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一、恐怖主义与社会稳定基本概念辨析 (一)恐怖主义的基本概念 恐怖主义已成国际社会公害,国际社会制定了许多与反恐怖主义有关的国际公约。综合地看,恐怖主义是指组织、集团或个人,在恐怖主义理念支配下,通过秘密策划和实施,使用或威胁使用暴力手段,旨在追求恐怖效应,以达到某种特定政治目的的极端犯罪行为。其有几个基本标准:  相似文献   

Abstract: The terrorist attacks suffered by the United States of America on 11 September 2001 have caused a considerable increase in legislation at national and European level with the same objective: the fight against terrorism. The special nature of this crime makes judicial cooperation among states indispensable. In this context, both kinds of instruments are contemplated in order to provide the necessary measures especially—and not especially—addressed to prevent and repress terrorism: they give place to substantial and procedural rules, such as the European Arrest Warrant in the territory of the European Union. But in this claimed fight against terrorism there are also two important risks, namely the creation of a kind of ‘Security Criminal Law’ from a material point of view and the arguable breach of human rights infringed by some of those procedural measures.  相似文献   

This article begins with the widespread expectation that ‘followingthe money trail’ would be an effective means of hamperingterrorist activity. So far, however, that effectiveness hasbeen less than certain, and financial services providers arguethat, at most, they would be able to check names against lists(they are adamant that the risk-based approach does not applyhere). Legal difficulties deepen the factual problems: boldstatements in international Conventions that terrorist activitiesare not political crimes, do not really solve the fundamentaldilemma that a distinction needs to be made between freedomfighters and terrorists if combatants are merely aiming at therestoration of the democratic order. On a more practical level,international organizations (namely the United Nations and theFinancial Action Task Force on Money Laundering) have createda system of mechanisms to freeze suspected funds of terrorism.So far, the procedures for freezing and de-freezing do not meetthe generally accepted standards of a fair hearing (as definedby the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsor the European Convention on Human Rights). The author concludesthat the current way of dealing with the issue of financingof terrorism is far from convincing.  相似文献   

杨正鸣 《犯罪研究》2009,(1):13-20,12
2001年9月11日,历史将永远铭记着这一天,作为纽约之骄傲的世贸大厦轰然倒塌,在短短几十分钟内数千生灵灰飞烟灭,从那一霎那起,我们生活于其中的整个世界都为“9.11”这个黑色的日子所带来的毁灭而震撼与惊恐。在此之后,美国几乎所有的政治、军事、外交活动都不同程度地与这一恐怖袭击事件相关联,恐怖分子那种对于无辜生命的漠视与屠戮,已经被永远钉在历史的耻辱柱上,  相似文献   

武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题关系到国际法律秩序的前途与联合国集体安全体制的命运。通过对美国武力反恐政策与实践在国际法学界引发的争议、国际法上自卫权规则和安理会授权武力强制措施的适用性、国际恐怖主义泛滥对自卫权理论和规则的发展方向的影响 ,以及联合国在武力反恐中的作用等问题的分析 ,我们可以看到 ,虽然现有国际法理论和规则并不完全支持武力反恐 ,但是完全排除受害国使用武力反恐既不合理也不可行。为了既有效打击恐怖主义又不滥用武力 ,现行国际法和联合国体制都需要改革 ,以建立一个由和平措施和武力措施共同构成的反恐机制。  相似文献   

The War Against Terrorism has put into issue two tenets of theAmerican constitutional tradition. The first denies the governmentthe power to imprison anyone unless that person is charged witha crime and swiftly brought to trial. The other requires thegovernment to abide by the Constitution’s restrictionson its power no matter where or against whom it acts. This article,based on the 2005 H.L.A. Hart lecture, examines the SupremeCourt’s first encounter with the Administration’sconduct of the War Against Terrorism and explains how the SupremeCourt’s rulings badly compromised these foundational principles.  相似文献   

论恐怖主义犯罪的特征和要件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘华 《犯罪研究》2009,(1):6-10
需要说明的是,在研究恐怖主义犯罪时,我们将特征和要件区别开来,我们所研究的恐怖主义犯罪特征,是指恐怖主义犯罪作为一类犯罪区别于其他类刑事犯罪所具有的共性特点。我们所研究的恐怖主义犯罪要件,是指依据国际公约、法律所规定的认定恐怖主义犯罪构成的要素。  相似文献   

刘涛 《犯罪研究》2011,(5):79-89
恐怖主义作为一种长期存在的现象在全球化的背景下,在“后911”时代用有了不少新的特征。对其从新的角度进行定义变得重要和迫切起来。另外,恐怖组织与有组织犯罪的合作日益紧密,这种紧密的合作需要进行深入的调查和分析其合作的结构。关于恐怖主义的一个准确的定义和有关其与犯罪组织合作清晰的图卷有助于全球范围内打击这两股势力的行动的展开。  相似文献   

The article surveys action taken by the European Community to combat fraud affecting its financial interests, focusing on the development of investigative authority granted to OLAF, the European‘Office Pour La Lutte Anti Fraude’ and its impact on the procedural rights of the alleged defrauder. It shows that the involvement of OLAF can be crucial for a national fraud investigation and subsequent criminal prosecution and that it meets the criteria set out by the Strasbourg organs for the applicability of Article 6 ECH. The article explores whether the legal sources governing the activities of OLAF or national—or rather, Community—law guarantee sufficient protection for the alleged defrauder and thus pay respect to principles arising from the rule of law in law enforcement. It is shown that general principles of Community law, which were mostly established in antitrust law, may provide a certain protection for the suspect, but may not protect him in all regards. It is thus argued that, in the long run, it will be necessary to provide special fair‐trial rights which offer protection to alleged defrauders from those infringements arising out of the specific features of a Community investigation.  相似文献   

李慎 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):92-94
反恐怖防范工作的理论研究首先要从研究其概念出发,澄清其与反恐怖情报信息工作、反恐怖侦察工作、反恐怖处置工作的异同,其次要在分析反恐怖防范工作的意义基础上指明反恐怖防范工作的主要内容和对象,最后阐述反恐怖防范工作应当坚持的主要原则和措施。  相似文献   

American Journal of Criminal Justice - Online victimization via cyberbullying and cyberstalking are plaguing our young online users. These tormenting and intrusive behaviors have infiltrated...  相似文献   

经济犯罪民事责任的界定及其强化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济犯罪民事责任是基于经济犯罪行为而派生或者或然产生的法律责任形式。它因违反私法义务规范的经济犯罪行为而引起,具有其不同于一般民事责任的特性。经济犯罪民事责任对于恢复或者救济受害人的合法权益具有非常重要的、独特的作用。基于此,在惩罚和打击经济犯罪的立法和司法实践中,应形成对经济犯罪民事责任的正确认识,并应不断强化经济犯罪民事责任的功能,防止片面强调对经济犯罪分子的惩罚而忽视对经济犯罪的被害人所受损害的补偿和救济的倾向,以全面实现对被害人合法权益的保护。  相似文献   

The authors of Federal Law No. 131 "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" knew what they were doing when they provided a three-year "transition period" for their creation. The law entered into force in its full measure in far fewer than all of the regions of the country and there is plenty of confusion. And the situation with authority and money among the bodies of local self-government recalls the well-known old anecdote concerning the fate of money under communism: some have it and some do not.  相似文献   

宁博 《行政与法》2004,(8):110-113
民事诉讼证据是我国民事诉讼制度中的重要环节,《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》的出台对于解决司法实践中的主要矛盾,完善我国入世后的法制环境起到重要作用。本文就民事诉讼证据中的举证责任、自认及判断证据的标准等进行分析阐述,以揭示它在审判实践中的重大意义和深远影响。  相似文献   

相对优势地位理论质疑   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
李剑 《现代法学》2005,27(3):101-107
相对优势地位理论强调了企业之间的相互力量对比,并认为当交易方在一定情况下具有类似在市场中处于垄断地位的企业的市场力量时,会使得交易相对方“依赖于”该企业,从而引起竞争法上的效果。依据对资产专用性理论,从沉没成本引起的利益判断、进入障碍和市场划分的关系的分析,以及对相对优势地位理论的相关判例的解析,可以看出该理论存在重大的缺陷,其实施不仅无法规范市场竞争秩序,还会造成理论和实务上的混乱。  相似文献   

防卫社会和保障人权是刑事政策的两大价值目标。深入解读《联合国反腐败公约》所倡导的刑事政策价值目标,正确理解国际社会在反腐刑事政策价值目标上的选择背景和基本态度,对于合理确立《联合国反腐败公约》在中国刑事立法上的转换路径,前移防卫口、调整防卫重心、优化防卫手段、有效完善国内腐败刑事治理体系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the decree of the CPSU Central Committee "On improving work in the maintenance of law and order and strengthening the fight against crime," the need for increasing public involvement in the fight against crime and other antisocial behavior is pointed out. (1) The role and functions of public involvement increase significantly under conditions of developed socialism. Its effect as a subjective factor is directly dependent on the qualitative condition, structure, and content of public consciousness and its component parts. Therefore, not only does multi-faceted study of public consciousness as an integrative factor of the social organism as a whole have important theoretical and practical import but so also does clarification of the inner content of public consciousness and of the characteristics of the mechanism of the formation of its separate components, for example, of public opinion, which plays a significant role in the policy of the Soviet state with regard to the eradication of crime. (2)  相似文献   

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