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<正>People-to-people exchange with Japan was one of the highlights of the work of external relations.In history,before the establishment of diplomatic relations,it was the productive people-to-people exchange which aided the entrenchment of the foundation for extensive friendship between the  相似文献   

In major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for the new era,people-to-people exchange,political and security cooperation,and economic cooperation are the three pillars of China’s foreign policy.With a people-centered approach as its core,people-to-people exchange focuses on equality and mutual learning and aims at achieving win-win cooperation.Promoting people-to-people exchange is vital to cement the social foundation and public support for China’s foreign relations and promote a higher level of opening-up.1 As pointed out in the 19th CPC National Congress report,in handling relations among civilizations,estrangement should be replaced with exchange,clashes with mutual learning,and superiority with coexistence.Deepening people-to-people exchange is of major theoretical and practical importance to building a community with a shared future for mankind.  相似文献   

<正>In this dynamic and fresh season of spring when the flowers are in full blossom,on behalf of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),I'd like to extend cordial greetings and wishes to the readers of the International Understanding home and abroad and people from all walks of life for your longstanding attention and support for the work and development of CAFIU.  相似文献   

NGO-an Important Force in the Course of Socio-Economic DevelopmentNGO-anImportantForceintheCourseofSocio-EconomicDevelopment¥...  相似文献   

At the invitation of the International Initiatives of Change A ssociation ofJapan ( IICAJ ), a 4-m em ber delegation of the C hinese A ssociation for Interna鄄 tional Understanding ( CAFIU ) visited Japan and wascordially received. During our visit in Japan , Mr.Tooru H ashim oto , President of IICA J and M r.Tsutomu Hata , Spe鄄 cial A dvisor of IIC AJ and Form er Prim e M inister of Japan met the delegation.The atm osphere be鄄cam e lively at once when Pres鄄 ident H ashim …  相似文献   

AnImportantForceforSocialProgres--TourObservationsonFrance’sNGOsbyZhuLinglingAttheinvitationofCCFD,IacompaniedMrs.ShanXiuzhi,...  相似文献   

Aroundtheworld,interactionbetweendiffer-entpeoplesplaysaveryimportantroleinenhancingofficialdiplomacy.Sinceitsestablishmentin1981,theChineseAssociationforInternationalUnder-standinghasplayedauniqueandpositiveroleinpromotingChina'snon-governmentalexchangeswithothercountriesineveryfieldandatalllevels,aswellasinenhancinggovernmentalrelationswithcountriesallovertheworld.Lookingtothefuture,theprospectsoftheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstand-ingareevenbrighter.Thenewlyestablishedcounci…  相似文献   

正Human rights is a beautiful thing,which could arise the yearning of people for freedom and equality,as well as encourage people to fi ght for rights and dignity.Human rights has never been the patent of only a few countries,instead,it was the common ideal and pursuit of the humanity.  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of Union Youth Federation of Cambodia and the International Department of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party’s Central Committee,a Chinese NGO Delegation headed by Mr.Ni Jian,Secretary-General of the Chinese Association for International Understanding paid visit to Cambodia and Laos from October 21 to 28.As a member of the delegation,I set my feet on the  相似文献   

The words and deeds of the U.S. government vis-à-vis China since 2006 indicate that the United States has notably enhanced its recognition on the importance of China to the world as well as to America itself. It seems that the United States begins to consider and inclines to accept or to some extent reluctantly accommodate  相似文献   

Climate change, in particular global warming, has devastating consequences. Tropical storms and other natural disasters are increasing, and the rise in sea levels is forcing the evacuation of large coastal-living populations. Climate change has become a national security issue and a matter for international cooperation and negotiation.  相似文献   

The United States is the world's largest economy and China is ranked number four; together the two countries comprise one third of the global economy. 40% of the international economic growth is sustained by the two countries. In terms of international trade, the United States and China are the first and the third largest trading nations respectively. Trade developments of these two countries have a huge impact on international imports and exports.  相似文献   

At present, Africa's political, economic, and social development has entered new historical stage. The integration process is pressing ahead steadily and the international influence of Africa is gradually increasing. The international community is paying unprecedented attention to Africa and cooperation with Africa has become an important topic in international relations.  相似文献   

正China has paid great attention to cracking down on serious crimes of sale and sexual exploitation of children, and achieved remarkable results. Meanwhile, a number of new policies and legislations have also been adopted recently.  相似文献   

In recent years, the growth of China's economy and the elevation of China-Africa relations have caused complex changes in China's relations with the outside world. The rapid development of China-Africa relations is a showcase for the development process of Asia and Africa, through which we can see that both Asia and Africa are revitalizing and a new world is taking shape  相似文献   

O n November 9, 2005, Chinese President Hu Jintao pointed out: What China chooses and adheres to is a road of peaceful development and China’s development is peaceful, open and cooperative. The Chinese people have profoundly realized that only peaceful d…  相似文献   

正I am Li Xi, a council member of China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture.Tibetan culture has a long history and distinctive features. At present, nearly 800 intangible cultural heritage elements have been identified in Tibet. In addition, there are more than 80 troupes that perform traditional operas,  相似文献   

Asamemberofafour-peo-plegroupledbyProfessorNiuWenyuan,HeadoftheSustain-ableDevelopmentStrategyGroupoftheChineseAcademyofSci-ences,thepresentwriterattendedtheConferenceofNon-Govern-mentalOrganizationLeadersonSouthernCountries'SustainableDevelopment,whichwasheldinAlgiersfromMarch16to17thisyear.TheparticipantscamefromrelevantUNinstitutions,regionalorganizations,includingaboutfivetosixhundreddelegatesmainlyfromdevelopingcountries.Thesloganfortheconferenceis:″MayNon-G…  相似文献   

正On January 29th,as Chinese New Year draws near,a working group led by Ms.Yu Xiaoxuan,Executive Vice Secretary General of the China Foundation for Peace and Development(CFPD)is visiting Myanmar and Cambodia on a good day with fresh air in Beijing,with the aim of reviewing the progress of projects there sponsored by CFPD,obtaining feedback on the  相似文献   

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