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高福进 《思想战线》2001,27(5):111-115
日月神话普遍存在于世界各民族各地区,主要包括日月(神)的诞生、日月(神)性别关系、日蚀与月蚀的神话形成三大系统.日月(神)诞生的传说寓意着人定胜天、自然崇拜、自我牺牲的精神内涵,体现着对立统一的辩证关系;日月(神)性别关系的神话寓意远古时期内婚制下的进步与改革,反映着人类的信仰和世俗;日蚀与月蚀的神话形成寓意人类的朴素与直观的思维方式及发展变化,反映着不同地域及其民族性格及文明的传承.  相似文献   

Bullying perpetration at school is a long-term predictor of aggression, delinquency, and violence. Most research concentrates on risk factors for such developments, whereas protective factors have been rarely addressed. Therefore, the present study investigates potentially protective effects of family and child characteristics in a prospective longitudinal design. The sample contained 519 youngsters (253 boys and 266 girls) from the Erlangen-Nuremberg Development and Prevention Study. Bullying perpetration was measured at age 9.0 years, mothers’ and children's reports on family and individual characteristics were collected at age 10.6, and outcomes in self-reported aggressive/violent offending and mother-reported aggressive and delinquent behavior were collected at age 13.7. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed main effects and interactions. The latter suggest buffering protective effects of consistent discipline in parenting and children's intelligence, positive attitude to school, prosocial behavior skills, low hyperactivity/inattention, and an anxious/depressive mood. The findings varied across the two outcome measures and with regard to gender. Implications for further research and prevention practice are discussed.  相似文献   

治安案件是公安行政案件中一种最常见、最具有广泛代表性的行政案件之一。证据是案件的生命,是案件的灵魂。证据是实体法和程序法的联结点。证据意识是法律意识的核心。有关治安案件证据的研究会对其他公安行政案件证据研究起着指导和借鉴作用。文章仅就对治安案件证据的认识、收集的方法与技巧、审查、立法建议等相关问题,根据法律的规定,从理论与实践的结合上进行了一些研究与探讨。  相似文献   

中西治学目的之差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何星亮 《思想战线》2002,28(5):89-94
中西的学术源流和体系不同 ,治学目的也各有差异 ,西方注重“求知”、“求法则” ,注重探索自然和社会内在的规律 ,构建理论和进行分析 ;中国传统学术则注重“求用”、“求事实” ,讲究立论谨慎 ,言必有据 ,注重研究某一具体事物、现象或事物的特殊性 ,分析其因果关系及变迁过程。中西学术各有所长 ,取长补短 ,互为补充 ,才是中国学术发展之路  相似文献   

2009年天津滨海新区行政管理体制改革以来,随着新区整体规划的推进实施,越来越多的农村土地、海地被征收,失海失地农民人数增加,他们的权益保障问题日益突出,成为影响全区社会稳定和经济发展的重要因素。因此,只有通过分析滨海新区失海失地农民权益保障存在的问题,有的放矢地拿出整体解决方案,建立健全失海失地农民权益保障制度,即建立合理的征地补偿机制;健全对地方政府的征地约束机制;健全失海失地农民社会保障机制;完善失海失地农民就业扶持机制,才能切实解决他们的权益保障问题。  相似文献   

关于构建厦金特区问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在两岸关系和平发展的新形势下,厦金两地发展正面临新的机遇与挑战,在两岸关系中的地位与作用也将发生较大变化,需要并可以重新定位厦金两地的角色与作用。厦金两地应分别寻求两岸当局在经济、文化(社会)、政治(安全)层面的特殊政策支持,以厦金经济特区、文化(社会)特区、政治(安全)特区模式,在分别服务于两岸各自参与全球化的需要和发展两岸关系的需要的过程中,求得自身发展。构建“厦金特区”,不仅有助于两岸经济、文化(社会)、政治(安全)一体化的实现,并可在经贸自由化与便利化、台湾海峡区域经济发展、厦金两地自身的开放与发展等方面发挥重要作用,而且具有一定的可行性与可能性。  相似文献   

差异与共生的五个维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从中国的历史和文化出发,民族团结和睦,互相信任,互助共生,需要从五个维度考虑问题:第一个维度是群体差异是个人差异的放大,不能把个人民主和民族差异、民族认同对立起来;第二个维度是富裕和美德,文艺兴国就是以美德统领差异、包容差异,在差异中寻求重叠共识,在差异中发出共和之声;第三个维度是差异与大同的阶序分布,学会在求同存异中寻找"重叠共识",就能构建一个以和谐占居主流的沟通差异、追寻大同的商议社会;第四个维度是民族与公民,中国公民只能是多民族、有民族的公民,中国的民族身份也要和公民身份勾连起来,互相补充,互相彰显;第五个维度是千灯互照,光光交彻,无论是少数民族还是塞外边疆,都可以用作映照现代性和城市化的镜子,我们要学会在差异和矛盾中寻求精神层面的大同和价值层面的共生。  相似文献   

贪污贿赂犯罪主要侵犯国家的廉洁制度,同时侵犯公私财产的所有权关系。贪污贿赂的泛滥,不仅严重腐蚀了国家肌体和人们的灵魂,败坏了党风和社会风气,而且阻碍了国家政治、经济体制改革的顺利进行。因此,能否有效地抑制和消除贪污贿赂犯罪,直接影响着现代化建设的成败及社会的长治久安。本文拟对贪污贿赂罪的构成及本类罪与相关类罪的界限等问题作以探讨。  相似文献   

当前是高等教育深化改革、创新发展的关键时期,高校青年干部的执行力某种程度上决定了学校的发展潜力。文章从职业倦怠视角分析了高校青年干部执行力现状以及职业倦怠的成因,绘制了职业倦怠与执行力的相关性曲线。提出了通过建立科学人性的制度和健康有序的社会支撑系统,引导青年干部树立积极的自我认知和评价观念,正确疏导职业倦怠情绪以及定期进行人员和资源合理流动等调节策略。最后,重点论述了综合素质、个人魅力、团结协作、绩效考核、团队与创新意识等五大要素对增强高校青年干部执行力的重要意义。  相似文献   

政协事业要发展一步,理论实践研究就必须深入一步。政协理论实践研究是政协工作改革创新的重要突破口,是凑索政协工作新特点新规律的有效途径,是提井政协工作成效的重要保证。搞好政协理论实践研究应在大兴调查研究之风土下功夫,要密切与政协委员的联系,在加强联系申了解委员情况;要加强与政协机关的接舷,在加强接触中了解机关情况;要密切与基层政协的往来,在密切往来中了解基层情况。应在大力加强对实际问题的理论思考上下功夫,要搞好理论武装,善于从全局上思考问题,加强系统研究。要在拿出管用的对策和办法上下功夫,进一步解放思想、更新观念,充分发挥主观能动性,积极吸收和借鉴一切有益的经验。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,个人电脑、光学扫描这两项技术的革新,使得它们作为指纹取像的工具成为了现实,从而使指纹识别可以在其他领域中得以应用,如代替IC卡。现在,低价位取像设备的引入及其飞速发展,可靠的比对算法的发现为个人身份识别应用的增长提供了舞台。生物识别既然早已为人所知,为什么各种各样的生物识别技术在近年来才得以迅速发展呢?其关键在于现代信息技术为其提供了非常雄厚的技术支持。当今信息技术已超越了摩尔定律,成几何级数发展,各种先进的图像处理技术、计算机技术、网络技术得到了广泛的应用,从而使得基于数字信息技术的现代生物…  相似文献   

While U.S. colleges and universities ponder their mission, vision, values, and virtues, researchers at a large, urban, Catholic, patron-identity university actively engaged in empirical assessments of “who we say we are.” In this themed issue, faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students are a research team engaged in quantitative and qualitative analysis of their school's mission identity and mission-driven activities. Results from several sets of studies around student perceptions and impact of mission are presented and discussed. School administrators and those interested in community engagement impacts on students may find these articles useful and informative.  相似文献   

以美国学者格兰特·吉尔莫为代表的西方法学界哀叹“契约死亡”!果真如此吗?笔者以亲身经历的3个典型案例反映出“个案困境”,以30起1363件商品房买卖系列纠纷案件分析出“整体困局”,由现行法律的基本原则、准入规则和无效规则剥离出“立法困惑”,一个个立法、司法现实。使读者深感我国现行格式条款法律制度的“问题困扰”,契约死亡并非恫吓!如何让沧桑百年①、造尽辉煌,而今却濒临死亡的契约理论再生?包括日本学者内田贵的《契约的再生》在内,迄今尚无满意答案。笔者认为,探明法理根据是规制格式条款的前提,也是契约再生的基础。于是提出格式条款非平等性、非协商性、非特定性的“三非”特征.“格式条款规制说”的性质,契约自由与交易秩序和谐、公平交易与效率经济统一、基本生存与持续发展兼顾的价值取向。契约再生必须有立法、行政和司法的共同给力,体现在格式条款的三条规制路径:立法界定立法定义、确立规制原则、明确条款准入规则、理顺无效原则体系;行政健全审查备案制度和违法禁用制度;司法建立绝对相对无效、免责加责和主要权利判断、提示义务范围和条款解释等规则。  相似文献   

族群研究的重点是族群边界问题,族群边界的作用在于组织、沟通、结构和规范人们之间的互动。族群认同在于自识和他识,只要人们在互动中保持族群认同,就会确立其成员的标准和标志其族群边界的方式,因此,族群边界是由族群认同生成和维持的。族群是具有文化差异的社会组织,而不是文化承载和区分的单位,共享文化是长期社会进程的结果。多族群的相互依赖取决于族群间的互补性,其文化不同是族群间长期差别造成的结果。族群研究的一般方法是把理论与实证相结合,探究族群认同与族群边界保持,而不是研究个别族群的内部构成和历史。  相似文献   

Gender Safety     

Despite longstanding efforts towards gender equity and current yet intense focus on school safety, the simple right of boys and girls to an equitable and safe school environment-not to have to negotiate inequity or violence as part of their school day-has yet to be secured. In this article we review the development of “gender equity” and “school safety” as concepts out of which various practices have arisen and argue that these conceptualizations have not proved sufficient to eradicate the problems each targets. We then propose a new approach to this goal of creating and insuring an equitable and safe school environment for girls and boys which sifts out, braids together and builds upon key aspects of gender equity and school safety but is grounded in the articulation of a “missing discourse” of gender within each. Gender safety is built on an acknowledgment of gender as a set of ideologies which are produced reproduced and sustained within (and beyond) school classrooms and hallways. We suggest that a lack of attention to these ideologies is a significant and unrecognized barrier in the are nas of both gender equity and school safety. A key feature of our formulation is the psychosocial significance of gender ideologies in adolescents' daily experiences and in school cultures and climates.

Despite longstanding efforts towards gender equity and current yet intense focus on school safety, the simple right of boys and girls to an equitable and safe school environment-not to have to negotiate inequity or violence as part of their school day-has yet to be secured. In this article we review the development of “gender equity” and “school safety” as concepts out of which various practices have arisen and argue that these conceptualizations have not proved sufficient to eradicate the problems each targets. We then propose a new approach to this goal of creating and insuring an equitable and safe school environment for girls and boys which sifts out, braids together and builds upon key aspects of gender equity and school safety but is grounded in the articulation of a “missing discourse” of gender within each. Gender safety is built on an acknowledgment of gender as a set of ideologies which are produced reproduced and sustained within (and beyond) school classrooms and hallways. We suggest that a lack of attention to these ideologies is a significant and unrecognized barrier in the are nas of both gender equity and school safety. A key feature of our formulation is the psychosocial significance of gender ideologies in adolescents' daily experiences and in school cultures and climates.  相似文献   

构建武陵经济文化圈的必要性和可能性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武陵地区是指的以武陵山脉为中心的湘鄂渝黔边区。构建武陵经济文化旅游圈是区域合作发展的必然要求,是适应我国区域协调发展形势的需要,也是武陵地区持续发展的必然选择,是该地区加强民族团结和构建和谐社会的需要,还是国家安全和国防建设的需要。建立武陵经济文化旅游圈也具有现实的可能性,这一地区有相同的自然环境和历史人文背景,已形成初步共识和愿望,近几年来基础设施的改善为该地区的区域合作提供了便利。  相似文献   

孙晓冰 《青年论坛》2010,(4):99-103
外墙外保温技术推广应用需要相关政策法规的支持。建议:首先加大政策法规的整合力度,在纵向上考虑不同层面法律法规的一致性,在横向上充分考虑政策、法规和技术标准之间的配套和衔接。其次,要针对外墙外保温技术复杂、涉及面广、职能交叉的特点,提高政策法规的针对性和可操作性。第三,要加强行政监督和执法力度。  相似文献   

School victimization is associated with negative social-emotional outcomes and risky behaviors. Most studies have provided definitions and measures of victimization, depicting a limited characterization of victimization in schools. More nuanced analyses of school victimization are needed to assess the heterogeneous pattern of victimization in schools. The current study explored distinct victimization configurations in a diverse sample of 418,483 middle and high school students in California, utilizing latent class analyses to account for type and frequency of victimization. The results uncover four classes of victimization, including frequent verbal, physical, and sexual victimization; occasional verbal and physical victimization; verbal and sexual victimization; and no victimization. Older age was associated with a lower likelihood of frequent verbal, sexual, and physical victimization and African American youth were more likely to be classified in this class. Females were more likely to be in the verbal and sexual victimization class than males.  相似文献   

文章认为,20世纪社会主义国家处理民族问题的基本经验是要认清民族问题具有长期性,复杂性,国际性,敏感性和重要性特征;要十分重视少数民族和民族地区经济的发展,不断提高民族地区的人民物质生活水平和各民族的发展能力;要正确处理中央集权,民族地区分权,国家统一与民族自治的关系;要坚持民族语言平等,保障少数民族使用和发展本民族语言文字的权利;要重视宗教长期性,群众性,民族性,国际性和复杂性特征,保障各民族宗教信仰自由的权利;要高度重视培养使用民族干部,坚持高标准,严要求和关心爱护,放手使用相结合;要坚持既反对大民族主义,又反对地方民族主义的方针;要不断完善民族法制,通过民族法制保障各民族平等权利的实现.  相似文献   

High rates of children involved with the child welfare system are prescribed psychotropics. In response, federal legislation has mandated state child welfare agencies to develop policies to improve the coordination and oversight around the use of psychotropics. This project aimed to support such policies by developing and pilot-testing a field guide for team discussions and decision-making related to the use of psychotropics among youth in child welfare. We used a community-based participatory research (CBPR) framework to engage a team of local stakeholders, including former youth in foster care and parents, in the research. We developed a field guide to facilitate team discussions and decisions around the individual needs and preferences of youth and families, and we pilot-tested the field guide with child welfare staff, parents, and care team members in seven team meetings. Parents and care team members, in particular, highly valued the guide and found it useful to increase knowledge and improve practices such as side effect monitoring and information sharing. Child welfare responses were more mixed, and some reported feeling burdened by the additional tasks. More work is needed to integrate the guide into routine child welfare practice and reduce burden on staff.  相似文献   

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