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词汇演变中的"返祖"现象是指在词汇演变过程中,某个词或者某个词的某种意义在演变过程中的某个时期消失了,在经历了或长或短的一段时期之后,这个词或者这种词义又重新出现了."看"和"争口"两个词的发展过程就是词的返祖现象的反映;"小姐"和"修理"两个词的词义演变过程就是词义的返祖现象的反映.这种返祖现象的语言学成因,除语言内部选择机制的作用外,还有思维经济原则和社会文化心理的作用.  相似文献   

张若愚 《检察风云》2011,(10):32-33
法国有一个人,名叫吉约坦,他向法国大国民议会去兜售快捷而痛苦小的砍头方式。他对议员们说:"这个机械落下来时,那可真叫快如闪电,头颅‘咔嚓’一声飞下来,血‘哗’地一下喷出来,这人就不再存在了。"他讲的就是后来有名的断头机,这些议员们听得入了神,嗜血瞳里大为满足,一致通过,以后再执行死刑就用这玩意儿。  相似文献   

战国六国文字,即“古文”。楚简中的“佱”、“灋”、“廌”三个字,就是古文“法”字。运用郭店简、上博简、包山简以及金文中的材料,对照传世文献,分别对三个古文“法”字进行考释,从而提出了一个值得大家思考的课题:探求“法”字的来龙去脉,关乎“法”的渊源及其演变历程,关乎我国早期“法”概念形成脉络的把握。  相似文献   

赵念国 《检察风云》2012,(21):31-33
每个自杀老人的原因不尽相同,巴黎昂布里奥斯医院的老年科穆里亚斯医生认为,这些老人身体日渐衰弱,处于孤独与沮丧中,现代医疗对精神抑郁症难以根治。法国:老人因孤独而自杀世界预防自杀协会(AIPS)拉响了警报,根据该协会统计数据表明,在法国,老年人自杀逐渐成了自杀群体中人数最多的"族群"。法国平均自杀率为17.1/10万,法国《十字报》报道,2009年法国自杀人数为10499人,65岁以上的老年自杀者年均3000人左右,占自杀总人数的1/3。在78岁至84岁年龄段的老人自杀者中,其比例为32/10万;84岁至94岁年龄段的老人自杀比例上升到42/10  相似文献   

The Criminal Law as Last Resort   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This article addresses the radical changes in Russian foreign policy that took place in 2014. By the end of 2013, Moscow had exhausted the potential for progressively raising its international status by evolutionary means. As 2014 approached, Russia started to define its own habitat. The trigger was a clash between comprehensive and mutually exclusive integration projects.  相似文献   

许崇德 《法学杂志》2008,29(2):25-27
宪政是依照宪法实行的民主政治,有资产阶级宪政和无产阶级宪政的根本区别,应作严肃的阶级分析,不宜笼统地看待而摈弃宪政一词。社会主义宪政与社会主义民主政治、社会主义政治文明等三语可以并存,在不同场合各尽其用。无需因为"宪政"一词曾被主张自由化者利用而刻意避讳,何况同自由化势力斗争亦不是用抛弃某个名词提法即可制胜的。希望"宪政"一词能像民主、人权、自由、平等诸词一样获得解放。  相似文献   

汤毅平 《时代法学》2005,3(1):56-60
清末的法律近代化是指法律具有自由资本主义时代法律的立法精神与特点。清末的法律近代化集中表现为清政府在政治、经济、教育及社会生活领域相继制订或颁行了一系列具有向近代国家转型性质的法律、法规和章程。从整体上来看 ,这些法律法规具有系统性、模仿性等特征。尽管清末的法律近代化结果是主观动机和客观效果二律背反 ,但它在推动当时社会、经济、政治的向前发展仍然起了积极的作用 ,对民国时期的立法产生了不可低估的影响。  相似文献   

署名权的法律意义之一在于明确作品的权利归属、维护作品创作的特定风格。冒名侵权作为一种新的侵权形态,具有形式上的合法性、主观上的故意性、侵权对象的特定性和行为上的隐蔽性等特点,其实质是以不知名的某特定主体的姓名或署名(与知名作家的姓名或署名完全相同)冒称知名作家的姓名或署名发表、出版、复制、销售作品的侵权行为。冒名侵权的构成要件包括知名作家权利受损事实的存在、以知名作家为侵害对象、隐性的外在冒名行为和有冒名的故意等几个方面。现行著作权侵权救济法律制度有其不周延性,只有建立和完善著作权登记制度,充实现有的著作权法规,增加作者或著作权人署名的特定附随义务,才能有效地防止冒名侵权行为的发生、保护知名作家的署名不被冒用,激发创作者的积极性和创作潜能的充分发挥。  相似文献   

词在与人的相互作用过程中,对人能够产生功效。这种功效就是词的价值。词的价值具有种种不同的属性。这些属性往往不以人的意志为转移;有的表现出正价值,有的却表现出负价值和零价值。  相似文献   

The 2003–2004 term of the Supreme Court was noteworthy because it decided a relatively large number of cases dealing with police practices, many of which were of special significance. The next two terms (2004–2005 and 2005–2006 terms) were not quite as noteworthy, but still the Court decided eight police practices cases, dealing with such important issues as the detention of the residents of a home while executing a search warrant, the use of canine sniffs during a traffic stop, the validity of anticipatory search warrants, and the validity of third party consent to search when another person with authority to consent is present and objects to the search. These two terms do not provide enough cases to permit a confident prediction about the approach that the two new members of the Court, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito, are likely to take in police practices cases. However, their positions in the cases discussed in this article suggest that both will take positions in support of the police in these cases.  相似文献   

Despite the historical transformation of executions in the United States into cloistered, bureaucratic affairs, two past practices have persisted in modern executions: the opportunities for the condemned to request a special last meal and to make a speech to those assembled to witness the execution. The retention of these practices and the communication of their contents by the state and the media to the public reinforce a conception of those executed as autonomous actors, endowed with agency and individuality. Through these practices, the state and the media reflect and strengthen the oxymoronic construction of offenders in contemporary discourses as self-made monsters who are intrinsically different by choice. Presenting offenders in this way may ultimately maintain the emotional satisfaction needed to sustain the death penalty. Arguments are supported by published last meal requests and final statements in the state of Texas.  相似文献   

周赟 《政法论丛》2006,(1):14-18
在立法表达中,存在许多用来联结法律规范各个组成部分的虚词,如"可以"、"必须"、"不得"、"应当"等,这其中"应当"是用的最多的.然而,由于学界长期以来对关于如上虚词研究的忽视,使得我国当前立法中存在一些对虚词使用不当的情形.因此,如何在今后的立法中避免再次出现类似的问题就成为了学界所必须关注的问题.  相似文献   

关于清末宪政运动的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘笃才 《中国法学》2002,(1):150-158
清末宪政运动是中国近代宪政史的开端。本文重新讨论了清末宪政运动中的三个问题,认为:清末预备立宪不是骗局,而是清末统治者认真权衡自身利害做出的政治抉择;立宪派领导的国会请愿运动不是乞求统治者的恩赐,实际上是一场同清政府争夺立宪主导权的斗争;清末君主立宪虽然失败,清末宪政运动的方向仍然应当给以肯定。  相似文献   

公正和效率是刑事诉讼程序永恒的价值诉求,也是衡量审级制度设置是否具有合理性的当然评判标准。基于案件的不同性质和种类设置多元的审级制度是全面实现公正和效率价值的合理要求。刑事简易程序的价值取向应当定位为效率优位,刑事简易程序一审终审制的确立必然以一审程序的公正性为前提。限制刑事简易程序的适用范围、赋予刑事简易程序被告人的选择权、强化检察机关派员出席法庭支持公诉以及确保被告人的辩护权落到实处,是实现刑事简易程序一审终审制的基本保障。  相似文献   

An older, divorcing couple rarely has assets worth more than their Social Security rights. After a house and pension/retirement plans, Social Security is their largest "asset." Yet, it is rarely considered by lawyers, mediators, or the parties themselves. A key point, often missed, is that the working spouse receives twice as much Social Security as the nonworking spouse. For many retiring women, getting half as much Social Security as their ex-husbands is just one more insult from a sexist society. Although a nonworking husband will get the same half, the problem is largely one affecting older women, who earned less on average while they worked and who usually took time off to be with the children while the children were growing up. This article looks at Social Security regulations that make this so and how to avoid this unjust result.  相似文献   

改革开放以来汉语语法较为显现的变化表现在 :词性的游移和转变 ,“副 名”现象的广泛 ,新兴 AABB式的流行以及动宾结构的新变化等方面。这些现象应从发展的观点来认识与评论  相似文献   

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