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Seals are traditionally used in the Far East Asia to stamp an impression on a document in place of a signature. In this study, an accuser claimed that a personal contract regarding mining development rights acquired by a defendant was devolved to the accuser because the defendant stamped the devolvement contract in the presence of the accuser and a witness. The accuser further stated that the seal ink stamped on the devolvement contract was the same as that stamped on the development rights application document. To verify this, the seals used in two documents were analyzed using micro‐attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and infrared spectra. The findings revealed that the seals originated from different manufacturers. Thus, the accuser's claim on the existence of a devolvement contract was proved to be false.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for detecting diffuse axonal injury (DAI) in a mouse model. Brain tissues from DAI mouse model were prepared with H&E, silver, and β‐amyloid precursor protein (β–APP) immunohistochemistry stains and were also studied with FTIR. The infrared spectrum images showed high absorption of amide II in the subcortical white matter of the experimental mouse brain, while there was no obvious expression of amide II in the control mouse brain. The areas with high absorption of amide II were in the same distribution as the DAI region confirmed by the silver and β‐APP studies. The result suggests that high absorption of amide II correlates with axonal injury. The use of FTIR imaging allows the biochemical changes associated with DAI pathologies to be detected in the tissues, thus providing an important adjunct method to the current conventional pathological diagnostic techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The application of attenuated total reflection (ATR)-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectromicroscopy for detection of explosive particles in fingerprints is described. The combined functions of ATR-FTIR spectromicroscopy are visual searching of particles in fingerprints and measuring the FTIR spectra of the particles. These functions make it possible to directly identify whether a suspect has handled explosives from the fingerprints alone. Particles in explosive contaminated fingerprints are either ingredients of the explosives, finger residues, or other foreign materials. These cannot normally be discriminated by their morphology alone. ATR-FTIR spectra can provide both particle morphology and composition. Fingerprints analyzed by ATR-FTIR can be used for further analysis and identification because of its non-destructive character. Fingerprints contaminated with three different types of explosives, or potential explosives, have been analyzed herein. An infrared spectral library was searched in order to identify the explosive residues. The acquired spectra are compared to those of finger residue alone, in order to differentiate such residue from explosive residue.  相似文献   

Questioned documents examined in a forensic laboratory sometimes contain signatures written with ballpoint pen inks; these signatures were examined to assess the feasibility of micro‐attenuated total reflectance (ATR) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as a forensic tool. Micro‐ATR FTIR spectra for signatures written with 63 ballpoint pens available commercially in Korea were obtained and used to construct an FTIR spectral database. A library‐searching program was utilized to identify the manufacturer, blend, and model of each black ballpoint pen ink based upon their FTIR peak intensities, positions, and patterns in the spectral database. This FTIR technique was also successfully used in determining the sequence of homogeneous line intersections from the crossing lines of two ballpoint pen signatures. We have demonstrated with a set of sample documents that micro‐ATR FTIR is a viable nondestructive analytical method that can be used to identify the origin of the ballpoint pen ink used to mark signatures.  相似文献   

Evaluating traumatic axonal injury remains challenging in clinical and forensic sciences as its identification is difficult using routine diagnostic methods. This study used Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy to detect TAI within the corpus callosum in an animal model. Protein conformational analysis revealed significantly increased β-sheet and β-turn contents paralleled by a decrease in α-helix content at 24 h postinjury, while the antiparallel β-sheet content was decreased at 12 h postinjury. Compared with the control group, the lipid/protein ratio was significantly reduced in all of the injured groups. At 24 h postinjury, there were increases in the olefinic=CH and CH3 group of lipids accompanied by the decreased CH2 group, but the results at 12 and 72 h were contrary to that at 24 h. Our study showed that FTIRM could differentiate injured from normal white matter at different time points following TBI via examination of these infrared spectral parameters.  相似文献   

Axonal injury contributes greatly to neurological dysfunction following traumatic brain injury (TBI), but current histological diagnostic methods are limited in identifying the pathological profiles of injured axons and unable to provide an objective and accurate quantification. Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM) has the ability to offer macromolecular bioinformatics of the tissues including biochemical composition and structure by calculating band absorption intensity. In this study, axonal injury in the brainstem of rats with traumatic brain injury at 72 h post‐trauma, which was confirmed with beta‐amyloid precursor protein (β‐APP) immunostaining, was detected with FTIRM technique. The lower intensity of infrared absorbance under the amide I band corresponds strongly to the area of axonal injury, and further analysis of amide I band shows significant differences in protein conformation between injured and normal axons. The findings indicate that using FTIRM technique, the amide I band has potentials to be a infrared spectral marker of axonal injury.  相似文献   

左莹莹  李健 《刑事技术》2020,(2):183-187
脑挫裂伤是常见的一类颅脑损伤,单纯的组织病理学技术可能难以早期发现及精确诊断。傅里叶变换红外面扫描成像技术(FTIR-mapping)是病理学研究领域的新技术,因其结合了傅里叶变换红外光谱、红外显微镜技术以及面扫描成像技术的特点,具有测定方法简便、对样本无损、灵敏度高、准确、直观等优点,突破了传统技术的局限,能检测出发生了物质数量、结构以及构象变化但缺乏明显形态学变化的脑挫裂伤,从而实现早期精准地诊断脑挫裂伤。FTIR-mapping虽已能绘制某些损伤组织的红外光谱病理图像,但其在法医病理学中的价值有待全面深入开发。本文综述了脑挫裂伤的法医病理学研究进展以及傅里叶变换红外面扫描成像技术在法医病理学中的应用。  相似文献   

Cosmetic foundation creams are encountered as evidentiary material in criminal investigations, particularly in cases related to sexual and physical assault against women. Analyzing foundation cream exhibit is a challenging task as the exhibit is recovered in trace quantity with similar hue. In the present study, ATR FTIR spectroscopy which is a rapid, nondestructive, sensitive, reliable, and safe alternative to other analytical techniques has been used to differentiate 31 cosmetic foundation creams belonging to 23 different brands supported by chemometric methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The discriminating power of visual analysis is found to be 98.0%, while PCA and LDA further increased the discriminating power to 99.3% and 100%, respectively. The blind test is conducted with three unknown samples (pretended to be unknown to the analyst), which were correctly linked with their respective source. Further, the effect of substrate such as tissue paper (dry and wet) and white cotton cloth during sample analysis are also examined to simulate the actual forensic casework conditions. The stains on substrates could be identified and linked to its parent product as well. The reported method provides significant results for the differentiation of cosmetic foundation creams.  相似文献   

Abstract: Pressure‐sensitive tape is often used to bind explosive devices. It can become important trace evidence in many cases. Three types of calcium carbonate (heavy, light, and active CaCO3), which were widely used as additives in pressure‐sensitive tape substrate, were analyzed with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in this study. A Spectrum GX 2000 system with a diamond anvil cell and a deuterated triglycine sulfate detector was employed for IR observation. Background was subtracted for every measurement, and triplicate tests were performed. Differences in positions of main peaks and the corresponding functional groups were investigated. Heavy CaCO3 could be identified from the two absorptions near 873 and 855/cm, while light CaCO3 only has one peak near 873/cm because of the low content of aragonite. Active CaCO3 could be identified from the absorptions in the 2800–2900/cm region because of the existence of organic compounds. Tiny but indicative changes in the 878–853/cm region were found in the spectra of CaCO3 with different content of aragonite and calcite. CaCO3 in pressure‐sensitive tape, which cannot be differentiated by scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive X‐ray spectrometer and thermal analysis, can be easily identified using FTIR. The findings were successfully applied to three specific explosive cases and would be helpful in finding the possible source of explosive devices in future cases.  相似文献   

The potential combination of two nondestructive techniques, that is, Raman spectroscopy (RS) and attenuated total reflectance–fourier transform infrared (ATR‐FTIR) spectroscopy with Pearson's product moment correlation (PPMC) coefficient (r) and principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the actual source of red gel pen ink used to write a simulated threatening note, was examined. Eighteen (18) red gel pens purchased from Japan and Malaysia from November to December 2014 where one of the pens was used to write a simulated threatening note were analyzed using RS and ATR‐FTIR spectroscopy, respectively. The spectra of all the red gel pen inks including the ink deposited on the simulated threatening note gathered from the RS and ATR‐FTIR analyses were subjected to PPMC coefficient (r) calculation and principal component analysis (PCA). The coefficients r = 0.9985 and r = 0.9912 for pairwise combination of RS and ATR‐FTIR spectra respectively and similarities in terms of PC1 and PC2 scores of one of the inks to the ink deposited on the simulated threatening note substantiated the feasibility of combining RS and ATR‐FTIR spectroscopy with PPMC coefficient (r) and PCA for successful source determination of red gel pen inks. The development of pigment spectral library had allowed the ink deposited on the threatening note to be identified as XSL Poppy Red (CI Pigment Red 112).  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of such individual factors as gender,age and tissues in vitro to the postmortem interval(PMI) by the Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectrometer in animal experiments.SD rats were classified into male and female groups,different age groups(21-day,42-day and 63-day group),and tissues in vitro and in vivo groups.The rats were sacrificed by cervical dislocation,whose bodies were kept in a controlled environmental chamber set at(20±2) ℃ and 50% humidity.The liver,kidney,spleen,myocardium,brain,lung and skeletal muscle tissues were collected for measurement from time zero to 48 h postmortem.With the change of PMI,no obvious changes were found in the main FTIR absorbance peaks and their ratios at different time points.All the experimental groups showed no significant changes when compared with the controls.The gender,age and tissues in vitro were not found to be contributing factors in the estimation of PMI via FTIR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

目的运用傅里叶变换红外(Fourier transform infrared,FTIR)光谱技术分析大鼠死后15d内背部皮肤的光谱变化,以此推断死亡时间。方法大鼠麻醉后颈椎脱臼处死,置于温度为25℃、湿度为50%的环境中,分别于不同时间点提取其背部皮肤,收集红外光谱数据,并利用机器学习技术对数据进行分析。结果大鼠死后背部皮肤组织光谱吸收峰的峰位未发生明显改变,其强度随死亡时间延长而发生变化;偏最小二乘(partial least squares,PLS)回归构建的死亡时间推断模型决定系数(R2)为0.92,预测均方根误差为1.30 d。根据模型中的变量投影重要性(variable importance for projection,VIP)指标确定推断死亡时间的贡献波段为1760~1700cm-1、1660~1640cm-1、1580~1540cm-1和1460~1420cm-1。结论应用FTIR技术检测大鼠死后皮肤组织的光谱学改变,为死亡时间推断提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

目的 建立安钠咖样品中咖啡因和苯甲酸钠快速定性和定量分析的红外光谱方法.方法 采用高纯度咖啡因和苯甲酸钠混合制样的方法制备定性和定量建模样品,通过分析混合样品的红外光谱图,确定安钠咖样品中咖啡因和苯甲酸钠的特征吸收峰.采用偏最小二乘法(partial least squares,PLS)建立红外光谱定量模型.结果 通过...  相似文献   

The knowledge of the discriminating power of analytical techniques used for the differentiation of writing inks can be useful when interpreting results. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography (TLC), and diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) were used to examine a population of 21 black and 12 blue ballpoint writing inks. Based on corroborative results of these methods, the discrimination power for UV-VIS, TLC, and FT-IR was determined to be 100% and 98% for the black and blue inks, respectively. Generally, TLC and UV-VIS can be used to differentiate the colorant components (i.e., dyes and some pigments) found in inks. As FT-IR can be utilized to identify some of the noncolorant components, it was determined to be an excellent complementary technique that can be implemented into an analytical scheme for ink analysis.  相似文献   

目的应用衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外(attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared,ATRFTIR)光谱技术分析长白猪死后肋软骨和肋骨组织随死亡时间推移的化学降解过程,为死后较长时间段内推断死亡时间提供可行的新途径和方法。方法猪放血处死后取肋软骨和肋骨离体置于20℃环境,后每72 h提取部分组织样本,进行ATR-FTIR光谱分析,并与对应死亡时间点进行相关性分析。结果随死亡时间的延长,肋软骨与肋骨FTIR的主要吸收峰峰位没有发生明显变化,而其部分峰强比出现了不同时序性的变化趋势,并与死亡时间存在良好的相关性,肋软骨较肋骨组织有更好的时序性。结论应用ATRFTIR光谱技术发现死后猪肋软骨和肋骨组织光谱学变化存在一定的规律性,有望成为基于光谱学推断死亡时间的一种新途径。  相似文献   

Huang P  Li SY  Li ZD  Shao Y  Li L  Chen YY  Chen YJ 《法医学杂志》2011,27(6):447-450
傅里叶显微红外光谱成像技术可收集微小物体的红外光谱信息,针对组织切片和细胞进行扫描,记录选择区域像素位点的红外光谱信息,并通过计算机软件构建出组织和细胞中光谱吸收峰的二维和三维光谱映射图像.由于红外光谱对生物大分子的敏感性,通过该技术可以有效分析组织和细胞的生化构成、分子分布、代谢变化.本文阐述了傅里叶显微红外光谱成像...  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate whether pulmonary edema could become a specific diagnostic marker for fatal hypothermia using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics. The spectral profile analysis indicated that hypothermia fatalities associated with pulmonary edema fluid contained more β-sheet protein conformational structures than the control causes of death, which included sudden cardiac death, brain injury, cerebrovascular disease, mechanical asphyxiation, intoxication, and drowning. Subsequently, the results of principal component analysis (PCA) further revealed that the content of β-sheet protein conformational structures in the pulmonary edema fluid was the main discriminatory marker between fatal hypothermia and the other causes of death. Ultimately, a robust postmortem diagnostic model for fatal hypothermia using a partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) algorithm was constructed. Pulmonary edema fluid spectra collected from eight new forensic autopsy cases that did not participate in the construction of the diagnostic model were predicted using the model. The results showed the causes of death of all these eight cases were correctly classified. In conclusion, this preliminary study demonstrates that FTIR spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics could be a promising approach for the postmortem diagnosis of fatal hypothermia.  相似文献   

大鼠心肌傅里叶变换红外光谱变化与死亡时间的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的应用傅里叶变换红外(Fourier transform infrared,FTIR)光谱技术分析大鼠死后心肌组织随死亡时间推移的化学降解过程,为死亡时间推断的研究提供新的途径与方法。方法大鼠断颈处死后置于(20±2)℃环境,在不同死亡时间点提取大鼠左心室心肌组织,并使用FTIR光谱仪测定不同化学基团的变化。结果随着死亡时间的推移,大鼠心肌组织FTIR光谱的主要吸收峰位没有明显变化,而其吸光度随着死亡时间增加呈现出增加、下降和稳定3种不同的变化方式,且不同峰的吸光度比显示了相似的时间变化趋势。结论心肌组织可以作为FTIR光谱技术分析死亡时间的适用检材。  相似文献   

Estimation of the time since death (postmortem interval [PMI]) is one of the most difficult problems in forensic investigations, and many methods currently are utilized to estimate the PMI. The goal of this study was to investigate the changes of attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectra of rat brain from postmortem time 0-144 h. The intensity ratios of major absorbance bands were examined (I(1066)/I(1392), I(1168)/I(1392), I(1234)/I(1454), I(1301)/I(1392), I(1647)/I(2956), I(2921)/I(2850), and I(1647)/I(1539)). The spectra of rat brain displayed prominent changes with increasing PMI. The band at 2871 and 1737 per cm became weak with the time increasing and even disappeared at postmortem 96 and 72 h, respectively. A close linear correlation was shown between the relative absorption intensity and the PMI, and the I(1234) /I(1454) offered a stronger correlation (r = 0.973). Our results indicate that ATR-FTIR spectroscopy may be a useful technique for estimating the PMI.  相似文献   

Zhang HD  Yang TT  Zheng N  Sun TY  Liu L 《法医学杂志》2011,27(5):321-323
目的 应用傅里叶变换红外光谱成像系统研究家兔心肌酰胺A带变化与死亡时间的关系.方法 将32只家兔处死后取出心脏,20℃保存,于48h内不同时间点取样并制作切片.用傅里叶变换红外光谱成像系统绘制酰胺A带图像,分析研究死后酰胺A带阳性与阴性面积比的变化规律. 结果 48h内随死亡时间(x)的延长,酰胺A带的阳性与阴性面积比...  相似文献   

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