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At the end of 2003, two experts on Chinese affairs from the American Rand Corporation, Evan S. Medeiros and M. Taylor Fravel published an article, "China's New Diplomacy," demonstrating changes in China's international perspective, attitude toward international society, foreign policy, and the diplomatic policy-making system and process. ① This article initiated much research, both domestic and foreign, on China's new diplomacy.  相似文献   

全球化正在形成超出现代模式的政治新条件和新问题。现代政治的思维框架是国家政治与国际政治,这两个政治层次并不能有效解释和解决全球规模的政治问题,因此需要建立一种与全球尺度相配的全球政治分析框架。现代政治思维建立在敌对和争霸博弈的概念上,而全球化使得知识、信息和技术得到普遍化,因此,互相对称的策略模仿将导致各方都无利可图甚至自取其祸。另外,全球化导致各方在经济和生存上的高度互相依赖,一种以全球资本、通用技术和通用媒介结合组成的新权力正在形成对世界的网络式支配,这种新权力不再通过暴力优势而是通过服务优势而获得支配性权力,权力的新公式是:服务造就权力。于是,全球政治面临的问题不再是敌对争霸,而是如何达到最优共在。以非排他的共在原则为基础的新天下体系最有可能解决全球规模的政治和经济难题而达到世界和平。  相似文献   

The current Sino-U. S. relations have shown a very complex and dynamic look. Cooperation and friction between the two countries are increasing simultaneously. On the one hand, cooperation and consensus between the two sides in regards of counter-terrorism,nonproliferation, management of North Korea nuclear crisis, promotion of UN reform, and prevention of bird flu are on the increase.  相似文献   

The UN Charter and most international norms formulated under U.S. dominance since the 20th century are based on American values of "equality, democracy and freedom". As a rising power in the era of globalization, China should draw upon its traditional political thoughts in promoting the values system of fairness, justice and civility and shaping the new-type international norms.  相似文献   

The world is undergoing a complicated transition-something which theorists and strategists both at home and abroad agree. But where is the world headed? Why? And how? To date there has been no general consensus on the answers to these questions. Indeed, no answers to speak of. So while everyone agrees there a complicated  相似文献   

Globalization has ushered in new political conditions and new political issues which goes beyond modernity. Internal politics and international politics, two political layers of the framework of modern political thinking, cannot effectively expound and solve political problems on the global scale, hence the need to introduce a global political analytical framework befitting the new global conditions. In contrast with modern political thinking which is based on the concept of hostile and competitive game, globalization has promoted universalization of knowledge, information and technology, and consequently symmetrical imitation of strategies will bring no gains but self-destruction. Moreover, with the high interdependency in economy and existence resulting from globalization, a new power, made up of global capital, shared technology and common media, is exerting its networked global dominance. This new power derives its authority not from its strength but from service, and its new power formula is: service is power. Thus the challenge for the global politics is not hostile competition but the optimization of co-existence. The new all-under heaven system, based on non-exclusive co-existence, holds the best chance to the resolution of political and economic problems on the global scale and world peace.  相似文献   

布什连任后,受制于美国内外环境的变化,其外交战略目标有所调整,反恐、扩展民主和防范大国崛起成为重要目标,战略目标多元并重的特点更加清晰,对外战略风格也有变化,单边主义相对收敛,现实主义考虑增多。其战略有所得,也有所困。  相似文献   

这枚碧野蓝天的几何图案,是桓仁满族自治县的标识:蓝天下的五女山峰,突兀巍峨,公元前37年建在五女山的都城遗址荣登世界文化遗产名录;绿色丛中的浑江与哈达河,流淌出一幅天然的太极图形;加之八边的外形轮廓,凸显了桓仁——世界上绝无仅有的太极八卦城的不凡气质。  相似文献   

自2003年第13届不结盟首脑峰会对不结盟运动重新定位和调整以来,不结盟运动有了重要发展。2006年9月15日,第14届不结盟国家首脑会议在古巴首都哈瓦那召开,会议重新确立了不结盟运动的历史地位,使不结盟运动在沉寂多年后再度活跃起来。一、不结盟运动重新趋于活跃进入新世纪以来  相似文献   

In the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country has pursued a peace-oriented foreign policy. After the end of the Beijing Olympics in October 2008, China's foreign relations began to take on a new look. The country now participates more actively in global and regional issues, forging multilateral and bilateral relationships, and entering into discussions on maritime rights and military strategy. It could be said that China is now showing more initiative, independence, confidence, transparency and a greater sense of responsibility, and strengthening cooperation with all partners. These changes are mainly due to China's increasing comprehensive national strength and its need to integrate into the international system in a peaceful and harmonious manner with benefits to all. China has redefined its identity and reassessed its interests. These changes are ongoing, and the nation's diplomacy is still not perfect, but the general direction has now been set.  相似文献   

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《Negotiation Journal》2015,31(1):83-84

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《Negotiation Journal》2013,29(4):493-495

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《Negotiation Journal》2007,23(1):85-89

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《Negotiation Journal》1989,5(2):205-208

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《Negotiation Journal》1995,11(1):78-85

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《Negotiation Journal》1988,4(1):101-103

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《Negotiation Journal》1985,1(3):286-290

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《Negotiation Journal》1986,2(3):315-318

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