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标题的制作对扩大媒体的影响力至关重要。《现代媒体编辑技巧》一书的作者引述一项有关报纸的调查显示:参与调查的读者中,56%只阅读标题,而阅读正文的,只有25%。所以该书作者多萝茜·A·鲍尔斯和黛安·L·博登特别强调:"在今天繁忙的社会中,报纸读者在很大程度上只是标题的浏览者"。这一事实告诉我们:要想使媒体有吸引力,就要先使标题有吸引力,否则就可能功亏一篑。  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记指出,主流媒体须紧跟时代,大胆运用新技术、新机制、新模式,加快融合发展步伐,实现宣传效果的最大化和最优化,最大限度地把党的声音传播到每一个角落。工会机关报面对媒体格局、舆论生态、受众对象、传播技术发生的深刻变化,必须顺势而为,借助融媒体整体转型努力实现"弯道超车"。  相似文献   

伴随着科技的日益进步,被称作“新闻媒体3.0”的自媒体因其大众化、易操作、交互强、传播快等特点,迅速吸引了大学生的参与。针对当前高校德育内容与生活实际相脱节、德育途径单一、德育主体消极等实效性不足的表现,如何利用自媒体充实德育内容、扩展德育途径、调动德育主体的主观能动性,从而提升高校德育的实效性,是高校德育工作者需要关注的重要议题。  相似文献   

本文着力于微媒体对大学生情商影响的研究,分析了微媒体对提高当代大学生情商的作用,探讨和实践了具体激发和培养大学生情商的途径与方法。本研究对在高校如何利用微媒体实施素质教育、更好地培养和提高学生的情商具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

当前,我国高等学校的创业教育已取得一定成效,也存在不少问题。创业教育与专业教育融合研究成为当下社会讨论的热点。时代发展要求下,创业教育已成为我国高等教育改革发展的趋势,更是大学专业教育适应高等教育改革发展趋势的客观要求。探讨创业教育与专业教育的融合具有重要现实意义。文章指出创业教育与青少年工作与管理专业融合的切入点在于观念文化以及知识技能,提出从教学团队、课堂教学模式和实践平台探索两者融合的途径。  相似文献   

在中国的现代教育过程中,教育思想的偏颇导致实践的误区,只重科学而忽略人文,导致我们国家培养的人才出现了一些问题。由此可以看出,现代教育必须重视学生的人文素质,只有科学与人文的融合才是现代教育发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

企业间的整合重组要注意文化融合,因为导致一些企业并购失败的原因,常常是文化的差异和冲突。企业文化融合的目的是要达到企业机制、战略目标、发展方向和行为规范上的一致,并使文化成为全体员工为这一目标共同奋斗的持久动力。企业文化融合应坚持从实际出发、互相尊重、循序渐进以及创新等原则。  相似文献   

李海波 《工友》2008,(2):19-19
"看到这么多原生态作品,让我们十分震撼。"2月21日,英国广播公司(BBC)"新闻之夜"栏目组在欣赏完一冶版画后,发出了由衷的感叹。50年来,一冶版画创作团体坚持自己的艺术追求,始终把艺术视角放在工程建设第一线,创作出大批深受职工喜爱的版画作品,被誉为我国群众艺术创作中的一朵奇葩。  相似文献   

在信息化时代微博、微信等微媒体在悄然崛起并迅速发展。站在共青团服务青少年的角度,可以看到微媒体与青少年群体有着天然的契合性,但作为工具的微媒体更具丰富的非工具内涵。广州共青团在对作为工具的微媒体的功能运用存在一系列问题,需要从非工具的角度加以完善,尤其是对未来发展路径做深层的探索。  相似文献   

近年来新生代农民工以争取平等市民权益的集体行动日渐增多,其中微博、论坛等自媒体扮演着自我觉醒、信息传递、情绪发酵、协同组织等重要角色。该文以此为研究对象,探讨了增权理论视角下新生代农民工自媒体传播研究的分析框架、核心问题、研究思路和研究方法,以求同一框架下更多研究成果的相互检验,促进现实问题的解决和西方理论的本土化。  相似文献   

Arts and Media     
《Labor History》2012,53(2):167-169
The Little Steel strike of 1937 has taken on iconic significance for historians, in large part because of the anti-labor violence of the Memorial Day Massacre. What has garnered considerably less attention is the community mobilization that accompanied the strike. For a brief moment, steel workers and their allies challenged the anti-democratic tendencies in the Steel Workers Organizing Committee. While SWOC leaders focused almost exclusively on the achievement of a signed contract, women of the steel auxiliaries, workers on the picket line, and middle-class liberals from across Chicago sought to transform the strike into something larger than a showdown over union recognition. For this coalition, the Little Steel strike was a flashpoint in a wider struggle social democratic reform. In the mobilization prior to Memorial Day and in the protest movement that followed it, key elements of Chicago's liberal-labor coalition espoused the egalitarian values of the Popular Front. Far from an exercise in bread-and-butter moderation, the strike became the occasion for a larger social uprising. This expression of united front commitment drew on the example of the Unemployed Councils and the front-line militancy that is often only associated with the Flint sit-down strike and the general strikes of 1934. In Chicago, the Little Steel strike raised the possibility that steelworkers might embrace the ‘civic unionism’ that animated the left-led unions of the era.  相似文献   

随着各类信息技术的快速发展及互联网应用的日益普及,新媒体的移动社交改变着青少年的人际关系,逐渐成为青少年日常工作、生活、学习中必不可少的组成部分。信息传播方式影响着一代又一代青少年,"区隔效应"随着信息传播媒介的变迁而呈现出不同的特征。当前,新媒体对青少年的虚拟社会、圈子化交往及网络动员产生了深刻的影响,当代青年群体怎样通过互联网等新媒体形式来建构自身的认同,如何区分彼此,遵循哪种活动规律,都是值得思考的话题。  相似文献   

"编辑权"的效益能否最大化,完全取决于"编辑权"的控制者和占有者是否具有足够的眼光和勇气抓住"恰当",并通过编辑策略"投其所好"地吸引作者.有了"恰当"地"投其所好",自然而然就能够吸引作者.因为作者对编辑的最大期望无非是充分的"发言权",只要给予其足够广大的言语空间,就可以轻易赢得作者.  相似文献   

Exposure to media violence is related to anxiety in youth, but the causality of the effect has not been established. This experimental study examined the effects of media violence on anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate in late adolescents. We also examined whether these responses varied by previous exposure to media and real-life violence. College students (N = 209; M age = 18.74; 75 % female; 50 % Caucasian, 34 % African American, 9 % Asian, 3 % Hispanic, and 3 % other racial minorities) were randomized to view either violent or nonviolent high-action movie clips. Participants reported on their anxiety before and after watching the clips, as well as their previous exposure to violence. Measures of blood pressure and heart rate were taken at baseline and during movie viewing. Participants watching violent movie clips showed a greater anxiety increase than those watching nonviolent clips. Both groups experienced increased blood pressure and reduced heart rate during movie watching compared to baseline. Prior exposure to media violence was associated with diminished heart rate response. Additionally, students previously exposed to high levels of real-life violence showed lower blood pressure increases when watching violent clips compared to nonviolent clips. Thus, relatively brief exposure to violent movie clips increased anxiety among late adolescents. Prior exposure to media and real-life violence were associated with lower physiological reactivity to high-action and violent movies, respectively, possibly indicating desensitization. Future studies should investigate long-term anxiety and physiological consequences of regular exposure to media violence in adolescence.  相似文献   

Media Reviews     
《Labor History》2012,53(2-3):339-341

大学英语听说教学中输入与输出的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Krashen的“输入假说”认为可理解的输入是语言习得的必要条件,而Swain的“输出假说”认为可理解的输出更为重要。大学英语听说课实质上是听说紧密结合的综合性课程,是输入输出循环相关的交际性课程。在实际教学中应有机地整合输入与输出,重视语言输入源的建设,同时强化语言输出实践,以更有效地促进学习者英语听说能力的提高。  相似文献   

The impact of exposure to violence in the media on the long-term development and short-term expression of aggressive behavior has been well documented. However, gaps in this literature remain, and in particular the role of violent media exposure in shaping violent and other serious antisocial behavior has not been investigated. Further, studies of violent media effects typically have not sampled from populations with confirmed histories of violent and/or nonviolent antisocial behavior. In this study, we analyzed data on 820 youth, including 390 juvenile delinquents and 430 high school students, to examine the relation of violent media use to involvement in violence and general aggression. Using criterion scores developed through cross-informant modeling of data from self, parent/guardian, and teacher/staff reports, we observed that childhood and adolescent violent media preferences contributed significantly to the prediction of violence and general aggression from cumulative risk totals. Findings represent a new and important direction for research on the role of violent media use in the broader matrix of risk factors for youth violence.
Paul BoxerEmail:

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