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栾润峰 《法人》2010,(3):88-88
很多企业都在企业文化中强调,要员工有主人翁意思,视企业为家,全身心地投身到公司的工作中去。这样的企业文化建设看起来很不错,但结果是,我们这样的要求越多,员工越是会缺少主人翁意识,也不能将公司当成家。  相似文献   

黄鸣 《法人》2009,(10)
好机制成全人才,坏机制毁掉人才对于人才培养方面,两种心态值得我们人力资源部门、各部门主管注意和研究,一种是恨铁不成钢,一种是恨钢不能用。一般来讲,新加入一个团队的员工都不是钢,没有几个一来马上就  相似文献   

黄鸣 《法人》2007,(4):86-87
同化不了的员工就清除出你的眼界,这样你就达到了商场自由王国和竞争的最高境界——目中无人,目空一切说来大家可能不信,皇明从创业到成为中国太阳能热利用产业巨无霸的十多年间,从内部战略和策略的研讨、规划  相似文献   

市场经济是法制经济。这就要求企业经理不仅要善于经营管理而且要懂法守法,否则经常会因好心办了坏事,甚至触刑犯科。国有企业事业单位,国有公司私分国有资产的现象,由于传统的“为公不违法,法不责众”的思想影响,人们对这种行为的社会危害性没有足够的认识。各种国有企、事业单位,甚至国家机关的部分负责人都认为这种行为只是激励员工,只要自己不沾边就万事大吉。因而私分国有资产现象层出不穷,国有资产大量流失!为了加强对国有资产的保护,惩治这种侵吞国有资产的犯罪  相似文献   

员工忠诚度是企业人力资源管理好坏的重要指标。影响员工忠诚度的主要因素包括:薪酬水平、企业领导人及其管理水平、招聘制度、猎头公司的挖"墙脚"活动等。要培养员工的忠诚度,必须把好"招聘关",为员工提供经济保障和分享工作成果,提供事业发展的机会,实施人本管理。  相似文献   

李美娟 《政府法制》2007,(18):24-25
为保障员工身体健康,日前,南昌市很多单位组织员工到医院进行年度性的集体体检。然而,笔者在采访中发现,这件好事却惹来了一些员工不少怨气,有的员工甚至采取"漏检"方式躲避集体体检,有的员工则把名额或某些体检项目让他人"享用"或"代检"。  相似文献   

在现代酒店管理中,人性化管理已逐步上升为主流的管理理念。现代酒店的人性化管理,一方面要顾客满意,强调以顾客为中心;另一方面,要把员工满意放在重要位置,强调酒店要以员工为本。提出"员工第一,顾客第二"的管理理念,也就是说没有满意的员工,就没有满意的宾客。本文建议将人性化管理理念引入到对员工的管理中,达到实现员工满意,提高酒店服务质量,从而让顾客更加满意、酒店更快发展的目的。  相似文献   

潞安集团公司是山西省五大煤炭企业集团之一,始终把“企业发展后劲增强了没有,员工生活质量提高了没有”作为检验发展成效和各级班子工作好坏的两条根本标准,在促进企业大发展的同时,努力让企业发展成果普惠员工、造福社会,员工收入大幅增长,幸福指数不断提升。  相似文献   

提升企业员工忠诚度的对策与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,越来越多的跨国公司涌入中国,国内企业与国外企业之间的竞争日趋激烈。本文指出在以人为本的现代化企业竞争中,传统的命令加控制模式对确保企业取得成功已显得苍白无力。因为最关键的资源存在于员工的头脑中,惟有切实了解了员工的期望和要求,致力于发展新型的员工与企业的关系,巩固并提升员工对企业的忠诚度,把员工的潜能释放出来,才能使企业兴旺发达具有可靠的保证。因此,员工的忠诚度就成为了企业求得生存和发展的关键。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,越来越多的跨国公司涌入中国,国内企业与国外企业之间的竞争日趋激烈.本文指出在以人为本的现代化企业竞争中,传统的命令加控制模式对确保企业取得成功已显得苍白无力.因为最关键的资源存在于员工的头脑中,惟有切实了解了员工的期望和要求,致力于发展新型的员工与企业的关系,巩固并提升员工对企业的忠诚度,把员工的潜能释放出来,才能使企业兴旺发达具有可靠的保证.因此,员工的忠诚度就成为了企业求得生存和发展的关键.  相似文献   

Public Sector Unionization is a phenomenon characterized by rapid growth. Many studies have found, however, that the pay differential between unionized and non-unionized public sector employees is relatively small. This study posits the theory that one possible explanation is that unionized public sector employees are making gains in an area where the cost of concessions is somewhat hidden. Specifically, that unionized public sector employees enjoy a substantial lead in number of fringe benefits. The public sector area chosen for study is that of corrections. A questionnaire was constructed and mailed to all 50 state correctional systems assessing whether or not employees received 35 fringe benefits. The fringe benefits are divided into five categories and reported in tabular form. In addition, the fringe benefits are examined as a composite index and a comparison is then made between unionized and non-unionized employees. The results clearly show that unionized correctional employees have a considerable advantage in the number of fringe benefits enjoyed.  相似文献   

近年来,侵害进城务工者权益的事件时有发生,而在非公有制企业表现尤甚。在进城务工者队伍中,青年又占了较大比重。维护青年权益,促进青年健康成长,是党和政府交给共青团组织的一项重要职责,共青团组织有义务维护非公有制企业外来务工青年的合法权益。本文通过对重庆市部分区县的实地调研、个案访谈和相关资料的分析,对重庆市非公有制企业外来务32青年权益保障状况和形成原因进行了探讨,并提出了对策性意见,为共青团_组织协助党和政府做好非公有制企业外来务工青年的权益保障工作作了一定的理论思考和探索。  相似文献   

Workplace justice and employee worth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Distributive and procedural justice gain new meaning in light of other distinctions about how organizations value employees (the employees' “worth”). Fair compensation gives employees worth as achieved status: how the employee is like some employees (similarly rewarded) and not like others (dissimilarly rewarded). But employees also want to be treated uniquely as individuals and in other ways to be treated like all other employees, both reflecting worth as ascribed status. Such worth need not involve the distribution of outcomes; it can be gained if procedures function as ends in themselves. Different types of worth thus become the source of different criteria for justice. Based on a paper entitled “Justice as Worth,” which was prepared for the Third International Conference on Social Justice research (held in the Netherlands during July 1991).  相似文献   

A new training program was developed for correctional officers and other new employees. The training was designed to focus on a positive philosophy toward rehabilitation rather than emphasizing techniques for managing inmates. Attitude questionnaires were developed to test attitudes on treatment and security. The questionnaire was administered before and after the training to determine changes in attitude. The trainees' attitudes were compared to those of college students who had completed an internship. There was a significant difference in the attitudes of employees before training and after training. There was also a significant difference in attitudes of interns and employees before training but not after the employees had been trained.  相似文献   

Attitudes and behaviors of employees in organizations are influenced by fairness judgments employees make about organizations. A model is presented that proposes (i) when fairness becomes an issue to employees, (ii) how certain rules are chosen to evaluate a situation as fair or unfair, and (iii) the psychological and behavioral reactions that may result from judging something as unfair. The managerial implications of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

An employer's prerogative to discipline and discharge its employees has been substantially infringed by the courts, state legislatures, Congress, and governmental agencies. In its recent Materials Research decision, the National Labor Relations Board has expanded the Weingarten principle by limiting the employer's ability to conduct investigatory and disciplinary interviews of nonunion employees. In addition, state courts and legislatures have begun to scrutinize the grounds for an employer's discharge of an employee, and Congress has statutorily prohibited the discipline or discharge of employees who "blow the whistle" on their employers under certain circumstances. This article will evaluate recent developments in this area of law and explore their impact on an employer's right to discipline and discharge its employees.  相似文献   

郑高键  谢杰 《政法学刊》2010,27(1):22-27
由于《刑法》对非国家工作人员受贿罪和受贿罪在客观方面的表述不尽相同,也使非国家工作人员受贿罪在客观方面认定上存在一定争议。对非国家工作人员受贿罪在客观方面刑法适用具体问题进行探讨,期待对非国家工作人员受贿罪的司法适用更具有操作性。  相似文献   

This paper provides an ethnographic analysis of the ways that employees of an emergency shelter create and maintain order. The paper applies the framework of legal consciousness to explicate the practices of the employees that amount to “private ordering.” The employees administer the rules of the shelter in the context of an “ethic of care,” but one that is outside the purview of formal law. This ethic, however, is polysemic, and the employees, therefore, must adopt diverse styles based on their understandings of their professional roles regarding the needs of the clients. The practices of two employees are highlighted in detail, whose strategies in applying and maintaining adherence to shelter rules are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Both make decisions in a somewhat spontaneous and, more importantly, inconsistent, fashion. Despite the complications that arise from applying the rules as such, the employees tolerate, even laud and celebrate, these methods. While this system of private ordering has little resemblance to the ordered, consistent, and rigid application of formal law, it allows the employees to administer diverse strategies of ethics of care and shape practices to fit their professional roles and the complex exigencies of an emergency shelter. The paper locates the extant private ordering not in the law, nor in its shadow—assumed to be preconditions—but outside or beyond them. Given that this ordering is founded against the law—it is not law, nor law‐like and has no desire to so be—the paper suggests that it can be thought of as private ordering proper and lays the framework for theorization that accounts for its instrumental and symbolic dimensions.  相似文献   


Accepting the argument made by Manne, Epstein and others that firms wishing to allow their employees to insider trade should be permitted to do so, this article shows that there is still a crucial role for government in regulating insider trading. In particular, allowing employees to profit by insider trading is a form of employee compensation that, in contradistinction from conventional forms of equity compensation, results in unknowable and effectively unlimited costs to the company. Since providing employee compensation in this form causes the company to lose control of its compensation expense, even if insider trading were legal, virtually every company would rely on conventional forms of employee compensation and prohibit its employees from insider trading. But, pace Manne, Epstein and others, companies lack the means to detect insider trading by their employees, and even when they do catch employees insider trading, companies can impose only mild contractual sanctions, generally not exceeding disgorgement of profits and dismissal. As a result, although an efficient agreement between a company and its employee would prohibit the employee from insider trading, this prohibition cannot be effectively enforced by the company. Government, with its usual law enforcement powers, is better able to detect insider trading and can impose more severe sanctions on violators, including criminal penalties. Government should thus enforce a ban on insider trading in those instances, which will be virtually all instances, in which a company prohibits its employees from insider trading. The efficient solution is thus a hybrid system of private prohibition and public enforcement. Such a system is not unusual but the norm. Employers prohibit employees from embezzling their money and stealing their property, and employees are subject to contractual sanctions and dismissal for violating these prohibitions, but we still need statutes against theft to generate an optimal level of deterrence. This is all the more true when the employee misappropriates information, which is much harder to detect than a theft of money or property.


Postaccident testing of railroad employees for drugs and alcohol was performed in 175 qualifying accidents or incidents (events) from April 1987 through March 1988. Initial tests for drugs were performed on urine, and for alcohol on blood. Presumptive positives were confirmed and quantitated using both blood and urine when available. In 42 of these events (24%), at least 1 employee tested positive (6.7% of 736 employees) for drugs or alcohol. A higher proportion of drug or alcohol-positive events, or both, 40 versus 21%, was found when a fatality was involved. In 11 of the 32 fully investigated drug or alcohol-positive events (involving 14 employees), the investigating agencies determined that substance use was determined to be a probable cause of, or a factor relating to, the accident. Cannabinoids, ethanol, cocaine, or multiple-drug use were found in 5, 3, 3, and 3 of those employees, respectively. Detectable drug and alcohol use occurs among railroad employees; occasionally it has resulted in accidents.  相似文献   

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