求及无线局域网的优势,对无限网络技术在教学中的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

冲突和调适的界碑--湘西南长城之历史文化定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湘西南长城是改主归流后民族矛盾再次加剧后,在平息民族冲突中,重新调适地区社会秩序的产物.明清政府修建南长城是为了从军事上长期有效地控制湘西地区的社会秩序.南长城保障了民族的有序交往,巩固了改土归流的成果,促进了湘西少数民族地区政治、经济、文化的发展.同时在巩固中华民族的统一和发展过程中发挥了它应有的历史作用.  相似文献   

This study deals with the political economy of local financial industries in China. It focuses on the changing patterns of political interference and the key role of Communist Party bodies in shaping business incentives. The centralization measures in the financial sector that were implemented under the Zhu Rongji government in 1998 and 1999 turned out to be not very effective in supervising local financial institutions. From 2000 to 2003, a trend towards a reaffirmation of local control in financial business emerged. Local governments began to set up new financial work bodies with comprehensive functions and extensively used local banks as their ‘moneybag’ again. Reducing the risks involved in the current politicized management of local financial business will be inseparable from political, legal and regulatory changes: curbing the Communist Party's role in cadre appointments, strengthening legal corporate governance structures and clarifying the division of labor among national and local supervisory bodies.  相似文献   

In the wake of repeated crackdowns on the 'three disorders' and 'small treasuries', it is obvious that local governments in China collect substantial amounts of illegal monies. What is not immediately obvious is how illegal monies matter. In this article, I assess both the amount of illegal monies that local governments collect and their significance relative to local autonomy. I find that because illegal monies are not rival to legal monies but rather complementary, although illegal monies may give local governments a greater ability to pursue their own particularistic agendas, they do not fundamentally alter the principalagent structures that link the localities to the center.  相似文献   

海丽  建英 《今日山西》2004,(4):37-38
寺观壁画的产生和发展经历了漫长的历史时期,近年发现的中国少数民族地区原始时代各种狩猎活动、部落征战以及人物、动物图案的岩画,是中国壁画的雏形;秦汉以后,在宫廷宅第、达官显贵墓室发现的奇兽、山灵、海怪以及墓主人生前车骑出行、楼阁宴饮、杂技表演的壁画,奠定了中国古代壁画的基础;而古代壁画大规模的发展是在佛教传入和道教兴起之后,延绵不断,佳作涟涟。特别是寺观壁画作为中国古代壁画艺术的主体,折射出民族艺术更加绚丽的光彩。山西古代建筑的保存占居全国首位,素有中国古代建筑艺术宝库之美誉。而依附于这些建筑上的寺观壁画的…  相似文献   

治理河流污染的制度激励悖论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了治理日益加剧的河流污染,从中央到地方都相应出台了各种激励措施,但是这些措施并未起到显著效果,却形成了制度激励悖论。排污企业与地方政府在经历了新政策出台初的短暂扰动后,恢复原有均衡。要打破这一均衡,必须改变博弈各方的收益结构、可选策略集以及信息结构等,才有望建立符合科学发展观的最优均衡。  相似文献   

Behind the problems of credibility of public official information in China lie two patterns of internal information distortion, one restricting the downward flow of sensitive general information and the other filtering the upward flow of local information. Information gathered at the center is increasingly restricted as it is transmitted down the bureaucracy. Meanwhile, the ‘facts on the ground’ are sifted by local official interests at each level of upward transmittal. Awareness of these distortions has been increased by the Internet revolution, but the structures that encourage them remain in place. An empirical survey of different levels of local cadres in Guangdong Province indicates the different perspectives produced by different positions in the internal information system. Municipal level officials, who have more general information but less diverse local information, tend to be more positive about the quality and objectivity of statistics, while their staff members, further from central sources but closer to messy local realities, are more skeptical.  相似文献   

Nandiyang Zhang 《当代中国》2016,25(98):277-291
This article examines the importance of political elite coalitions at local levels to create institutional reform in contemporary China. By exploring Shunde’s administrative reforms under Wang Yang, Guangdong’s provincial Party secretary from 2008 to 2012, this article identifies a provincial–grassroots coalition as the essential impetus to local reforms. It argues that formation of political elite coalitions, built upon mutual trust through reciprocal interactions, is crucial for the success of reform. Within the coalition, the strong reformist provincial leader provides his leadership by becoming intensively involved in the reform process, while active grassroots cadres serve as designers and executors of reform plans. By means of a comparison between the scenarios of active grassroots cadres without Wang and Wang with less enthusiastic grassroots cadres, the article concludes that this political elite coalition is by nature fragile; if either side is not present, the coalition will collapse, resulting in either the failure of reform or a deviation of existing reforms to a less fruitful pattern.  相似文献   

The exploitation and production of primary energy resources and the supply of this energy is critical for China's economic development. Despite the obvious economic benefit to the nation, this energy production has had significant negative socio-economic impacts on certain groups of people at local and national scales. This paper documents three cases of energy production in China and demonstrates that, in each case, marginalisation of social groups has either been created or has been enhanced. These cases are the Three Gorges Dam, the Yumen oilfield, and township and village coal mines. The causes of this marginalisation have their roots in the structures, processes and approaches taken in the making and implementation of national policy in China, and are compounded by poor regulation and monitoring, poor civil rights, and the tension between central and local governments. The government which came to power in 2003 recognised the extent and importance of these social challenges relating to energy production, and has started to take steps to address them.  相似文献   

简述建筑防雨的重要性并指出传统建筑防雨技术中的一些缺陷,重点探索岭南传统建筑在防雨技术中的精华,旨在为现代建筑的防雨提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

旅游活动的文化再现一直为学界热议。但是,以往对文化再现的原因讨论多有专题化倾向。本文以厦门民俗村为个案,以仿台湾原住民的建筑艺术为分析切入点,讨论企业建筑者是如何对来自台湾的民俗建筑进行移植和栽培,并关注各种影响力如何在现实条件中达成契合。  相似文献   

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