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This article advances an account of “the international” in which “juridical life” is taken as the dominant ethic and ultimately the force of “the international” within the discipline of international relations. It evaluates the foundational myths of international politics in terms of its capacity to exercise juridical power, in the service of the state as a geopolitical entity. It examines the ethics of doing “the international” and how rationalities of the international are contained within legalist rationalities of international politics. Drawing upon the ideas of Giorgio Agamben, it proposes an alternative conceptualisation of international life in which the juridical is dispossessed of its political rationality. Such an outlook allows for the reframing of international politics at a critical distance from geopolitical orthodoxies within international theory and opens up new possibilities for ethics in international politics.  相似文献   

The financial crisis is having a great impact on the worldeconomic and political structure. At the same time, it has brought important opportunities to China, a country in a crucial stage of development. The crisis has demonstrated China's importance and positive role in international economy, and provided it with favorable conditions to enhance its international influence and status.  相似文献   

<正>January January 21,Secretary-General Ni Jian,Deputy Secretary-General Zheng Yao together with some GAFIU staff members held a working discussion with colleagues from German Friedrich-EbertStiftung(FES)Beijing Office.January 28,Deputy Secretary-General Liu Kaiyang met with Mr.Young-Sam Ma,Ambassador for Public Diplomacy of Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

正January January 4,Secretary-General Ni Jian met with Teruo Tsuneda,Executive Director of the Mainichi Shimbun of Japan and Katsuyoshi Seimiya,Director of Global Business Division of the Mainichi Shimbun.The two sides exchanged views on China’s political and economic situation after the 18thNational Congress of CPC and Japan’s political situation after the general election.  相似文献   


A conventional opinion is that Russia is trying to destroy the liberal international order. Russia indeed defies it, but also justifies its foreign policy with the liberal order’s normative frameworks and reproaches the West for not standing up to these norms. Moreover, Moscow does not present any alternative vision. Russia complains about the internal contradictions of the liberal order: sovereignty vs. intervention, pluralism vs. universality, US hegemony vs. equality and democracy, although it also exploits these contradictions. In fact Russia demands an adjustment of the liberal order rather than its eradication and should, therefore, be classified as a neorevisionist power. Two elements underlie Russia’s at times aggressive foreign policy conduct. The first one, its feeling of being ill-accommodated in the present order, predefines the direction of the policy. The second, the prioritisation of foreign policy over domestic reforms, explains the intensity of Russian discontent and its occasional aggressive manifestations. Russia’s domestic consensus regarding its foreign policy, including views on the liberal international order, facilitates this aggressiveness. Three policy conclusions can be drawn: acknowledging that Russia uses the inherent contradictions of the liberal international order opens up possibilities for dialogue and an eventual overcoming of the crisis; the survival and strengthening of the liberal order depends on its embrace of all major players, including Russia, and hence, the need for some adjustments to the order itself; and finally such adjustments presuppose Russia’s readiness to shoulder responsibility for the (reformed) liberal international order.  相似文献   

Established in 1998, Babycare Consulting Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Babycare) is a new-type enterprise offering early education to babies and children aged 0-6. In accordance with the law of physical and mental development of babies and children, the company develops courses such as healthy pregnancy  相似文献   

<正>The 11thChina-Japan-ROK Friendship Children’s Painting Tour Exhibitions organized by the Japanese NPO BELLPO-KAI and Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries were held in Fukuoka,Tokyo and Shanghai in July and August this year.Through painting,a common form of culture,as a way to strengthen exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese children,the exhibition aims to promote  相似文献   


In December 2014, the International Olympic Committee [IOC] granted full membership to Kosovo. For the young state, which had declared its independence only in 2008, this decision meant that it could take part in the upcoming 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. This analysis illustrates the significance of Kosovo’s full IOC membership. Arguing that IOC membership can be identified as both the “end” and “beginning” of Kosovo’s diplomatic endeavour towards international recognition, the role of sport within this process is illuminated. It mirrors the strategic value of representative sport for a nation-building process as well as its particular significance for public diplomacy in Kosovo. Kosovar political elites shifted their focus towards sport because “traditional” diplomatic efforts, despite being successful to a certain extent, could not break the seemingly cemented status quo considering its United Nations [UN] status. Inclusion in the “Olympic family” represents more than just a symbolic victory for Kosovar diplomacy. The Kosovar nation-building and -branding process, emblematised through the “soft power” of representative sport, could be increasingly used to create symbolic pressure on states that have not yet recognised Kosovo; its ultimate diplomatic goal remains to enter the UN, even if it has to be through “sport’s door.”  相似文献   

The formation of the international society is an important sign of the development of contemporary international relations. As  相似文献   

(1)December 11-16,at the invitation of CAFIU,Prof. Abbas Milani,Director of the Iranian Studies Program of Stanford University of USA and Co-Director of the Iran Democracy Project of Hoover Institution visited China. In Beijing,Mr. Zhang Zhijun,CAFIU Advisor and Vice-Minister of the International Department of CPC Central Committee met with him.  相似文献   

(From December 2008 to February 2009)December 2008 (1) December 4, CAFIU Secretary-General Mr. Xu Jianguo met with Mr. Nenad Gli , Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing. (2) December 6-16, at the invitation of Germany Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Czech-China Association,  相似文献   

(From June to December, 2011)June(1) June 1, CAFIU Deputy Secretary-General Ni Jian met with Mr. Suzuki Eiji, Council Memberand Secretary-General of Japan Overseas Council.(2) June 2, CAFIU Deputy Secretary-General NiJian met with the delegation headed by Mr.Horizoe Hideto, Executive Director of theDevelopment Association for Youthworkers ofJapan.  相似文献   

(From June to August 2009)June (1) June 3-8, at the invitation of CAFIU, Mme. Herta Daeubler Gmelin, Chairwoman of Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee of German Federal Parliament visited China. In  相似文献   

September(1) September 3-5, CAFIU representative attended the 61st Annual Conference of UN Department of Public Information/ Non-Governmental Organizations  相似文献   

<正>(From March to May, 2010)March (1) March 16, CAFIU Secretary-General Mr. Xu Jianguo met with Mr. Sven Schwersensky, Program Executive of the FES Beijing office.  相似文献   

March (1) March 1 and 14, CAFIU Secretary-General Mr. Xu Jianguo met with Mr. Li Beihua, Member of Czech-China Association. (2) March 12-14, at the invitation of CAFIU, Mr. Kushihara Yoshinao, former Member of the House of Representatives of Japan and others visited Beijing. CAFIU Advisor Mr. Liu Deyou met with them. CAFIU Secretary-General Mr. Xu Jianguo held discussions with the guests.  相似文献   

(1) March 3, CAFIU Executive Vice-President Mr. Li Chengren met with Japanese friend Mr. Saionji Kazutem.  相似文献   

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