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July, 2003: Guangdong provincial government first proposes the concept of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation.August 8-9, 2003: Joint meeting of directors of the planning commissions of the nine relevant inland provinces/ autonomous region held. Zhong Yangsheng, executive vice-governor of Guangdong, makes a speech. Attendees discuss basis ideas, development goals and measures for regional cooperation and reach  相似文献   

LI RUIJIE 《人权》2008,(3):10-12
Lao Zhang was a retired construction worker in Hohhot, capital of north China's Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. The old man had worked to build apartment buildings all his life but never expected, even in a dream, to be able to set his home in one of them.  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯及其时代启动了世界范围内的科学社会主义运动 ,其中关于未来社会的预测中包含若干易被或曾被忽视却同样重要的精神。列宁及其时代令马、恩的科学社会主义创造性地付诸实践 ,斯大林则在此基础之上造就了世界上第一个社会主义模式 ,但这是一个毁誉参半的模式。毛泽东及其时代创制了一条独具特色的由新民主主义走向社会主义的中国道路 ,邓小平及其时代则在此基础上获得中国特色社会主义的发展模式 ,而“三个代表”重要思想又令这一模式更具生命力。历经三座里程碑 ,又经过了大喜与大悲的科学社会主义已经不可避免地走向了成熟。  相似文献   

WU JIANMIN is an experienced diplomat who served as China's Ambassador to the Netherlands and to France, and a former president of China Foreign Affairs University. He was elected chairman of the International Exhibition Bureau in 2003 and vice president of the European Academy of Sciences in 2007.  相似文献   

THE last day of October was also the last day of the Shanghai Expo. During the course of the 184-day event China Today printed some 100 reports by itS reporters and photographers who were dispatched to the host city itself, to neighbor cities, and tothe Expo pavilions. Here, some of them look back on their experience and share what struck them most about the exhibition.  相似文献   

Shanghai Museum     
THE Shanghai Museum,founded in 1952, and nowlocated at the ShanghaiRenmin Square, is a largemuseum exhibiting ancient Chinese arts. It houses a collectionof 120.000 cultural relics, includ-ing bronzeware, ceramics,Ming and Qing dynasty furniture, calli-graphic works. paintings, jade and ivory articles, bamboo, wood and lacquer ware, inscribed bones andtortoise shells, seals. and ethnicminority handicrafts. Amongthem, the bronzeware. ceramicsand Ming and Qing furniture are the most characte…  相似文献   

Although a young city at 700 years old-in its fancy compared with Chinese civilization as a wholeShanghai has become one of the most recognized and dynamic cities in China.  相似文献   

China has mapped out a detailed plan to make Shanghai an international financial and shipping hub An economic center,a financial center,a shipping hub,a manufacturing  相似文献   

HEShanghaiBiennial2000openedintheShanghaiArtGalleryinNovember,andwillbewelcomingartloversrightthroughtoJanuary2001.This,thethirdBiennial,isaparticularlysignificanteventsince,incontrasttotheprevioustwo,itwillprovideavenuewhereincontemporaryChineseartistsmay,forthefirsttime,exhibittheirworksundertheauspicesofthegovernment.IntheprevioustwobiennialsheldinShanghai,worksondisplaywerecomparativelyrestrictedinscope.However,onthisoccasionShanghaihopestodemonstratethatthecity,aswellasChina,isnowthr…  相似文献   

Shanghai-born novelist Lu Shi'e wrote a fantasy novel called New China in 1910. In the book he described a dream where trains were running underground,an iron bridge crossed the Huangpu River and Shanghai hosted a  相似文献   

SCO leaders agree to strengthen cooperation in more areas to cope with new challenges Leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)member states gathered in Bishkek in mid-September,declaring their shared mission to boost cooperation in economic and security cooperation in the region.  相似文献   

THE Shanghai Welfare Lottery was set up in July 1987. Annual ticket sales have shot up from a few million yuan in the first yearto billions. Its total and per capita sales were the highest of all China welfare lotteries for five consecutive years.  相似文献   

The preparations for World Expo 2010 Shanghai arein full swing despite the global financial crisis On December 3, 2002, just oneyear after Beijing successfully bidfor the Olympics, Shanghai wonthe right to host the 2010 WorldExpo at a meeting in Monte Carlo, Monaco.Since then, Shanghai has been working hardto prepare for the event.  相似文献   

重建“移民之城” 上海自开埠以来就是一个移民城市。上个世纪三四十年代,上海曾是世界上最开放的城市之一,源源不断的移民为上海的崛起和繁荣注入了生生不息的活力和动力,外地人在历次“移民潮”后渐渐占据全市总人口的85%,成为上海居民的主体。这种“主弱客强”的人口结构对上海的经济和文化发展产生了巨大影响,在无数“闯上海”的冒险家的奋斗中,上海在几十年内迅速由一个普通的小商埠发展成为全国经济文化中心。  相似文献   

SHORTLY after the motion picture industry began to blossom in China, Shanghai became subject and backdrop for its dramas.Throughout the last century, movies and TV series have presented a realistic but fictional Shanghai, with plots that capture the growth of the city and events that have made history. The film arts have produced the best foomotes to the city's legend, capturing its spirit and charm in very specific detail.  相似文献   

The music of Frederic Chopin appeals not only to the ears,but also to the soul-and it has been for 200 years.Even at the World Expo in Shanghai,the much-revered Polish musician is too important to be ignored.To celebrate the maestro,the Poland Pavilion has prepared a series of events to honor the bicentennial celebration of Chopin's birth.On May 8,Slawomir Majman,Commissioner General of the Polish Section of World Expo 2010,sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue to discuss the planned events and share his views on Chopin's music.  相似文献   

THE decades from the mid 19th century to the early 20th century were years that saw the migration of many painters to Shanghai from its neighboring provinces Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The phenomenon gave rise to the Shanghai School, which corresponded to the Beijing School in the north. Artists in this school made innovative efforts to integrate genteel techniques and sensibilities with the exuberance of folk art,  相似文献   

Shanghai Tourism Festival Coffee Cultural Exhibition Week The Shanghai Tourism Festival Jing'an Golden Autumn Metropolis Tour-Coffee Cultural  相似文献   

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