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实验采用氧化锌、二氧化钛、二硫化钼和四氧化三铁粉末,按照不同配方配制了4种悬浮液,对小颗粒法显现汗潜手印的试剂浓度、操作方法、对陈旧手印的适用性及小颗粒悬浮液的放置时间、对深色浅色客体、对光滑非渗透性客体、半渗透性客体和个别渗透性客体上的手印显现进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

目的进一步探讨物理显影液显现汗潜手印的适用性。方法广泛分析、筛选试剂,拓宽实验内容,并采用正交实验设计法定量。结果选用富含脂肪醇硫酸盐的表面活性剂及适量配比优化的物理显影液显出手印效果良好、稳定。结论本文得出的物理显影液,配制较简易,成本低廉,其实用性得以有效提高。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(5):473-479
Powder suspensions such as wet powder are used to develop fingermarks on adhesive surfaces. They can also be used on gloves but these ready-to-use commercial pre-mixed solutions are not entirely satisfactory. Among other things, they generate some background noise that can sometimes be substantial and make the exploitation of the fingermarks difficult. Recent studies have proven the effectiveness of a HFE ninhydrin solution on some types of gloves. Ninhydrin and 1,2-indanedione are reagents that are commonly used for the visualisation of fingermarks on porous and semi-porous substrates. Applying them on gloves might help to overcome the issue of background noise being produced by powder suspensions. In this study, several formulations of ninhydrin and 1,2-indanedione are compared to wet powder on a sample of nitrile, latex and vinyl gloves. The subsequent results show a greater effectiveness with the use of wet powder.  相似文献   

Li ZH  Qin GM  Zhao YC  Li XL  Dong XT  Ma WX 《法医学杂志》2003,19(2):72-75
目的 研究尸体腹腔腐败气压在春季的发展变化规律及其用于推断死后经过时间的方法。方法用实验动物山羊57只,分陆地处死和水中溺死两大组,用自行研制的“腐败气压测定仪”,定时系统测量动物尸体腹腔内的腐败气压。结果 得出尸体腹腔内腐败气压的发展变化规律,并据此建立测量腹腔腐败气压推断死后经过时间的方法。研究了数种死亡方式、尸体所处环境和个体差异等的影响。结论 该研究成果填补了法医学中尸体腐败气压发展变化规律研究、检测腐败气压推算死后经过时间和腐败气压测定仪等的多项空白,丰富了该领域的法医学内容。  相似文献   

全血中度冷丁的气—联用法测定及代谢动力学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛月华  沈敏 《法医学杂志》1996,12(3):139-141
应用气-质联用选择离子法测定全血中度冷丁的浓度。方法线性范围为0.002~1ng/ml(r=0.9997),变异系数小于10%,最低检测限过1ng/ml,无杂质干扰。本法已用于肌注80mg度冷丁后代谢动力学的研究。  相似文献   

Staking out new territory in utopian thought and analysis, George Klosko's Jacobins and Utopians examines neither utopian theory nor the actual practice of political reform but what might rather be termed the “theory of practice.” Despite this innovation, the book remains underdeveloped, relying on some weak arguments and unexamined assumptions to support its central claim: that persuasion models of political reform are ineffective and that only state‐centered inculcation of virtue in the citizenry—which Klosko labels “educational realism”—is sufficient for radical change. By failing to consider the performative and the possibility that theory might be a form of practice, Klosko misrepresents the effectiveness of persuasion models in order to champion his preferred alternative. Nevertheless, the book offers much that is of value beyond its initial distinction: there are fascinating accounts of major, and not‐so‐major, figures in the Jacobin and utopian traditions.  相似文献   

溺死鉴定是法医学中的重点和难点之一,目前在相关法医学案件中,主要采用法医病理学尸检与传统硅藻检验等方法综合分析进行鉴定。传统硅藻检验存在灵敏性较低,易于污染等不足。采用PCR法检测尸体不同脏器组织中是否存在水中浮游生物的DNA标记,适用范围广,信息量丰富,灵敏性和特异性较高,有较好的法医学应用前景,有望成为鉴定溺死的新方法。本文对相关研究进展进行综述,为相关研究和实践参考。  相似文献   

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