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Robert W. Burchell, James H. Carr, Richard L. Florida and Jarnes Nemeth. The New Reality of Municipal Finance: The Rise and Fall of the Intergovernmental City .
Government Finance Officers Association. Capital Budgeting: Blueprints for Change .
Edward A. Lehan. Budgetmaking: A Workbook of Public Budgeting Theory and Practice .
Thomas D. Lynch. Public Budgeting in America , 2nd Edition.
John L. Mikesell. Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector , 2nd Edition.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Political studies》1989,37(1):128-138
Book reviewed in this article:
Jonathan Schneer, Labour's Conscience: The Labour Left 1945–51 .
Giovanni Sartori, The Theory of Democracy Revisited: Vol. 1 The Contemporary Debate, Vol. 2 The Classical Issues .
Dimitry V. Pospielovsky, A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice, and the Believer Vol. 1: A History of Marxist-Leninist Atheism and Soviet Anti-Religious Policies .
Dimitry V. Pospielovsky, A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice, and the Believer Vol. 2: Soviet Anti-Religious Campaigns and Persecutions .
Franklin Presler, Religion under Bureaucracy: Policy and Administration for Hindu Temples in South India .
Christiane Hurtig, Les Maharajahs et la Politique dans I'Inde Contemporaine .
B. P. Singh, The Problem of Change: A Study of North East India .
Omar Noman, The Political Economy of Pakistan 1947–85 .
J. A. S. Grenville, The Major International Treaties 1914–1945 .
J. A. S. Grenville and Bernard Wasserstein, The Major International Treaties since 1945: A History and Guide with Texts .
Michael Freeden (ed.), J. A. Hobson: A Reader .
J. A. Hobson (Introduction by J. Townshend), Imperialism: A Study .
John Keane, Democracy and Civil Society .
John Keane (ed.), Civil Society and the State .
Geoffrey Palmer, Unbridled Power: An Interpretation of New Zealand's Constitution and Government .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(2):196-216
Book reviews in this article:
P roduction , P urpose A nd S tructure : T owards A S ocialist T heory of P roduction . By J eremy B ray .
W ork A nd P olitics : T he D ivision of L abor I n I ndustry . By C harles F. S abel .
L aw A nd O rder : A rguments F or S ocialism . By I an T aylor .
T he U nited S tates , G reat B ritain , and the C old W ar , 1944–1947. By T erry H. A nderson .
B ritain and T he C old W ar 1941–1947. By V ictor R othwell .
T he G lobal 2000 R eport to the P resident : E ntering the T wenty -F irst C entury Study Director G erald O. B arney .
T he U ltimate R esource . By J ulian L. S imon .
L iving with T omorrow : A F actual L ook at A merica's R esources . By R ichard M. S tephenson .
C atastrophe or C ornucopia : the E nvironment , P olitics and the F uture . By S tephen C otgrove .
S eeds of P lenty , S eeds of W ant : S ocial and E conomic I mplications of the G reen R evolution . By A ndrew P earse .
R eal A id : A S trategy F or B ritain . By C harles E lliott et al .
H arold M a C millan . By N igel F isher .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(2):229-246
Book reviews in this article:
T he F irst W orld W ar : A n A grarian I nterpretation . By A vner O ffer .
G overning E ducation : A S ociology of P olicy S ince 1945. By A ndrew M c P herson and C harles D. R aab .
B ending the R ules —T he B aker 'R eform ' of E ducation . By B rian S imon .
T he E ducation R eform A ct : C ompetition and C ontrol . By L eslie B ash and D avid C oulby .
T he 1988 E ducation A ct —A T actical G uide for S chools . By M artin L eonard .
M anaging F inance in S chools . By T im B lanchard , B ob L ovell and N ick V ille .
S chools and P arents . By J ohn P artington and T ed W ragg .
T he T hatcher E ffect : A D ecade of C hange . Edited by D ennis K avanagh and A nthony S eldon .
A fter T hatcher . By P aul H irst .
A ccounting for P ublic P olicy . By D avid R osenberg .
M anaging C ompetition : M esso-corporatism , P luralism, and the N egotiated O rder in S cotland . By C hris M oore and S imon B ooth .
P olicing the W orld : I nterpol and the P olitics of I nternational P olice C o-operation . By M alcolm A nderson .
A T reatise on S ocial J ustice . Volume 1: T heories of J ustice . By B rian B arry .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
RICHARD A. CHAPMAN and MICHAEL HUNT eds., Open Government: A Study of the Prospects of Open Government Within the Limitations of the British Political System
PETER A. HALL, Governing the Economy: The Politics of State Intervention in Britain and France.
DONALD F. KETTL, Government By Proxy .
JOHN A. ROHR, To Run a Constitution: the Legitimacy of the Administrative State .
FOREST CHISMAN and ALAN PIFER, Government for the People: The Federal Social Role. What It Is. What It Should Be .
JOHN HART The Presidential Branch .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(4):486-504
Book reviews in this article:
N ational C urriculum H istory W orking G roup : F inal R eport .
T he B ritish I sles : A H istory of F our N ations . By H ugh K earney .
B ritain : A P lural S ociety : R eport of A S eminar .
P atriotism : T he M aking A nd U nmaking of B ritish N ational I dentity . Edited by R aphael S amuel , 3 Vols.
G ames with S hadows . By N eal A scherson
T he E nchanted G lass : B ritain and its M onarchy . By T om N airn .
T he D ivided K ingdom . By J ohn O smond .
T he P olitics of I llusion : R epublicanism A nd S ocialism in M odern I rleand . By H enry P atterson .
P arental C hoice and E ducational P olicy . By M ichael A dler , A lison P etch and J ack T weedie .
G overnment B y M oonlight: the H ybrid P arts of the S tate . By P. B irkinshaw , I. H arden and N. L ewis .
T he S ocial and P olitical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By D avid B oucher .
D ivided S ocieties : C lass S truggle in C ontemporary C apitalism .
F eminism /P ostmodernism . Edited by L inda J. N icholson .  相似文献   


Book reviewed in this article:
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : P olitical S cience . A Report prepared by W illiam A. R obson .
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : I nternational R elations . A Report prepared by C. A. W. M anning .
A n E ssay on R acial T ension . By P hilip M ason .
S cience and S ocial A ction . By W. J. H. S prott . ( Watts. 164 pp. 15 s .)
T he P sychology of P olitics . By H. J. E ysenck .
G ladstone : A B iography . By P hilip M agnus .
T empestuous J ourney : L loyd G eorge , his L ife and T imes . By F rank O wen .
G eneral U nion : A Study of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers. By H. A. C legg .
T he S ystem of I ndustrial R elations in G reat B ritian . Edited by A llan F landers and H. A. C legg .
A n I ntroduction to A merican P olitics . By D. W. B rogan .
F ive H undred B orstal B oys . By A. G. R ose .
I nternational R elations : T he W orld C ommunity in T ransition . By N orman D. P almer and H oward C. P erkins .
T he S py W eb : A S tudy in C ommunist E spionage . By F rancis N oel -B aker .
S ocial S ecurity in T he B ritish C ommonwealth . Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. By R onald M endelsohn .  相似文献   

Winning Ways Through Corporate Governance NEVILLE BAIN and DAVID BAND
The Art of Judgment: A Study of Policy Making SIR GEOFFREY VICKERS
Leadership of Public Bureaucracies: The Administrator as Conservator LARRY D TERRY
Responsibility as Paradox: A Critique of Rational Discourse on Government MICHAEL M HARMON
The Wik Case: Issues and Implications GRAHAM HILEY
Working the System: A Guide for Citizens, Consumers and Communities PUBLIC INTEREST ADVOCACY CENTRE  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Robert H. Nelson, A Burning Issue: A Case for Abolishing the US Forest Service
Kathie Durbin, Tongass: Pulp Politics and the Fight for the Alaska Rain Forest
Roger Sedjo, ed., A Vision for the U.S. Forest Service  相似文献   

Book Review     
Book reviewed in this article:
Mazur, A. G. (2002). Theorizing Feminist Policy .
Mazur, A. G. (Ed.) (2001). State Feminism, Women's Movements and Job Training: Making Democracies Work in a Global Economy.
Stetson, D. M. (Ed.) (2001). Abortion Politics, Women's Movements and the Democratic State: A Comparative Study of State Feminism.
Weldon, S. L. (2002). Protest, Policy and the Problem of Violence Against Women: A Cross-National Comparison  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1995,66(4):342-360
Book reviewed in this article:
T hinking the U nthinkable : T hink T anks and the E conomic C ounter -R evolution , 1931–1982. By R ichard C ockett .
T he A utonomy of M odern S cotland . By L indsay P aterson .
C osmopolitan D emocracy : an A genda for A N ew W orld O rder . Edited by D aniele A rchibugi and D avid H eld .
T he S ecret S tate : B ritish I nternal S ecurity in the T wentieth C entury . By R ichard T hurlow .
T he R evolt of the E lites and the B etrayal of D emocracy . By C hristopher L asch .
aming the A ntichrist : T he H istory of an A merican O bsession . By R obert C. F uller .
T om P aine : A P olitical L ife . By J ohn K eane .
Q uality in P ublic S ervices : M anager's C hoices . By L ucy G aster .
T he R epublic of L etters : T he C orrespondence B etween T homas J efferson and J ames M adison 1776–1826. Edited by J ames M orton S mith .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed in this article:
Allen Schick, Making Econmic Policy in Congress
Michael Babunakis, Budget Reform for Government: A Comprehensive Allocation and Management System (CAMS)
Frederick C. Mosher, A Tale of Two Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of the General Accounting Office and the Office of Management and Budget  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(2):294-313
Book reviews in this article:
T he B ritish C onquest and D ominion of I ndia . By S ir P enderel M oon .
T he E conomic F ailure of N uclear P ower in B ritain . By A lex H enney .
T he I maginary W ar: U nderstanding the E ast -W est C onflict . By M ary K aldor .
E unomia : N ew O rder for a N ew W orld . By P hilip A llott .
T he P olitical T heory of S wedish S ocial D emocracy: T hrough the W elfare S tate to S ocialism . By T im T ilton .
S weden : S ocial D emocracy in P ractice . By H enry M ilner
I deology and S trategy : A C entury of S wedish P olitics . By L eif L ewin .
L ords of F leet S treet : T he H armsworth D ynasty . By R ichard B ourne .
R awls : A T heory of J ustice and its C ritics . By C handran K ukathas and P hilip P ettit .
S tate , C ommunity and H uman D esire : A G roup C entred A ccount of P olitical V alues . By A ntony B lack .
P olitics in the S treets : T he O rigins of the C ivil R ights M ovement in N orthern I reland . By B ob P urdie .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Henry Mayer (ed.). Australian Politics: A Reader. A. F. Davies and S. Encel (eds.). Australian Society: A Sociological Introduction. E. K. Fisk (ed.). New Guinea on the Threshold. E. L. Normanton . The Accountability and Audit of Governments. Giles Radice . Democratic Socialism: A Short Survey. W. H. C. Eddy , J. D. B. Miller , D. H. Monro and R. N. Spann . Studies in Democracy. Gerald E. Caiden . The A.C.P.T.A.: A Study of White Collar Public Service Ruth Knight . Illiberal Liberal: Robert Lowe in New South Wales T. H. Mc Elligott . Education in Ireland.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1981,52(3):367-398
Book reviewed in this article:
B ig B usiness . T heoretical and E mpirical A spects of C oncentration and M ergers in the U nited K ingdom . B y S. A aronovitch and M. C. S awyer .
E conomic C oncentration . S tructure , B ehaviour and P ublic P olicy . By J. M. B lair .
C oncentration in M odern I ndustry . By L. H annah and J. A. K ay .
C ompetition P olicy . Including a research annex, C ompetition P olicy and E conomic P erformance in the U nited K ingdom . By A. H ughes .
T he E volution of G iant F irms in B ritain . A S tudy of the G rowth of C oncentration in M anufacturing industry in B ritain 1909–1970. By S. J. P rais .
D iversification and C ompetition . By M. A. U tton .
I nternational H andbook on L ocal G overnment R eorganisation : C ontemporary D evelopments . E dited by D onald C. R owat .
O ffshore S afety . R eport of the C ommittee . C hairman : D r . J. H. B urgoyne .
T he N ew A uthoritarianism in L atin A merica . Edited by D avid C ollier .
G ood N eighbour D iplomacy : U nited S tates P olicies in L atin A merica 1933–45. By I rwin F. G ellman .
C hile : A n A ttempt at "H istoric C ompromise ": T he R eal S tory of the A llende Y ears . By J orge P alacios .
T he A rmy and P olitics in A rgentina 1945–62: P erón to F roxdizi . By R obert A. P otash .
D efence P olitics : A B udgetary P erspective . By A rnold K anter .
D owning S treet D iary . By H arold E vans .
E uropean E lections and B ritish P olitics . By D avid B utler and D avid M arquand .
T he P eople's B udget 1909/10: L loyd G eorge and L iberal P olitics . By B ruce K. M urray .
T he L eo A mery D iaries . V olume O ne : 1896–1929. Edited by J ohn B arnes and D avid N icholson .
T.U.C. T he G rowth of a P ressure G roup 1868–1976. By R oss M artin .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1985,56(2):202-222
Book reviews in this article:
T he A ttorney -G eneral , P olitics and the P ublic I nterest . By J ohn LI. J. Edwards.
C ontrolling the C onstable : P olice A ccountability in E ngland and W ales . By T ony J efferson and R oger G rimshaw .
A lternatives to P rison : A n E xamination of N on -C ustodial S entencing of O ffenders . By S tephen S tanley and M ary B aginsky .
T he S hare E conomy : C onquering S tagflation . By M artin L. W eitzman .
T he R econstruction of W estern E urope 1945–51. By A lan S. M ilward .
EEC E nvironmental P olicy and B ritain : A n E ssay and a H andbook . By N igel H aigh .
T he B enn I nheritance : T he S tory of a R adical F amily . By S ydney H iggins .
W ritings on the W all : A R adical and S ocialist A nthology 1215–1984. Edited by T ony B enn .
R eading from R ight to L eft . By H. S. F erns .  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Arnold A. Rogow, A Fatal Friendship: Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.
John Steele Gordon, Hamilton's Blessing: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Our National Debt.
Peter McNamara, Political Economy and Statesmanship: Smith, Hamilton, and the Foundation of the Commercial Republic.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1986,57(2):195-225
Book reviews in this article:
T he D iary of B eatrice W ebb . Edited by N orman & J eanne M ackenzie Volume One 1873-1892 G litter A round and D arkness W ithin
Volume Two 1892-1905 A ll T he G ood T hings of L ife
Volume Three 1905-1924 T he P ower to A lter T hings
Volume Four T he W heel of L ife
T he L ast D issenter : H. N. B railsford and his W orld . By F. M. L eventhal .
K eir H ardie : R adical and S ocialist . By K enneth O. M organ .
C arrington : A L ife and a P olicy . By P atrick C osgrave .
T he R eturn of G rand T heory in the H uman S ciences . Edited by Q uentin S kinner .
A P reface to E conomic D emocracy . By R obert A. D ahl .
Y ears of R ecovery : B ritish E conomic P olicy 1945–51. By A lec C airncross .
T he N ew S elect C ommittees : A S tudy of T he 1979 R eforms . Edited by G avin D rewry .
W ork and I nequality . BY S usan L onsdale .
W omen's R ights at W ork : C ampaigns and P olicy in B ritain and the U nited S tates . BY E lizabeth M. M eehan .
R eduntant W omen . BY A ngela C oyle .
B eyond E mployment : H ousehold , G ender and S ubsistence . Edited by N anneke R edclift and E nzo M ingione .
U nions and E conomic C risis : B ritain , W est G ermany, and S weden . By P eter G ourevitch , A ndrew M artin , G eorge R oss , S tephen B orstein , A ndrei M arkovits, and C hristopher A llen .
I ndustrial R elations in B ritain . Edited by G eorge S ayers B ain .
H istory and H eritage ; T he S ocial O rigins of the B ritish I ndustrial R elations S ystem . By A lan F ox .
T he B ritish S tate and T he U lster C risis : F rom W ilson to T hatcher . By P aul B ew & H enry P atterson .
I reland : A P ositive P rosposal . By K evin B oyle and T om H adden .
B ritish P olicy T owards I reland 1921–1941. By P aul C anning .  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
John A. Rohr, Founding Republics in France and America: A Study in Constitutional Governance.  相似文献   

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