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公务员考录制度是公务员制度的重要组成部分,也是公务员管理的重要环节。公务员考录坚持“凡进必考”,立足于公平公正,通过制度建设、过程管理、规范运行、公开透明等有效手段,为党政机关聚集优秀人才提供了制度保证,成为公务员队伍补充新鲜血液的重要渠道。近年来,我们在公务员考录工作实践中,逐步获得了以下一些认识和思考。  相似文献   

保障公务员考录的实质价值与工具价值均衡实现是公务员考录制度建设的基本出发点与目标追求。建立在管理思维基础上的现行公务员考录制度,在保障公务员考录价值均衡实现方面尚存在明显的体制、机制缺陷,对考试手段的科学运用尚存在明显的局限。有鉴于此,应立足治理思维对公务员考录制度进行改革,重构公务员考录主体的权利、权力及其实现机制,探索实行两轮制公务员考录机制;重构公务员考录流程、重新界定公务员考录笔试与面试功能;改革公务员考录考试手段运用机制,对考试命题机制与面试机制进行改革,实现命题管理统一性与命题组织分类化的统一以及面试效度、信度、公平性的统一。如此,有助于最大限度地提升公务员考录价值的均衡实现程度,最大限度地提升公务员考录的科学性与有效性。  相似文献   

对我国公务员考录管理制度的现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“考录”是国家公务员制度的重要组成部分,是人事任用的主要形式。随着国家公务员制度的建立和完善,国家人事制度改革成效显著,作为国家公务员任用主要形式的考试录用制度为优秀人才的选拔和使用,发挥了积极的作用,但在“考录”工作中暴露出一些突出问题需要加以认真研究并妥善解决,以利于考录制度的进一步完善。  相似文献   

我国公务员考录制度存在的问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过十几年的发展,我国公务员考录制度取得了较好的成绩,在我国公务员制度的推行以及公务员队伍的建设等方面起到了重要的作用。但是,我国公务员考录制度还存在着报名资格规定的随意性、考试内容的设计缺乏科学性、考录参与主体的行为有失规范性以及各级公务员考录存在差异性等问题。主要的解决对策在于按职位要求规定报考资格、科学合理设计考试内容、依法管理和规范考录中参与主体的行为和协调发展各级公务员考录制度等。  相似文献   

考试录用制度是深圳市在推行国家公务员制度中最早出台的单项制度之一。从近几年考录工作的实践看,这项工作已取得显著成果。通过考试考核,严格把关,有效地改善了机关干部队伍的文化、年龄结构,为深圳市各项事业的发展提供了人才的保证,目前,该项制度已不断走向科学化和规范化。一、进一步明确了公务员录用考试是选拔考试,保证了考试录用工作的有效进行过去,深圳市一直以考试及格成绩作为录用分数线,这不利于考录工作的进行,因为国家公务员的录用考试一般有两种方式:一种是选拔性考试,又叫常模目标考试。就是以在同样职位工作合…  相似文献   

地方政府公务员考录制度仅仅从设计的科学性来看,其中还存在一定的问题,致使一些能力相对低下的人员进入了公务员队伍,影响了公务员队伍的整体素质.因此,为了提高地方政府公务员考录制度的效度和信度,创新地方政府公务员考录中的理念,即公务员职业化理念、显性知识与隐性知识理念、人力资源结构理念、情感智商理念、“三项技能”理念以及地方特色理念具有迫切性与现实性.  相似文献   

随着我国国家公务员制度的实施,通过考试吸收国家公务员已成为一种共识,并为社会所接受。几年来公务员录用考试基本形成了体系。但是从公务员录用考试的科学性角度来看,还存在一些问题,影响了公务员队伍的整体素质。因此,进一步完善公务员的考录制度,建立起科学、合理的考录机制,是目前必须解决的问题。一、加强公共科目笔试的科学性公共科目笔试是公务员录用考试的第一试,因此其试卷内容与结构的科学与否,是直接关系到能否选拔出高素质人才的关键。但在目前我国公务员公共科目的考试中出现了重知识、轻能力的高分低能倾向,这种倾…  相似文献   

上海实施国家公务员制度的创新与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过10几年的探索与实践,上海市在公务员的制度建设与管理上,取得了令人瞩目的成绩.在公务员培训、考录、考核、工资福利制度以及公务员工作方法等诸多方面进行了创新实践,为全国其他地区公务员制度的实施提供了有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

我国公务员绩效测评的困境与原因初探   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
绩效测评在私营部门人力资源管理中受到广泛的关注 ,而在公共部门中进行绩效测评总是困难重重。我国公务员绩效测评的制度化形式就是国家公务员的考核制度。公务员考核承担着评价、管理、激励与监督四个方面的功能 ;但在实际考核工作中 ,这四种功能的实现存在较大的障碍 ,使我国的公务员绩效测评面临着困境。这一困境的成因来自于公务员考核具有制度的设计 ,也来源于政府组织自身的制度特征。  相似文献   

作为公务员考录工作的重要组成部分,公务员面试过程规范与否直接决定着考录工作的有效性与公平性的实现程度。从考录工作所承担的选人职责出发,在规范面试组织形式的基础上,对面试过程中考官与考生之间的交流过程与交流机制、考官评分过程等进行规范,有助于从根本上提高面试过程的有效性与公平性,最大限度地提高面试功效。对此,建议完善公务员面试工作重点是完善公务员面试组织形式,规范面试题本设计,规范面试考官选择,规范考生面试顺序等。  相似文献   

Abstract. A common form of electoral cycle theory asserts that support for government parties is dependent on the proportion of an inter-election interval which has passed since the last national election. Weekly opinion poll data for the Netherlands are used to test whether or not such 'cyclical' patterns of change can be detected in the inter-election periods of 1977–1981 and 1982–1986. The relative merits of two methods of analysis, polynomial regression and ARIMA, are discussed and demonstrated. The latter is shown to be the more suitable of the two; the former may yield misleading outcomes. The analyses reported do not display even a glimpse of empirical support for the alleged cyclical phenomenon. The ARIMA analyses can be used, however, to describe how processes and events in a society impinge on (noncyclical) developments in the electoral support for political parties.  相似文献   

This paper uses experimental methods to analyze Ricardian equivalence when the probability of debt retirement is less than one. The results suggest that the presence of outstanding debt and the probability of debt retirement have a strong influence on savings behavior. When the probability of debt retirement is low, consumption by the current generation increases, as predicted by Keynesian theory. However, as the probability of debt retirement increases, bequests rise to offset the future generation's expected repayment liability, and deficit spending becomes much less expansionary, as predicted by Ricardian theory. In general, the average bequest is significantly larger when an outstanding debt is passed on to the next generation than when no debt exists, regardless of the probability of debt retirement. However, as long as there is some uncertainty about debt repayment, the presence of debt always stimulates some additional consumption, so that strong variants of Ricardian equivalence are not found.  相似文献   

The characteristics of participatory institutions can be articulated in three main dimensions: input, process and output. The common assumption is that a dependency relationship exists, with process serving as a mediator between input and output. This paper puts the model to a rare empirical test drawing on a unique dataset of 70 Spanish advisory councils. Through a combination of exploratory factor and path analyses, we analyse the dimensionality of input, process and output and investigate the direct and indirect impact of inputs on process and outputs. Our analysis provides evidence that input factors have a direct impact on the output factor transparency, but their impact on effects on policy and participant satisfaction is mediated by the process factor deliberation. Further, the capacity of the public administration to steer the advisory council (wardship) mediates negatively the impact of input variables on transparency. The analysis provides a nuanced account of how different input and process design characteristics of participatory institutions have profound direct and indirect effects on their outputs.  相似文献   

Testing the Mill hypothesis of fiscal illusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the “Mill hypothesis”, the tax burden from indirect taxation is underestimated because indirect taxes are less “visible” than direct taxes. We experimentally test the Mill hypothesis and identify tax framing as a cause of fiscal illusion. We find that the tax burden associated with an indirect tax is underestimated, whereas this is not the case with an equivalent direct tax. In a referendum to tax and redistribute tax revenue, fiscal illusion is found to distort democratic decisions and to result in “excessive” redistribution. Yet, voters eventually learn to overcome fiscal illusion.  相似文献   

Questions persist regarding the robustness of cross-sectional estimates of effects of variables that are themselves endogenous to the participation process. On one hand, the consequences of working on a campaign have interesting implications for democratic society. Less benign, however, is the possibility that failure to control for reciprocal processes leads to biased estimates of the causes of campaign participation. I use a panel of Democratic and Republican contributors interviewed following each of the past three presidential elections (1996, 2000, and 2004) to explore the relationships between campaign participation and three variables typically parameterized as predictors of participation: receiving a contact, ideological extremism, and strength of party identification. The effect of strength of party identification on campaign participation proves robust; however, I find that nearly all of the associations between contacts and participation and ideological extremism and participation appear to extend from, not into, participation and past participation.
Ryan L. ClaassenEmail:

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