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The “Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine of 1904/05” constitutes a landmark in United States foreign policy. However, the 1902/03 Venezuela Crisis—in particular, the arbitration process between the South American country and Germany, Great Britain, and Italy that settled the crisis—led to President Theodore Roosevelt's decision to amend the Monroe Doctrine. The arbitrational award was an important impetus for the corollary because its decision appeared to encourage future European interventions in the western hemisphere. The Roosevelt Corollary was needed to prevent a situation similar to the 1902/03 Venezuela Crisis from occurring again. Strategically speaking, Roosevelt felt the corollary was necessary to uphold the Monroe Doctrine under new circumstances.  相似文献   

由美国引发的经济危机已经席卷全球,无论是西方发达国家和地区如日本、欧盟,还是发展中国家如印度、中国,都已笼罩在全球经济衰退的阴影中。本文探讨作为正在崛起的亚洲大国——印度和中国,应采取怎样的措施遏制全球经济危机对本国经济造成更严重的伤害,以及印中两国如何借鉴对方在应对经济危机过程中采取的有效政策以尽快重新走上经济发展的正轨。  相似文献   

A growing debate about gender and the environment highlights women's roles in the use and management of natural resources, opening up important opportunities for development analysis and action. But there are traps in conceiving of women's roles in relation to the environment in a partial, narrow, or static way; of isolating them from men's roles; and of assuming a close link between women and ‘nature?s. An alternative approach examines dynamic gender-differentiated activities, rights, and responsibilities in the processes of natural resource management. A case study from the Gola forest, Sierra Leone shows how this approach can help to ensure sustainability and equity in the design of projects concerned with the environment.  相似文献   

Since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December2001, attention has turned to the issue of whether or not Chinais a responsible member of the organization and how compliantChina is with WTO rules. This article discusses the difficultiesfaced by China, as a responsible rising power, in trying toadjust itself to global trading norms. It examines the theoryof compliance in international relations from the perspectivesof neo-realism, liberal institutionalism and social constructivism,and then tests these perspectives by examining the mechanismsused to gauge China's compliance, both bilaterally by the UnitedStates and multilaterally through the Dispute Settlement Mechanismand the Transition Review Mechanism of the WTO. The result ismixed: different opinions exist as to how compliant China hasbeen but, on the whole, most monitors agree that China has triedhard to comply with WTO requirements in various areas, thoughmuch remains to be done. The most severe tests will come inthe next few years when China's financial and service sectorswill have to face fundamental changes to the way they operate.  相似文献   

As the case of Transnistria illustrates, the politico-economic arrangements of de facto states are marked by a tendency to sacrifice the economy to political objectives. Despite non-recognition and limited local resources, these entities manage to make use of their ambiguous status and external support to sustain their claims to statehood. Yet, the priority of these claims over economic development, as well as strategies of survival in general can have unintended effects on unrecognised state-building projects, such as the emergence of a spin-off opposition or public disillusionment.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results of a joint action-research project undertaken by a number of international and local NGOs, which involved case studies in four countries in Africa, three in South Asia, one in Latin America, and one in the UK. The paper seeks to situate the discussion of impact assessment in the context of a growing critique of international NGOs. Overall, it is suggested that simple models of cause and effect which link project inputs to outputs and impact, although important, are usually inadequate for assessing the impact of what NGOs do. Instead, the author recommends the need to develop models that embrace the wider context of influences and change processes that surrounds projects and programmes, and the broad-ranging impacts that result. A major conclusion to emerge from the case studies is that the ability to select a judicious mix, and sequence, of tools and methods for impact assessment is vital. The paper concludes by looking at the broader policy implications of the studies notably in relation to: dealing with the problems of attribution and aggregation; exploring the issue of poverty reach and gender relations; warning against simplistic use of impact assessment to allocate resources; and in suggesting how impact assessment can be part of a 'virtuous circle' of change that can help promote greater accountability and learning among international NGOs.  相似文献   

来自印度的锡克教徒移民菲律宾已有百余年的历史。随着一批又一批移民的到来,菲律宾锡克教徒不断增多,锡克教徒群体在形成的同时,锡克教在菲律宾传播开来。他们在菲律宾主要经营商业,以求扎根于当地;还进行各种宗教活动,以传播和继承锡克教文化。但在与印度家乡宗教与文化都截然不同的天主教国家里,锡克教徒作出了一定的调适,以缩小与当地主体民族之间的文化鸿沟。  相似文献   

Improvisation and Negotiation: Expecting the Unexpected   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Negotiators must improvise. As the negotiations process unfolds, they work with new information, continually making decisions along the way to achieve favorable results. Skilled improvisational jazz musicians and actors perform in similar ways: they repeatedly practice song chord progressions and notes or scene guidelines before a performance; then, during the performance, they work with the information or the music they hear in order to react and respond, making decisions along the way to produce dazzling music or a compelling scene. In this article, two experts in negotiation, a jazz-improvisation scholar, a former member of an improvisational theater troupe, and a psychotherapist versed in therapeutic improvisational techniques explore the improvisational nature of negotiation.
Several aspects of negotiation are similar to improvisation. Both negotiators and improvisational performers need to have a similar mind-set to be successful, both need to recognize and/or change that mind-set at times, and both must craft creative solutions. But there are some significant differences between improvisational performance and negotiation practice, which this article also notes. For example, personal charisma ("star quality") is a common attribute of successful performers, but not something negotiators may always rely on. Similarly, improvisational artists usually work as a team, while a negotiator is often on his or her own. Nonetheless, the incorporation of improvisation techniques into the negotiation skills repertoire holds great promise for practicing negotiators and is a worthy topic of future negotiation research and teaching.  相似文献   

Many NGOs are moving beyond conventional project work, with its emphasis on 'doing', and are attempting to enhance their impact through 'influencing'. There are four interconnected approaches: Project Replication, Grassroots Mobilisation, Influencing Policy Reform, and International Advocacy. Each calls for a more strategic relationship between NGOs and governments. For NGOs to move to an effective 'influencing' mode, new skills and a new relationship between Northern and Southern NGOs are required. The Technological Age, with its emphasis on physical projects, must give way to an Information Age, whose 'software' comprises access to official information, decision makers, and networks; and access to skills in communication, lobbying, and research. Northern NGOs must recognise that these requirements are becoming more important to their Southern counterparts than funds. If they do not, they will find their relationships becoming out of date, and their former counterparts will seek more appropriate allies — for example, among pressure groups in the North.  相似文献   

本文试图对阿富汗战争失败的原因进行总结,并对阿富汗的前景作出分析.阿富汗战争已进行9年,对它军事败局的原因见仁见智,本文对其进行了整理,提出了作者的看法.从2010年开始,阿富汗进入了"喀布尔进程",美国将在一年后开始撤军,阿富汗政府将接管全部管理和安全职能.阿富汗处于历史的十字路口,对于它的前景,本文也予以探讨.  相似文献   

尊敬的各非洲国家驻华使节:尊敬的英国国际发展部驻华代表,以及到会的国内外专家、学者:女士们、先生们、朋友们:首先,请允许我代表中国社会科学院,向出席“中国与非洲共同发展”国际学术研讨会的各位嘉宾、各位朋友、各位专家学者,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!2006年,是新中国同非洲国家开启外交关系50周年。值此之际,我们共聚一堂,以“中国与非洲共同发展”为主题进行研讨交流,具有重要的意义。2006年,被称为中国外交的“非洲年”,这一年有5件大事引起了国内外媒体对中国与非洲关系的强烈关注。一是中国外长李肇星于1月11日赴佛得角、塞内…  相似文献   

全球化是一种必然趋势.面对这种趋势,中东国家,尤其是阿拉伯国家越来越深刻地认识到,只有走区域经济合作的路才是迈向全球化的现实途径.本文就中东所面临的全球化挑战以及中东的区域一体化等诸多问题展开论述.  相似文献   

本文将基于东盟与欧盟区域间的合作,分析和讨论东盟与欧盟间关系的演变,试图从理论上来解释东盟与欧盟如何通过双边和多边共存的区域间合作模式对国际治理结构起到作用,以及区域间合作所形成的组织机构如何行使国际组织的一部分责任或成为跨区域政策的一个重要补充。  相似文献   

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