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年,有新旧之分.现如今我们过的春节,原本是我国传统的新年,亦名大年.  相似文献   

Redefining Death     
The results of 20 years of research on brain death will be released to the public, the Chinese Ministry of Health reported in early April. A special ministry team has drafted the criteria for brain death in Criteria for the Diagnosis of Brain Death in Adults (Revised Edition) and Technical Specifications for the Diagnosis  相似文献   

<正>Reading has somewhat dwindled as a habit in China.The number of books per capita annually read in the Middle Kingdom has remained under five for several consecutive years,a sum far lower than that of Japan,South Korea and many Western countries.The inadequate level of reading of the Chinese has caught the attention of the Central Government.At a press conference in March,Premier Li Keqiang noted  相似文献   

<正>Rural migrant workers are counted in China’s official urban unemployment rate Rural migrant workers are a major work force in Chinese cities. Their employment is usually temporary and sensitive to economic fluctuations.  相似文献   

正China plans to have fewer public institutions that offer better social services On April 16, Xinhua News Agency released a set of draft guidelines outlining future reforms of public institutions for feedback about one year after a similar draft was circulated internally among China's central government departments. The reform is nothing less than an upheaval  相似文献   

正Shaxi Town along the centuries-old Silk Road forges a new path in restoration Between two of the best known tourist destinations in southwest China's Yunnan Province,Lijiang and Dali,another ancient town has sat,largely overlooked,for much of the past century.Shaxi,an extraordinarily well-preserved small town in Jianchuan County,houses trea-  相似文献   

年轻时发现眼睛近视,开始戴眼镜就再未摘下,这一戴就是40几年.那时北京的眼镜店,好像只有几家,最著名的当属"大明",其次就是"精益",都是国营老字号.  相似文献   

THEY will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no take up sword against nation nor will they learn war anymore. This quote adorns a stone wall that lies outside the UN headquarters in New York and, though biblical in origin, expresses a universal desire for peace that was the fundamental inspiration for the creation of the UN.  相似文献   

Known as the gateway to Guangxi, Wuzhou has long been a significant trade hub in southern China. It became a trade port in 1897 and a customs office was built in the same year. Over the next half-century, it became known as a "mini Hong Kong." During the 1930s the Encyclopedia Britannia defined it: "Wuzhou, the largest commercial city in Guangxi."  相似文献   

THE 1,000-year-old Foshan City stands in central southern Guangdong Province. Nominated one of China's Four Famous Towns during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, Foshan's other laurels include acknowledgement as Ceramics Capital of the South and Cradle of Folk Art in the Pearl River Delta. Following its regional restructuring in the year 2003, a series  相似文献   

BySHENHAO&CHENJUHONGSeventy-fouryearsago,HarrywayneAbbottandtwootherAmericanshelpedChi-nadesignandas.assembleitsfirstmilitaryaircraft,theRosamondeI.Seventy-fouryearslater,hissonDan-SanAbbottreturnedtoGuangzhouwiththisintriguingstory.DAN-SANAbbottwasborninGuangzhoubutleftwithhisfamilvin1923attheageofeightmonthsDuringWorldWarⅡhewasafighterpilot,flyingtoGuangxi,YunnanandevennortheastIndia,butnevertohisbirth-place,Guangzhou.Inthespringof1997,Dan~SanAbbottfinallycame"home."Atthea…  相似文献   

PAWNSHOPS, the oldest financial institutions in China, have been undergoing a dra- matic revival since the lifting of a 30-year ban in 1987. Over the 2007/08 new year period, Beijing pawnbrokers reported a 30 percent rise in transactions, with an increasing share involving medium-sized and small businesses needing fast loans. “Twenty years after its comeback in China, pawnbroking is regaining some of the buzz it had in the old days,” declares Hao Fengqin, secretary general of the Beijing Pawn Trade Association.  相似文献   

I don't know exactly when my love affair with qipaos,or cheongsams,started.I just know that when I saw Zhao Wei(Vicki Zhao)and her costars wearing qipaos in Romance in the Rain TV series,which is set in Shanghai in the 1930s,I was smitten.Whereas Chinese ladies like to wear qipaos for special events,e.g.red ones for weddings,I wear them more frequently,both for parties and sometimes even in the office.  相似文献   

<正>The dual-track approach emphasizes peace for resolving the South China Sea disputes When it comes to the South China Sea,China aims to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maintain regional stability.Accusations that China is taking advantage of the situation to accelerate its naval buildup in an attempt to control the Western Pacific are unfounded and irresponsible.Parties directly involved in the disputes include China,Viet Nam,the Philippines,Malaysia,Brunei,Indonesia and China’s Taiwan.Therefore,  相似文献   

DADONG District lies in what was the former site of the Qing imperial court-Shenyang - before the Man-chu royal family gained national control and moved into Beijing's Forbidden Cityin 1644. Nestled in this center of the Manchu civilization, Dadong boasts a rich historic and cultural legacy of the Manchu people.  相似文献   

CHINA'S Three GorgesWater Conservancy Project,with the huge amount ofhydropower it generates, istransforming some of thetraditionally tourist-oriented cities alongthe Yangtze River. Manufacturing isbooming, and Hubei's Yichang City hasseen the birth of a phoenix - the YichangChangjiang Machine Technology Co.,Ltd. (Changjiang Machine).Changjiang Machine rose from theashes of the now defunct ChangjiangMachine Tool Plant. The new company,with its advanced production facilities,occupies…  相似文献   

DAQING has been the pride of China's oilindustry, of China's industry as a whole andof the Chinese people. The discovery andexploration of the Daqing Oilfield put theChinese petroleum industry squarely on the road todevelopment.Born in the WildernessForty-two years ago, Daqing could not be foundon any map. On September 26, 1959, the eve of thegrand celebration of the 10th anniversary of thePeople's Republic of China, the first flow of oilgushed forth from Songji well No. 3, in the wild…  相似文献   

Old Soles     
正Beijing shoe brand Neiliansheng keeps cultural heritage running Amid the rhythmic tap-dance of production inside Neiliansheng's factory in Xicheng District of Beijing,He Kaiying,a master of Neiliansheng cloth shoes,was teaching an apprentice to draw the outline of a sole.The 56-year-old senior shoemaker guides three young apprentices,passing on traditional shoemaking skills that have been in place since the company's  相似文献   

An Old Street     
正Beijing's cultural heritage on Liulichang Street is ready to embrace a promising future Outside of the Forbidden City, Beijing's historical districts offer unique scenes of Chinese culture to tourists from around the world. Preserving this cultural heritage is an important task in the rapidly expanding metropolis. Liulichang (meaning Glass Street in English) stretches 800  相似文献   

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