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Hohhot,capital city of inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is an historical city on the beautiful Chile plain of western China. its pure blue sky and high air quality have earned it the "National Hygienic Sanitary City," "One of China’s Top Tourism Destination Cities" and "China’s Milk City" awards. The millen-nium-old Song of Chile, so celebrates its beauty: "The Chile plain sits under the Yin Mountains, The sky envelops the plains like a huge yurt. The heavens are deep blue and the steppe broad, When the wind blows, livestock can be seen among lush grasses."  相似文献   

LIN Guanghui was a leading biologist in the U.S. for 20 years, but after a series of re-cent visits to China he decided to settle back in his homeland. The reason? "The Chinese government is paying greater attention to the envi-ronment, and is more open to scientific opinion."  相似文献   

CHENZHOU is a small scenic city in the mountains and a major stop on the Beijing-GuangzhouRailway. The recently opened Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and National Highway No. 107 pass through the city, and it is only a four hour drive to Guangzhou and Changsha. Since opening of the Guangdong-Hunan segment of the  相似文献   

正USUALLY each city has its own area code,but when I called one of my classmates in the U.S.the display on his telephone showed codes for three cit ies(Changsha,Xiangtan and Zhuzhou)He was puzzled and asked me whether I had opened companies in all three cities.I told him that as a city group the three cities use a unified area code–one of the results of regional econom ic integration.My company is in Chang  相似文献   

WENZHOU is one of the more prosperous areasin China, but its initial development came at a high price - loss of credit. Its commercial beginnings epitomize China‘s nascent non-public manufacturing sector in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Toward the end of 2007, news came that Chinese archeologists had found the remains of an ancient city ,believed to have existed 5,300 years ago. The remains are a vital part of the Liangzhu culture that once thrived in vast areas of eastern China, mainly in the/aP, e Taihu area. The latest finding added brilliance to the Lianzhu culture, pray ng that the early Chinese living in the area, while producers of rice and jade artifacts, were also capable of buildlng a city 2.9 million square meters In area, four times as large as the world-renowned Forbidden City in Beijing, Remains of the Liangzhu culture were first discovered in 1936 ;at Liangzhu Town in Zhejiang Provinces, Since then, continuous excavation has yielded more and more Ltangzhu cultural remains. Interestingly; the layout of the structures in the newly discovered "Liangzhu City" resembles the Chinese Character "国"-- meaning "nation" or "state," prompting speculation that there could have been an organized state earlier than the Xia, Shang and Zhou, the earliest Chinese dynosties known so far, which existed from about the 21st century BC to 221 BC, Some experts suggest that the entire history of the Chinese civilization may have to be rewritten if theories.about the recent findings prove correct.  相似文献   

Local authorities have been at pains to fill the city's pubfic areas and roads with vegetation and residents are encouraged to plant trees in their courtyards.  相似文献   

QINGDAO is situated on the Yellow Sea coast against a picturesque background of green mountains in southeast Shandong Province. It is a popular seaside tourist destination for people living on China's east coast. Qingdao has abundant cultural relics and famous historical sites, and is best known for its stunning seaside scenery and German architecture, built by colonizers during the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).  相似文献   

In Foshan, culture and economy are parallel lines of development. Its traditional culture having evolved into a contemporary economic force, the two are indivisible. Foshan's goal is to accelerate its ongoing fusion of culture and economy, thereby promoting all-round social development.  相似文献   

WHILE China's eastern seaboard has been experiencing rapid development for close to two decades, the Chinese government has recently been taking steps to try and foster similar progress in other parts of the country. Chongzuo City, near Vietnam in China's far south, is an example of a previously obscure area that has started to undergo the kind of dazzling changes that cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing have been experiencing for many years.  相似文献   

CHINA'S central area comprises six provinces in the country's heartland -Hubei,Hunan,Henan,Anhui,Jiangxi and Shanxi.Together,they make up 10.7 percent of China's land mass,28.1 percent of its population,and 19.5 percent of its GDE Heavily populated,they are significant players in the country's economy and market.  相似文献   

甘肃省河西走廊中部,有一座因举世闻名的万里长城“天下第一雄关”——嘉峪关而得名的城市,那里是古丝绸之路的交通要道,是明代万里长城的西端起点,也是丝路文化和长城文化的交汇点,自古以来就被人们称为“河西重镇、边陲锁钥”。它就是嘉峪关市,该市总面积2935平方公里,总人口20万,其中城市人口占总人口的87.3%。随着1958年国家“一五”计划重点建设项目——酒泉钢铁公司的建设和发展,嘉峪关经过40多年的开发建设,现已发展成为西北最大的钢铁生产基地和国家二类旅游开放城市。1971年经国务院批准为省辖市。嘉峪关市地处“丝绸之路”黄金段,…  相似文献   

Grandpa Qin, now 74, has returned to where he had lived for more than six decades in the company of his daughter. In front of him, the old dilapidated scenes have all disappeared. The former nine 1.9-meter-wide lanes have become 12 six-meter-wide roads. The former crowded courtyards, 11 stairs down the lanes, have completely changed their outlook. The only things that seem to have not changed are the old Beijing style of blue tiles and gray bricks and the imperial city walls nearby that are the witnesses to all these changes. Grandpa Qin is among the 300 households who have returned after the rebuilding project was completed. Qin's family lived in the Nanchizi community for five generations. The big  相似文献   

THE number of motor vehicles in Beijing hit 3.2 million in February this year - almost double the figure of late 2001. Despite the municipal government having spent some RMB 110 billion on improving traffic systems since Beijing was announced as the host city for the 2008 Olympics, an average day still sees chronic congestion in the capital. In August, hundreds of thousands of athletes, coaches, sports officials, media personnel and tourists will flood into Beijing, placing even more pressure on the city and potentially creating a major headache for residents as well as the government.  相似文献   

MENTION Hami and invariably the first thing that comes to the mind for most Chinese is the region’s name sake melon - hamigua  相似文献   

LOCATED in northwest China, Ningxia is the country’s only Hui autono-mous region. Of its 6 million inhabitants, more than 2 million are Hui. While embracing modern life, the Hui people still keep faith with their own traditions and beliefs.  相似文献   

<正>On a sunny day under the palm trees,three young women wearing button less flowery blouses and short tight skirts were chitchatting.Standing not far from them,I felt it made for an attractive portrait.The clicks of my camera startled them at first,but they did not recoil from me.Instead,they  相似文献   

The room is in utter chaos, with chairs piling up in a comer and the cable TV not connected to the power source. But one thing is put in place: a slogan on the wall "Creating an outstanding WFQ team for the benefit of all women and children."  相似文献   

QINHUANGDAO in Hebei Province is famous for its section of the Great Wall and pristine beaches.But it is more than just an ideal summer resort.In 2008,it attracted world attention as the only prefecture- level co-host city of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,staging not only some memorable Olympic football matches, but also taking advantage of the opportunities created by the Games to move ahead in terms of development. China Today spoke with Zhu Haowen, the city's mayor,and he described Qinhuangdao's unique charm with seven key words.  相似文献   

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