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法律的产生、法律的成长、法律的功能和法律的目的,这些术语看起来普遍抽象,高高在上,漠视现实,无法引起法律探索者的兴趣,但事实并非如此。正是这些普遍性和抽象性,指导法律思维,左右法官意志,在平衡产生动摇时决定疑难案件的结果。总体说来,每个判决提出的问题其实都涉及一种有关法律起源与目的的哲学,这一哲学尽管隐蔽,实际却是最终的裁决者。  相似文献   

"发展法学"与法学的发展--兼论经济法理论中的发展观   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
经济与社会的发展离不开一定的发展观,该发展观在相关的法律制度和法学研究中都要有所体现,以促进新兴的"发展法学"的形成;发展观在传统法和现代法理论中会有不同的显现,在"发展法学"中的经济法学领域则体现得尤为突出;对"发展法学"的深入研究有助于推动整个法学的发展.  相似文献   

彭凤莲 《政法论丛》2006,11(5):31-36
刑法与刑法学,刑法学与公法学、统一公法学之间不是一种简单的线性关系。从数学中的集合概念来看,狭义的刑法学是统一公法学的组成部分,它们之间是被包含与包含的关系,即狭义刑法学被统一公法学所包含,狭义刑法学是统一公法学的子集。但若以广义刑法学立论,则广义刑法学与统一公法学之间是一种交叉关系,重合的部分即是狭义刑法学,此乃统一公法学与广义刑法学两个集合的交集。  相似文献   

法科留学生与中国近代法学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何勤华 《法学论坛》2004,19(6):82-90
近年来,我国学术界对法科留学生与中国近代法制的关系问题有了一些研究,但对法科留学生对中国近代法学所作的贡献,则还未系统涉及。本文分三个部分,对中国近代法科留学活动的展开,法科留学生在中国近代法学的诞生与成长过程中所起的作用,以及因法科留学活动而带给中国近代法学以若干特点与传统作了比较详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

Abstract: The European Community legislator regulates the area of genetically modified organisms according to the precautionary principle, which implies keeping a distance from scientific results in decision-making. However, a positivist approach continues to exist within the same legislation. Paradoxically, this approach is promoted by the means of implementation of the precautionary principle. But to a large extent, it takes root in the context of the interpretation of the principle by the Community legislator, who attempts to eliminate disparities between the national legislations and to conform to World Trade Organization norms.  相似文献   

Drawing on material from a study of civil society and state crime in six countries, this article reflects on two themes from Chambliss’s work: the debate between state-centred and more pluralistic views of law, and the “dialectical” approach to the analysis of state crime. It argues for a more pluralistic approach to law than Chambliss and Seidman adopted in Law Order and Power, along with a broader approach to the definition of state crime as a form of deviant behaviour. Case studies from the civil society research illustrate how the strategies adopted by organizations challenging state practices can be understood in terms of an interplay between different forms of law. With some qualifications, we support Chambliss’s dialectical approach, and attempt to clarify just what the term “dialectical” means. Finally we bring together the two strands of the argument to propose an approach to state crime founded on “dialectical legal pluralism”.  相似文献   

法律之道:在确定性与灵活性之间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一方面,人们对法律的确定性抱有极大的期待,希望以此获得共同生活秩序的安宁;而另一方面,在法律的制度实践中,人们也始终追求着法律的灵活性,以实现公平正义。这不仅是法律自身发展的历史图像,而且也是人类的法律思想成长的历史图像。在确定性需求与灵活性需求的不断碰撞和妥协中,人类社会的法律制度中普遍形成了一种可以应对社会生活复杂性与变化性的"适应性机制"。  相似文献   

网络作为一种技术手段,一种信息交流方式,由于其具有全球性、实时性、交互性等其他传统媒介所无法比拟的魅力,正潜移默化地影响和改变着人们的思维方式和生活模式,传统的知识产权保护体系和利益平衡理论也因此而受到了严峻的考验。面对网络崛起的挑战,如何发展和完善与网络有关  相似文献   

The development of law and economics is a success story in the expansion of economics into other social sciences since the 1960s. The success has been attributed to the fact that economics offers a powerful set of analytical tools with a forceful theory of human behavior. But if this is the only reason, then the move of economics into other social sciences such as political science and sociology should have been equally successful. This, however, has not been true, and the discrepancy calls for an explanation. The commonalities between economics and law in both subject matter and analytical approach provide a more convincing explanation; some of the difficulties faced by the legal economists can also be explained by an appreciation of the commonalites between economics and law.  相似文献   

We address the patent/antitrust conflict in licensing and developthree guiding principles for deciding acceptable terms of license.Profit neutrality holds that patent rewards should not dependon the rightholder’s ability to work the patent himself.Derived reward holds that the patentholder’s profits shouldbe earned, if at all, from the social value created by the invention.Minimalism holds that licenses should not be more restrictivethan necessary to achieve neutrality. We argue that these principlesare economically sound and rationalize some key decisions ofthe twentieth century such as General Electric and Line Material.  相似文献   

科技法的人文关怀   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
侯纯 《科技与法律》2009,77(1):17-21,26
科技法应当对由科技飞速发展所引出的种种危机及一系列严峻问题表现出应有的人文关切,必须听从人性的呼唤,遏制人性的弱点,尽可能减少对科技成果的误用和滥用,把科技活动及其结果中反人性的、不合人性的成分压缩至不足为害的程度以内,从而达到最大限度地造福人类,实现人文关怀的目的。  相似文献   

Asian victims of Japanese imperialism have filed lawsuits against the Japanese government and corporations since the 1990s, which became prime sites for redress decades after Japan's defeat in World War II. As this ethnography demonstrates, this process paradoxically exposes a legal lacuna within this emergent transnational legal space, with plaintiffs effectively caught between the law, instead of standing before the law. Exploring this absence of law, I map out a post‐imperial legal space, created through the erasure of imperial and colonial subjects in the legal framework after empire. Between the law is an optic that makes visible uneven legal terrains that embody temporal and spatial disjuncture, rupture, and asymmetry. The role of law in post‐imperial transitions remains underexplored in literatures on transnational law, legal imperialism, postcolonialism, and transitional justice. I demonstrate how, at the intersection of law and economy, post‐imperial reckoning is emerging as a new legal frontier, putting at stake law's imperial amnesia.  相似文献   

法律制度与科技创新是我们这个时代的重要理论问题。法律如何促进科技创新这一问题,实际上追问的是什么样的法律理论和什么样的法律是有利于促进科技创新的。基于一种法实证主义的立场,法实证主义的中立性和社会性命题支撑了法律制度对科技创新的促进作用,而法实证主义传统的强制性则需要加以更新。促进科技创新的这种特定的法实证主义立场的理论限度就是其道德理论上的限度。  相似文献   

科技法与知识产权法关系密切、区别明显,又多有交叉重叠,且在促进国家经济发展过程中互为补充。高校教学体系应当平衡二者关系。在当前知识产权法作为法学类核心课程之一的情形下,应当继续重视科技法学科建设和教育工作,恢复和保有其应有的教学地位。  相似文献   

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