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中国地方政府创新持续力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创新持续力直接影响着政府改革,中国政府目前正在形成一种创新的文化氛围。论文提出政府创新持续力这一结构性概念,以研究和提取影响1978年后中国地方政府创新的要素,对当下进行的政府创新进行长时段反思。文章初步探讨了影响政府创新持续力的九个关键性命题,它们构成了政府创新的认知体系。文章认为国家创新空间、创新类型、创新动力、政治民主、合法性、官员资源获取(升迁)、组织生存和扩张、受益人群、政府职能范围界定等命题对于创新持续力具有重要的影响。文章基于对既有地方政府创新个案和创新历史的整合,提出创新持续力的研究范式。  相似文献   

《行政许可法》的制度创新与政府治理模式的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《中华人民共和国行政许可法》在行政许可的设定、实施和监督检查等多个方面进行了制度创新,这些制度创新将把中国政府塑造成为“法治政府”、“有限政府”、“民主政府”以及“分权政府”,而这四个要素正是中国政府治理变革的基本目标所在,因而这种制度创新预示着中国政府治理模式的变革。  相似文献   

高红  占蔚 《行政与法》2023,(9):106-119
社区治理现代化是在社区多种资本要素相互作用下促进社区集体行动达成的过程。以我国第三批40个全国社区治理和服务创新实验区为典型案例,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法探求社区治理现代化的影响因素与实现路径。研究发现,组织资本是实现社区治理现代化的必要条件;技术资本赋能型、社会资本嵌入型与人力资本投资型是实现社区治理现代化的三种组态路径。实现我国社区治理现代化,应在强化党建引领的核心作用、培育社会力量、引入数字技术的基础上,加强社区组织资本、社会资本、技术资本与人力资本建设。  相似文献   

论我国地方政府的制度创新行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
薛飞 《行政与法》2003,(11):30-32
本文运用诺斯关于制度变迁的路径依赖理论,将具有独立利益目标的地方政府引入分析框架,探讨了地方政府制度创新行为形成的低成本效应,同时指出地方政府制度创新在实践中可能产生“地方主义”、“短期行为”等行为偏差,创新行为可能会锁定无效率。最后指出地方政府制度创新行为会通过一个博弈过程退出锁定,我国的制度创新会向其他制度创新方式转变。  相似文献   

如何整合“纵向权威维护”与“横向诉求回应”两条轴线以实现地方政府自我约束,是法治政府建设和地方政府治理现代化必须面对的问题。在正当程序视角下可提出以程序进路整合地方政府自我约束双轴线的命题。论文以Z省N县模拟创设的“审批法庭”为个案,研究发现:正当议程、中立裁决者、开放论证、裁决和程序的闭环反馈是地方政府自我约束程序进路的五个构件。其中,议程以法律权威与公众诉求为正当性双重标准。裁决者的中立性源于组织重构、顶层授权以及对利益相关者的相对平等赋权。法律与合意是裁决的共同基础,后者被用于应对法律冲突或治理风险。信息技术可在效能上支持开放论证、裁决执行与程序的自我反馈及纠偏。通过刻画地方政府自我约束的程序样态及其理论要素,研究可为治理与法治的融通拓展制度建构的路径。  相似文献   

政府的管理理念和治理模式应是与时俱进的。创建公共服务型政府已经成为一种历史的潮流,中国地方政府在此大有可为。本文主要从吉林省政府管理创新的对策研究入手,来探求中国地方政府管理创新、定位创新,职能创新、体制创新。  相似文献   

政府管理创新是一个时代的课题,政府创新能力已经成为人们评价政府服务质量和政府能力的重要标准。地方政府是国家政权的细胞,是国家发展的根基。本文着眼于推进地方政府的管理创新,着重从信息管理创新、人事管理创新、效能管理创新三个方面进行了具体深入的探索,同时提出了推进地方政府管理创新的保障措施。  相似文献   

在脱贫攻坚等重要治理领域,地方政府的激励响应行为与分类施策机制如何影响绩效生产,是有待厘清的问题。论文基于“激励响应-机制执行”视角,选取A县减贫“分类瞄准”案例作初步探索。研究发现,“分类瞄准”将贫困户划定为“一般户”与“重点户”,实施差异化帮扶,旨在回应精准脱贫“帮能援手”与“保障兜弱”的目标导向。但是,双重目标的实现样态并不均衡,减贫成效凸显“兜弱”导向。剖析绩效形塑机理,论文认为地方政府受“减贫人口规模最大化”激励信号的驱动,从快从速的执行风格成为其达成绩效的理性选择。然而,产业发展的同质化竞争与市场波动弱化了“帮能”功效,政府部门瞄向“重点户”的专项转移支付则强化了“兜弱”效应。由此,在农村减贫“帮能援手”功效未充分溢出的情境下,地方政府面临发展型项目效果巩固与“兜弱”型资源支出规模增加的压力。基于实证结论,论文进一步提出了助推乡村振兴实践的政策建议:一是在治理框架内统合“发展”与“兜弱”价值,注重政策设计的平衡性;二是优化激励信号设计,使之适配治理需求;三是加强府际互动与治理信息共享,推动纵向政府间关系转向“协作-赋能”。  相似文献   

白浩然  李敏  刘奕伶 《公共行政评论》2020,(1):22-40,195,196
准确诠释精准脱贫战略实践以来的地方治理经验是一项亟待推进的研究议题。论文以153个脱贫摘帽县作为分析样本,基于扎根方法提炼“复合治理”分析性概念诠释地方脱贫经验。“复合”属性表明地方减贫过程受到多重机制共同作用而形塑出复杂叠加的治理样态,具体表现为:(1)中央政府建构“刚性时间约束”要件,为地方政府“复合治理”提供外在驱动力;(2)贫困县党委、政府调用“党政统合”形式凸显任务首位、塑造体制联动效应,它是“复合治理”的组织轴心;(3)“复合治理”实践运作依托于横向维度“利益整合”与纵向维度“政治关联”,前者表征政府与市场主体建构治理共识以形成长效治理机制,后者表征地方政府将外生性政治权威嵌入村庄场域提升治理合力。“复合治理”为精准脱贫实践提供了一个理论视角,后续研究应强化对2020年后相对贫困治理实践的实证解读。  相似文献   

当前,在构建公共服务型地方政府过程中,其管理机制存在一些突出问题.因此,必须深化行政管理体制和政府机构改革,加快经济主导型政府向公共服务型政府转变的步伐,重点是完善"六种机制"的创新,以期推进公共服务型地方政府建设.  相似文献   

【问题】基层治理创新实践常常陷入命名式、标签式伪创新,不仅无法实现“给社区减负增能提效”的目标,反而造成基层治理的低水平重复。在各类创新琳琅满目的情况下,如何才能使基层治理创新更具持续性,并且规避“内卷化”风险?【方法】本研究以S区“红色管家”项目为个案,该项目初期面临多方面的内卷化风险,但最终通过创新走出一套有效的社区治理之道。我们通过参与式观察和深度访谈等方法跟踪了“红色管家”项目的运作过程并结合多种定性资料进行分析。【发现】(1)如同诸多政府主导的基层治理创新项目一样,“红色管家”在项目初期也面临观念、利益以及组织等多方面的“内卷化”风险;(2)项目实施过程中逐步呈现出的实体化、制度化、专业化和协同化的特征,保障了“红色管家”项目创新发展的整体性、系统性、规范性和可持续性;(3)能否规避基层治理创新的“内卷化”风险,根本在于基层党组织力量能否成功嵌入项目全过程,发挥引领创新的核心主导作用;(4)党建引领下多方创新主体的协同、合作与调试,观念、制度与技术的融合,构成了制度创新能否突破“内卷化”困境的关键。【贡献】本研究梳理了基层治理创新“内卷化”问题的表征和成因。通过对“红色管家”项目案例的分析,本研究阐释了“党建引领社会治理创新”的内在机制,指出破解基层治理创新“内卷化”困境的关键在于新合作主义国家与社会关系的建构。  相似文献   

孙璐 《行政与法》2006,(11):14-16
政府文化有别于行政文化,政府文化创新是深化行政体制改革的要求,可从改变政府理念、建设现代行政法律制度、打造公务员队伍、改善政府与公众的关系、提高政府信息化水平等方面探求我国政府文化创新的路径。  相似文献   

China's Internet companies and citizens are now world leaders in developing and using the Internet and related information technologies for financial transactions. Accordingly, it is important that China becomes a world leader in identifying challenges posed by Internet finance, and providing law and governance solutions to address these challenges. While the Internet and its associated technologies are now globally available, a core question is whether, and to what extent, regulatory challenges and opportunities are common across different jurisdictions, or whether they reflect local circumstances. In short, an interesting question is what can the world learn from China as it takes the lead in addressing Internet finance challenges, and what can China learn from the world as it seeks to do so?This article first identifies the landscape of China's burgeoning Internet finance market, including key technologies and services and government and nongovernment players. The article then turns to key regulatory challenges, with a focus on factors especially significant in China. The article then examines the “top down” “campaign style” approach to regulation, which is China government's initial response to emerging challenges. Following an analysis of the campaign, some suggestions are then made for future possible governance strategies. We explain how emerging “information” based and experiment-based approaches to governance are drawing on both global and Chinese experiences to harness the capabilities of the Internet and the collective energies of Internet finance enterprises and users to advance the regulation of the China Internet finance system in a way that is conducive to the public interest.  相似文献   

A challenge facing local firms in China is the selection of effective technology strategies to compete against MNEs in the era of globalization. The existing literature suggests two alternatives, developing strong manufacturing capabilities or developing innovation capabilities, but provides no clear answer to the question of how to select one strategy or the other. This paper explores this issue by introducing two concepts: “barriers to appropriability” and “opportunities for improvement.” We develop four propositions to specify the boundary conditions for local firms to choose their technology strategies and analyze two local firms’ technology strategies to illustrate two of the propositions. We find that development of strong manufacturing capabilities will not necessarily be an effective strategy for local firms competing against MNEs. If there are opportunities for improvement, it might be possible for local firms to compete against MNEs by developing innovation capabilities and core technologies.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the challenges of modular redesign and the potential contribution of serendipity in legal education by advancing a “living” curriculum model. The archaeology of the curricular redesign process is excavated by exploring the conditions influencing and constraining curricular redesign. Whilst this study is primarily located within the theoretical context of curricular redesign, it is also rooted in both the practice of law and higher education literature. A key concern of this research is to consider the under-explored interaction between serendipity and curricular design with a particular focus on how the surrounding serendipitous conditions proved timely and welcome in creating an unanticipated opportunity for such redesign. There remains a surprising dearth of research evaluating the influence of serendipity in legal education generally and, more specifically, with respect to the challenges of module redesign and delivery. This article uncovers a research agenda with themes concentrated on the role of serendipity in curricular design and how “real world” relevance can be incorporated into module redesign and delivery. It is suggested that serendipity-sensitive curricula which acknowledge current debates within law and the contemporary contexts within which law operates enhance students’ capacity to recognise the relevance and applicability of their legal knowledge. By remaining alert to the potential for serendipitous innovation in curricular redesign and by re-engineering curricula to facilitate serendipity, legal academics can enhance the incorporation of “real world” relevance into academic teaching.  相似文献   

谢遥 《华中电力》2021,(2):104-123
法律地理学不是“陡然出世”的研究领域。其沿着关联性脉络与辩证性脉络发展,核心是研究“人—法律—地”的学问。法律地理学有着反思空间排斥现象的制度原因、阐释“城市与乡村”“省域与市域、县域”等具体空间的规范性意涵、深化地方法治建设等功能。法律地理学的关键范畴是空间正义、城市权利、尺度、身份和边界,研究方法主要是“行为—结构”分析与“双重想象”。  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - The “policy mix” concept has gained popularity among science, technology and innovation policy communities over the past two decades in a context of...  相似文献   

市场型金融创新凸显了规范与现实之间的冲突。无论是选择性监管路径,还是规则扩张式监管路径,抑或是以监管沙箱为代表的实验式监管路径,都不能很好地解决该冲突。以上三种路径,都是在“术”的层面上展开。为了超越以上三种路径,我国应在“道”的层面上进行理念与制度完善,即我国需要完善金融法治基础,建构金融法治哲学,制定《金融法典》或《金融法总则》,创新金融法的更新机制,创建市场型金融创新合法性裁定制度,完善市场型金融创新的法律责任,以便进一步提升我国对市场型金融创新监管的法治化水平。  相似文献   

A new type of organization which is explicitly dedicated to technology transfer has emerged in the United States: Companies which manage inventions produced by universities, independent inventors and other creative groups. This paper shows that these “Invention Management Companies” (IMCs) make important and unique contributions to technology transfer on legal issues (e.g., guarding against patent infringements), marketing (e.g., convincing a company to commercialize au invention) and advocating the invention against the organized opposition of established technologies. Given the contributions of IMCs to an emerging system for encouraging innovation (an “Inventive Society”), the paper recommends broadening the role of IMCs as information providers and linking them to incubators and venture capital companies.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide, through a literature analysis, a solid theoretical foundation that allows identifying the critical factors for technology/knowledge transfer. The literature review allowed to summarize the main contributions collected, to identify the main critical factors for technology/knowledge transfer and to frame them in a simple framework, carrying out a rationalization and classification. We built a reference framework, called “model of technology/knowledge transfer”. The proposed structure considers six categories related to the actors involved (sources, recipients and intermediaries), the relationship between them, the object of the transfer, the channels and mechanisms and the reference context. The factors represent all the main parameters and levers to consider in the design and implementation of an activity of technology/knowledge transfer. This can direct also future research by deepening these factors or the relationship among them.  相似文献   

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