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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's trip to North Korea helps revive the six-party talks toresolve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue During his visit to North Korea on October 4-6, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao not only charted the future course for the two countries' rela-tions but also created opportunities to restart  相似文献   

正Chinese premier pledges a path toward globalization at the UN General Assembly’s 71st session Amid the wave of nationalism and protectionism that is sweeping the world—with the United Kingdom voting to leave the European Union and Donald Trump threatening to derail the North American Free Trade Agreement if he is elected president of the United States—the 71st session of the UN  相似文献   

<正>The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)is expected to set a blueprint for the country to march toward modernization under the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics.A recent series of reports by Xinhua News Agency elaborate on China’s development path,the CPC’s governance theories and practices,and the Party’s ruling capacity building efforts.The following is an edited version of the first report of the series:  相似文献   

The Chinese economy achieved fast and steady growth again in 2010.Particularly impressive, China’s GDP surpassed Japan’s, ranking second in the world, in this year’s second quarter. We can be confident, to say the  相似文献   

正The government is working to eliminate discriminatory practices in recruitment to the civil service Three HIV-carriers wrote a joint letter to the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, China's cabinet, on November 28, 2011, calling on the government to repeal discriminatory administrative regulations that prevent people with HIV from entering the civil service.  相似文献   

"To some extent,China remains unknown to many Westerners.Sometimes it is misinterpreted."This is what motivated French director Philippe Muyl to make his critically acclaimed i lm.  相似文献   

宋庆龄与基督教的关系错综复杂。她出生于一个典型的基督教家庭,丈夫孙中山又是一个热爱耶稣的人,按理她也应该是个虔诚的基督教徒,但是她在新中国成立后多次否认自己信仰基督教,甚至说孙中山也早已脱离基督教,晚年却又承认基督教教义对她的影响甚大。宋庆龄长期生活在浓厚的宗教氛围内,其宗教思想绝不可能突变。本文从基督教教义及其社会功能、基督教与近代中国的关系、马克思主  相似文献   

60年来.中国为世界的和平发展、繁荣稳定以及人类文明的进步作出了巨大贡献. 一、经济实力快速提升,综合国力显著增强,对世界经济的贡献明显增大 1952年中国经济在世界经济中所占的比重微不足道,到1978年也只占到1.8%,而2008年我国国内生产总值达到300670亿元,占世界经济的6.4%,居世界第3位.  相似文献   

The first China International Import Expo (CIIE) will take place on November 5-10, and as the first ever expo in the world with imports as the theme, it will be a big event with an eye on pressing ahead with a new round of opening up at a higher level. This will be a major step in China's resolute support for economic globalization and the country's active opening up of its mar-ket to the world.  相似文献   

The Chinese people have just finished celebrating the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland as they make preparations for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.It is under this vibrant scenario that China Today celebrates its 55th birthday.  相似文献   

English is undoubtedly the global language, but as China rises ever higher on the world stage, Mandarin is beginning to look like a potential challenger to that title. Satus—it means "the beginning" in Latin, but how many people would know that?  相似文献   

埃文思-普理查德的《努尔人》是最重要的科学的民族志代表作之一。埃马纽埃尔·勒华拉杜里在《蒙塔尤》中借用民族志文体,把14世纪的一个法国社区的宗教裁判所对农民的审讯记录转换成对那个时期法国南部乡村生活的纪录片式的叙述。通过对《蒙塔尤》和《努尔人》这两部民族志著作的细读和比照,可以发现其中包含着同样的权威与表述的关系模式,从而揭示出一直习以为常的人类学话语实践所隐含的权力和修辞问题。区分撰写著作的个人、行文中的叙述者的角色、行文中田野调查者的角色,对于探索权力与知识的相互影响颇有益处。  相似文献   

A Widening Door     
China has been accelerating the opening up of its capital market in recent years.To further facilitate investment by foreign institutions through different channels,China lifted restrictions on foreign ownership in some industries one year in advance,originally scheduled for 2021.  相似文献   

一提起“三农”,人们自然而然地就会想到与农村改革和农民命运休戚相关的5个《一号文件》。从1982到1986,党中央、国务院连续颁布《一号文件》以推动农村改革的深入发展,改变了农业、农村的状况和9亿农民的命运,写下了我国改革开放历史篇章最光辉灿烂的一页。今年,党中央、国务院又一次用《一号文件》颁布了《党中央、国务院关于促进农民增加收入若干政策的规定》。时隔18年,9亿农民正在满怀豪情向全面建设小康社会宏伟目标迈进的关键时刻,再一次见到盼望已久的中央《一号文件》,其激2004.4动和兴奋的心情是很难用言语来形容的。但据我了解,…  相似文献   

China’s young securities market,reforms are on the way forinitial public offerings Chinese portfolio investors may never forget PetroChina Co. Ltd.’s initial public offerings (IPO). On November 5, 2007, PetroChina was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange as the most profitable company in Asia. Its IPO price was 16.7 yuan ($2.71), but shares opened at48.6yuan($7.88)on the first day of trading.The resplendentfinancial figures attracted flocks of investors.But two days later, its stock price began its long downturn. The stock price fell below the offering price of 16.7 yuan a year later, and on June 27, its stock price only stood at 7.36 yuan ($1.2).  相似文献   

This is my second visit to Los Angeles as the Director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs to exchange views with all the American Christian friends present. I believe what you want to learn best is the real situation of Chinese Christianity at present. I can tell you with pleasure that Chinese Christians are running their church independently and has thus removed the "cap" of "foreigness". It has become a religion that eulogizes love and traditional culture. As a reli-  相似文献   

通过无产阶级世界革命,推翻资本主义,建立一个持久和平、和谐的世界是马克思主义经典作家奋斗终生的目标,也是毛泽东等中国第一代领导人国际战略思想的重要内容。和谐世界观的提出既是对马克思主义和谐世界思想的继承,亦是和平与发展的新形势对马克思主义国际主义战略思想的创造性发展。  相似文献   

<正>Culture is the cornerstone of a nation’s self-confidence and soft power.In the process of building a moderately prosperous society,China has begun to attach great importance to the promotion and spread of Chinese culture,alongside its long term goals of economic growth and industrial development.Xie Jinying,Director of the Bureau for External Cultural Relations,  相似文献   

Simplified travel procedures between Hong Kong and Shenzhan have brought the SAR even closer to the mainland. In recent years,Shenzhen‘s low living costs and comfortable living environment have attracted many Hang Kongers. Luo Yuanjun‘s article, “One Country,Two Doors-From Hong Kong to Shenzhen“ brings into focus the closer links between Hong Kong and the mainland since Hong Kong‘s return.  相似文献   

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