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首席(独任)仲裁员产生规则论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首席(独任)仲裁员的产生规则是仲裁员委任制度中的重点问题.当事人决定首席(独任)仲裁员人选的权利应予尊重但可适当予以限制;名单法是充分实现当事人委任首席(独任)仲裁员权利的可行方法;仲裁机构应慎重行使直接委任首席(独任)仲裁员的权力,并应对该项权力进行适当的自我限制;首席(独任)仲裁员的委任应遵循特定的程序,以增强当事人对仲裁的信赖;由当事人选择的两名仲裁员委任首席仲裁员虽存在程序局限,但可考虑给予当事人委任首席(独任)仲裁员的更多选择.  相似文献   

The need for explainability in implementations of ‘Rules as Code (RaC)’ has similarities to the concept of ‘Explainable AI (XAI)’. Explainability is also necessary to avoid RaC being controlled or monopolised by governments and big business. We identify the following desirable features of ‘explainability’ relevant to RaC: Transparency (in various forms); Traceability; Availability; Sustainability; Links to legal sources; and Accountability. Where RaC applications are used to develop automated decision-making systems, some forms of explainability are increasingly likely to be required by law. We then assess how AustLII's DataLex environment implements ‘explainability’ when used to develop RaC: in open software and codebases; in development and maintenance methodologies; and in explanatory features when codebases are executed. All of these XAI aspects of DataLex's RaC are consistent with keeping legislation in the public domain no matter how it is encoded.  相似文献   

丁夏 《法学论坛》2015,(2):101-108
《上海自贸区仲裁规则》中仲裁员制度人本化的核心即当事人意思自治。以此为视角阐释了该规则有关仲裁员制度的三大创新:当事人选任仲裁员意思自治、当事人选择多层次争议解决方式的意思自治以及当事人实现财产权保护方法的意思自治。提出建立行业自律组织以实现当事人选任仲裁员的意思自治;试行建议模式下先调解后仲裁的机制以保证当事人利益的连续性;构筑紧急仲裁庭以填补当事人财产权救济上的空白。  相似文献   

Using Swedish rape statistics as a focus, this article aims to empirically describe the way in which different factors affect official crime statistics produced at the national level. It is argued that cross-national comparisons of crime levels are extremely hazardous when based on official crime statistics, since the construction rules vary widely. International comparisons of crime levels should as a rule be confined to findings of international victim surveys. The example of rape statistics in Sweden - about three times higher when compared to other countries in the European Sourcebook - is used to explain what factors can influence statistics. Statistical, legal and substansive factors are to be taken into account. The author shows that changes in statistical routines, the legal definition of rape and changes over time all influence the statistics in a substansive way. This article indicates the great extent to which crime statistics are a construct, whose appearance is very sensitive to the rules applied in the process of construction. In order to employ statistics appropriately, a thorough knowledge of the principles guiding this process is therefore essential.  相似文献   

We develop a model of the plaintiff's decision to file a lawsuitthat has implications for how differences between the federalgovernment and private litigants translate into differencesin trial rates and plaintiff win rates at trial. Our case selectionmodel generates a set of predictions for relative trial ratesand plaintiff win rates, depending on the type of case and whetherthe government is defendant or plaintiff. To test the model,we use data on about 474,000 cases filed in federal districtcourt between 1979 and 1994 in the areas of personal injuryand job discrimination, in which the federal government andprivate parties work under roughly similar legal rules. We findbroad support for the predictions of the model.  相似文献   

WTO案例研究:1998年海龟案   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
1998年WTO上诉机关对海龟案的最终裁决,所涉及的不仅是用司法手段协调立法难以解决的WTO贸易体制与环境保护政策的关系,而且也给WTO司法机制的运作树立了一个成功的范例,从而成为国际贸易界、环境保护界以及国际司法方面讨论的一个经久不息的热点问题。一 历史背景:立法难题(一)两起金枪鱼(Tuna/dolphin)案1991年第一起金枪鱼案起因于用现代拖网捕鱼技术,在太平洋捕金枪鱼时,把习性上与金枪鱼群结伴而游的海豚(dolphin)也给捕杀了。按美国“保护海生哺乳动物法”(简称:MMPA),海豚是要保护的濒危物种。该法规定,捕鱼时顺带捕…  相似文献   

Psilocin (4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, 4-HO-DMT) and bufotenine (5-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, 5-HO-DMT), which are both naturally occurring compounds, are classified as controlled substances in numerous countries due to their pharmacological activities and recreational usage. There are two other benzene ring regioisomers, 6-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (6-HO-DMT) and 7-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (7-HO-DMT), which are not classified by name as controlled substances, and which were synthesized for this current work. The four isomers were analyzed using routine methodologies employed by the Israel's Police Division of Identification and Forensic Science (DIFS) Laboratory, namely thin layer chromatography (TLC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). It was found possible to differentiate the four isomers. Forensic specimens that were suspected to be psilocybe mushrooms were examined, confirming that it is now possible to unequivocally identify the presence of psilocin and rule out the presence of its other isomers.  相似文献   

在本案中,初审法院法官支持原告的诉讼主张,认为公司董事在公司濒临破产时,对公司债权人负有信义义务。上诉法院推翻了一审判决,认为公司董事仅对公司负有信义义务,本案被告董事并未违反任何义务。最终,终审法院维持了上诉法院的判决。加拿大最高法院的这一判决澄清了业界所广泛关注的一个问题,即公司董事对公司债权人的义务。不论是与加拿大以前的法律相比,还是与国外其他国家的法律相比,该判决都赋予了公司债权人更加广泛的潜在权利。最为重要的是,该判决未将公司债权人的此等权利与“公司濒临破产”这一要件事实联结在一起。此外,该判决还明确了公司董事对公司债权人总是负有注意义务这一重要公司法规则。  相似文献   

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