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IN a globalized economy, national development tends to follow a predictable pattern: a given nation's regions begin to emerge economically, providing impetus for the growth of metropolitan centers, which promote industrial agglomerations that feed the demands of the world market. This pattern has been repeatedly demonstrated in the industrialized Western countries over the course of the 20th century. Now China, too,  相似文献   

ON a world map we can see the outline of China like a rooster crowing at dawn; and Northeast China refers to the rooster’s head. Covering an area of about 810,000 square kilometers, it is slightly larger than Chile and twice size of Paraguay. The region’s population exceeds 100 million, almost equal to that of Mexico, a country that ranks 11th in the world by population.Traveling about 300 kilometers towards northeast from Beijing we arrive at the Shanhaiguan Pass, which is commonly recognized as the eastern end of the Great Wall, as well as the strategic passage between North China and Northeast China.  相似文献   

<正>Recycling joint venture utilizes innovative technology to reuse plastics Recycling,despite its green connotations,can be a messy business.In China,more than 400,000 companies are engaged in plastic recycling,but 70 percent of them are family enterprises,  相似文献   

湖北老工业基地的改造振兴应该选择循环经济发展的模式。在研究发达国家建立生态园区实现可持续发展经验并且充分了解国内生态园区建设情况之后,可以因地制宜借鉴国内外的成功经验,逐步改建成符合湖北省情的生态工业园区,从而改变传统制造业高成本、高投入、高排放的增长方式,遵循循环经济和工业生态学的原理,建立企业之间的共生关系,共同减少对资源环境的压力,实现经济的可持续发展以及两型社会的发展目标。  相似文献   

试论区域软实力与东北老工业基地振兴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李正治 《理论月刊》2010,(10):82-85
区域软实力是东北老工业基地综合实力与竞争力的重要组成部分,是东北老工业基地振兴的重要因素。文中阐释了区域软实力在东北老工业基地振兴中的作用,分析了东北老工业基地软实力的现状,提出了提升东北老工业基地软实力的建议与对策。  相似文献   

SIXkilometersawayfromGyangzeCountyseatinTibetAutonomousRegionandlocatedonthesouthernbanksoftheNyangRiveratanaverageof4,000metersabovesealevel,NudoiVillageisanexampleofculturalandethicalprogressinChina.Itissaidthatthepeoplehereliveandworkinperfectharmonyandpeace,andhelpeachotherwithoutstealing,robbing,arguingandcheating.Withdoubtfulmindsandmorethanalittlecurious,wedrovetothevillageintheafternooninearlywinterThevillageissurroundedbyaring-likemountainandinfrontofitisaleveledplain.Oneafterano…  相似文献   

CHINA'S Three GorgesWater Conservancy Project,with the huge amount ofhydropower it generates, istransforming some of thetraditionally tourist-oriented cities alongthe Yangtze River. Manufacturing isbooming, and Hubei's Yichang City hasseen the birth of a phoenix - the YichangChangjiang Machine Technology Co.,Ltd. (Changjiang Machine).Changjiang Machine rose from theashes of the now defunct ChangjiangMachine Tool Plant. The new company,with its advanced production facilities,occupies…  相似文献   

以科学发展观统领老工业基地全面振兴,必须确立新的发展理念,走新的发展道路,用新的发展模式,实施新的发展战略.  相似文献   

正Ensuring areas that supported the Red Army during the war share in China’s prosperity In a bid to combat the Kuomintang regime and Japanese aggression, Mao Zedong and other leaders of the Chinese revolution set up many revolutionary base areas from 1927 to 1945.During wartime, those areas provided labor, material and financial resources to the  相似文献   

THE history of Tianjin, a port city near the Chinese capital Beijing, dates back some 600 years to 1404. The old city had a population of 80,000, and over the years, its people have borne witness to Tianjin's many changes. As time passed, the origi-nal city grew older, and a large concentration of traditional, single-story houses formed within the new city. In 1995, Tianjin began to renovate its run-down areas. Residents were relocated, and although happy to move into their brand-new apartments, when the day came, they were also a little sad at leaving their past behind.  相似文献   

实现大连老工业基地振兴,必须解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进;调整和优化国有经济布局,鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济发展;深化体制改革,重点加快工业结构调整和产业升级;做大做强工业企业,形成适应市场经济发展要求的企业规模和专业化、社会化协作体系,走出振兴大连老工业基地的新路子。  相似文献   

关于东北老工业基地质变为新型产业基地的现实论证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李靖宇  禹建奇 《中国发展》2008,8(2):114-121
东北老工业基地质变为新型产业基地,已经成为国家战略投放的实施主旨和区域目标,这也是民心所向和大势所趋。东北区域不仅具有促进老工业基地质变为新型产业基地的综合优势,而且目前已经初步展示了老工业基地质变为新型产业基地的现实价值,同时又在这一进程中暴露出了老工业基地质变为新型产业基地的制约因素,所以需要有针对性地采取正确而又科学的对策:解放思想转变观念,改革行政管理模式;完善市场运行体制,强化资源配置功能;调整主体产业结构,增强产业集群优势;冲破地区保护屏障,造就市场利益关系;发展高新技术产业,提升国际竞争能力。只有这样,才能推动东北老工业基地在振兴进程中逐步达到新型产业基地的理想境界。  相似文献   

On the 40th anniversary of the normalization of China -U.S. diplomatic relations, a diverse group of diplomats, athletes, entrepreneurs and economists has advocated a more creative approach to resolving trade tension between the two largest economies in the world, with the bottom line that the bilateral relationship had endured in the past and would continue to do so in today's era of greater engagement.  相似文献   

WALMART,thebiggestchainstoregroupintheUSandworldwide,recentlyannouncedthatitwouldopenmorebranchesinChina.HavingenteredtheChinesemarketin1996,WalmartnowhassevenshoppingmallsandonemainstoreinChina,allofwhichhaveproved.tobeverysuccessful.Meanwhile,Carrefour,theworld'ssecondlargestchainstore,hastakenthedecisiontocloseitsbranchinHongKongandtoincreaseitsinlandbusiness.Atfirst,onlyafewforeigndiplomats,businessmenandtouristswereregularcustomersofWalmartandCarrefour,whereasnowmostofthefacesonese…  相似文献   

THEY will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no take up sword against nation nor will they learn war anymore. This quote adorns a stone wall that lies outside the UN headquarters in New York and, though biblical in origin, expresses a universal desire for peace that was the fundamental inspiration for the creation of the UN.  相似文献   

孙津 《中国发展》2004,(1):8-12
在东北老工业基地振兴方面,最显见的问题就是资源枯竭和资金短缺.本文认为,造成这种严峻现实的原因主要是体制上的因素,即计划经济时期所占有的自然资源利用和经济垄断这两个优势不复存在了.资源枯竭实际上是基于人对自然资源的利用方式而言的,但是改变利用方式则需要资金的投入.因此,老工业基地振兴必须有一个使人愿意出钱的投资环境,并由此带动产业结构的合理化调整;另一方面,必须坚持社会稳定和共同富裕的原则,对投资规模及发展部门进行引导和调控,以保持社会一体化的协调发展.  相似文献   

I don't know exactly when my love affair with qipaos,or cheongsams,started.I just know that when I saw Zhao Wei(Vicki Zhao)and her costars wearing qipaos in Romance in the Rain TV series,which is set in Shanghai in the 1930s,I was smitten.Whereas Chinese ladies like to wear qipaos for special events,e.g.red ones for weddings,I wear them more frequently,both for parties and sometimes even in the office.  相似文献   

Whenever my Egyptian friends in Beijing and I get together,we won’t stop ranting about being stuck with no prospects of visiting home in the foreseeable future,thanks to COVID-19-related travel restrictions and quarantine measures.Of course,it goes without saying that we miss our family and friends.What we all seem to agree on missing the most,however,is the appetizing smell of golden ta’meyya balls frying away on a quiet Friday morning on the backstreets of Cairo.Strange,eh?  相似文献   

正Beijing’s factory buildings transform into innovative and cultural hubs Founded in 1951,the Beijing Foreign Language Printing Factory(BFLPF)was initially a printing company in China’s capital.With over 1,200 employees,the state-owned company was dedicated for over half a century to printing books,  相似文献   

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