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RenovationofthePotalaPalaceByWANGMINGXINGThelasttimeanyonebotheredtofixLhasa'sPotalaPalacewaswelloverthreecenturiesago.Amilli...  相似文献   

In May 2000, a delegation of the Israel-ChinaFriendship Society visited China at the invita-tion of the Chinese People's A ssociation for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries. The delegation spent tendays in China, visiting four cities-Beijing, Shang-hai, Harbin and Tianjin, in the last three of which  相似文献   

Further regulation in the real estate market is a must,but tighter controls won’t be easy Several government departments released a joint circular to control borrowing by local governments, which is the first policy involving the real estate market in the new year.  相似文献   

Three pretty young nurses in pin uniforms flutteredar ound me, cooing softly as they hooked up yet  相似文献   

For thousands of years, the mysterious murals of thePotala Palace have always evoked boundlessimagination. "Potala" is a derivation from the Sanskrit "Potalaka", whichis the mythical mountain abode of Avalokitesvara, one of theBodhisattvas (Buddhist saints). The Potala stands on the RedHill overlooking of Lhasa, capital of Tibet Autonomous Region.It is the largest existent architectural complex in Tibet. It is 3,600 meters above sea level and covers an area of over 366,775square mete…  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Ministry of the Interiorof Thailand, a Chinese Governors' Delega-tion, consisting of Lei Yu, vice chairman ofGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jia Xitai,deputy governor of Qinghai Province, Xu Qun,  相似文献   

Following the visit to a few prisons in Shanghai, we got the initial knowledge about how the prisons are managed by law and how the rights and interests of inmates are safeguarded and all the gratifying achievements the prisons have made in educating and correcting the inmates. In Shanghai, China's economic powerhouse, all the prisons, old and new, should be most advanced in the country, in terms of both software and hardware. Doubtlessly, the material base has  相似文献   

WEdrovesouthoutofWenzhouproperontothe"Peasants'City"ofLong-ganginCangnanCountyTwohourslaterwecrossedovertheLonggangBridgeandontothefour-laneLonggangRoad.Alongall87streetsinthetownarerowsofbrightly-litbillboardsandtele-phonebooths.Thesidewalksarepavedwithcoloredti1es.Atownwhich13yearsagowasjustsev-eralfishingvil1agesalongtheAojiangRiver,isnowequippedwithawaterworks,powerplant,three-starhotel,modernhospital,aswimmingpool,andspaciousnewschools.BeforeChinaopenedtotheoutsideworld,ruraldweller…  相似文献   

AVisittoJiaxianCountyByCHENSHANSHANAFTERAridelastingalldayonalong-distancebus,ourrivedattheseatofJiaxianCounty,innortheastern...  相似文献   

JIDONG and Hulin areunder the jurisdiction ofJixi City in southeastHeilongjiang Province.Having a mining history of 100years, Jixi is known as the "CoalCity", and is the site of China'sfirst power station fueled bygangue. Since the 1980s, Jidongand Hulin have exploited rich coalresources and achieved synchro-nized development of industryand environmental protection.They have thus become the mod-els for a new development style.Jidong-Developing the"Non-Coal Economy"Jidong County is 3,2…  相似文献   

At the invitation of theCPAFFC, a ten-member del-egation of the Federation ofFrench-Chinese Associations(FFCA) paid a working visit toChina in October 1998. The aimof the visit was to study the tra-ditional Chinese folk art and ex-plore the possibility of coopera-tion with the CPAFFC in thisfield. Through the ten-day visit  相似文献   

The history of Tianjin City can be dated back to the cutting out of the Grand Canal by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty (A.D.581-618) 1400 years ago. From that time onwards, it was a main channel in water transportation from north to south China. By the start of the 20th century, Tianjin had grown to be a major hub of air, land and sea transportation, as well as the biggest coastal city in north China. Located on the lower reaches of the Haihe River, and at a point strategically close to …  相似文献   

AVisittoaCozyHomeByYANGLI&XUMLNGANCIENTBEIJINGhaspreservedalargequantityofimperialpalacesandbuildings,amongthemthebestworksin...  相似文献   

Tibet on the roof of the world is covered with snow for a greater part of the year, when a freezing cold holds sway. There is less oxygen in the atmosphere there than in areas on lower altitudes. Living in such hostile conditions, Tibetans have a craving for rite. A Tibetan folk song sings prayers of ci ren, or longevity. Tibetan herdsmen accost each other with greetings of ci ren. Countless numbers of Tibetans are called Ci ren. Folk drawings and dances staged at  相似文献   

IN1996,archaeologistsmadenewdiscoveriesinZigong,apopularexcavaionsiteinSichuanProvince.Earlyintheyear,awell-preserveddinosaurskeletonwasunearthednearaconstructionsite.ResearchlatershowedthistobeacreatureoftheLateJurassic,whichindicatedthatithadbeenburiedinthePmplishsandstoneoftheregionforabout150allonyears.Anerreconstruction,thedinosaurwasseentobe20meterslong,3.5met-ershighfromthegroundtoitsspine,anditsheadoverthreestorieshigh.In0ctoberthatsameyear,over200dinosaurfootyrintswerefoundonrocksa…  相似文献   

AVisittoaChineseLaserSpecialist¥HOURUILI;ZHAOSHITIANLasertechnologyisstillrelativelynewtothemedicalfieldinChina.Themovenowist...  相似文献   

NuWaandtheGoddessWaPalaceINANCIENTChinesemythologyagoddessnamedNuWa,whohadawoman'sheadandasnake'sbodymadefourvitallyimportant...  相似文献   

THE delegation of the Chinese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) led by itsvice-president Chen Haosu paid a visit to Spain and Portugalfrom October 21 to November 1, 1995. As four of the sixmembers of the delegation were poets, it was also called apoets' delegation. It was invited by the Fernando Rielo Foun-dation to visit Spain to celebrate the publication of the "An-thology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry".  相似文献   

CHINA's economic growthis charging forward atbreakneck pace, but sus-tainable development ofits building blocks - rawmaterials - is a cause of concern. Theproduction of nonferrous metals - keycomponents of other industrial prod-ucts - is being threatened by depletingmineral resources. Proved and exploit-able mineral reserves have decreaseddramatically in recent years, and someexperts have predicted that only 24 ofChina's 45 main mineral reserves canguarantee supply until 2010, and onlyfour u…  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Federation of Canada-China Friendship Associations (FCCFA), a CPAFFC working group paid a goodwill visit to Canada from September 5 to 15, 2008. The two members of the group, who visited Canada for the first time, were deeply impressed by the country's vast land, tranquil and clear lakes, magnificent undulating mountains and hospitable people of various ethnic groups. During the visit, the group through contacting the Canadian friendship-with-China organizations enhanced mutual understanding, visited the birthplace of Doctor Norman Bethune and the cities where he had studied and worked, and had exchanges and sought cooperation with various sides of Canada for the activities to be held in 2009 in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the death of Dr. Bethune and the publication of Chairman Mao's article In Memory of Norman Bethune.  相似文献   

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