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Chinese are born philosophers, mainly because they speak a langue rich in dialectic wisdom. This is evident in the present buzzword "crisis." The Chinese character for crisis is weiji: wei meaning danger andji meaning opportunity. When a tough situation arises, as it has now with the financial crisis, the Chinese can generally see both its bad and good aspects.  相似文献   

China is a united multi-ethnic country boasting a long history.All ethnic groups have jointly contributed to the development of their motherland.For thousands of years,various ethnic groups living on the Chinese land have formed an interdependent pattern of unity in diversity.During this long historical process,different ethnic groups of China have settled among each other,with compact communities here and there.All ethnic groups have jointly created the splendid Chinese culture.There are not only a large number of works reflecting the creative endeavors and diverse life of various ethnic groups,but also the creations of various ethnic authors.Among the Chinese items in-cluded in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity,ethnic minorities' contributions account for one third.  相似文献   

Time Will Tell     
<正>U.S.chip ban set to spur China’s tech breakthroughs The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp.(TSMC) on December 6 last year said it would triple its investment at its Arizona plant in the U.S.from $12 billion planned in May 2020 to $40 billion.On the same day,U.S.President Joe Biden visited the site and hailed the project,saying American manufacturing is back,folks.  相似文献   

正China has billionaires and is a top destination for foreign direct investment. It has thousands of branches of Starbucks and KFC,along with significant private ownership of capital. It suffers from different levels of inequality. These factors lead many to question whether it really is what it claims to be: a socialist country.  相似文献   

A rare droughtplagued southwestern China for thefirst half of this year. In Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region rainfall was merely half the average level for that time of year, leading to a record-low drawdown in local rivers. More than 16 million people and 11 million heads of livestock were craving water, and 43.48 million hectares of farmland were affected All told, the direct economic losses inflicted have reached RMB 19 billion. Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in southeastern Yunnan was among the worst hit areas: 1.13 million of its 3.4 million population face water shortages.  相似文献   


Two paradigms inform responses to active shooting situations: a traditional lockdown approach where individuals find cover in a classroom and lock the door, and a multi-option approach where individuals evacuate the area, create barricades, and, in last resort situations, actively resist the gunman. While a majority of schools conduct active shooter drills, typically using a traditional lockdown approach, little is known about their effectiveness. Through simulations, this study sought to determine which of the two paradigms that inform active shooter drills is the most effective. Drills informed by the multi-option response paradigm were found to end more quickly and result in fewer people being shot.  相似文献   

Anew breed of bard - the Chinese migrant workerjotted the following lines: A frog whose blood comes from the countryside, Leaps to the city - then he's clad in irons. There are some 120 million farmers working in China's major cities that make up a special community within society. Many local artists have brought their troubles to light, but migrant workers are now penning their own verses, based on their own experiences.  相似文献   

AS a soldier in the railway corps, my father participated in the War of Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aiding Korea. Making rush-repairs to .railways and bridges he exposed himself to the hazards of heavy American aeriel bombardment. Naturally I developed an attitude about that period.  相似文献   

Each of us must seek meaning in life, but if one is keen to achieve something meaningful, there are always real friends who will "have your back" and support you at crucial moments. Maybe right now I'm still on the run and will accomplish little in the immediate future, but many people are willing to help me. I'm fortunate and grateful because I can do what I have dreamed of. Probably those who help me don't expect any return, but I really want to repay them by helping others in serious need, so their love can be paid forward.  相似文献   

THE history of a city tells a story of a society and its prosperity. Linzi in Shandong Province first rose to prominence in China as the capital of Qi, a vassal state during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods (770-221 B.C.), when it became a regional cultural, economic and political center. Its Jixia Academy, often compared with its contemporary Platonic Academy in Athens, Greece, incubated almost all the leading figures in the many schools of thought that contended with each over 2,000 years ago.  相似文献   

China's central bank released a statement on June 19 outlining further reforms to the RMB exchange policy, ones designed to enhance its flexibility. Public opinion holds that the Yuan is on a track of unstoppable and rapid appreciation, a development that will benefit some countries, namely those with massive trade deficits, financial imbalances and unemployment. But Chinese scholars claim that Western expectations that Yuan appreciation alone will save the world economy is unrealistic.  相似文献   

All Aboard     
正With the notable exception of the UK, European nations have agreed to a unified response to the debt crisis The EU Summit ended on December 9 in Brussels with two surprises:EU leaders agreed on establishing a new fiscal compact based on inter-governmental treaties to cure the ongoing debt crisis, and British Prime Minister David Cameron decided to keep the United Kingdom out of that compact.  相似文献   

All Aboard     
<正>Every expat who lives in China’s main-land might need to go to Hong Kong sooner or later. Those with money tend to take the easier option of a flight, but as I had spent most of my money,  相似文献   

All Inclusive     
正The Belt and Road Initiative has room for everyone The Win-Win of the Belt and Road Initiative was the theme of the 2018 Belt and Road International Forum held in Beijing in late June.The event focused on cross-border business operations,people-to-people exchanges and the promotion of common development under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.Major players  相似文献   

All Set     
Chinese President Xi Jinping,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,talks with athletes and coaches at a winter sports training base in Beijing,on January 4.On that day,he conducted a tour of inspection regarding preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.In addition to the winter sports training base,he also visited the National Speed Skating Oval,Main Media Center.Athletes'Village,and the Games-time Operations Command Center.  相似文献   

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