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Shared ideas wield a decisive influence on a country's external behavior. How China's rise will impact the world is determined by ideas shared by the international community. The identity and role of an emerging China is shaped not merely by its own material factors and subjective efforts. It is also constructed through China's interaction with other countries. The idea of a harmonious culture may eliminate international concerns about China's rise at the root, but this culture needs to be constructed by all the countries in the world.  相似文献   

Thirty Years of China's Diplomacy: Trajectory and Challenges Ahead   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 60 years since the birth of New China can be divided into two equal parts with the second 30 years of Chinese diplomacy reflecting tremendous changes in the country and its society. And its central task in this period boils down to building a peaceful external environment for the domestic modernization drive. In the process, based on independence and the world-known Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence, taking shape is a diplomatic strategy that is both all-directional in scope and rich in Chinese characteristics. Since the advent of the 21st century, the country has defined four areas of focus in its diplomacy and put forward the watchword of "peaceful development." Looking ahead, China is facing new challenges in its diplomacy of how to preserve harmonious relations with the outside world and set up a Chinese model reflecting its own core values, thereby investing with it greater international appeal and value of universal application.  相似文献   

The 20th century has come to an end in the twinkling of an eye. It is an extraordinary century which experienced vicissitudes and brilliance, cast traumas and miracles and left regrets and hopes. Human race is now marching with great passion and eagerness into a new millennium and a new century which is believed to be also full of changes and glorious events.History is a mirror. People can predict the future by reviewing the past. Of course it is impossible to go through all the events of the…  相似文献   

正On January 29th,as Chinese New Year draws near,a working group led by Ms.Yu Xiaoxuan,Executive Vice Secretary General of the China Foundation for Peace and Development(CFPD)is visiting Myanmar and Cambodia on a good day with fresh air in Beijing,with the aim of reviewing the progress of projects there sponsored by CFPD,obtaining feedback on the  相似文献   

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the once quiet regionalism was on the upsurge again along with the disintegration of the bi-polar world structure and the advent of globalization. It has developed in a deep and multi-dimensional way and is hence called by academics "new regionalism". The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the 10 3 mechanism and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) are all cooperation organizations born in this wave of new regionalism. These organizations, with East Asian  相似文献   

This article examines changes in China’s security perceptions since 1949 and sketches the evolution of China’s grand strategy. In tracing the evolution of China’s security perceptions and grand strategy since 1949, it identifies elements of change as well as continuity. The changes reflect dramatic developments in the PRC’s capabilities and the international circumstances it faces, both of which have shaped the grand strategic choices of China’s leaders. During most of the Cold War decades, a relatively weak China’s vulnerability to serious military threats from much more powerful adversaries led the CCP to adopt grand strategies focused on coping with a clearly defined external security challenge. After the Cold War and especially in the 21st century, an increasingly complex array of internal and external security concerns confronts China’s leaders with new challenges. The paper concludes with a discussion of the significance of the recently established National Security Commission and offers brief observations about its potential significance for the CCP’s leadership in their fight against the new domestic and international security challenges it faces. The novelty of China’s security challenges at home and abroad in the 21st century is a consequence of the end of the Cold War international order and perhaps more importantly, a consequence of China’s successful modernization since 1979.  相似文献   

The UN reform is an inevitable trend in the development of the international situation. It is a huge and complicated project with lots of contents covering a wide range of areas and involving the interests adjustment of all parties concerned. The fact has…  相似文献   

正The quality of early childhood development has a life-long crucial impact on the development of a person. Over the past 30 years, children's health care system in China has made great progress. The government is committed to providing free vaccination and physical examination to all children and continuously improving the quality of medical care.  相似文献   

South Africa is to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic ofChina by the end of this year while cutting off its official ties with Taiwan.This will be a major event worthy of warm celebrations. It will usher in a newstage in the annals of bilateral relations of friendship and cooperation. The decisionfor the changeover in diplomatic recognition by the new South Africa Governmentis a wise, crucial strategic action taken after all-round deliberations on its long-termstate interests and carried out in accordance with diplomatic norms accepted in theinternational community. No doubt, it will exert positive impact worldwide.  相似文献   

The reform of the United Nations is closely related with the transformation of the International system. The United Nations has made great success since it started a comprehensive reform in 2005. Such a reform is necessary both for the transition of the largest international organization in the world and transformation of the international system. The United Nations still has a long way to go in the comprehensive reform because of many factors.  相似文献   

Lu: The world situation tends to be relaxed generally. Big powers often interact, especially in Asia, because China is developing and Asia is developing as well. When we review peripheral and regional situa- tions, we can see it. In China's concept of diplomacy, periphery is put at the foremost position and China's periphery is in a sense the U. S. ' strategic front. Therefore, building a greater peripheral environment, coping well with China's relations with the U. S. and China's Neigh-…  相似文献   

Yunnan Province locates to the far end of southwest China, covering 16 prefectures and cities, and 129 counties (and sub-cities and districts), with a population of 44.83 million, including 31.157 million of rural population. The size of the province is 394000km^2, of which mountain areas is about 94%. It borders Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, with a total borderline of 4060km. Yunnan has a diversified climate and abundant natural resources.  相似文献   

<正>The strong relationship between China and the Rotary Club of Crows Nest spans a period of nearly 20 years.The friendships that have been forged between Rotary and the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)-remains strong to this day and grows stronger with the  相似文献   

正Distinguished Vice-President Liu Hongcai,Distinguished Mr.Yoshida Shin,Distinguished guests from China and Japan,Dear friends,Good morning.Many thanks to Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)for inviting me to attend the seminar.I want to talk about youth exchangs which is of vital importance to the future of China-Japan relations.The signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship is a milestone in the history of  相似文献   

<正>The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(the Bank)initiated by China is a multilateral financial institution with its sphere of business focused on promoting the infrastructure construction of member countries.The Bank has attracted wide range of interests and discussions both in China and from the abroad.As the Bank will put into  相似文献   

China-U.S. relationship is the most important one between two big powers in the world today. It is both bilateral and global by nature. How to handle this relationship is closely linked with the fundamental interests of the U.S. and China, as well as peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region and even in the world. So, a profound examination of the nature of U.S. strategy toward China and its evolution over the years will help to fully understand the opportunities and challenges China will meet in the course of peaceful development.  相似文献   

The paper aims to provide a framework for understanding the global impact of the rise of the “Second World” (emerging powers, such as BRICS) brought about by globalization and the transformation of international relations and international political economy. The paper takes the point of departure from one of Gramsci’s key conceptual categories and analytical apparatus, e.g. “hegemony,” to explore the extent that the upsurge of the emerging powers has reshaped the terrain and parameters of social, economic and political relations both at the national and global levels, and has exerted pressure on the existing international order in terms of both opportunities and constraints. The paper intends to examine the dialectical nexus between the role of the emerging powers as a counter-hegemonic, socio-economic and socio-political force for a new world order. The paper’s analytical approach is to combine neo-Gramscian hegemony theories with critical post-hegemony theories. The conclusion of the paper is to suggest that in an era of globalization and transformational capitalism it is impossible for the emerging powers to establish an alternative independent hegemony; rather, the world will witness a new era of “interdependent hegemony,” in which both the “First World” and the “Second World” are intertwined in a constant process of shaping and reshaping the world order in the nexus of national interest, regional orientation, common economic and political agendas, security alliance and potential confl icts.  相似文献   

Following Brexit, major changes are expected in the UK, the EU, and the relationship between the two, with far-reaching strategic effects on international politics that may develop truly unexpected aspects.Beyond the near-term challenges, the UK is likely to face new developmental opportunities in the long run. The internal power balance in the EU will undergo major changes, possibly leading to progress in diplomacy and defense but with increased internal suspicions, leading to a series of new contradictions. Regardless of its success, Brexit will long trouble the EU. A troubled UK may come to resent the EU, but it is also possible that a well-developed UK will create a development model that is different from those of the EU member states, setting an example for other members considering revaluating their relationship to the EU. The resulting instability may even change it to a free trade area. The UK is an important country, with global influence. Changes in UK-EU relations will have profound geopolitical consequences, and we can expect great changes in UK-American, European-American, UK-Russian, and European-Russian relations and larger relations between East and West. The competition and cooperation among major countries will gain complexity. Due to its close relationships with the UK and the EU, China will also be extensively and profoundly affected.  相似文献   

The international financial crisis has brought about major turbulence in the political arena of the world. The world is in a transition period. The trend of multi-polarization is dynamic and moves along the changes in the balance of international forces. An apparent feature in the recent ten years is that the strength and international influence of the sole super power--the US is comparatively decreasing. The international pattern that is developing in depth has led to contradictions and frictions of various kinds, especially the political and economic problems among the big powers and between the existing powers and the emerging powers. However,  相似文献   

The Third Conference of UN-NGO-IRENE/Asia Pacific was held in Beijing on the 28^th of April, 2008 on the theme "Sustainable Development and Green Olympics". The Conference, co-sponsored by China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE) and the NGO Section of UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA ), co-organized with Beijing NGO Association for International Exchanges, was attended by officials from UN DESA and UN Department of Public Information together with over 200 representatives of about 100 non-governmental organizations from India, Indonesia,  相似文献   

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