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比较优势理论是国际贸易理论的基石,不但在很大程度上解释了国际贸易发生的原因和指出了一个国家或地区发展国际贸易的方向,也是一个国家或地区制定经济发展战略的重要基础经济理论之一。有数据实证分析说明,中国当前的国际贸易产品结构中显示出了与中国要素禀赋结构相一致的比较优势,从而验证了中国经济的增长受益于遵循比较优势的发展,因此,中国未来的经济发展战略仍然应该建立在遵循比较优势的发展理论基础之上。  相似文献   

秦国荣 《法律科学》2007,25(3):79-86
国际经济法乃是随着国际市民社会的产生而逐步产生的,在古代社会和近代国际强权政治体制下都不可能产生真正意义上的国际经济法.国际经济法得以发轫的内在根源在于国际市民社会成员在通过相互经济合作与交流过程中为自身私人利益的实现而产生的普遍规则需要,以及由此所产生的维护国际贸易与利益共同体存在的一般利益诉求.国际经济法作为从事国际经济贸易的市场主体在长期的外贸合作中所形成的交易惯例和贸易规则,作为这些成员通过多边谈判所达成的彼此共守的行为准则,它所调整的乃是国家间及国际贸易主体之间的具有私法意义的经济利益关系.WTO及其争端解决机制的建立,则为维护国际经济秩序和解决国际贸易纠纷提供了强有力的法律保障机制.  相似文献   

自从多哈回合谈判陷入僵局之后,各国开始积极谈判自由贸易协议,其中包含的国际经济贸易规则与WTO体系中的国际经济贸易规则有所不同,有学者将这种情形描述为"国际经济贸易规则重构"。知识产权规则作为国际经济贸易规则中的重要部分,各国在此领域的利益各不相同,体现于这些自由贸易协议中的具体规则也各有侧重。其中,网络技术发展作为对知识产权规则的发展变化有所影响的因素,也是各国在签订自由贸易协议时不可忽视的因素之一。在分析几个具有代表性的自由贸易协议中的数字知识产权规则的基础上,可以观察其中数字知识产权保护标准,结合实际情况讨论我国应当作何应对,从而更好地构建我国主导FTA法律框架中相应的知识产权规则。  相似文献   

This article examines the economic role of the trade mark, both as a structuring device and as a means of adding value to products. It shows how its role as a flexible structuring device that provides a distinct focus for goodwill derives from the special meaning of the term “origin” or “trade origin” in trade mark law, this being what a trade mark is supposed to indicate. Firms can control the identity that a trade mark signifies and confers on the products with which it is used without being tied to any particular set of production arrangements. This article also considers how goodwill can be a source of economic benefit both through reducing transaction costs and, in some cases, through adding value to products. This article then examines the economic rationale for the legal protection of trade marks and shows how this is analogous to the rationale for awarding property rights over tangible resources and different from that for other forms of intellectual property right. The pressure to expand the legal protection of stronger trade marks is explored and it is accepted that there is an economic case for doing so. However, it is argued that the additional protection must be carefully calibrated through definitions that take account of its economic rationale and avoid the danger of over-extending it. In particular, this danger of over-protection arises from making a false analogy between stronger trade marks and the kind of intangible output that is the subject of the other forms of intellectual property right.  相似文献   

This note attempts to identify the key methodological problems that remain unsolved in the controversy about the aggregation of slack and shortage in disequilibrium econometric models of centrally planned economies (CPEs). The procedure of ‘smoothing by aggregation’ implemented by Burkett (1988) is critically reviewed and found wanting, despite possible attribution to Kornai (1980) for justification. We argue that the procedure neglects the problems of resource immobility and hoarding that have prevailed in CPEs. Even from a neo-Keynesian perspective, it is at odds with a rigorous microeconomics of rationing that takes into full account the substitution and income effects of spillovers. One important issue is that saving may actually be reduced because of a tightening of the ration. These considerations throw serious doubt on the validity of the smooth trade-off between slack and shortage that forms the basis for econometric estimation and lead to concern that the Walrasian configuration cannot be identified from the estimation results.  相似文献   

段华平  刘超 《行政与法》2010,(8):119-122
当前,中美贸易摩擦不断,解决中美贸易摩擦的各种手段均存在不同程度的弊端,难以有效解决当前的矛盾,维护我国企业的合法权益,促进中美经贸关系的健康发展。当前,中美双边经贸关系的发展表明,建立中美贸易纠纷双边谈判机制具有必要性和可能性。本文在探讨中美贸易纠纷解决机制的不足与完善该机制的可能性的基础上,提出建立中美贸易纠纷磋商机制的构想。  相似文献   

晚近,中美作为非同质的两个世界大国,新兴的一方与守成的另一方发生了巨大的权力变迁,相应地,双方在国际经贸领域的收益分配也出现了反转的态势,同时中美形成的激烈经济与战略竞争使得双方经贸关系"政治化"更加明显。缘此,中美之间的既有经贸关系正面临着前所未有的变动压力,或已难以完全固守普适于各国的统一"规则",客观上需要引入一种可适时而变的专门"契约"加以修补,借以寻求双方之间收益分配的再平衡。  相似文献   

吴京辉 《河北法学》2005,23(6):117-120
从目前经济贸易的发展状况入手,分析了统一协调的商法对于整合我国经贸关系的意义,论证了《商事通则》是唯一的选择,最后归纳出制定《商事通则》既是必要的也是可能的。  相似文献   

两岸经济制度性一体化的路径选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安丰明 《现代法学》2006,28(1):138-142
中国作为WTO的成员,在国内达成并执行区域性经贸安排,既有法律上的适当性,又具有经济上的可行性。CEPA的模式作为两岸四地经济一体化的路径选择,具有经济层面的重要意义。借鉴国际上FTA的经验,将会对两岸四地经济贸易合作的进一步发展带来新的发展机遇。这种渐进式的经济一体化路径,必将有助于促进祖国的统一和强盛。  相似文献   

商业秘密理论与立法探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江帆 《现代法学》2004,26(3):148-155
随着商业秘密财产价值之凸显,我国现行法律所提供的保护规范已明显不足。本文对商业秘密的概念、范围、性质、特征以及侵犯商业秘密行为的归责原则和方式进行了比较全面、系统的归纳和分析,并在引述和比较国内外相关立法基础上提出了完善我国商业秘密保护之立法建议。  相似文献   

For a long time there has been a contest between free trade and trade protection as the best strategy of promoting local and global economy. When the globe is again in the midst of economic recession, this contest intensifies. The current recession knocks out a severe blow to free trade as the “game rules” of world economy and aggravates the perplexities of free trade in certain aspects, which then arouses suspicion on the legitimacy of free trade. In order to address domestic economic and social problems, the “stimulus packages” of some countries offer much support to trade protection, further intensifying this contest. Confronted with the global economic disaster, trade protection can be helpful for alleviating the pressure in a given economy and thus mitigating domestic contradictions in a short period, but it may also complicate the legal order of trade and bring hindrance to domestic markets as well as international ones, and consequently, it will jeopardize the rights and interests of ordinary consumers and even stir up the grievance and resentment domestically or internationally. As the current economic recession has been a pressing issue for all the countries, there is a dire need for concerted efforts in the globe to stimulate the vigor of world economy and tide over the disaster.  相似文献   

An individualist approach to political phenomena is not necessarily an economic approach. We can assume that beliefs and commitments as well as selfishness motivate individuals. Ideology provides a basis for individual choice for policy makers and for citizens and is as much a micro-foundation as narrow “self-interest.” Employing a “least-likely” case approach this paper shows that we can find legitimacy and norm-sensitive behavior in the cradle of utility maximization, the firm. In this paper I will lay out some puzzles found in the general areas of business, politics, and policy-making and show how the particular piece of behavior can be understood within the logic of ideological frameworks and the normative acceptability or legitimacy of actions. The purpose is more an “analytical narrative” than a systematic empirical investigation. It suggests the critical importance of examining the normative as well as the self-interest foundation of behavior. To that end, the empirical context of the discussion is provided by business social responsibility, by business participation in elections, by a snapshot of an ideologically driven political career, and by an antibusiness policy decision. The narrative moves from the generosity of business corporations, to foreign-owned corporations' political activity decisions in the host country, to Mrs. Thatcher and the median voter, and finally to the decision to abolish the slave trade.  相似文献   

国际经济格局的深刻变化引发了美欧印中等主要贸易体贸易政策的变化.这种变化主要体现为其外贸法、外资法和出口管制法的修改,而国际习惯法和国际经济条约对这种修改的约束有限.美欧印中的代表性国际经济法理论分别为"制度管理说"、"规范承诺说"、"贸易民主论"和"责任共担论",这些理论反映了各贸易体的国际经济法传统和理念.以这些理...  相似文献   

孟国碧 《河北法学》2006,24(8):42-48
欧盟、美国及其建立的区域贸易组织对优惠性原产地规则的运用始终走在前列,不仅被它们运用于经济领域以追求广泛的传统贸易利益,发挥着特有的经济功能,而且已被它们运用于特定的非经济领域以追求广泛的非传统贸易利益,发挥着特定的非经济功能.我国的区域经贸合作安排已正式启动,并正扩大区域经贸合作的范围.为此,我国应借鉴欧盟、美国利用优惠性原产地规则实现非经济功能的成功经验,以实现特定的政治、军事、外交目标.  相似文献   

The characteristics and behavior of university spinoff activity is an important subject in economic and management studies literature. Such studies merit research because it is suggested that university innovations stimulate economies by spurring product development, by creating new industries, and by contributing to employment and wealth creation. For this reason, universities have come to be highly valued in terms of the economic potential of their research efforts. The aim of this paper is to offer a framework for the study of academic entrepreneurship that explains different aspects of university spinoff behavior in a coherent way. We suggest that the existing literature on this topic can be categorized into six separate streams and synthesized in a framework that captures the determinants and consequences of spinoff activity.   相似文献   

市场导向条件经历了从美欧到西方世界小范围达成共识的过程,竞争是演进中的核心要素,竞争与贸易领域的天然联系是市场导向条件"竞争化"的原因。市场导向标准竞争中立化诠释了竞争中立从竞争领域向区域贸易规则渗透、再向多边贸易体制扩张的过程。区域自贸协定中的竞争中立以约束政府的方式规制国有企业,未能充分虑及经贸实际,使区域化协调国有企业规则的尝试面临重重困境。对多边补贴规则的修改是市场导向标准竞争中立化的新动态,恐将放大实践中矛盾与逻辑上的不自洽。WTO危机反映了规则静态与利益动态的冲突,以恪守多边主义为前提,采竞争与贸易"双轨"并行之策,在国际、国内层面协调国有企业规则,将有助于化解市场的导向分歧。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2):95-108
According to IMF and OSCE reports, informal economic transactions in Russia and other states of the former Communist Bloc have cushioned the shocks of economic and political transition of the 1990s by quickly satisfying the consumer demand and providing unofficial jobs to the population faced with transition recession. As these analyses extensively emphasise the advantages of informal entrepreneurship and its positive contribution to stimulating economic growth, this article explores the phenomenon of shuttle trade – a system/form of informal trade outside state control that does not comply with state regulations – as an issue of concern for criminologists. This article investigates the convergence of shuttle trade and criminal activities and the relationship of shuttle trade to the formal regulatory environment. It offers insights into selected criminal activities at Cherkizovsky market in Moscow before its shutdown in 2009 and an evaluation of the policymaking decisions the shutdown triggered.  相似文献   

刘笋 《现代法学》2006,28(6):34-44
经济一体化所带来的环境损害已成为国际社会关注的焦点问题之一。国际社会已开始尝试运用贸易投资条约防范贸易投资自由化带来的消极环境影响。以《北美自由贸易协定》为代表的国际投资法立法新模式,在其投资章节中规定了环境条款,试图兼顾投资自由和环境保护两种利益需求。虽然实践表明,该协定仍然没有有效协调投资与环境保护之间的关系,并在执行上出现了诸多法律冲突,但该协议所彰显的贸易投资自由化不得以牺牲环境为代价的立法理念和原则,可能会成为未来国际经济法中重要的理念和原则,将会对未来国际投资法和国际经济法的发展产生重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

中国与东盟国家国际投资保护法律制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国——东盟自由贸易区的框架下,中国与东盟国家间的相互投资规模日益增大。加强对国际直接投资的法律保护既是最终建成这一自由贸易区的重要条件,也是防范投资风险(主要是政治风险)的必要手段。因此,认识到该区域内国际投资保护制度的重要性,运用比较分析的方法找出现行保护机制的不足和缺失,从国内法和国际法两个层面提出完善中国与东盟国家间国际投资保护制度的建议将对完善与发展这一国际投资保护制度有所裨益。  相似文献   

Income disparities in China decreased both across provinces and across three transprovincial areas from 1978 through 1984. After 1984 there was an increase in disparity across the three areas, but there was no change across provinces. The faster growth of the coastal area can be attributed to the growth of the previously relatively poorer areas of the eastern seaboard. But this was not realised at the cost of growth in other areas; instead it contributed to overall national economic growth. International trade and foreign direct investment are the main driving forces behind the changes in regional disparity. The reasons for the concentration of trade and foreign investment in the coastal area are its inherent comparative advantage in terms of lower labour costs, better infrastructure facilities, close relations with overseas Chinese, favourable geographic location, as well as national industrial policies that protect the domestic market from foreign investment. The central government's preferential policies towards the coastal area were a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for such a concentration of foreign trade and investment.  相似文献   

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