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Using multilevel modeling, this study examined how different types of bullying, involving both peers and teachers, relate to psychosomatic health complaints. Data were obtained via the Stockholm School Survey from 41,032 ninth- and eleventh-grade students in the years 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010. Results showed that students involved in bullying as either a bully, a victim, or both a bully and a victim displayed poorer psychosomatic health than those not involved in bullying. Victims of peer-bullying also reported significantly poorer health than perpetrators. Two class-aggregated measures of bullying remained positively associated with ninth-grade student health complaints even when their individual-level analogues were taken into account. Thus, both the proportion of victims of teacher-bullying and peer-bullying in the school class appeared to generate health problems that go beyond the directly exposed students. However, an interaction revealed that the latter association was confined to female students only.  相似文献   

We surveyed public school educators on the workplace incivility and workplace bullying they experienced and obtained their ratings of the organizational climate of the school. We used multilevel modeling to determine the effects of individual-level and school-level predictors. Ratings of school climate were significantly related to incivility and bullying. We found inverse relationships— the better the organizational climate, the lower the incivility and bullying. Several demographic variables of educators and two school-level variables were not significant predictors. Leaders who focus on improving organizational climate may find that their efforts benefit both student achievement and relationships among educators.  相似文献   

通识教育作为一种培养全面发展之人的教育理念和人才培养模式在全球范围内逐渐成为合理的教育趋势。在通识教育背景下,从大学生的全面发展这个逻辑起点和终极目标分析,思想政治理论课的教学内容明显存在着一些不足,只有不断地优化教学内容,才有可能使该课程成为当代大学生真心喜欢、终生受益的课程。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of bullying between age 13 and 16 years on negative outcomes at age 17 years, taking into account various resilience factors at the individual, family, and community level. Using longitudinal data from the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime, a prospective cohort study of around 4,300 young people in Scotland, the impact of bullying perpetration on later engagement in violence and the impact of bullying victimization on later psychological distress are modeled. The analysis finds significant resilience factors, which reduce violence and psychological distress in late adolescence; however, even when controlling for such factors, both bullying perpetration and bullying victimization are strongly predictive of later negative outcomes. The findings support policy responses that implement early and effective interventions within schools to both prevent bullying and improve individual resilience to its long-term effects.  相似文献   

本研究基于文化规范理论,将转型社会中的中国农村界定为修正的父权制文化阶段,在此背景中探究夫妻双方的资源、性别意识等对于家庭购买决策模式的影响。利用2005年在安徽JC的调查数据和分步多元Logistic回归方法分析后发现,妻子的教育程度越高,家庭中的日常消费和耐用品购买越倾向于以妻子为主或联合决策模式;夫妻双方的性别意识越公平,家庭中的日常消费和耐用品购买越倾向于以妻子为主或联合决策模式。分析结果支持假设,说明文化规范理论可以较好地解释中国转型社会中农村地区的家庭购买决策模式。  相似文献   

历史叙事实则体现了写作主体的精神动态,通过历史叙事呈现,我们可以洞察主体意识形态走向.鉴于台湾文学史的特性以及两岸相隔的现实,大陆的台湾文学史写作更突出了距离对视中包含的种种政治文化想像,通过考察历史叙事提供的言说疆域版图,一方面可以探掘这一想像空间的多面维度,另一方面也可以完善学科的发展建设.本文选择刘登翰、杨匡汉、黎湘萍以及朱立立等所撰写的几本台湾文学史著作为样本,试析大陆学者台湾文学史理论视野的位移及其背后意识形态的变动.  相似文献   

一种激进的知识论:女性主义立场论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义立场论是一种批判的女性主义知识论,它以统一的女性主义立场为出发点,以女性和其他边缘人群的生活经验为背景和来源,以强调女性认知特权为手段,以追求语境化知识和价值负载的强客观性为目标,力图消灭包括性别压迫在内的一切压迫和等级制度,建构一种真正解放的知识论.女性主义立场论虽有不少困境,然而作为一种新兴的主流的女性主义知识论却有重要的知识论贡献.  相似文献   

安梅 《贵州民族研究》2020,41(4):178-182
众所周知,长期以来中国英语课堂教学"学用分离"问题较为严重。这个问题在少数民族地区尤为突出,因为少数民族地区高校的生源英语基础普遍薄弱,特别表现在英语听说和语法掌握等方面。产出导向法POA理论体系针对的正是中国学生"学用分离"的问题。文章基于POA理论,在设计和实施翻转课堂时,要求在课堂教学中,输出驱动后,一定要使相应的输入与输出任务尽可能精准对接,才能有效促成输出的顺利完成,从而有效地解决"学用分离"的问题。  相似文献   

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