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当代美国联邦政府伦理管理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩莹莹 《行政论坛》2009,16(4):92-95
美国联邦政府的伦理管理通过多年的实践,在探索有效约束公务员行政行为方面积累了一定的经验.当前美国联邦政府主要着眼于组织结构的合理安排或是通过立法、制定组织规则、设立严格的监督机构等外在制度来督促行政伦理的实现.比较与借鉴美国联邦政府的伦理管理的实践经验,对于进一步实现我国政府管理的行政伦理化有着很强的实践意义.  相似文献   

公务员与公共人力资源的概念界定,不仅涉及到公共管理领域的重大理论问题,也是实行国家公务员制度以及推进公共管理与公共服务领域改革的实践问题,需要从理论、法律和社会实际中进行综合比较。  相似文献   

我国的公务员交流制度是通过对公务员进行内部职位变动,从而实现人力资源的优化组合、提高整体运行效能,实现有效的公共管理的一项制度。本文在分析我国公务员交流制度的基础上,将之与国外公务员交流制度进行比较,以期提出具有建设性的意见,从而优化我国公务员交流制度。  相似文献   

职务分析是实现人力资源管理五项职能的核心,公务员制度是现代社会的产物,科学的职务分析有助于完善公务员制度;体现公务员制度的价值取向:高效、公平;实现政府部门人力资源的最优化配置;有助于政府部门战略人力资源管理;抑制公务员队伍的膨胀和队伍建设中的腐败现象。从而更好的为我国社会、经济的发展服务。  相似文献   

江泽民同志在党的十五大报告中指出,要大力推进机构改革,深化人事制度改革,引人竞争激励机制,完善公务员制度,建设一支高素质的专业化国家行政管理干部队伍。当前,以推行公务员制度为重点内容的机构改革正在全国各地抓紧实施。公务员制度作为国家政治制度的一个重要组成部分,其产生和发展有着深刻的社会背景。本文在分析研究中西方公务员制度产生的政治、经济等方面的背景的基础上,重点研究在我国建立和推行公务员制度过程中应该注意的问题及解决的措施。 公务员制度是现代国家关于公务员管理的原则、规范、体制的统称。公务员制度…  相似文献   

<正>激励是人力资源管理的一项基本职能,如何对公务员进行有效激励也是现代公共部门人力资源管理的核心议题。然而,当前我国公务员激励机制存在一定程度的失灵现象,主要表现为:不合理的薪酬制度设计导致公务员的"逆向选择",对晋升的过度追求导致公务员晋升"独木桥"之困,考核制度不科学导致公务员管理的"软约束",以控制为导向的职业生涯管理导致部分  相似文献   

李炎炎 《学理论》2013,(19):69-70
公务员作为社会人力资源的重要组成,其素质的高低对国家的行政能力水平的影响极其重要。公务员培训制度对于国家行政能力的发展至关重要,是公务员个人职业发展的重要保证。在考察公务员培训制度的基础上,研究了公务员培训制度面临的问题以及挑战,提出了完善公务员培训制度的解决办法。  相似文献   

对改进我国公务员分类制度的若干建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公务员分类制度是公务员制度本质的外在表现形式。目前我国公务员分类制度存在着公务员范围界定过窄、领导职务和非领导职务设置不科学、职务分类不合理等问题 ,改进和完善现有分类制度 ,不仅要把公务员分为政务类公务员和业务类公务员 ,还应该做更进一步的细分。政务类公务员分为职业党务工作者、政府组成人员、政治任命人员和特别职公务员 ,业务类公务员分为行政管理类、专业技术类和后勤保障类。这些建议有助于推动我国公务员制度的不断完善 ,提高公共部门人力资源管理和开发的效能  相似文献   

当代西方公务员制度改革与我国公务员立法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
如何在国际大背景下把握"中国公务员立法"的制度设计,是一个具有现实意义的课题。寻求专业化与灵活性的统一是20世纪80年代特别90年代以来西方公务员制度改革发展态势;从"职业型"走向"职位型"是当代西方公务员制度改革的归宿。针对当代公务员制度的"共时特征"采取"补课"的态度;针对当代西方公务员制度中的"历时特征",适当设置一些弹性化的制度安排,为下一步的发展留出充分的空间。  相似文献   

我国公务员绩效测评的困境与原因初探   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
绩效测评在私营部门人力资源管理中受到广泛的关注 ,而在公共部门中进行绩效测评总是困难重重。我国公务员绩效测评的制度化形式就是国家公务员的考核制度。公务员考核承担着评价、管理、激励与监督四个方面的功能 ;但在实际考核工作中 ,这四种功能的实现存在较大的障碍 ,使我国的公务员绩效测评面临着困境。这一困境的成因来自于公务员考核具有制度的设计 ,也来源于政府组织自身的制度特征。  相似文献   

The events of 9/11 have influenced policy making in public administration. The Homeland Security Act of 2002, which created the Department of Homeland Security, contained language that empowered the secretary of homeland security and the director of the Office of Personnel Management to establish a personnel management system outside the normal provisions of the federal civil service. Why did civil service reform succeed as part of this legislation when previous attempts at large‐scale reform had failed? A case analysis of the enactment of civil service reform in the Homeland Security Act points to theories of policy emergence and certain models of presidential and congressional policy making. In this case, civil service reform became associated with national security instead of management reform. An assessment of the rhetorical arguments used to frame this policy image offers a powerful explanation for the adoption of the personnel management reforms in the Homeland Security Act. This case has implications for understanding how policy makers might approach future management reform agendas.  相似文献   

The main provisions of the 1988 civil service reform in Nigeria are discussed, including structural reorganization, professionalization and the enforcement of public accountability. As of the time of the reform, the following defects were associated with the civil service: undue importance accorded the generalists at the expense of the professionals; profligacy among public officers; nonchalant attitude among civil servants to their duties; and corruption. Measures taken to rectify these defects by the reform include: the adoption of a uniform structure for the civil service nationwide; the harmonization of power with responsibility; the streamlining of the span of control of officers to not more than eight units; the expansion of the powers of internal audit units complemented by an audit alarm system; the mandating of chief executives to submit progress reports on their ministry to the president; and the rationalization of promotion criteria for public officers. These provisions are little more than the rehashing of past legislations, which failed to achieve positive results, not because they were faulty in precept but because they were sacrificed to sloppy implementation. Therefore, the 1988 reform may suffer from the same fate because it was simply grafted onto the corrupt system that caused the failure of past reforms before it.  相似文献   

英国的公务员养老保险制度实行国家基本养老保险、公务员职业养老保险和个人自愿养老储蓄相结合的三层次部分积累模式,与普通国民养老保险制度相融合。从公务员与其他群体养老保险制度的比较来看,并没有出现公务员与其他群体之间养老保险待遇的较大差距。总结英国的公务员养老保险制度的经验教训可以为中国公务员养老保险制度改革提供参考。  相似文献   

Some researchers have suggested innovative ways to successfully implement civil service reform in developing countries. Although most approaches to implementing public sector management reform are still very much process-driven, and focus almost exclusively on civil service reform, long-term success in making the public sector more efficient may be better assured if civil service reform is but one outcome of a broader public sector management reform agenda. Particularly, re-focussing from traditional input-driven reform thinking towards output-oriented measures, such as the introduction of accrual budgeting in the public sector, may well result in greater popular acceptance and, thus, longer-term success for sensitive reform programs. Although output-driven accrual budgeting is by no means a panacea for all public sector illnesses, it can at least set the scene for profound and durable cultural change in the public sector. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The adoption of the civil service system is the most comprehensive reform of the personnel system in the history of the People's Republic of China. The reformers want to establish a highly qualified and professional administrative corps. Elements of the reform include a merit‐based performance evaluation system that rewards good employees and punishes poor ones, open and fair competition in recruitment and promotion to assure the quality of government officials, and a system based on law that provides continuity and consistency for government policies. The article summarizes case studies of implementation challenges such as recruitment, examinations, selection and promotion, performance evaluation, training, job rotation and salary systems. The cases provide snapshots of some of the most difficult issues involved in reforming China's civil service. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Observers of post‐Communist politics recognize that civil service reform, an important part of the institutional transformation in Eastern Europe, was initiated at a very uneven pace. Hungary and Poland adopted changes quickly after the fall of Communism, while Romania and Slovakia waited longer. How can one explain the timing of civil service reform after 1989? Previous research blames a number of factors but inconsistencies between predictions and actual outcomes warrant a more thorough investigation. What has been overlooked, we argue, are the policies of transitional justice that altered the costs and benefits for elites to keep the institutional status quo. The empirical analysis reveals that when in place, lustration by vetting of public officials reduced the likelihood of passing a civil service reform act. This effect is conditioned by the legislative strength of ex‐Communist parties, as demonstrated by results from logistic regression tests on data from 11 countries.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explain why civil service reform trajectories have differed in post-communist Europe, and why reforms have so far not led to the de-politicisation of personnel policy. It argues that the communist legacy of over-politicised personnel policy, the mode of transition and the constellation of actors after the first free elections shaped the personnel policy and civil service reform dynamics in the period directly after the change of regime. However, in terms of reform outcomes, the road to de-politicisation of post-communist civil services posed too many obstacles to lead rapidly to successful reforms. Neither governments of the left and the right nor new generations of senior bureaucrats have an incentive to engage in efforts to de-politicise post-communist civil services. The context of post-communist transformation has tended to lock in a pattern of civil service governance that is characterised by high levels of political discretion.  相似文献   

公务员制度建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙晓涛 《学理论》2010,(7):33-34
全球化时代的到来,不仅是我国公务员制度建设的机遇,更是挑战。我国公务员制度存在不完善的地方,要清醒认识到我国公务员制度可能存在缺陷,进一步明确我国公务员制度建设的基本原则,推进公务员制度创新,实现公务员制度的战略发展。  相似文献   

How has reform changed Chinese and American civil service systems in light of China's landmark reform in 1993 by contrast to the aftermath of the U.S. Civil Service Act of 1883? While there are significant differences, remarkable administrative and political similarities also emerge. Particularly salient is the role of educational systems in the civil service development of both countries. Surprisingly, this comparative analysis finds a common struggle to balance professional expertise with political accountability and control. King Kwun Tsao of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and John Abbott Worthley of Seton Hall University argue that further comparative research is essential to hone an improved understanding of China specifically as well as civil service systems generally.  相似文献   

This article examines the post‐accession durability of EU civil service policy in Central and Eastern Europe (CEECs). Civil service professionalization was a condition for EU membership but the European Commission has no particular sanctions available if CEECs reverse pre‐accession reforms after gaining membership. Comparing eight CEECs that joined the EU in 2004, the article finds that post‐accession civil service developments are characterized by great diversity. The three Baltic States continued civil service reforms, while Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovenia are classified as cases of post‐accession reform reversal. The post‐accession pathway of Hungary is identified as a case of reform reorientation. The diversity in post‐accession pathways was almost exclusively the result of domestic political constellations, in particular, patterns of government alternation after accession. There were hardly any factors that could have locked in the level of professionalization that had been reached at the time of accession.  相似文献   

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