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Welfare economics is evaluated as a framework for setting policy with respect to the greenhouse effect. It is found to be unpromising for three reasons: (1) The concept of discounting leads to the view that events in the further future have no value, (2) the baselines necessary to use welfare-economic decision rules cannot be established, and (3) no nonparadoxical answer can be given to the question: How should we value the welfare of future persons? As analysts begin the task of formulating policy with respect to the greenhouse effect they will need tools other than thoser provided by welfare economics.  相似文献   

The greenhouse effect will bring large climate changes, possibly a hostile environment, and social consequences that will range from business as usual to disaster. At present uncertainty dominates forecasts of both the climate change and derivative ecosystem and social consequences. Policy analysis must proceed in the midst of vast uncertainty, seeking programs that are unlikely to be harmful or costly if the greenhouse consequences are more benign than predicted and likely to help if the worst happens. The worst consequences are likely to occur to unmanaged ecosystems and to developing countries; in contrast, the industrial nations may experience only minor irritations, apart from the eventual rise in sea level.  相似文献   

Jurisdictions are in the process of establishing regulatory systems to control greenhouse gas emissions. Short‐term and sometimes long‐term emissions reduction goals are established, as California does for 2020 and 2050, but little attention has yet been focused on annual emissions targets for the intervening years. We develop recommendations for how these annual targets—which we collectively term a “compliance pathway”—can be set, as well as what flexibility sources should have to adjust in light of cost uncertainties. Environmental effectiveness, efficiency, equity, adaptability, and encouraging global participation are appropriate criteria by which these intertemporal policy alternatives should be judged. Limited but useful knowledge about costs leads us to recommend a compliance pathway characterized by increasing incremental reductions along it. This can be approximated by discrete linear segments, which may fit better with global negotiations. Although the above conclusion applies to any long‐term GHG regulatory program, many jurisdictions will rely heavily on a cap‐and‐trade system, and the same pathway recommendation applies to its time schedule of allowances. Furthermore, borrowing constraints in cap‐and‐trade systems can impose substantial unnecessary costs. To avoid most of these costs, we recommend that sources be allowed early use of limited percentages of allowances intended for future years. We also find that a three‐year compliance period can have substantial benefit over a one‐year period. © 2010 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

A theoretical basis for participatory planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arguments are presented for the reconsideration of models which guide planning behavior and structure planning organizations. Hierarchical organizations are contrasted with reticular organizations and the latter are presented as necessary for effective citizen participation. Legitimacy is presented as a fundamental basis of justifying planning action and historical shifts in forms of legitimacy are noted. Participation, as a form of legitimacy, and several aspects of participatory planning are discussed in terms of recent systems thinking. It is argued that participatory planning increases the effectiveness and adaptivity of the planning process and contributes adaptivity and stability to the societal system. Further, it is argued that citizen participation is an essential element in making the planning process a learning system. This leads to a strengthening of the definition and role of communities in the urban system, and to an unexpected requirement of planners who would adopt a participatory planning process.  相似文献   

赵璐 《学理论》2011,(5):6-7
科学发展观是马克思主义中国化最新理论成果。在发展观前冠以科学作为特征,表达了对于科学的重视。科学的什么特质是在发展过程中应该借鉴的呢?一方面,科学的目的之一是为人类谋福祉,这与科学发展观的核心是一致的。另一方面,科学的系统研究的模式也可以为科学发展观思想提出借鉴。科学发展观的提出仅几年的时间,而科学理论已经有几千年的历史。只有借鉴成功理论的可取之处,科学发展观理论才能不断完善。  相似文献   

李宪忠 《学理论》2011,(16):30-31
我国的审计工作正处于转轨的全新时期,如何搞好审计工作是难点问题,笔者以科学发展观为指导,结合实际情况,强调要树立科学的审计理念,强化审计监督职能,增强审计质量意识,以求达到提高审计工作成效的目的。  相似文献   

李成实 《学理论》2009,(8):25-26
近些年我国发展很快,但发展仍是我国目前最为紧迫的任务。坚持把科学发展作为一切工作的主旋律,全力推进经济社会又好又快发展,全力推进科学发展上水平,是我国当前经济社会发展进步的关键所在。  相似文献   

溯源干部激励体系的理论基础,从早期动机激发的理论出发,再根据研究层面与角度的不同分析现代激励理论。并对其发展历程加以历史考察,我国干部激励体系建设历经奠基时期、改革时期、发展时期、创新时期,纵向梳理其历史发展脉络,这对于新时代构建正向激励体系具有十分重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

树立与科学发展观相适应的科学人才观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从新世纪新阶段的实际出发 ,我们必须转变人才观念 ,树立与科学发展观相适应的科学人才观 ,即树立人才资源是第一资源的认知观 ,人人可以成才的识才观 ,注重能力建设的育才观 ,以人为本的价值观。  相似文献   

基于对经费使用者的信任不足而设计出来的监管过严的科研经费资助制度,会在客观上对科研人员产生三种调离效应:一是方向性调离——立项项目会使科研人员从其最擅长且最有科研价值的研究方向中调离;二是专注度调离——繁琐的经费监管程序会使科研人员把很多时间精力投入于非科研活动(尤其是经费报销活动),从而使其专注度从纯科研活动中调离;三是目的性调离——项目立项的溢出收益(包括晋升收益和经济收益等私人收益)会使科研人员的科研目的或动机从科研应有的社会效益或公共效益中调离。为此,应积极探索构建信任制科研经费资助制度,尤其是引入“零报销”的信任制项目资助模式,以充分发挥科研经费资助制度应有的科研激励作用。  相似文献   

论科学发展观就是科学价值观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
价值的本质是事物现实的历史发展的性质,价值在人类社会表现为现实的人的历史发展的存在方式,而科学发展观是建设社会主义核心价值体系的指导思想,是社会主义核心价值体系的核心内容和本质特征,社会主义核心价值体系每一个方面的内容都蕴涵着科学发展这一本质内涵,所以科学发展观就是科学价值观.  相似文献   

论人文社会科学的科学本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张华  完权 《理论导刊》2007,2(11):28-30
现代人文社会科学遵循理性的原则,是客观实在的知识系统,同自然科学一样建立在量化与实证科学的方法论基础上。人文社会科学的本质是科学的,符合康德对于科学的经典定义。  相似文献   

科学发展观是传统发展理念的一次历史性变革,它是融科学精神与人文精神于一体的整体主义哲学观,是价值理性与工具理性的辩证统一,成为引领和谐的思想之魂。在科学发展观背景下尝试性地从目标、环境、传播、学科等层面探究两种精神融合的具体路径具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

党中央提出的科学人才观,适应了形势发展及其对人才的新要求,标志着我党对人才问题认识不断深化。科学人才观是发展的人才观、实践的人才观、辩证的人才观,是马克思主义哲学在人才观上的生动体现。  相似文献   

创先争优活动是推动基层党组织和广大党员充分发挥战斗堡垒作用和先锋模范作用的经常性工作。为使创先争优活动取得实效,广西交通职业技术学院基础党支部把基层党组织建设工作与人才培养工作相结合,落实方案,营造氛围,找准结合点,不断将创先争优活动推向纵深,实现部门跨越式发展。  相似文献   

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