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张红 《河北法学》2005,23(7):57-62
知识产权保护中公权力的介入,意味着其侵权行为,不仅应当承担民事责任,还需要承担行政和刑事责任.过错责任作为法律责任归责的基本原则,是知识产权侵权行政责任的基本归责原则.过错推定作为过错存在的判断方式,既能够适合行政责任追究的特点,也与过错责任原则并行不悖.讨论过错责任的例外,应以区分行政责任的处罚责任和其他责任为前提.为制止违法行为蔓延对行政秩序的损害,其他行政责任的无过错适用,可以认为是过错责任的例外.鉴于TRIPs协议的有关条款对我国相关立法的影响,进一步对TRIPs协议的有关条款进行比较分析,从行政法理论和与TRIPs协议协调与适应两方面,对我国相关立法和执法实践进行探讨是必要的.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a laboratory experiment on power (specifically, authority) on negotiation process and outcomes. The experiment found that when given a goal to appear fair, high authority negotiators take less of the resources than when not given a goal to appear fair. Furthermore, this paper predicted and found that the relationship between authority imbalance and concern for fairness on negotiation outcomes is a multiplicative relationship. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed within the context of negotiations in intraorganizational relationships.This paper is based on a dissertation by the author, entitled Authority, Dependency, and Fairness in Negotiations. This work was completed while the author was a student at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University.  相似文献   

一、TRIPs协议关于司法审查制度的一般要求 1.司法审查的范围。TRIPs协议第62条第4款明确规定了司法审查的范围,即"有关取得或维持知识产权的程序,及在一成员法律对此类程序作出规定的情况下,行政撤销和诸如异议、撤销和注销等当事人之间的程序,应适用于第41条第2款和第3款所列的原则"。第62条第5款又重申第4款所指的任何程序中的行政终局裁决均应由司法或准司法机关进行审议。因此,根据TRIPs协议的规定,有关知识产权的取得或维持的行政决定,异议、撤销和注销的行政决定均可进行司法审查。 2.司法审查的例外。TRIPs协议第41条第4款规定  相似文献   

TRIPs协议的实施与我国知识产权司法保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为WTO成员,中国必须在国内实施TRIPs协议.自加入世贸组织以来,我国知识产权的司法保护已取得了一定的成绩,为国内和他国的知识产权提供了较好的司法保护途径,但TRIPs协议在中国的实施仍然任重而道远,在实践中对知识产权的司法保护也存在不少问题,这需要采取相应的措施,才能使中国更好地实施TRIPs协议.  相似文献   

陆诗忠 《河北法学》2006,24(5):50-54
以刑法总则与分则之关系的合理定位为切入点,我们不难发现:刑法分则的不少条文并不符合刑法总则"但书"的规定;刑法分则的不少条文不符合刑法总则第14条、第15条的规定;刑法分则的不少条文不符合刑法总则关于数罪并罚的规定.另外,刑法分则将预备行为、教唆行为、帮助行为纳入到分则规范之中;具体犯罪的法定刑以犯罪既遂为模式;刑法分则规定特别自首制度、累犯制度,所有这些都不符合刑法总则与分则之关系的合理定位.相应地,这些分则条文应予完善.  相似文献   

The African Group of Negotiators (AGN) has become a much more significant bargaining coalition in the global climate change negotiations. It has been participating more proactively and on a much more significant scale, and, as a result, it has had a greater impact on bargaining outcomes, notably in Nairobi, Copenhagen and Durban. Yet, at present, the group remains poorly understood by both scholars and policymakers. Compared to other groups in the climate negotiations, such as the Group of 77 and Alliance of Small Island States, it has received relatively little attention. This paper fills this gap by tracking the evolution of the AGN over the course of the climate change negotiations. In the early years after the Earth Summit, it shows that the AGN faced tremendous difficulties pursing regional objectives effectively, largely due to a number of “internal” barriers to participation, which compounded the structural barriers that the continent faced by making it difficult to use “low-power” negotiating strategies such as coalition building, agenda-setting and persuasion. However, in recent years, the group has become much more proactive as a result of greater access to material, ideational and institutional resources. These have relieved, somewhat, the internal barriers that the group faced, making it possible for the AGN to negotiate much more confidently and effectively than before.  相似文献   

美国关税法“337条款”与TRIPs协议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
廉思  万勇 《知识产权》2006,16(3):86-90
GATT 1994(<关税与贸易总协定>)与TRIPs协议第3条均规定有国民待遇原则,但前者要求给予进口产品的待遇不低于国内产品的待遇,而后者则是要求给予其他成员国民的待遇不得低于本国国民的待遇.本文通过分析认为美国关税法"337条款"并不违反TRIPs协议第3条,因为外国人与美国人都可以同样的利用"337条款"以保护自己的知识产权.此外,本文还具体分析了"337条款"与TRIPs协议第41条、51条及52条的关系,文章最后探讨了"337条款"对中国公司的启示.  相似文献   

TRIPs协定与中国知识产权的法律保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋才发 《河北法学》2003,21(5):34-39
知识产权是人们对智力劳动成果所享有的权利,TRIPs协定将知识产权保护纳入多边贸易体制 整体的WTO框架之中,因而TRIPs协定在WTO中具有特殊的地位和意义。TRIPs协定是形成 企业技术创新机制的外在动力,是完善中国知识产权立法保护的基础,是强化中国知识产权执法 的契机,必须根据WTO规则TRIPs协定的要求,进一步改革知识产权的审判方式,完善证据制 度,设立经济安全防范机制,确认知识产权损害赔偿责任。  相似文献   

The relationship between power and justice in civil law negotiations is discussed. It is argued that the concept of power is essential to understand justice behavior in civil law negotiations. Distributive justice appears to be hardly relevant in civil law disputes and should be replaced by retributive justice to understand the behavior of the parties. The analysis leads to the observation that justice is more likely to be relevant for the powerless party in civil law disputes than for the power-holder. I conclude that both the relative power and justice behavior cannot be studied without taking into account the perception by individuals of both the relevant norms and the salient characteristics of the interaction.  相似文献   

高山行  刘文艳 《河北法学》2003,21(5):105-109
世界贸易组织(WTO)的建立对产权界定的影响体现在两个方面,一方面是WTO的规定是否完 全界定了权利;另一方面是成员国的国内法的规定是否符合WTO的最低要求。首先分析TRIPs 协议对地理标记产权界定的现状及存在的问题,然后以经济学的方法分析了当原产地和地理来 源地冲突时产权界定的原则;最后对完善我国地理标记立法提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

337条款与TRIPs协议关系深入透析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
337条款自产生以来,其合法性、正当性曾经屡次受到国际社会的挑战.虽然WTO对337条款与TRIPs协议是否一致尚未给出定论,但这一类案例的增多引起了许多学者的关注.但无论是认为二者存在矛盾的观点,还是认为二者一致的观点,都是仅就条文对比分析得出结论.文章透过条文表层,通过对337条款的理念、价值取向以及337条款应用带来的实际后果等方面的深入透析,揭示了337条款与TRIPs协议的关系在本质上的矛盾性,为进一步探求我国知识产权保护对策奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

For developing countries, aid cannot replace trade. Mutually supportive trade and environmental policies should contribute to the realization of sustainable development. The purpose of this paper is to identify the negotiating position of selected Asian developing countries on the World Trade Organization (WTO) Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE). This paper reviews their submissions and suggestions for the CTE with regard to its mandate on trade and environment. In addition, using key trade statistics, it explores the relationship between their negotiating positions and changes in the structure of international trade in Asia. While the CTE has brought about no specific results concerning its mandate, the negotiating positions of developing countries are changing sharply. In particular, Asian developing countries now participate proactively in CTE negotiations. This paper shows the diversity of views held by Asian countries on trade and environment. In some cases, their views are opposed to each other. It can also be observed that the negotiating position of each Asian country at the CTE is closely related to its own trade structure. In accordance with national patterns of trade structure, NIEs, China and India have their own distinct negotiating positions whereas Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries have not taken the same stance in the CTE negotiations. Each member of ASEAN presents separate views depending on the nature of the issue.
Yohei HarashimaEmail:

In international politics, intergovernmental treaties provide the rules of the game. In this paper, we investigate the rules under which the contents of treaties may be changed, such as rules for adoption and entry into force and rules for dispute resolution. In the first part of the paper, we describe how frequently these rules are used in practice and how they are typically combined, based on 400 treaties and supplementary agreements from the field of international environmental law. Using correspondence analysis, we show that treaty provisions can be represented by a two-dimensional property space. The detected underlying dimensions express varying degrees of institutionalisation and flexibility, respectively. In the second part of the paper, we place amendment rules into the framework of a formal model in the incomplete contracts tradition. It is shown that there exists a trade-off between the risk of too little flexibility, which leads to frequent inefficient breach of the treaty, and the danger that the binding nature of the treaty and hence, the level of commitment by treaty members, is being undermined if the treaty can be amended too easily.  相似文献   

This article examines the participation of police officers in structured felony plea negotiations. The data were collected during the testing of pretrial settlement conferences conducted in Dade County, Florida. The police officers were relatively active in the plea discussions, and their presence affected both the structure of the discussion and the relative influence of the various parties. The data also indicate that police participation and influence were affected by the presence of either the victim or the defendant.While the presence of the police did not affect the processing (settlement/trial rate) or the disposition (sentence severity, use of incarceration or restitution), the officers who attended the conference were more satisfied with both the court process and the disposition. This finding is significant in the light of the demoralizing effects of traditional plea negotiations on police attitudes and the spill over of these negative attitudes into the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

朱晋峰 《证据科学》2020,(2):192-205
最高法民事证据规定对于完善我国证据体系具有重要意义。此次证据规定,对作为证据体系重要一环的鉴定意见,从实体和程序方面都做了全面规定,对于缓解司法鉴定在民事诉讼中的诸多困境具有重要作用。但其中部分条款也可能对司法鉴定制度产生一定影响。为此,本文对司法鉴定可能会受到一定冲击的鉴定人负责制、鉴定意见撤销等基本内容,再次予以阐释、厘定,以期能确保司法鉴定体系的有效运行。  相似文献   

The decision to negotiate a civil law dispute involves little risk, whereas the decision to go to trial is a risky alternative.Prospect theory predicts that when individuals must choose between such alternatives, they will either (a) be biased toward the risk-free alternative in again frame (i.e., when they perceive both prospects as gains), or (b) be biased toward the risky alternative in aloss frame. The decision of the plaintiff to either continue negotiations or go to trial is typically done in a gain frame; the defendant has to choose between losses. Thus, it was hypothesized that plaintiffs are risk aversive and defendants risk seeking in negotiations. Alternatively, it was hypothesized that parties who expect to prevail at trial are risk aversive, and parties who expect to lose are risk seeking. In four experiments, with both laymen and law students as subjects, the first hypothesis received some support, and the second hypothesis was strongly supported.  相似文献   

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