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On March 26, 2003, four girls of different nationalities made a special trip to Beijing, and went straight to the Tongzhou District Care Center where they had volunteered to work with disabled orphans.Sunny Lee Yang, Karine Teon, Ashwini Rao and Arisa lizuka are from the USA, France, India and Japan respectively. They are all students at the Singapore International School. In February this year, they saw a report on the Tongzhou District Care Center on CCTV's "China Reports." They were all so deeply moved by the backgrounds of the members of this special "family." that all four girls decided to cancel their social practice in Vietnam and come to China instead.  相似文献   

Nation tries to curb pollution by imposing harsher penalties Pollution in a river in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has caused a stir. Fengkai County authorities in neighboring Guangdong Province reported thallium and cadmium contamination in the Hejiang River on July 6. Fengkai is downstream fromGuangxi’sHezhouCity.Deadfishhasbeen seenfloatingintheriversinceJuly1.Authorities prohibited about 30,000 Fengkai residents from using river water for three weeks, and tens of millions more in the Pearl River Delta were put on  相似文献   

Yang Fei, a law enforcem ent officer in Shenzhen, south China’s Guangdong Province, has a new weapon against polluters: a hand-held device that can test water quality and quickly trace pollutants to their sources.“Environmental law enforcement requires onsite sampling of water quality. In the past we had to send the samples to laboratories for testing and then wait at least two to three days for the results before taking any action ,Yang said.  相似文献   

Super Girl in Taiwan Li Yuchun, winner of the 2005 Super Girl singing contest, an American Idol-like competition for young women, finally saw her super powers, which had captured hearts of millions of teenage girls across China, reach their limit. During a recent five-day trip to perform in Taiwan, Li, who enjoys great popularity among Taiwan's young people with her notably boyish appearance, masculine stage presence and bold personality, was permitted to sing, but not talk, in public. In  相似文献   

There were only four of us in the Chinese movement class: two Korean girls, one young American from Arkansas on a Fulbright Scholarship to learn Chinese Opera, and myself. We were taught to play the role of a young, innocent unmarried girl. This was a challenge for me - from New York City, in my 60s, and with two children and three grandchildren. Twice a week we'd meet in a classroom while the teacher instructed in Mandarin and demonstrated movement and acting. We began the class by takin…  相似文献   

Iremember that when I was a child two peonies grew in the courtyard of my house. One was white and the other was pink. As well as tending to them, loosening the soil and bringing them water, I often observed and drew them. I saw how it requires persistence and patience for a peony to survive the harshness of winter and come forth in spring to bring its beauty to the world. From this early interest, my ambition has always been to be a painter specialized in these fascinating flowers. Later when I became an adult and gained more knowledge and experience,  相似文献   

Jiangxinzhou, green as jade and shaped like a green plum, is inlaid on the Yangtze River, in the western part of Jianye District in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is only 6 kilometers away from Xinjiekou, the downtown commercial center, and is separated from the new modern city, the New District of Hexi in Nanjing, with a strip of water. The river with a distant source and long stream is just like the arms of a mother to embrace the green island of 15 kilometers and to nourish the 12,000 residents at the island.  相似文献   

正Combined efforts ensure sufficient and efficient supply of scarce medicinesIn July 2013, many areas in China saw a shortage of thiamazole tablets, a drug for treating hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the body produces too much thyroid. Numerous patients took to social media to share their concerns of not being able to obtain a single package of the drug after searching drugstores across their cities. The shortfall in the drug came about primarily because pharmaceutical companies had developed low motivation for producing it, owing to factors such as low profits and stricter environmental regulation.  相似文献   

It is said that Wuzhen is a good place for one-day visit, and no more. I stayed over and regretted the decision. Getting there is easy, with regular buses from Shanghai. Although there are quite a number of places to see, the actual scenic area is quite small. A larger tourist facility to the west is still under development. The town's river is actually a canal, and the water is being pumped in and out twice a week.Located in Tongxiang City, in the north of Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen  相似文献   

Water pollution in China is a serious and systemic problem, lacking effective control mechanisms The 60-year-old man, surnamed Chen, faces an awkward situation. He lives by the Huaihe River, a major river in central China, but two or three times a month he has to fetch water for washing clothes and cooking from a place miles away. The reason is simple: the Huaihe River,  相似文献   

ON November 13, 2005,an explosion occurredat the Diphenyl Factoryof the Jilin Petrochemi-cal Company, a subsid-iary of the China National PetroleumCorporation in Jilin Province, causing100 tons of harmful chemicals to spillinto the Songhua River. Millions ofpeople in the downstream areas rely onthe Songhua River as a water source,and a section of the river runs throughRussia.When Pollution ReachesHeilongjiangOfficials in the downstream prov-ince of Heilongjiang were not informedabout …  相似文献   

China began to implement Project 119 in 2001. It applies to 119 offshoots of the three main events -track and field, swimming and water sports - that have been designated key training. In order to be a serious contender with the United States and Russia in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games China must make serious progress within these three big events.  相似文献   

Through 3 years of efforts in a new round of adjusting its economic struc-ture, Shanxi had, by the end of 2002, achieved the objective of seeing initial success in first three years. On July 7, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government jointly held a commendation ceremony to summarize the experiences, analyze the situation and tasks ahead, and set out the next steps in its economic restructuring pro-gram in order to ensure to attain marked achievement by 2005.Since the new …  相似文献   

Ⅴ. Upholding Ethnic Equality and Unity
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is multiethnic region. According to the fifth national census in 2000, it is home to 55 ethnic groups including the Uyghur, Han and Kazak. In 2008, it had a population of 21.308 million, 12.945 million of whom were of ethnicities other than the Han, representing 60.8% of the total. In 2007, three ethnic groups in the region had a population over one million each. They were the Uyghur with a population of 9.651 million, the Han, 8.239 million, and the Kazak,  相似文献   

The 14th October,1999 saw me landing in Beijing for the start of a visit organised forme by Her Excellency Zhang Songxian,Ambassa-dor of the People's Republic of China to Trinidadand Tobago.I was the guest of the Chinese Peo-ple's Association for Friendship with ForeignCountries whose representatives had in place aprogramme of meaningful activities in the citiesof Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.  相似文献   

I recently made a trip to China.Though I only had time to visit three places-Hong Kong, Macao and Beijing-the country made a deep impression on me.For one, it was nothing like I expected. I had arrived with a backpack and a good camera, hoping to capture some snapshots of traditional life in Chinese streets. But at the same time I suspected that the old ways had disappeared to make way for grand buildings and other symbols of newfound wealth. I  相似文献   

ACCORDING to monitoring by environmental departments, over half of China's seven major river systems are polluted, 90 percent of the country's urban water areas are heavily contaminated, the quality of 50 percent of urban water sources falls below the national standard for drinking water, and 40 percent of all water sources in the nation are not potable. Drinking water safety in China is severely compromised and new hopes are riding on cross-Strait exchanges that will initiate mainland cooperation with Taiwan on remedies and recovery of water sources that both seek to protect.  相似文献   

Arecent trip to westernand northern Xinjianggave me the chance togauge the real situationas regards education inthe region. Xinjiang Uygur AutonomousRegion covers one-sixth of China's totalterritory and its population encompasses47 of China's 56 ethnic groups. MuslimUygurs predominate, closely followedby Kazaks, also Muslim. Xinjiang'sfamily planning policy allows ethnicminorities in both rural and urban areasto have three children, but if all three areboys or girls, a couple may have a fo…  相似文献   

TRAIN K165 on route from Xi'an to Kunming on August 19, 2010, was speeding towards unknown danger in the form of the Shiting River Bridge in central Sichuan Province, at 88 kmph amidst a heavy rainstorm. The piers, damaged by the flood that accompa- nied the rains, had weakened and the bridge had tilted. In jeopardy were the lives of 1,318 passengers and 47 crew members. Two cars plunged into the river during the incident.  相似文献   

Standing on the highest point of the Three Gorges worksite, a vast expanse of white building structures comes into view, a new town nestling deep in the green hills and blue water like a mini-landscape pot decorating the huge Three Gorges Dam just one kilometer away. This is the youngest county town in the present-day China. Living in it are 45,000 people displaced by the mammoth Three Gorges Water Project on China's longest river of the Yangtze. One could see no overhead lines in the town or chimneys on top of the roofs or walls on the four sides. Rainwater and sewage water go down into separate pipelines, with rainwater discharged directly into the Yangtze  相似文献   

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