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Computer-assisted skull identification system using video superimposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This system consists of two main units, namely a video superimposition system and a computer-assisted skull identification system. The video superimposition system is comprised of the following five parts: a skull-positioning box having a monochrome CCD camera, a photo-stand having a color CCD camera, a video image mixing device, a TV monitor and a videotape recorder. The computer-assisted skull identification system is composed of a host computer including our original application software, a film recorder and a color printer. After the determination of the orientation and size of the skull to those of the facial photograph using the video superimposition system, the skull and facial photograph images are digitized and stored within the computer, and then both digitized images are superimposed on the monitor. For the assessment of anatomical consistency between the digitized skull and face, the distance between the landmarks and the thickness of soft tissue of the anthropometrical points are semi-automatically measured on the monitor. The wipe images facilitates the comparison of positional relationships between the digitized skull and face. The software includes the polynomial functions and Fourier harmonic analysis for evaluating the match of the outline such as the forehead and mandibular line in both the digitized images.  相似文献   

This system consists of a 3-D physiognomic range finder and a computer-assisted facial image superimposition unit. The 3-D range finder is composed of a detector for measuring facial surface and its control computer. The detector has two sinusoidal grating projection devices and two CCD cameras. The computer-assisted facial image superimposition unit consists of a host computer including a proprietary software, a flat surface color display and a color image scanner for inputting 2-D facial images of a criminal. The 3-D facial shape and texture of a suspect is obtained by using the range finder. To make the comparison between the 3-D facial image and the 2-D facial image, the 3-D facial image is first reproduced on a display of the host computer from a MO disk and then the 2-D facial image is taken with the color image scanner and reproduced on the display. The 3-D facial image is exactly adjusted to match the orientation and size of the 2-D facial image under the fine framework mode, and then the fine framework mode of 3-D facial image is converted to the fine texture image. The shape and positional relationships of facial components between the 3-D and 2-D facial images are examined by the fade-out or wipe image mode. The distance between the selected two points and angle among the selected three points on the 3-D and 2-D facial images are automatically measured for the assessment of anthropometrical data between both images. For evaluating the fit between the anthropometrical points on the 3-D and 2-D facial images, the reciprocal point-to-point difference between both images is compared.  相似文献   

新精神活性物质更新快,种类繁多,缺乏国际条约的监管,列入联合国管控目录困难,加之一些国家和国际社会对大麻等毒品管控降低,给我国在新精神活性物质类毒品的监管带来困难.具有成瘾性和社会危害性的新精神活性物质才能成为列管对象,毒物分析技术人员在列管程序中扮演极为重要的角色.我国对新精神活性物质的监管法规规定了相关列管程序,毒...  相似文献   

With the advent of new legislation in the United Kingdom – as well as several high-profile criminal cases – the issue of Internet grooming has been the subject of much recent focus. Of particular interest to the forensic examiner is the ability to trace back from a known suspect's computer system to identify contact with his alleged victims. Specifically, when an allegation of grooming is made, one of the first things the examiner should do is to determine that the suspect's computer system was used to contact the informant's account in the first place. This a strong evidential link between victim and suspect and clearly demonstrates that the suspect was responsible for that contact rather than a third party who may have taken control of the suspect's chat account.  相似文献   

Computer-assisted facial reproduction.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Electronic imaging equipment originally developed to illustrate aging of missing persons has been utilized in facial reproduction from skeletal remains. The technique produces rapid, economical, and realistic facial images in a manner that eliminates the need for photography and maximizes interaction and communication between the artist and the anthropologist.  相似文献   

We obtain the normal Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectrum of three controlled substances: morphine, codeine, and hydrocodone. The spectra are assigned with the aid of density functional theory. Because of rather intense fluorescence, normal Raman spectra suffer from poor signal-to-noise, even when differential subtraction techniques are employed. On the other hand, surface enhancement by Ag nanoparticles both enhances the Raman signal and suppresses the fluorescence, enabling far more sensitive detection and identification. We also present a set of discriminant bands, useful for distinguishing the three compounds, despite the similarities in their structures.  相似文献   

Case data from 200 morphine-involved deaths (Spiehler, V. and Brown, R., Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 4, July 1987, pp. 906-916) were analyzed for patterns and relationships using artificial intelligence (AI) computer software. Case parameters were blood unconjugated morphine, blood, brain, and liver total morphine, sex, age, frequency of use, time of death after injection, cause of death, and presence of other drugs. The programs used were Expert 4 (Biosoft-Cambridge), BEAGLE (Warm Boot, Ltd.), and KnowledgeMaker (Knowledge Garden Inc.). Interpretation was defined as estimating the dose, response, and time after drug dosing. The AI programs were used to advise on time and response outcomes for cases, to calculate the probability of the estimate being true, to develop rules for interpretation of morphine-involved cases, and to diagram a decision tree. On known cases the AI programs were successful 70 to 90% of the time in classifying the cases as to response and time. No data on dose were available in this database. The success rate in individual cases was proportional to the program-estimated probability. All three programs found the case parameters of most value in predicting response to be blood unconjugated morphine, blood total morphine, and liver total morphine. The case data most useful in estimating time of death since drug injection were blood unconjugated morphine, percent unconjugated morphine in blood, and brain total morphine. The rule induction programs found that morphine overdoses were characterized by blood unconjugated morphine greater than 0.24 micrograms/mL, liver morphine greater than 0.50 to 0.75 micrograms/g, brain morphine greater than 0.08 micrograms/g or greater than blood unconjugated morphine, and percent blood unconjugated morphine greater than 37%. Rapid deaths were characterized by percent unconjugated morphine greater than 44 to 50%; blood unconjugated morphine, as a function of other drugs present, greater than 0.09 to 0.21 micrograms/mL; and brain total morphine greater than 0.16 to 0.22 micrograms/g. This work demonstrates that inexpensive AI programs commercially available for personal computers can be useful in interpretation in forensic toxicology.  相似文献   

A computer software, R?ttsBASE (RB), was developed for all forensic pathology units in Sweden and introduced in 1992. Simultaneously, a corresponding software, ToxBASE (TB), was developed for the Department of Forensic Toxicology, where all forensic toxicology in Sweden is managed. Both of the databases were created using dBASE IV, and the programming was carried out according to specifications from the staff at the forensic toxicology and forensic pathology units. since the development or RB and TB was coordinated, the systems can run together smoothly. The purpose of both systems was to automate the offices and to enable compilation of detailed statistics. Installation of Novell Netware and ISDN-connections (Integrated Service Digital Network) has enabled rapid communication between the units and easy compilation of nationwide statistics of forensic pathology and forensic toxicology. the systems offer a wide spectrum of reports and include a simple module for evaluation of the importance of the forensic efforts for th whole death investigation. The configuration of the softwares has also enabled processing of a large amount of related toxicological and autopsy data that in turn has yielded a base for compilation of toxicology interpretation lists. This article includes a summary of the features of the software and a discussion of its benefits and limitations.  相似文献   

The human cell line HaCaT was used to study drug uptake by keratinocytes as an in-vitro model to elucidate drug incorporation into anagen hair follicle. The basic drugs under investigation were taken up very rapidly resulting in a concentration plateau in the keratinocytes which was dependent on the drug concentration in the cell culture medium. The results obtained for HaCaT clearly demonstrated the existence of a partition-equilibrium between the extracellular and intracellular drug concentrations. Only small amounts of the offered drugs were taken up and remarkable differences were observed showing a decreasing uptake for imipramine > haloperidol > cocaine/benzoylecgonine. Total protein content in the culture medium was 3.5 +/- 0.3 mg/mL and the protein binding of the drugs to the foetal serum proteins was found to be negligible in the experiments. Overall, the in vitro findings were consistent with previous observations for in vivo drug incorporation into hair. In particular, an explanation was found for the correlation between the AUC-value and hair concentration observed in animal studies as well as for the generally low drug concentrations in non-pigmented hair.  相似文献   

李大平 《证据科学》2007,14(2):89-101
探索性医疗技术准入制度要遵循保护患者的权利;控制医疗保健费用的过快上涨,保障全民卫生保健计划的落实;协调患者权利的保护、社会伦理和促进医疗技术的更新与发展的平衡,维护公认的伦理价值准则,维护社会生态安全等基本原则。评估制度、试验质量管理制度、风险管理制度、分级分类制度等是探索性医疗技术准入的最基本制度。  相似文献   

探索性医疗技术临床准入立法的基本原则和基本制度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探索性医疗技术准入制度要遵循保护患者的权利;控制医疗保健费用的过快上涨,保障全民卫生保健计划的落实;协调患者权利的保护、社会伦理和促进医疗技术的更新与发展的平衡,维护公认的伦理价值准则,维护社会生态安全等基本原则。评估制度、试验质量管理制度、风险管理制度、分级分类制度等是探索性医疗技术准入的最基本制度。  相似文献   

论行政合同的基本特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行政合同是行政主体为直接实现行政的目的或单纯为行政事务与他方订立的合同。在行政主体合同权利的限制、行政主体在合同中的特权、合同的瑕疵与救济方面,行政合同均存在有别于普通合同的特性。这些特性意味着行政合同具备自身存在的理论基础和实践价值。  相似文献   

This paper offers a theory of the structure of basic human rights which is both compatible with and clarificatory of the traditional conception of such rights. A central contention of the theory is that basic rights are structurally different from other kinds of moral rights, such as special rights, because of differences both in the way in which basic rights have content and the model on which basic rights are correlative with duties. This contention is exploited to develop and defend the central thesis of the theory, namely that basic human rights are bundles of mutually held active rights enjoyed by persons in virtue of the specifiable moral relationships they bear to each other.  相似文献   

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