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论我国清洁空气法的差别责任原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于不同地区、不同主体在历史的、经济的、意识的及现实需要等方面的差别,滥觞于国际环境法的差别责任原则也应该是我国清洁空气法的一项重要法律原则。在内容上,差别责任包括共同责任和区别责任,但区别责任绝不是不承担责任。以移动源排放标准为例,我国应坚持差别责任原则,不同地区、不同产业应区别对待,制定和实施不同的排放标准,而不能一刀切。  相似文献   

Ira M. Shepard, J.D. herein analyzes the legislative history and the substantive provisions of the 1974 Health Care Institution Amendments to the National Labor Relations Act. The Amendments bring private, non-profit health care institutions and their employees under the coverage of the NLRA, the goal of Congress being to reach a successful compromise of the public's right to receive uninterrupted health care; the health care institution's obligation to provide these services to the fullest extent possible; and the right of health care employees to have the same voice in the determination of their wages, hours, and working conditions accorded other workers under the NLRA.  相似文献   

二氧化碳的排放控制与《大气污染防治法》的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二氧化碳之所以在大多数发达小国成为大气污染物质,主要原因是:这些国家负有减排二氧化碳的国际义务,须把减排机制纳入国内立法;版图狭小,适应气候变化的能力有限,把减排机制纳入国内立法符合自身利益;可以利用现有的大气污染监管机制对二氧化碳进行管理。这些国家大多不认真履行国际援助的义务,相反地,却集体对中国施加减排压力,要求把二氧化碳作为污染物质对待。按照中国立法对污染物质的定义框架,二氧化碳不是污染物质。一旦二氧化碳在立法上被作为污染物质,西方发达国家就会要求我国的环境立法建立排放标准和超标排放处罚制度,这将不利于我国工业的发展。目前我国没有减排二氧化碳的国际义务,加上版图大、抗气候变化的能力强,因此,不能轻易迁就这些国家的过分要求。但这不等于我国不采取实质性行动,我国可继续通过强化激励性的政策措施来节能减排。  相似文献   

我国《大气污染防治法》的修订正在进行之中,大气污染防治法的修订,仍存在一些有待解决的重大问题。除了基于气候变化问题对二氧化碳的规制作出回应,以及结合我国大气污染现状提出大气污染防治应引入分区管理制度外,现行《大气污染防治法》仍然呈现出以政府为主体,以污染企业为规制对象的单一化威权体制特征,其法律实施效果不佳,也不符合现代社会自我管制与和谐发展的要求。为此,需要加强市场激励机制的作用,为社会自我管制和公众参与提供条件,并基于行政责任和民事责任动因的不同,改变目前法律责任规定中重行政责任轻民事责任的现状。  相似文献   

Alfons Bora 《Law & policy》1998,20(1):113-133
In German law, administrative procedures concerning high‐risk technologies generally involve an element of public participation. This form of "participation for all" often causes a great deal of contention. A well‐known example of this development can be found in the Genetic Engineering Act of 1990, which provided for citizen participation at a public hearing ( Ero¨rterungstermin ) whenever someone applied for a license to release genetically modified plants. Four years later, as a consequence of the experience gained while implementing the law, this provision was removed in the 1994 First Amendment to the Genetic Engineering Law ( Bundestag‐Drucksache 720/93). Decisions on deliberate release are now made on the basis of written submissions. This article will argue that while there had certainly been good theoretical reasons for implementing a direct, oral form of public participation, in this case failure was predestined by the facts of the situation. In conclusion, the article makes a special plea for continued empirical research into the circumstances of the hearings, in order to explore better the possibilities for implementing functional equivalents to this form of public participation.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中对具体行政行为的证据审查,应基于刑事证据审查标准,合理尊重其公定力,形式审查为主,以审慎态度进行实质审查,并把握不以司法裁判代替行政意志之基本原则。基于对公平正义及司法独立价值的追求,刑事诉讼中,对具体行政行为证据效力的否定,不受该行政行为是否被撤销所羁束,司法机关有权以查明的事实,据实认定。  相似文献   

Identifying defendants at high risk of pretrial misconduct is a major problem for the judiciary. Currently, some have argued that testing arrestees for recent drug use is one way to distinguish between those who will and those who will not commit pretrial misconduct. The research reported here questions whether the incremental predictive power resulting from drug testing always improves predictions of pretrial misconduct. Using survival analysis to study time until rearrest and a probit model to analyze the occurrence of a failure to appear, we show that urine test results have no consistent power to predict pretrial misconduct after accounting for defendant's criminal records, community ties, and other factors commonly known by the court. These results are based on our analysis of eight data sets from different locales, time periods, and age groups.  相似文献   

由于京津冀区域经济展水平与功能地位存在差异,各行政区域政策呈现碎片化特征,环境成本和责任与经济效益长期处于不对等状态。不难发现,我国的环境法治理结构存在瑕疵,导致大气治理出现地区政府各自为战的局面。因此必须转换地区政府政绩优先的思考模式,以生态文明建设为中心线,以人为本作为根本制度出发点,平衡经济发展与环境保护,实现人与自然真正的和谐与平衡。在党的领导下加强政府整体责信是环境治理的重要环节,探索一条政府、企业、法律、公众等不同群体互联互动的横向区域协同治理路径势在必行。  相似文献   

Across the world, governments are grappling with the effects of global warming. Rising temperatures, increases in the number of natural disasters, and elevated sea levels are just some of the risks posed by Earth's weakening ozone. And yet solutions exist. This article discusses the contribution of auto emissions to global warming and proposes ways for manufacturers to adopt a single emissions standard across their fleets all over the world. As discussed, adopting a single standard based on the most stringent one available poses advantages for manufacturers and also promises to reduce the threat of global warming.  相似文献   

在大力发展知识经济与美国等发达国家不断施压的双重背景下,20世纪90年代以来,中国台湾地区侵犯著作权犯罪刑事立法分别于1992、1993、1998、2003、2004、2006、2007年进行了修改。通过增设新罪、完善原有犯罪的构成要件以及删除一些不合时宜的犯罪等方式,中国台湾地区侵犯著作权犯罪刑事立法日益完善,并与世界范围内著作权刑事立法的趋势与特点逐渐符合。  相似文献   

对宪法修正案的若干私法解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按照宪法作为最高效力的法规范 ,私法所规定的财产关系和人身关系都要遵守宪法的内容 ,尤其是充分体现基于主体自由和主体平等的宪法原理。私法主体平等和给与平等主体的财产权以对等的尊重是私法对宪法提出的基本要求。  相似文献   

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