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C hina and the United States are two important countries in the world. While the United States is the most powerful developed nation, China is the largest and most populous developing country on the globe. The relations between the two countries naturally have very great impact on the welfare of the people of the whole world as well as the general international situation. Sound, stable and cooperative China-U.S. relations are of great strategic significance for the peace and stability in th…  相似文献   

正Committed to its own development, China has consistently promoted global development with concrete actions and ensured the benefits of development be shared by more countries and people, thereby making a significant contribution to the development of the world's human rights undertakings.  相似文献   

This is the 7th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights, jointly held by China Foundation for Human Rights Development, the Chinese Association for International Understanding and Germany's Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung. The Chinese and the German sides have had frank and friendly exchanges of views on human rights issues that both are concerned about. This has helped to promote the mutual understanding and friendship between the two sides, setting a good example of friendly dialogues on human…  相似文献   

Harmonious society is the ideal society that mankind has unswervingly pursued. Respecting and protecting human rights is the motive force for harmonious social development. Ensuring full human rights and realizing free and all-round development of its people is a lofty goal for China. By carrying on the fine cultural proceeding from the reality, China tradition and has in recent years vigorously advocated that human development should be promoted harmony which has won great acclaim from home and abroad. through rights social attention and  相似文献   

September 28, 2001 marks the 20th anni-versary of the found-ing of the Chinese Association for Interna-tional un- derstanding(CAFIU). CAFIU is a people抯 organization initiated and founded by well-known personages from various people抯 bodies and political parties as well as social activists and scholars in China for the purpose of developing external exchanges to cater for the development of the domestic and international situation …  相似文献   

正I am Ma Zhongfa, from Law School of Fudan University, speaking on behalf of China Society of Human Rights Studies.Foreign debt of developing countries and LDC becomes a heavy burden for them and produced negative impacts on protection of human rights. In order to pay the debt, they have to narrow the financial space for public services, which reduces the investment in improving educational infrastructure, medical facilities, and poverty eradication.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
What does “Tibetan independence” mean? Li Junqing, professor at the Central University for Natonalities. answers this question in a paper entitled “Tibetan Independence” Means Restoration of Theocracy. He believes “Tibetan independence” or “autonomy of a Greater Tibet region”, advocated by the Dalai clique, means none other than to restore the theocratic system that reigned in Tibet 59 years ago, to deprive the emancipated Tibetan serfs and slaves of their political rights and individual freedom and to negate the results achieved in the democratic reform, a reform designed to separate church from government launched in Tibet after the Dalai Lama fled abroad in 1959. It is an attempt to bring about a retrogression of history in Tibet against the historical trend of human progress. In another paper entitled Human Rights Situation m Tibet: Yesterday and Today contributed to this issue by Shesrab Nyima, Vice President of the Central University for Nationalities, the author shows us the fact that it was in the old Tibet ruled by the Dalai Lama that the fundamental rights of the people were trampled on, and it was only after Tibet started to be administered by the Central Government of New China following the Dalai Lama's flight into exile that people in Tibet began to enjoy sufficiem human rights,  相似文献   

From July 6 to 7,2004,co-sponsored by Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU),China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHRD) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany (Ebert Foundation),the 6^th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights was held in Berlin of Germany.Mr.Liu Jingqin,head of the Chinese delegation,senior advisor of CFHRD and Vice President of Chinese People‘s Association for Peace and Disarmament,made a keynote speech at the seminar.The following is the full text of his speech.  相似文献   

(III) Promoting Social IntegrationChina is a unified country with many nationalities. In order to achieve the develop-ment objective of creating "a society for all", the Chinese Government has, according to law, guaranteed that the entire people enjoy equal rights due to them in social life and the fruits of social development. At the same time, it has encouraged the masses of people to participa-te in state affairs and social activities to make it possible for the society to develop forwar…  相似文献   

For a nation state, social, political, and economic reform is a common phenomenon as it helps promote development of a country and progress of a nation. In today's world, where the international situation is undergoing profound changes and economic globalization is forging fast ahead, it has become a trend of the times and natural tendency of history for a nation  相似文献   

The "Chinese Dream" has been the catch-prase and topic of recent days, because it embodies the ardent aspiration of all Chinese people for a beautiful China and better life. General Secretary Xi Jiping elaborated on the blueprint and goals of the "Chinese Dream" at the closing ceremony of the 1st Session of the 12th NPC, as well as how could we realize this Dream.  相似文献   

On March 14, 2008, the Dalai Lama clique plotted and instigated the “March 14 riots” in Lhasa which resulted in the death of several dozens of innocent people. The Dalai Lama clique, however, made unfounded slanderous charges against the Central Government, calling its response to the riots as violation of human rights of the Tibetan people. This is the same old trick played by the Dalai clique in its long-time attempt to split China by using the tool of human rights. It is apparent that the aim of the Dalai clique in provoking the incident at this special moment is to sabotage the Beijing Olympic Games as well as the stable and harmonious political situation of Tibet. They erroneously calculated that by provoking a conflict and then accusing the Central Government of violating human rights in Tibet, they could achieve the purpose of inciting the international community to boycott the Beijing Olympics and then force the Chinese government to make concessions so that they could realize their ultimate objective of the so-called “Tibetan Independence”.  相似文献   

I. Essence of the Military Transparency The concept of military transparency, which bears the official significance and is regarded as a standard of measuring national conducts, originated from the United Nations Resolution 35/142B entitled Reduction of Military Budgets adopted on 12 December, 1980 and other relevant UN resolutions which provided the basis for formulating the military transparency system. Over the past few years, the United States often has repeatedly asked China to meet its demands on the issue of military transparency. However,  相似文献   

正This is Victor Gao, on behalf of CCG(Center for China and Globalization). It is our great pleasure to attend this important meeting. In today's world,many developing countries have the utmost need to develop economy to build up their capacities. I would urge all countries in the world to provide as much support as possible to the economic development of these developing countries, including both equity and debt. I think nation-building and capacity-building is a very important way to create more jobs and to lift people out of poverty in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

The important concept of building a "harmonious society", a "harmonious Asia" and a "harmonious world" initiated by President Hu Jintao is of great theoretical and practical significance as it constitutes the comprehensive guiding principle for China's domestic politics and external strategies, and establishes the goal and orientation China pursues in the changing international system.  相似文献   

At the time of golden Autumn days, the 7th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights co-sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung of Germany (FES), China Foundation for Human Rights Development(CFHRD) and Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) was held in Beijing on October 28 -29. It drew the participation of over 60 people from both China and Germany. During the meeting, Mr. Luo Haocai, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference a…  相似文献   

Employment constitutes the basis of people’s living and the means to ensure the stability of a country as well. Realizing relatively full employment is the important prerequisite and basic way to improve people's life. Being the most populous country in the world, China has abundant labor resources and faces an arduous and urgent task to tackle the employment problem. Therefore, providing more employment is a major issue directly bearing on people's living that China will have to face for a long time.  相似文献   

Visiting Note     
正In April 2016,as a council member of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),I joined the delegation of CAFIU and visited Japan and Thailand.Although this tour only lasted for 8 days,ranging from the people and i elds I contacted to the means of exchange,it was a totally new experience for me and I experienced and benei ted a lot from this visit.  相似文献   

At present, the rapid economic rise of India has become a hot topic among academic circles. However, it seems that they are inadequate in exposition of the strategic measures for promoting Indian "national sense" and their significance for the development of this Asian power. In the history of civilization over the past thousands of years, numerous civilizations have mixed together in this land, and at the same time, this nation has experienced countless disasters, hence it is seen as a "jig-…  相似文献   

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