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Community-based delinquency prevention programs, designed to work with youth and families before they become involved with the official court process, are relatively rare. Likewise, few studies have been published concerninge valuative research on such programs. This article reviews some background on program concepts, describes the operations of the Oakland County Probate Court Youth Assistance casework services program, and reports the results of a comprehensive program evaluation project. The findings suggest that prevention programming is one effective strategy to aid in reducing the likelihood of more costly court interventions. Recommendations for program development are offered.  相似文献   

The volunteer movement in criminal justice settings is burgeoning. It has been estimated that by the end of 1982 there will be over one million volunteers working in criminal-justice-related functions. The volunteer role that appears to be increasing most rapidly is that of the one-to-one counseling relationship with delinquent and young adult offenders on formal or informal probation. While the demand for volunteer probation officers is increasing rapidly, few of our courts have attempted to develop and validate screening instruments capable of assessing and predicting the general competency of the volunteer. The need for such instruments has been emphasized recently by Judge Keith J. Leenhouts, Director of Volunteers in Probation, a division of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency. The present study attempts to assess the usefulness of one such potential screening device, the Critical Incident Response Test (CIRT) developed by Traitel (1972) and others at the Oakland County Juvenile Court in Pontiac, Michigan. It is hoped that this study will motivate other probation departments and court volunteer programs to develop and validate similar selection instruments.  相似文献   

This study examines the differences in selected work-related attitudes of black and white patrol officers in Detroit, Michigan, and Oakland, California. Previous research has noted significant differences in work-related attitudes between black and white employees. Results of this data revealed significant differences in such attitudes between black and white officers, as well as variations between the Detroit and Oakland samples. Findings from this study suggest that future studies of racial differences in occupational studies will need to be very specific as to the occupation and work environment studied.  相似文献   

Literature defining ‘police legitimacy’ lacks qualitative research on those populations most often targeted by law enforcement agencies, including people of color in urban areas. This same literature defines police legitimacy as something unquestionable and automatic. Exploration of this concept is limited to strategies to increase public ‘trust’ in police, and public compliance to their authority. We address these limitations in the available scholarship through an analysis of interviews with a diverse sample of Oakland (CA) residents on their experiences with the Oakland Police Department (OPD). Their narratives are presented in the historical context of controversy, budget problems, federal investigations, and racialized violence that help to define the relationship between OPD and Oakland communities. Those interviewed, universally observed OPD’s failure to address the most common crime problems in the city, while others, particularly people of color, found them to be a personal or public threat to safety. Their narratives fly in the face of the manifest functions of municipal police forces, are fully supported by the contemporary empirical history of the OPD, and suggest the illegitimate authority – including the monopoly on the use of force – of organizations like OPD in a democratic society.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of place managers in controlling drug and disorder problems on 100 street blocks in Oakland, California. We use self-reports from a sample of place managers to explore their role in changing the social and physical conditions of street-block activity within the context of a randomized field trial in Oakland. On-site observations of the changes in the social and physical conditions of 100 street blocks were conducted and used as our outcome measures. Our results suggest that street blocks where place managers engaged in collective crime control activities had significantly fewer signs of disorder and greater levels of civil behavior. Our results also show that community cohesiveness on a street block was associated with fewer males selling drugs  相似文献   

Abstract This article presents the findings of an analysis of victim offender mediation programs working with the juvenile courts in Albuquerque (NM), Minneapolis (MN) and Oakland (CA). The study is based upon 868 interviews with crime victims and offenders, including pre- and post-mediation interviews and two different comparison groups. The data that emerged from this study indicates that the vast majority of both victims and young offenders experience the mediation process and outcome (restitution agreement) as fair and are satisfied with the program. The mediation process used by the programs in Albuquerque, Minneapolis and Oakland results in greater satisfaction, greater perception of fairness and higher restitution completion rates than found in a matched sample of victims and offenders who were not referred to mediation.  相似文献   

This three-year program evaluation investigated the primary prevention aspects of Youth Assistance (YA), a community-based program of the Oakland County Probate Court providing casework and prevention services. The activities studied included parent education sessions, supervised teen recreation, summer camp scholarships, skill building activities, and a one-to-one mentorship program. The goals of the study were to determine how effectively the program succeeded in mobilizing community volunteers, and to examine whether the incidence of neglect and delinquency had been reduced as a result of children and parents participating in one or more of these primary prevention activities. Ethnographical as well as quasi-experimental approaches were used. The following results are highlighted: YA primary prevention services do serve “at risk” populations in the community; overall, participation in the YA activities had positive effects on the participants, such as improved communication skills, increased respect for authority, and more use of positive discipline techniques; 92% of the primary prevention program participants had no subsequent contact with YA or the Court; the program is cost-effective. The study also confirmed that volunteers are an essential part of the success of a community-based prevention program. The study resulted in a number of specific recommendations which will be implemented over the next few years in order to continuously improve the program.  相似文献   


The few theoretical and empirical literature on victimization among the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) youth population have mainly focused on child maltreatment and sexual abuse within the home environment. Empirical evidence documenting non-familial victimization among API youth is virtually nonexistent. Analysis of official data collected by the Oakland Police Department in Oakland, California, between January and December 2000 showed that API youth were the least victimized racial group. However, there were significant differences in victimization by sex and age groups for API youth; specifically, girls were most likely to be victims of sexual violence, and males and older youth were most likely to be victimized for property offenses. Additionally, the pattern in the suspect-victim relationship suggested greater intra-ethnic group rather than inter-ethnic group victimization. Cultural factors affecting reporting and the implications of those factors, as well as limitations of the study and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):737-754

This paper examines the displacement and diffusion of a civil remedy program in Oakland, California. Coined the “SMART” (Specialized Multi-Agency Response Team) approach, the program uses municipal codes and drug nuisance abatement laws to control drug and disorder problems. The study finds that the SMART program not only decreases drug problems at the target sites, but also leads to a “net diffusion of benefits” in the areas surrounding targeted places.  相似文献   

Michael Lewis’ book Moneyball demonstrates how Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane used research evidence to improve his team’s performance in a cost-effective manner. This presentation focuses upon the responses of police managers attending the Administrative Officer’s Course in the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville. The respondents identified three elements of Moneyball that could be applied to police management: 1) using statistical analysis to guide operations, 2) challenging the status quo, and 3) doing more with less.  相似文献   

Data are presented that indicate that the Southern region of the United States has a much higher arrest rate for drunkenness than other regions of the country; that the state of Kentucky has a much higher arrest rate for drunkenness and for alcohol offenses in total than even the Southern region; and that Madison County, Kentucky has much higher rates than even the state of Kentucky. Data collected from court records in Madison County are then presented to describe the people arrested for alcoholrelated offenses, the circumstances of their arrests, and the legal processing of their cases. Finally, speculative hypotheses for the higher arrest rates for alcohol-related offenses in the South, in Kentucky, and in Madison County are discussed.  相似文献   

提升民族地区县级政府的能力,就是要使民族地区县级政府变成能做事、会做事、做得好事的政府。为此,应从以下几方面入手:提高民族地区政府工作人员的素质,增强民族地区县级政府工作人员的责任意识和廉洁意识,促进民族地区县域经济的发展,加强民族地区县级政府与人民群众的联系。  相似文献   

当前,在我国以"省管县"为方向的县域扩权改革中,"扩权强县"已成为改革的主流。吉林省采用多种方法,扩大县(市)经济社会管理权限;创新管理体制,推进"省直管县"体制改革进程;建立激励机制,调动县(市)加快发展的积极性;权力重心下移,实现了"扩权强县"的根本目的。这一改革提高了政府工作效率,改善了县级财政困境,推动了县域经济发展,取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

While there is a small body of research on service provision by groups that espouse a willingness to use violence, this research often is based on a presumption that service provision is used solely as a utilitarian tool to recruit members for political or violent activities. Through an examination of service provision by the Black Panther Party (BPP), the authors seek to problematize the utilitarian notion of service provision by reframing political activism, service, and violence as parallel acts of resistance serving similar purposes of countering oppression and healing communities. During field research in Oakland, California, extensive information was collected through interviews with former BPP members and recipients of BPP social services, as well as archival documents and audiovisual materials produced both about and by the BPP. The analysis explores several examples of the BPP offering free healthcare, breakfast, and education services. The data provide evidence that an organization that has been traditionally framed as militant not only acted rationally, but also provided an important defense for their community. Both their social service provision and their commitment to bear arms were viewed locally as acts of compassion, protection, and love.  相似文献   

Sexual assault evidence samples require the use of a specific process known as a differential digestion to separate sperm from nonsperm cells prior to DNA extraction. An automated differential digestion process was developed using a selective degradation technique, which uses DNase I to digest the remaining nonsperm DNA in the sperm fraction. The use of DNase on pristine samples, as well as aged and degraded samples, was assessed to ensure that the quantity and quality of the sperm DNA were not compromised or adversely affected. Samples processed using the selective degradation technique yielded comparable DNA yield and DNA typing data to the conventional differential digestion process. The automated process utilized 96‐well plates for high throughput and incorporated microscope slide preparations for confirmation of sperm. It reduced processing time by about sixfold and was paramount in the elimination of the Oakland Police Department Criminalistics Laboratory's sexual assault kit backlog.  相似文献   

Negotiated management—various forms of communication, collaboration and cooperation between police and protest organizers, often taking the form of protest permits—has been mainly theorized as a means to mitigate police violence while respecting protesters’ 1st Amendment rights. A few theorists have problematized this view, suggesting that negotiated management is a form of social control that puts various restrictions on dissent. Drawing from my research on Occupy Oakland, I build upon these critiques to illustrate how negotiated management was used as a tool of repression in two key ways, and how newer forms of repression (strategic incapacitation) are still enmeshed in its logic. First, by criminalizing legal activity among protesters, through the use of a permit, who were then subjected to police repression. Second, I show how negotiated management as a normative structure of protest was used as a form of repression, even when communication and cooperation with police were clearly rejected by the movement. I illustrate how the refusal of negotiated management was used to discredit the movement and subject it to physical repression. Rather than seeing negotiated management as an alternative to police repression and strategic incapacitation, I argue that they are two sides of the same policing project, the primary aim of which is to prevent disruptive protest.  相似文献   

A three-year review of toxicology data from medical examiner autopsies in Pima County, Arizona, has demonstrated that cocaine has rapidly become a leading substance of abuse, second only to alcohol in the frequency of drugs detected by toxicologic analysis of all suspicious deaths, motor vehicle accident fatalities, homicides, and suicides. Gastric contents and urine were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography, and nasal swabs, blood, and urine were tested for the combination of cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine by quantitative radioimmunoassay. A total of seventy-two deaths in Pima County from 1982 to 1984 have involved cocaine. Seventy percent of these have occurred in the last fifteen months. Marked variation in the individual response to cocaine compared to the blood concentration of cocaine/metabolite was noted.  相似文献   

Firearm injuries are a leading cause of violent death in Tennessee. This study was designed to compare the demographic and epidemiologic features of fatal firearm injuries in Shelby County and Davidson County, Tennessee between 2009 and 2012. We identified 1081 gunshot fatalities for the study period in these two counties. Shelby County had a higher overall, age‐adjusted gunshot mortality rate, a higher male age‐adjusted gunshot mortality rate, and a higher age‐adjusted gunshot homicide rate than Davidson. Age groups 25–34 years and 35–44 years had higher crude mortality rates for gunshot deaths in Shelby County than Davidson County. Both counties had higher age‐adjusted gunshot mortality rates for black males than white males, higher homicide rate for black race than white, and higher suicide rate for white race than black. Homicide was the most common manner of death, and handguns were the most common type of firearm used in both counties.  相似文献   

The nail gun was designed as a powerful industrial tool to drive nails into various hard surfaces with ease. Serious injuries associated with the tool are uncommon and deaths are rare. Unintentional injuries normally occur from misuse of the tool or from ricocheting nails. The intentional use of a nail gun to commit suicide is unusual. This paper will review successful and unsuccessful suicide attempts by use of a nail gun. We will present an atypical case of suicide committed with a nail gun by a 46-year-old depressed male investigated by the Allegheny County Coroner's Office in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania in April 2002. This case reports for the first time a unique pathological finding of a ring of bone traveling with the nail, which has not been seen in wounds of the head caused by other types of projectiles.  相似文献   

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