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民间故事是人民大众集体创作的叙事体裁。民间故事多以想象为特征,虽不以反映现实为目的,但通过故事中人民大众对人物的评价,可以了解民间故事所反映的传统价值观和行为准则。人们对世界的理解和认识主要集中体现在观念中。在民间故事的人物关系中,父母占有重要的位置,对其他人物的行为和情节发展起着积极的作用。因此,父母观念是体现于民间故事文本中的主要观念。了解俄罗斯民间故事中的父母观念,有助于我们掌握俄罗斯民间传统的对父母权利和义务的认识以及对他们行为的道德评价。  相似文献   

中国与越南毗邻而居 ,有陆界和海疆相连。有史以来两国官方和民间都有很密切的交往 ,由于语言不通 ,与其他民族和国家一样 ,要通过翻译交流思想 ,这一段历史很有回顾的必要 ,借此巩固、发展双方的政治、经济、文化以及其他领域的广泛交流。翻译的准确与错误会直接影响到双方交流的顺利进行与否。翻译一般是甲种语言转换成乙种语言 ,反之 ,乙种语言又转换为甲种语言。但是 ,在公元1世纪前后 ,因交通、通讯等条件的限制 ,我国中原一带的人与越南先民的接触有限 ,所以“凡交趾所统 ,虽属郡县 ,而言语各异 ,重译乃通。人如禽兽 ,长幼无别。项髻…  相似文献   

Most scholars agree that news coverage of politics is the product of complicated interaction between journalists and politicians. Yet, we know little about how the interaction affects the coverage. Our analysis examines U.S. senators' press events and subsequent national network coverage from 1980–1996. Our evidence suggests that all senators can increase journalists' interest in their press events by carefully choosing the type of event and which politicians attend. In turn, such interest often translates into actual news stories, although that coverage is not guaranteed. Thus, senators can structure press events in order to increase the likelihood of coverage, but reporters understandably resist their attempts to do so. As a result, the most newsworthy press events require senators to give up control over content, creating more potential for revealing unexpected information.  相似文献   

Astrategy of well telling Chinese stories will support the country's revitalization and national interest and underscore the Chinese dream.To finish building a well-off society in an all-round way, stated at the CPC's 100th anniversary,and to develop China into a socialist modern country from the PRC's 100th anniversary,are central terminology.The work of publicizing ourselves on the world stage, said President Xi Jinping during the 2013 Work Conference on Publicizing and Ideology,shall be dealt with meticulously.Approaches shall be innovated.New concepts and wording shall be used so that Chinese stories and voices could reach out to the international community.  相似文献   

Jack Snyder 《安全研究》2015,24(1):171-197
Perhaps the most consequential effort to expound a grand strategic narrative was Woodrow Wilson's campaign to persuade the American people, the US Senate, and world public opinion to embrace his concept for making the world safe for democracy. Wilson and his interlocutors in grand strategy illustrate the role of rhetoric and narrative in managing two kinds of complexity in discussions of grand strategy: the conceptual integration of facts and values (of “is” and “ought”) in strategic persuasion and the political integration of diverse perspectives among partners in a strategic coalition. In particular, I explore the hypothesis that rhetorical and narrative persuasive devices permit grand strategists to obfuscate internal contradictions in their vision, facilitating persuasion in the short run but producing characteristic patterns of eventual policy failure and thereby serving as an engine of change in grand strategy.  相似文献   

中国的壮族和老挝的佬族是同根生民族。壮族和佬族不仅在语言、习俗方面有着许多相同之处,而且在文学方面,特别是民间文学方面也有着惊人的相似。这其中有反映壮佬原始宗教信仰的关于“图额”(壮族、佬族地区流传的一种像蛇的动物)娶人间女子为妻的故事;有流传久远的人熊故事,壮族叫《垭歪》,佬族叫《垭弯》的故事;还有相当多的动物故事;以及大量的机智人物故事等等。通过对壮佬民间故事比较研究,不但可以了解壮佬两族当时社会状况的异同及其产生异同的原因,而且还可以为“壮族和佬族是同根生民族”这个观点提供论据。壮族机智人物故事中的…  相似文献   

Stories are part of everyday life and constitute means for actorsto express and negotiate experience. For researchers, they providea site to examine the meanings people, individually or collectively,ascribe to lived experience. Narratives are not transparentrenditions of ‘truth’ but reflect a dynamic interplaybetween life, experience and story. Placed in their wider socio-politicaland cultural contexts, stories can provide insights into howforced migrants seek to make sense of displacement and violence,re-establish identity in ruptured life courses and communities,or bear witness to violence and repression. The researcher mustpay particular attention to his/her own role in the productionof narrative data and the representation of lived experienceas text.  相似文献   

Jill Steans 《Global Society》2008,22(1):159-176
This article focuses on the role of gender in boundary-drawing practices, in the construction of identities and in the discursive construction and depiction of the “body politic” in the War on Terror. It argues that the evocation of “liberated Western women” and “oppressed Muslim” women in narratives on the War on Terror has been useful in the project of casting the United States as a beacon of civilisation and in constructing, reinforcing and reproducing a polarity between the West and the Islamic world. The War on Terror has also generated narratives about male protectors and the female protected; narratives that are also central to boundary-drawing processes. The final section of the article focuses on “dissident stories” that have challenged dominant meanings and dominant constructions of identity and boundaries, and unsettled simplistic and dichotomous characterisations of “good” and “evil” in the War on Terror.  相似文献   

The author relates three cases of conflict which he has observed in Cairo and recognizes patterns that cut across each of these stories. The stories shed light on how people in Egypt approach and deal with conflict; in addition, they may help readers understand conflict in their home culture as well as be instructive on how to listen to conflict in different cultures. Six general themes in the way Egyptians approach or handle conflict are identified, and each of these themes is analyzed.  相似文献   

In order to capture refugees’ experiences and narrativesit is necessary to create space within research to be able tonotice the untold within the interviews. This article focuseson the ways that Iranian women refugees (in the Netherlandsand the United States) narrate their experiences of the pastand the present or stay silent when the experiences are toodifficult to talk about. Including the moments of silence withinthe process of analysing the stories has helped the researcherto discover different layers within the interviews. The mainargument of this article is that the combination of the lifestories method and the comparative nature of the research haveespecially helped to find out about the different ways in whichthe past is positioned within the present narratives. The lifestories in particular have created the necessary space to listento the often untold stories of refugees. This has enabled theresearcher to go beyond the expressed words in order to understanddifferent layers of expression within the narratives.  相似文献   

本文主要从以下4个阶段对中俄战略协作的历史进程进行了初步考察:战略协作确立及其框架的初步形成(1996年4月~1999年3月)、重点联合抵制美国单边主义政策(1999年3月~2001年9月)、中俄战略协作在深度磨砺中发展(2001年9月~2004年10月)和中俄战略协作走出磨合,进入稳定而务实的发展时期(2004年10月至今)。  相似文献   

《中东通史简编》简介   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Barry Rubin (ed.), The Politics of Terrorism: Terror as a State and Revolutionary Strategy, Washington, DC: The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, 1989. Pp.xiv + 236. $35.75 (hardback), $19 (paperback). ISBN 0–941700–45–3 and 44–5.

Barry Rubin (ed.), The Politics of Counter‐Terrorism: The Ordeal of Democratic States, Washington, DC: The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, 1990. Pp.xv + 222. $44.50 (hardback), $21 (paperback). ISBN 0–941700–60–7 and 61–5.

Barry Rubin (ed.), Terrorism and Politics, New York: St Martin's Press, 1991. Pp.xi + 174. $39.95. ISBN 0–312–06068–8.  相似文献   

刘冲  阎梁 《亚非纵横》2010,(6):54-58
《中外关系鉴览1950-2005——中国与大国关系定量衡量》一书,是清华大学国际问题研究所的学者新近出版的一部运用事件数据分析方法进行国家双边关系定量衡量的著述。该书系统梳理了建国以来中外关系的发展情况,覆盖了几乎所有对7组大国关系有影响的重要事件,根据记录绘制了中外双边关系曲线,得到一系列有意义和启发性的分析结论,并建立了一个庞大完整的中外双边关系数据库。这在中国国际问题研究领域具有开创性意义。但该书也存在一些不足和需要完善之处,有待后来者继续挖掘,不断探索。  相似文献   

我来自广西社会科学院。我院李甫春研究员因工作忙未能来参加研讨会,临时托我代替,又蒙东道主朋友们欣然同意和盛情邀请,使我在迟  相似文献   

对贵阳市部分市场销售的鲜猪肉A型产气荚膜梭菌的污染情况进行了调查 ,从被检肉样中分离获得 3株A型产气荚膜梭菌 ,分离率为 6.2 5 % (3 /4 8)。表明贵阳市部分市场销售的鲜猪肉存在A型产气荚膜梭菌的污染 ,对消费者的健康构成潜在的威胁  相似文献   

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