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The world is undergoing a complicated transition-something which theorists and strategists both at home and abroad agree. But where is the world headed? Why? And how? To date there has been no general consensus on the answers to these questions. Indeed, no answers to speak of. So while everyone agrees there a complicated  相似文献   

The UN Charter and most international norms formulated under U.S. dominance since the 20th century are based on American values of "equality, democracy and freedom". As a rising power in the era of globalization, China should draw upon its traditional political thoughts in promoting the values system of fairness, justice and civility and shaping the new-type international norms.  相似文献   

This article evaluates Russia's foreign policy after Vladimir Putin's reelection as president in March 2004. New challenges, such as the intensification of terrorist activities in the Northern Caucasus, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the destabilization of Central Asia, and the refusal by some European states to attend the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of victory over fascism hosted in Moscow became important tests of Putin's strategy of great-power pragmatism. That strategy reflected a desire for Russia to be a normal great power and focused on cooperating with Western nations on a range of economic and security issues. This course had to be defended against criticisms at home in the context of intensified efforts by Western nations, particularly the United States, to influence developments in the former Soviet states. The article concludes by reflecting on some dilemmas that Putin's strategy is likely to encounter in the future.  相似文献   

当前,中国沿边地区正在掀起新一轮开发开放的浪潮。广西既沿海又沿边,地处中国与东盟合作的最前沿,在全国沿边地区新一轮开发开放中将打造东盟合作高地;广西边境线是中国的"黄金边境线",在建设21世纪海上丝绸之路和沿边开发开放中具有重要战略地位。沿边地区开发开放新浪潮将给广西与台湾拓展合作新空间带来新良机,桂台可在跨境旅游、口岸经济、沿边金融综合改革试验区建设、跨境经济合作区建设、开拓东盟市场、互联互通建设等方面拓展合作新领域新空间,实现互利共赢发展,把桂台合作提升到一个新水平。  相似文献   

Global economic development has experienced significant changes in recent years, with developed economies generally witnessing a recovery, and some economies like the United States witnessing accelerated growth, which will likely unleash a new round of global economic reshuffling. Currently, emerging economies are confronted with severe transformation challenges and thus need to study and learn how the United States managed to create its new economic growth areas.  相似文献   

There is considerable debate on why are sanctions imposed, but little agreement so far. While the only consensus is that sanctions are aimed at changing the behaviour of a target, in fact, international sanctions can also be imposed to constrain actors or send signals. Since the creation of the Union in 1992, the EU has imposed 21 autonomous restrictive measures that are difficult to understand and compare without the proper analytical tools. The application of a tripartite taxonomy of the purpose of sanctions to the cases of the EU sanctions on Belarus, Zimbabwe and Uzbekistan is used to illustrate the differences and to set guidelines for a better understanding of international sanctions.  相似文献   

New directions for pastoral development in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The last few years have seen a major rethinking of some of the hallowed assumptions of range ecology and range-management practice. The usefulness of terms such as ‘vegetation succession?s, ‘carrying capacity?s, and ‘desertification?s is being reassessed, particularly for the dry rangelands which are dominated by highly variable rainfall and episodic, chance events such as drought. This article examines the management and policy implications of this thinking for pastoral development in dryland areas. It briefly examines the consequences of environmental variability for pastoral development planning, range and fodder management, drought responses, livestock marketing, resource tenure, institutional development, and pastoral administration. By offering new directions for development workers, researchers, and policy planners, the article illustrates, in practical terms, a future for pastoral development in dryland Africa that recognises both the importance of pastoral livelihoods and the significance of environmental variability.  相似文献   

中越关系新发展与经贸合作新机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中越关系正常化以来,中越双方恢复了传统的睦邻友好关系,双边的交往与合作不断发展。经过近10年的发展和积累,进入21世纪,中越关系具备了新突破新发展的条件,已经从传统的睦邻友好的较低层面,提升到睦邻友好、全面合作的更高层面。  相似文献   

俄罗斯新版历史教师参考书对苏联历史的新观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯2007年出版的历史书<俄罗斯现代史1917~2006年>是苏联解体后,经过国家权威部门认定的第一本历史教师教学参考书.它对于苏联历史和苏联历史人物具有了与戈尔巴乔夫时期不同的评价,引起全球范围的关注.西方认为这是普京重新评价苏联历史和斯大林,是"从民主体制的倒退".该书否定苏联解体的主要原因在于苏联社会主义体制或日苏联模式已经丧失了发展的潜力.该书充分肯定了斯大林领导卫国战争取得胜利和实现工业化和文化革命的巨大功绩,肯定了斯大林民族政策正确的一面,因而称"斯大林被视为苏联最成功的领导人";但也没有回避斯大林和斯大林时期的问题,如,轻工业的恢复落后于重工业,农业的落后面貌没有大的改善,巨大的成就是通过极大压制民众所取得的.该书明确指出,戈尔巴乔夫、叶利钦等执政者应当对苏联解体承担主要责任.认为"苏联解体并没有命中注定的必然性".  相似文献   

Petroleum is not just a commodity but a vital strategic asset with an impact on almost all aspects of the global economy. Although petroleum products are widely used all over the world, petroleum reserves, production and refineries are dominated by a handful of countries.  相似文献   

From the 1980s to the mid-1990s,Africa’s economic development stagnated. Its geopolitical importance diminished remarkably after the end of the Cold War. Africa was once a strategic abandoned pawn of the West. For quite a long period of time,Africa pessimism was very popular in international society. Nevertheless,over the past decade,major changes have taken place in Africa. Its economic development has changed from a low-ebb period into a growth period. Its international status has changed from being margi...  相似文献   

In 2013 profound and complicated changes continued to take place in the international situation, although, stable overall, there was also an accelerated restructuring of international relations. Adapting to the changing circumstances in the restructuring of international relations and for Chinas own development, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China headed by General Secretary Comrade Xi Jinping sized up the situation and made pioneering efforts with a series of major diplomatic initiatives for proactively advancing China's diplomatic theories and charted a new course in practice.  相似文献   

Though it displays tremendous development vitality and potential, Asia also faces challenges - namely, interwoven new and old security problems, an increase in non-traditional security threats and weak security mechanisms. To address these challenges,  相似文献   

王罄  茅锋 《东南亚纵横》2004,(10):11-13
2004年10月4日 ,印度尼西亚全国选举委员会正式宣布 ,在印尼首次总统直选第二轮投票中 ,民主党候选人苏西洛·班邦·尤多约诺以较大优势击败现任总统梅加瓦蒂 ,成为印尼自1945年独立以来的第六任总统。根据印尼全国选举委员会公布的统计数字 ,在第二轮选举投票中 ,苏西洛的得票率约为60.63 % ,而现任总统梅加瓦蒂的得票率仅为39.37%。10月20日和21日 ,苏西洛及其新政府宣誓就职。一、苏西洛获胜的主要原因苏西洛在政党林立的印尼政坛异军突起 ,首先得益于民众思变的主流心理。梅加瓦蒂作为印尼历史上第一位女总统 ,执政3年来初步稳定了瓦希…  相似文献   

The 21st century has already set its sail. The people all over the world have the expectation that the new century will bring about universal peace and common prosperity to humanity. The 20th century which has just passed shows that human civilization is always in the process of progress and evolution. Achievements in science and technology made in the 20th century will further improve the life quality of the people, the in-depth economic relations between the various countries have created co…  相似文献   

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