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经营城市的本义是筹划与管理城市,艺术构思城市,但一些城市经营出现政府再造(城市公共管理改革)悖论;城市公共权力运用悖论;城市公共资源开发悖论。克服经营城市悖论在于政企分离;官商分离;社会职能与经济建设职能分离。在全面建设小康社会中,创造一个少花钱、多办事、办好事、快办事的服务型政府。  相似文献   

古典市民社会理论是对古希腊古罗马独特经济方式以及由此诞生的特殊政治制度的反映,是人们对公私关系的最初的理论思考。亚里士多德强调城邦在提升个体伦理方面的重要以及个体如何在群体中生活,而西塞罗则扩大了城邦成员的范围。  相似文献   

The object of this article is to discuss the theoretical foundations of the Neo‐Marxist argument which states that by a process of unequal exchange, the existence of the peasant economy in the agricultural sector of capitalist, less developed countries (LDCs) means that rent payments are avoided. The article begins by presenting a summary of the implications for sectoral exchange of the transformation of labour values into prices of production. In Section II the modern versions of the theory of ground rent are discussed, and Section III is a critical review of the divergent propositions concerning the peasant economy's exchange relations in the product market. The article ends by proposing an empirical approach for the study of the exchange relations of the peasant economy and of a heterogeneous agricultural sector.  相似文献   

This article offers a feminist perspective on contract theories in law,economics and law-and-economics. It identifies masculine traits presentcontract theories in all three disciplines. It then describes andassesses some developments that appear to be feminising: Therecognition of the importance of social norms in contract theory andtheories of contract as relationship. The article's main claim is that amasculine model of decision-making persists even within the less overtlymasculine models of contract. The problem of sexually transmitted debtresulting from a surety contract is analysed in detail as a specificexample supporting the article's general argument. The article concludesthat the way forward is to be found in a recognition of other ways ofmaking decisions.  相似文献   

关于加强工会理论研究的几点意见   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
工会的理论和政策研究不要封闭地搞 ,要放开眼界 ,并提出工会的对策和社会主张 ;依法调整劳动关系 ,要切实贯彻落实“两个机制” ,同时要加强对“两个机制”的研究 ;国有企业全心全意依靠工人阶级 ,要通过职代会实现职工的参与 ,私营企业、外资企业也应该按照这样的精神实现职工参与 ;建立现代企业制度 ,实行科学管理 ,要包括职工的民主管理 ,没有职工的民主管理 ,就不是现代企业制度 ;工会要把困难职工群体作为维护工作的重点 ,搞好社会保障工作。  相似文献   

随着社会资本研究成为一个国际性的学术热点,我们在参照托马斯·福特·布朗对社会资本分析层次的基础上,将科尔曼等人关于社会资本的经典论述放在一个从微观到宏观的分析框架中,并提出在社会资本的使用中要注意其层次问题,文章在最后对社会资本的局限做了总结性的认识。  相似文献   

Neighborhoods matter for youth; yet, most literature focuses on neighborhood deficits rather than strengths. To understand how best to capture neighborhoods, this study used census- and perception-based measures of neighborhood characteristics as suggested by social disorganization and pluralistic neighborhood theories, respectively, to determine the association between structural characteristics and perceptions of positive and negative neighborhood characteristics. The ethnically diverse (59% White and 34% African American) sample (N = 1,414) consisted of early adolescents (53% female) and their mothers. We found that participants perceived distinct positive and negative neighborhood characteristics. For adolescents and mothers, neighborhood structural characteristics were positively associated with risk perceptions (e.g., physical and social disorder) but differently associated with positive neighborhood characteristics. In addition, participants perceived their neighborhoods differently (e.g., adolescents perceived less informal social control but more cohesion than their mothers). We discuss the importance of the neighborhood context, particularly positive neighborhood characteristics, for rural families.  相似文献   

全国工会学研究会2005年年会确定的主题是"探索创新工会理论,推进和谐社会建设",围绕这一主题,主要探讨了"关于农民工的组织与权益维护问题"、"关于工会在构建和谐社会过程中如何发挥有效作用","关于工会组织体制与运行机制的改革与建设"等问题,与会者提出许多有创见性的观点.  相似文献   

本文主要讲述和阐明的,是在解放战争转入战略反攻和建国前后周恩来关于工人运动和工会工作的重要讲话、指示。这期间,由于国际尤其国内形势急剧变化,工人运动和工会工作也随之需要调整、转轨和更新。正是在这一关键时期,周恩来曾多次会见工会代表,参加全总召开的工会工作会议,发表了深刻、精辟和富有远见的重要讲话,有力地推动了工人和工会向着解放和胜利的道路高歌猛进。  相似文献   

对工会改革中的理论与实践问题的探索和反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在市场经济条件下 ,在企业进行转机建制的过程中 ,赋予工会工作以新的内容 ,是当务之急。这就要求我们要对以往工会工作、“独立自主”认识上的误区、双向维护中的矛盾、民主管理企业中的焦点及工会在企业中的“地位”等问题进行反思 ,以探索新形势下工会组织的新机制、工会工作的新思路 ,开创工会工作的新局面。  相似文献   

Developmental taxonomies of crime disagree on whether distinctive offender trajectories are related to common or unique risks. This study examined childhood risks of differing arrest trajectories across childhood through early adulthood (from ages 10–11 to 26–27 years) that were identified in prior work for 203 at-risk, predominantly Caucasian young men. Multivariate analyses revealed that when both distal (childhood risk factors) and proximal risk factors (deviant peer association as a time-varying covariate) were included in the model, relatively few childhood risk factors (assessed at age 9–10 years) discriminated the chronic offender groups from rare offenders (i.e., child antisocial behavior, child attention problems, parents’ antisocial behavior). Rather, deviant peer association was significantly related to levels of offending within each trajectory group (i.e., chronic and rare offender groups). No predictor differentially predicted membership in the two chronic groups, supporting the linear gradation argument. Theoretical and prevention implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《公民道德建设实施纲要》的颁布是社会主义时期道德建设的重大举措 ,具有重大的理论创新意义 ,实现了从阶级道德到公民道德 ,从理想道德到现实道德 ,从抽象道德到实践伦理的转化 ,使道德不再是书本上抽象的、空洞的、理想的说教 ,而是社会生活中具体的、现实的、每个人都应具有的责任。  相似文献   

在北京申办 2 0 0 8年奥运会取得成功的喜讯传来之际 ,第十七次全国工会理论教学讨论会暨全国工会学研究会 2 0 0 1年年会于 2 0 0 1年 7月 1 4日至 1 6日在广州市南华工商学院举行。来自全国 2 2个省、市、自治区工会院校及部分企业的工会理论教学和研究工作者共75人参加了会议。广东省总工会副主席廖文正同志 ,在大会开幕式上代表广东省总工会致欢迎辞 ,并向与会代表介绍了近年来广东省改革开放和经济发展的情况。全国工会学研究会常务副会长、原中国工运学院院长孙中范研究员在开幕式上向大会发表关于《全国工会学研究会 1 996— 2 0 0 0…  相似文献   

新中国创建后 ,刘少奇、邓小平都曾在不同时期对工人阶级和工会理论进行了深入的研究 ,并发表了一系列纲领性的文章和讲话 ,从而为工会组织的前进和发展 ,提供了强大的思想武器和理论依据。  相似文献   

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