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1931年1月霍克海默(MaxHorkheimer)开始担任法兰克福大学社会研究所所长时,作了题为《社会哲学的当前局势与社会研究所的任务》的就职演说,提出要将哲学与经验性的社会研究结合在一起。在之后的论著、尤其是《传统的与批判的理论》一文中,霍克海默对这一理论架构作了进一步的阐  相似文献   

作为当代社会民主主义的理论先驱之一 ,莱昂·勃鲁姆自称信奉马克思主义 ,但他主要是接受了马克思对资本主义社会的分析 ,而对历史唯物主义却持一定的保留态度。他在社会主义理论方面是一个折衷主义者 ,信奉和宣扬饶勒斯所主张的马克思主义和唯物主义的“综合”。他的这些思想观点在目前法国社会党的理论和政策中仍有影响 ,因此对其进行深入探讨是有重要意义的。  相似文献   

近年来,伴随“非典”、禽流感,尤其是2009年的甲型H1N1流感的先后发生,传染病疾病问题成为世界各国政府和公众密切关注的焦点问题。传染性疾病,俗称传染病,包括许多种类,比较严重的有鼠疫、霍乱、非典型肺炎、艾滋病、病毒性肝炎、禽流感、狂犬病、登革热、流行性乙型脑炎、肺结核等,较轻的有流行性感冒、流行性腮腺炎等,  相似文献   

卷首语以我们的方式解读世界 —写在《当代世界》杂志改版之时.……(1 .1)中国的发展也是世界的机遇.............……(2.1)单边主义·倒萨战争·美国经济.........……(3.1)反对战争,呼唤和平...................……(4.1)和平与发展是世界人民的共同愿望.......……(5.1)“帝  相似文献   

对当代社会民主主义的几点认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当代,社会民主主义类型的政党和运动已经遍布世界绝大多数国家和地区,社会民主主义成为当今世界最重要的政治运动和社会思潮之一,是唯一能够与右翼保守势力相抗衡的中左力量,因此也可以说是当代世界左翼政治力量的主力军,对世界各国特剐是现代民主国家政治发展的走向具有举足轻重的影响.  相似文献   

There is a new, but still limited, realisation that the perspectives developed by the ‘social movement theory’ can be useful to illuminate aspects of Islamist movements. This is a welcome development. Yet it is also pertinent to point to some limitations of the prevailing social movement theories (those grounded in the technologically advanced and politically open societies) to account for the complexities of sociopolitical activism in contemporary Muslim societies, which are often characterised by political control and limited means for communicative action. The article argues for a more fluid and fragmented understanding of social movements, which may better explain the differentiated and changing disposition of such movements as Islamism. In this context, I propose the concept of ‘imagined solidarities’, which might help illustrate modes of solidarity building in such closed political settings as the contemporary Muslim Middle East.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which discussions of social capital have emerged within the World Bank, and how they interacted both with project practices and with larger debates in the institution. These debates are understood as a ‘battlefield of knowledge’, whose form and outcomes are structured but not determined by the political economy of the Bank. Understanding the debates this way has implications for research on the ways in which development discourses are produced and enacted, as well as for more specific discussions of the place of social capital in development studies. The article concludes with a reflection on implications of these debates for future research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   


This paper aims to address the reasons why the acronym brics is moving from being an easy marker to guide foreign investors interested in emerging markets to denoting an important political group of countries determined to promote major changes in international relations. Theoretically the paper draws on social constructivism to demonstrate that the changing identities of brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) can be treated as the main cause of the convergence of their interests in the international arena. Through a detailed analysis of these countries’ statements at the opening sessions of the UN General Assembly from 1991 to 2011, their social claims about themselves are retraced and the way they have judged the international sphere in which they engage is captured, in order to demonstrate the changing character of their identities. These new identities, it is argued, created the opportunity for converging interests, which explains the emerging political structure of brics . The paper concludes that, after four major summits and a significant number of wide-ranging low-level meetings, brics might be considered one of the major long-lasting forces shaping the new architecture of international relations in the 21st century.  相似文献   

2011年1月27日,当代世界研究中心首届理事会第一次会议暨《当代世界》杂志编委会2011年年会在北京成功召开。国务委员戴秉国发来书面致辞。中联部部长王家瑞、  相似文献   

与马恩的世界革命思想相比较,列宁的世界革命思想增加了输出革命的内容,但在实践中列宁是很谨慎的;进军波兰失败后,列宁的世界革命思想发生了重大变化,由世界革命转向与西方资本主义国家和平共处,但仍有很大局限性.  相似文献   

世界市场是人类历史发展到一定时期的产物,生产力发展与资本扩张是推动其形成和发展的基本动因。而世界市场的形成和发展又对人类历史产生了重要影响:它既是资本主义存在和发展的历史平台,又是资本主义的历史终结力量;它既造成了资本主义由发达国家向落后国家扩张的趋势,又为某些落后国家跨越资本主义提供了凭借力量;它向人们表明,封闭性和狭隘性是空想社会主义的历史特征,而现代性和开放性是科学社会主义的本质属性。马克思的这些思想,对我们探讨经济全球化的实质及其对人类历史的影响提供了宝贵的借鉴。  相似文献   

当代西方多元主义理论和政治现象评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管多元主义是西方社会的一个普遍观念,也是其政治思想和民主制的一个基本前提,但无论是从理论上还是从实践上看,它都还未得到充分地说明.尤其是从民主制角度来看,当代资本主义的政治民主与多元主义的内在要求有明显的差距.  相似文献   

社会运动理论的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪60和70年代,在美国和欧洲,各种社会运动方兴未艾,风起云涌。社会运动理论也因此在西方流行起来。在美国,这个社会运动的大潮首先是民权运动——即非洲裔美国人争取投票权及其他公民权的运动;这一运动还包括了20世纪60年代早期从加州大学洛杉矶分校开始,随后席卷美国的言论自由运动;还包括反对越南战争的反战运动——这项运动后来成为  相似文献   

This review paper focuses on low-income migrants in (or from) developing countries and their social reproduction, and asks what this means for their social protection. We focus on the recognition that migration involves (re)negotiations of social reproduction by migrants and their families. These renegotiations are heavily inflected with gendered power relations in ways that are specific to individual and family life course. As such, migration involves taking on new risks and dynamic vulnerabilities in sustaining everyday and intergenerational social reproduction. These are sharpened by the increasing feminisation of migration flows and obstructed by wider changes in social provisioning and exclusionary citizenship regimes. The resulting social protection challenges unfold over lifetimes, and are especially marked at critical periods of transition. Life-course thinking has the potential to theoretically integrate emerging insights from rich empirical studies; doing this supports the rationale for revaluing the importance of social reproduction within debates about migration and social protection.  相似文献   

当代西方民主化理论的基础性范式是经济分析与文化分析,这两种分析方法的基本特点是其结构性、历史性与宏观性,其局限是缺乏对民主化过程的微观解释。随着理性选择理论的兴起,民主化理论的分析路径实现了从宏观向微观机制的转向,突出了政治主体的理性选择和策略互动对于民主化过程的重要意义。而理性选择理论关于个体主义和经济理性的严格假设,无法有效解释民主化过程中人类行为的复杂性以及无效制度的长期存在和传播。近年来新制度主义分析方法开始广泛兴起,这一分析方法通过重视制度(包括规范、文化等)的作用,致力于把宏观视角与微观机制结合起来,对民主化过程提供了一个综合的理解。  相似文献   

法国社会党对社会民主主义理论革新的贡献   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济全球化的发展,西欧社会党面临新的挑战.它们都在关注社会民主主义的革新问题,法国社会党在这方面作出了重大贡献.它既强调不与资本主义决裂,又坚持对资本主义的批判;既坚持改良主义,又强调国家的"主观能动性";同时还强调自己是一个"跨阶级的政党",提倡多元主义政治.  相似文献   

In the United States the phenomenon of racial profiling has emerged as an important and controversial issue within political and criminal justice policy debates. For the most part, these debates have assumed a sort of racism at work in order to explain law enforcement's use of criminal profiles largely determined by racial classifications. Accordingly, many have worked to expose this allegedly racist behavior in the hopes that such exposure will bring an end to the practice. This essay argues that racial profiling is embedded in much larger social developments that must be explored in order to understand the role race now plays in the maintenance of social order in contemporary American society.  相似文献   

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