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Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1974,45(1):125-151
Book Reviewed in this article
W age P atterns A nd W age P olicy I n M odern C hina 1919-1972. B y C hristopher H owe .
R evolutionaries . B y E. J. H obsbawm .
T he R eformed L ocal G overnment S ystem . B P eter G. R ichards .
L ocal G overnmest . By R ichard B uxton .
T he P olitics O f P olicy I n L ocal G overnment . By J ohn D wrlove .
C ity P olitics A nd T he P ress . By H arvey Cox and D avid M organ .
H idden C osts O f T axation . B y C. T. S andford .
P olitical P urpose I n T rade U nions . By I rving R ichter .
L abour : T he U nions A nd T he P arty . B y B ill S impson .
B aldwin , T he U nexpected P rime M inister . By H. M ontgomery
C hina : A H andbook . E dited b y Y uan -L i W u .
T he L ong M arch T o P ower : A H istory O f T he C hinese C ommunist P arty , 1921-72. B y J ames P inckney H arrison .
T he C hinese H igh C ommand : A H istory O f C ommunist M ilitary P olitics , 1927–71. B y W illiam W. W hitson w ith C hen -H sia H uang .
C hinese S trategic T hinking U nder h ho T se -T ung . B y W. A. C. A die .
T he C hinese R oad T o S ocialism . By E. L. W heelwright and B. M c -F arlane .
T he B eliefs O f P oliticians . B y R obert D. P utnam .
K nowledge A nd B eliefs I n P olitics . E dited B y R obert B enewick , R. N. B erki A nd B hikhu P arekh .
C orps D iplomatique . By E ric C lark .
R adicalism A gainst W ar 19061914. T he A dvocacy O f P eace A nd R etrenchment . B y A. J. A nthony M orris .
C ause A nd M eaning I n T he S ocial S ciences . B y E rnest G ellner .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1995,66(3):211-231
Book reviewed in this article:
T he S tate W erein . By W ill H utton .
S ocial J ustice : S trategies for N ational R enewal ; the R eport of the C ommission on S ocial J ustice .
T heatres of M emory , V olume I: P ast and P resent in C ontemporary C ulture . By R aphael S amuel .
A ge of E xtremes : T he S hort T wentieth C entury 1914–1991. By E ric H obsbawm .
T he C onstitution of L iberty : C ivil S ociety and its R ivals . By E rnest G ellner .
F rustrate T heir K navish T ricks : W ritings on B iography , H istory , and P olitics . By B en P imlott .
E xplaining E conomic P olicy R eversals . By C hristopher H ood .
L ondon's B urning : L ife , D eath and A rt in the S econd W orld W ar . By P eter S tansky and W illiam A brahams .
S ocialism for a S ceptical A ge . By R alph M iliband .
E galitarian T hought and L abour P olitics : R etreating V isions . By N icholas E llison .
B eyond L eft and R ight : the F uture of R adical P olitics . By A nthony G iddens .
C onservative C entury : T he C onservative P arty S ince 1900. Edited by A nthony S eldon and S tuart B all .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1984,55(4):443-458
Book reviewed of this article
T he P olitics of N uclear B alance . B y W illiam H. B augh .
T he C hurch and the B omb . The report of a working party under the chairmanship of the Bishop of Salisbury
T he N uclear F uture . B y M ichael M andelbaum .
D efended to D eath . Edited by G wyn P rins .
L iving W ith N uclear W eapons . B y T he H arvard N uclear S tudy
T he S oviet U nion and the A rms R ace . B y D avid H olloway .
N uclear A rms C ontrol . B y J ulie D ahlitz .
T he C ommand A nd C ontrol of N uclear F orces . B y P aul B racken .
N uclear W eapons in E urope . Edited by A ndrew J. P ierre .
N uclear W eapons in E urope . Edited by M arsha M cgraw O live and J effrey D. P orro .
D angers of D eterrence . Edited by N igel B lake and K ay P ole .
C aveat : R ealism , R eagan A nd F oreign P olicy . B y A lexander H aig
L abour in P ower 1945-1951. B y K enneth O. M organ .
T he R ise and F all of T he P olitical P ress in B ritain , V olume 2: T he T wentieth C entury . B y S tephen K oss .
T ackling P ollution : E xperience and P rospects . Tenth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (Chairman Sir Richard Southwood).
R andolph : A S tudy of C hurchill's S on . B y B rian R oberts .
C apital and P olitics in W estern E urope . Edited by D avid M arsh .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1993,64(3):356-386
Book reviewed in this article:
C ommon G round on T errorism : S oviet -A merican C ooperation A gainst the P olitics of T error . E dited by J ohn M arks and I gor B eliaev .
T error . B y C onor G earty .
T errorism and M odern D rama . E dited by J ohn O rr and D ragan K laic .
T errorism in the 1990s. B y R ichard L atter .
T errorism R esearch and P ublic P olicy . E dited by C lark M c C auley .
V iolence , T errorism and J ustice . E dited by R. G. F rey and C hristopher W. M orris .
T he H ighest S takes : T he E conomic F oundation of the N ext S ecurity S ystem . B y W. S tandholtz , M. B orrus , J. Z ysman , J. S towsky , S. V ogel, and S. W eber .
N ationalism : F ive R oads to M odernity . By L iah G reenfeld .
M oney , P olitics and L aw . By K eith E wing .
I n the H ighest D egree O dious : D etention without T rial in W artime B ritain . By A. W. B rian S impson .
R ace and P ublic P olicy : A S tudy of L ocal P olitics and G overnment . B y S hamit S aggar .
G reen P olitical T heory . By R obert E. G oodin .
A treaty T oo F ar : a N ew P olicy for E urope . By M ichael S picer MP.
A S ingle M arket and B eyond . Edited by D ennis S wann .
T he EC and the U nited S tates . By P eter C offey .
M acroeconomic P olicy C oordination in E urope: the E rm and M onetary U nion . Edited by R ay B arrell and J ohn W hitley .
R eligion and M odernization : S ociologists and H istorians D ebate the S ecularization T hesis . Edited by S. B ruce .
R eligion : C ontemporary I ssues . Edited by B. W ilson .
I llusions of T riumph : A n A rab V iew of the G ulf W ar . By M ohamed H eikal .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
I nside the T reasury . By J oel B arnett .
G etting and S pending . By L eo P liatzky .
T he G overnment's E xpenditure P lans . By T he T reasury and C ivil S ervice C ommittee , Fifth Report 1981–82 Session H.C. 316.
P ublic E xpenditure and S ocial P olicy . Edited by Alan Walker
B ig G overnment in H ard T imes . Edited by C hristopher H ood and M aurice W right
T he P olitics of R etrenchment . By C harles H. L evine , I rene S. R ubin and G eorge G. W olohojian
P roperty and P olitics 1870–1914. L andownership , L aw , I deology and U rban D evelopment in E ngland . BY A vner O ffer .
O rganizing I nterests in W estern E urope . Edited by S uzanne D. B erger .
P ower , P roperty and C orporatism . By J ames S immie .
T he C hallenge of C orporatism . By O tto N ewman .
P ower and P arty in an E nglish C ity : an A ccount of S ingle -P arty R ule . By D avid G. G reen .
E nvironmental P rotest and C itizen P olitics in J apan . B y M argaret M c K ean .
THE G ate of H eavenly P eace . the C hinese and T heir R evolution , 1895–1980. BY J onathan D. S pence .
T he U ses of S ocial R esearch -S ocial I nvestigation in P ublic P olicy -M aking . BY M artin B ulmer .
T he C reation of the A nglo -A merican A lliance 1937–41: A S tudy in C ompetitive C o -O peration .
T he P olitical I deas of the U topian S ocialists . By K eith T aylor .
G ramsci's P olitical T hought : H egemony , C onsciousness , and the R evolutionary P rocess . By J. V. F emia .
M aking G ood : P risons , P unishment and B eyond . By M artin W right . Foreword by B arbara W ootton .
T he S ocialist N ovel I n B ritain . T owards the R ecovery of A T radition . Edited by H. G ustav K laus .
R ecount . By C liff P rothero .
T ony C rosland . By S usan G rosland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(1):105-106
Book reviewed in this article:
T he L aw O fficers of the C rown . By J. L l . J. E dwards .
T he E ichamann T rial . By P eter P apadatos .
E conomic P lanning : T he F rench E xperience . By P ierre B auchet .
P olitical M odernization in J apan and T urkey . Edited by R obert E. W ard and D ankwart A. R ustow .
B ritain and I ndia : R equiem for E mpire . By M aurice and T aya Z inkin .
A N ation in M aking . By S ir S urendranath B anerjea .
I ndian N ationalism and H indu S ocial R eform . By C harles H. H eimsath .
G overnment in R ural I ndia . By D avid P otter . [ G. Bell & Sons, Ltd.
B ritain and the E uropean C ommunity , 1955–1963. By M iriam C amps .
B eavrbrook : A S tudy of M ax the U nknown . By P eter H oward
T heory and P ractice in A merican P olitics . Edited by W illiam H. N elson .
T he T wo -P arty S ystem in the U nited S tates . Third Editon. By W illiam G oodman .
T he A merican L egislative P rocess . By W illiam J. K eefe and M orris S. O gul .
B ritish G uiana : P roblems of C ohesion in an I mmigrant S ociety . By P eter N ewman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1984,55(3):325-352
Book reviewed of this article
T he D iary of B eatrice W ebb . V olume I 1873-1892. G liiter A round and D arkness W ithin . V olume 11. 1892-1905. A ll T he G ood T hings of L ife . Edited by N orman and J eanne M ackenzie .
P roletarian P hilosophers . B y J onathan R be
T he L egend of R ed C lydeside . B y I ain M clean
C ontact . B y A. F. N. C larke .
W hy G overnments G row : M easuring P ublic S ector S ize . Edited by C harles L. T aylor
G overnments under S tress : P olitical E xecutives and K ey B ureau -C rats in W ashington , L ondon and O ttawa . By C olin C ampbell .
A merica's U nwritten C onstitution . S cience , R eligion , A nd P oliti -C al R esponsibility . B y D on K. P rice .
C orruption and M isconduct in C ontemporary B ritish P olitics . By A lan D oig .
C oalition G overnment in W estern E urope . Edited by V ernon B ogdanor .
C onsequences of P arty R eform , B y N elson W. P olsby .
D emocracy and E lections : E lectoral S ystems and T heir P olitical C onsequences . Edited by V ernon B ogdanor and D avid B utler .
T he C ase for L ocal G overnment . B y G eorge J ones and J ohn S tewart .
P olicy -M aking in the E uropean C ommunity . Second Edition., Edited by H elen W allace , W illiam W allace and C arol W ebb .
N ational F oreign P olicies and E uropean P olitical C ooperation . Edited by C hristopher H ill .
W orker C apitalism —T he N ew I ndustrial R elations . B y K eith B radley and A lan G elb .
C o -O peration A t W ork —T he M ondragon E xperience .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1974,45(4):493-518
Book reviewed in this article
C onservative P olitics I n F rance . By M alcolm A nderson .
M aking I nstitutions W ork . By S ir G eoffrey V ickers .
T he C onsumer and C orporate A ccountability . Edited by R alph N ader .
T he R adical A ttack on B usiness . By C harles P errow .
C ontemporary T hought A nd P olitics . B y E rnest G ellner .
T he P rivate G overnment O f P ublic M oney . B y H ugh H eclo and A aron W ildavsky .
D ivorce L aw R eform IN E ngland . B y B. H. L ee .
M arx A nd M ill : T wo V iews O f S ocial C onflict A nd S ocial H armony . B y G raeme D uncan .
T he I deology O f O rder : A C omparative A nalysis O f B odin A nd H obbes . B y P reston K ing .
W ith G reat T ruth AND R espect . T he M emoirs O f P aul G ore -B ooth .
A gainst T he S tream : C ritical E ssays O n E conomics . B y G unnar M yrdal .
T ransport O rganisation I n A G reat C ity— T he C ase O f L ondon . B y M. E. C ollins and T. M. P haroah . Foreword by P rofessor A. R obson .
T he C onservative P arty 1918–1970. By T. F. L indsay and M ichael H arrington .
T he C onservative P arty . By P eter L ane.
T he O rigins O f T he C ultural R evolution . B y R oderick M acfarquhar . V ol . 1: C ontradictions A mong T he P eople .
T he A byssinian C risis . B y F rank H ardie .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1981,52(2):255-279
Book reviewed in this article:
W age C ontrol and I nflation in the S oviet B loc C ountries . By J an A dam .
S ocialism , P olitics and E qualit Y. By W alter D. C onnor .
P olitical E conomy and S oviet S ocialism . By A lec N ove .
O rganizational A lternatives in S oviet-type E conomies . By N icolas S pulber .
T he C astle D iaries 1974–76. By B arbara C astle .
A H ouse D ivided . T he L ib -L ab P act and the F uture of B ritish P olitics . By D avid S teel .
P ortrait of a P rogressive : T he P olitical C areer of C hristopher , V iscount A ddison . By K enneth and J ane M organ .
T he S ecret C onstitution . By B rian S edgemore .
P ower and P owerlessness . By J ohn G aventa .
L iberalism and S ociology : L. T. H obhouse and P olitical A rgument in E ngland 1880–1914. By S tefan C ollini .
T he T wo M arxisms : C ontradictions and A nomalies in the D evelopment of T heory . By A lvin W. G ouldner .
M arxism A fter M arx . By D avid M clellan .
O pposition in E astern E urope . Edited by R udolf L. T okes .
C ommunism and E astern E urope . Edited by F rantisek and L arisa S ilnitsky and K arl R eyman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1989,60(2):239-242
Book reviewed in this article:
W aging W ar ; A P hilosophical I ntroduction . By I an C lark .
T he F irst W orld W ar and I nternational P olitics . By D avid S tevenson .
A t D uty's C all : A S tudy in O bsolete P atrotism By W. J. R eader .
E nglish E thical S ocialism : T homas M ore to R. H. T awney . By N orman D ennis and A. H. H alsey .
M aking M ondragon . T he G rowth and D ynamics of the W orker CO-O perative C omplex . By W illiam F oote W hyte and K athleen K ing W hyte .
T he T hird W ay : T he P romise of I ndustrial D emocracy . By D ennis L awrence .
W orker C ooperatives in T heory and P ractice . By M ary M ellor , J anet H annah and J ohn S tirling .
G overnment and P ressure G roups in B ritain . By A. G. J ordan and J. J. R ichardson .
T rade U nions and P olitics in the 1980s. By D erek F atchett .
B usiness and P olitics in B ritain . By W yn G rant (with J ane S argent )
P ressure for the P oor , T he P overty L obby and P olicy M aking . By P aul F. W hiteley and S tephen J. W ynyard .
C itizens , P arties and the S tate . B y A lan W are .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1976,47(3):344-368
O il , P ower AND P olitics . C onflict I n A rabia , T he R ed S ea A nd T he G ulf . By M ordechai A bir .
A rab S tates O f T he L ower G ulf . P eople , P olitics , P etroleum . By J ohn D uke A nthony .
T he N ew O il S takes . By J ean -M arie C hevalier .
O il A nd P olitics . By H enry M adelin . Translated from the French by M argaret T otman .
A P lain M an's G uide T o O i . By P hilip W indsor .
T he S even S isters . T he G reat O il C ompanies A nd T he W orld T hey M ade . By A nthony S ampson .
T he C ritical P hase I n T anzania 1945–1968. N yerere A nd T he H eagence O f A S ocialist S trategy . By C ranford P ratt .
I ndustrial R elations I n F leet S treet . By K eith S isson .
T he F oreign P olicy P rocess in B ritaik . By W illiam W allace .
L loyd G eorge . By P eter R owland .
T he P olitics of R eappraisal 1918–1939. Edited by G illian P eele and C hris C ook .
B ritish G overnment 1966–1975: Y ears of R eform . By F raxk S tacey .
L essons of U lster . By T. E. U tley .
T he O rigim of U lster U nionism . By P eter G ibbon .
T he E dwardiass : T he R emakixg OF B ritish S ociety . By P agl T hompson .
N onconformity in M odern B ritish P olitics . By S tephen K oss .
B ritish P ublic O pinion and the A byssinian W ar 1935–36. By D aniel W aley .
P ower A nd P arty B ureaucracy in B ritain . By D avid J. W ilsox .
T he C ommonwealth . By P eter B. H arris .
T he O ffice of P rime M inister . By R obert B lake .
T he T iger : T he L ife of G eorces C leyenceau 1841–1929. By E dgar H olt .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
L ocal G overnment in C risis . By W illiam A. R obson .
C entral D epartments and L ocal A uthorities . By J. A. G. g riffith .
D evelopment P lanning . By W. A rthur L ewis .
T he P rocess of P lanning . By A. H. H anson .
W inds of C hange , 1914–1939. By H arold M acmillan .
T he M iddle W ay . By H arold M acmillan .
N igerian G overnment and P olitics . By J. P. M ackintosh et al .
N igeria and E lective R epresentation 1923–1947. By T. N. T amuno .
T he P olice and the P ublic in N igeria . By C. O. O konkwo .
C hinese I ntellectuals and the W est . By Y. C. W ang .
A S tudy of the C hinese C ommunist M ovement . By S hanti S warup .
C hinese P olitical T hought –M ao T se-tung and L iu S hao-chi . By Y ung P ing C hen .
A Q uarter of M ankind . By D ick W ilson .
C ommunist C hina and W orld P olitics . By H arold C. H inton .
T he P olitical V ocation . Edited by paul tillett.
C ontemporary F rench P olitical T hought . By R oy P ierce .
G roundwork to E conomic P lanning . By J oan M itchell . Foreword by T he R t . H on . G eorge B rown .
R osa L uxemburg . By J. P. N ettl .
D israeli . By R obert B lake .
O rganisation and R evolution . By P. A. N oyes .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1949,20(2):176-200
Book reviewed in this article:
P roudhon . By E douard D olléans .
M akers of the L abour M ovement . By M argaret C ole . W ith a F oreword by H ugh D alton .
T he H absburg M onarchy . By A. J. P. T aylor .
T he W hite H ouse P apers of H arry L. H opkins . An Intimate History By R obert E. S herwood
C iano's D iplomatic P apers . Edited by M alcolm M uggeridge
T wentieth C entury E mpire . By H. V. H odson .
C olonial P olicy and P ractice . A C omparative S tudy of B urma and N etherlands I ndia . By J . S. F urnivall .
T ime L onger T han R ope .– By E dward R oux .
C ollective S ecurity in S wiss E xperience (1291–1948). By W illiam E. R appard .
L a C onstitution F édérale de la S uisse 1848, 1948. By WI lliam E. R appard .
T he M ost C ivilised P eople in E urope . By H amilton F yfe .
B ritish C inemas and their A udiences . By J. P. M ayer .
M ilitary and P olitical C onsequences of A tomic E nergy . By P. M. S. B lackett .
A H istory of the L abour P arty from 1914. By G. D. H. C ole .
S ocialism the B ritish W ay . Edited by D onald M unro , with a foreword by Herbert Morrison.
N ational S elf -D etermination . By A lfred C obban .
T he Y ear B ook of W orld A ffairs , 1949.
T he U nited N ations A ssociation Y earbook , 1948. Edited by H. E. M adol in collaboration with A. W. de R usett and L eslie R. A ldous .
C hristopher C olumbus . By S alvador de M adariaga .
T hes/ A dministration of the L aw . By the R t . H on . S ir H enry S lesser .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1970,41(3):341-372
Book reviewed in this article:
P resent at the C reation . M y Y ears in the S tate D epartment . By D ean A cheson .
C olour and C itizenship . By E. J. B. R ose , in association with N icholas D eakin and others.
P olitical C hange in B ritain . By D avid B utler and D onald S tokes .
N ationalism and E conomic D evelopment in G hana . By R oger G enoud .
S tudies on M arx and H egel . By J ean H yppolite . Edited and translated by J ohn O'N eill .
T he M arxian R evolutionary I dea . By R obert C. T ucker .
A n I nterpretation of the P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels . By J. B. S anderson .
T he C ollapse of the T hird R epublic : an I nquiry I nto the F all of F rance in 1940. By W illiam L. S hirer .
P lanning and the P oliticians . By A. H. H anson .
C ontending A pproaches to I nternational P olitics . Edited by K laus K norr and J ames N. R osenau .
C rises in F oreign P olicy . A S imulation A nalysis . By C harles F. H ermann .
C omparative F oreign R elations : F ramework and M ethods . By D avid O. W ilkinson .
I nternational O rganization : W orld P olitics . Studies in Economic and Social Agencies. Edited by R obert W. C ox .
T he U nited N ations E conomic and S ocial C ouncil . By W alter R. S harp .
I nternational P olitics . C onflict and H armony . By J oseph F rankel .
M easure for M easure : R eforming the T rade U nions . By S tephen F ay .
T he F oreign O ffice and F oreign P olicy 1898–1914. By Z ara S. S teiner .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1978,49(2):233-236
Book reviewed in this article:
W illiam B everidge. A B rography. B y J osé H arris.
R adical J oe : A L ife o f J oseph C hamberlain. B y D enis judd.
P lanning and P olitics : T he B ritish E xperience , 1960–76. By M ichael S hanks .
L essons of U lsters . By T. E. U tley
S ocialism W ith a G erman F ace : T he S tate T hat C ame in from the C old. By J onathan S teele.
T he B retons A gainst F rance , E thnic M inority N ationalism in T wentieth C entury B rittany. By J ack E. R eece.
S ocial D emocratic P arties in W estern E urope. Edited by W. E. P aterson and A. H. T homas.
G uinea : T he M obilization of a P eople. By C laude R ivière.
A W orker in a W orker s S tate. By M iklos H araszti.
T he F light from W ork. By G oran P alm.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1985,56(2):202-222
Book reviews in this article:
T he A ttorney -G eneral , P olitics and the P ublic I nterest . By J ohn LI. J. Edwards.
C ontrolling the C onstable : P olice A ccountability in E ngland and W ales . By T ony J efferson and R oger G rimshaw .
A lternatives to P rison : A n E xamination of N on -C ustodial S entencing of O ffenders . By S tephen S tanley and M ary B aginsky .
T he S hare E conomy : C onquering S tagflation . By M artin L. W eitzman .
T he R econstruction of W estern E urope 1945–51. By A lan S. M ilward .
EEC E nvironmental P olicy and B ritain : A n E ssay and a H andbook . By N igel H aigh .
T he B enn I nheritance : T he S tory of a R adical F amily . By S ydney H iggins .
W ritings on the W all : A R adical and S ocialist A nthology 1215–1984. Edited by T ony B enn .
R eading from R ight to L eft . By H. S. F erns .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
P arliamentary R eform , 1933–1960: A S urvey of S uggested R eforms .
O rganised G roups in B ritish N ational P olitics . By A llen M. P otter .
P arliamentary S ocialism : A S tudy in the P olitics Of L abour . By R alph M iliband .
K ey P roblems of S ociological T heory . By J ohn R ex .
M emoires of a P ublic S ervant . By L ord S alter .
H anged by the N eck . By A rthur K oestler and C. H. R olph .
H anged in E rror . By L eslie H ale , m . p .
T he C old W ar and its O rigins , 1917–1960. By D. F. F leming .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he S trotegic A ir O ffensive A gainst G ermany , 1939–1945. By S ir C harles W ebster and N oble F rankland .
F rom the D readnought to S capa F low . V olume I: T he R oad to W ar , 1904–1914. By P rofesser A rthur J. M arder .
T he K enyatta E lection : K enya 1960-61. By G eorge B ennett and C arl R osberg .
S outh A frica in M y T ime . By G. H eaton N ocholls .
A frica and the V ictorians . By R onald R obinson and J ohn G allagher with A lice D enny .
T he Y oshida M emoires : T he S tory of J apan in C risis . By S chigeru Y oshida . Translated by K enichi Y oshida .
A dvertisements for M yself . By N orman M aller .
C harles B ooth , S ocial S cientist . By T. S. S imey and M. B. S imey .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he W ar at S ea . Volume III, Part II. By C aptain S. W. R oskill .
C ouncil of E urope . S tatistical D ata , 1960.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
C ities in F lood: T he P roblems of U rban G rowth. ByP eter S elf.
T he C hinese E conomy. ByS olomon A dler.
F ar E astern A ffairs. No.I.EditedbyG.F.H udson. St.Antony'sPapers,No.II.
T he C risis of the O ld O rder ,1919–1933.ByA rthur M.S chlesinger , Jr.
T he N ew C ambridge M odern H istory. Vol.I.TheRenaissance1493–1520.Vol.VII.TheOldRégime1713–1763.
E urope S ince N apoleon. ByD avid T homson.
W ives W ho W entto C ollege. ByJ udith H ubback.
U nholy A lliance. ByG erald F reund.
G erman R ule in R ussia 1941–1945.ByA lexander D allin.
T he L ife and T imes of B aron H aussmann. ByJ.M.andB rian C hapman.
T he S ocial A spects of P rescribing. ByJ.P.M artin, withaForewordbyP rofessor R.M.T itmuss .
A n A frican S urvey. Revised1956.ByL ord H ailey.
T he U nited S tates in W orld A ffairs, 1956.ByR ichard P.S tebbins.
D ocuments on A merican F oreign R elations ,1956.EditedbyP aul E.Z inner.
T he S tructure of P olitics at the A ccession of G eorge III.ByS ir L ewis N amier. Secondedition.
T he Y ear B ook of W orld A ffairs, 1957.EditedbyG eorge W.K eeton andG eorg S chwarzenberger.
M achiavellism; T he D octrine of R aisond 'É tatandits P lace in M odern H istory. ByF riedrich M einecke. TranslatedfromtheGermanbyD ouglas S cott.
C urrent L egal P roblems 1957.EditedbyG.W.K eeton andG.S chwarzenberger.
T he S tatesman. By H enry T aylor.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1993,64(1):118-142
Book reviewed in this article:
C apital I deas . T he I mprobable O rigins of M odern W all S treet . By P eter L. B ernstein .
S hort-term A merica . T he C auses and C ures of our B usiness M yopia . By M ichael T. J acobs .
C omparing housing systems . H ousing performance and housing policy in the U nited S tates and B ritain . By Valerie Kara and Harold Wolman.
D eveloping local authority housing strategies . T he A udit commission .
L abour's G rass R oots : T he P olitics of P arty M embership . By P atrick S eyd and P aul W hiteley .
H arold W ilson . By A usten M organ .
L abour P eople : L eaders and L ieutenants . H ardie to K innock . By K enneth O. M organ .
T he culture of contentment . By J. K. G albraith .
T he F atal L over : M ata H ari and the M yth of W omen in E spionage . By J ulie W heelwright .
C irce : T he L ife of E dith M archioness of L ondonderry . By A nne de C ourcy .
S ylvia P ankhurst : F rom A rtist TO A nti -F ascist . Edited by I an B ullock and R ichard P ankhurst .
R egulating P rivacy : D ata P rotection and P ublic P olicy in E urope and the U nited S tates . By C olin J. B ennett .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1959,30(3):304-319
Book reviewed in this article:
J apanese P olitics , an I ntroductory S urvey . By N obutaka I ke .
L and R eform in J apan . By R. P. D ore .
C ity L ife in J apan . By R. P. D ore .
E uropean P olitics in S outhern R hodesia . By C olin L eys .
T ribal C ohesion in a M oney E conomy . By W illiam W atson .
H onourable M embers . By P eter G. R ichards .
T he S eat of P ilate . By J ohn M arlowe .
P ublic E nterprise and E conomic D evelopment . By A. H. H anson .
I nterest G roups on F our C ontinents . Edited by H enry W. E hrmann .
T he P rofession of G overnment . By B rian C hapman .
T he S pirit of B ritish A dministration . By C. H. S isson .
T urkish N ationalism and W estern C ivilisation . Selected Essays of Z iya G ökalp . Translated and edited with an Introduction by N iyazi B erkes .
D ialectical M aterialism : A H istorical and S ystematic S urvey of P hilosophy in the S oviet U nion . By G ustav A. W etter .  相似文献   

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