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The article examines a crucial shift in models of domestication of the Soviet Far North during the Thaw period. The closure of the Gulag system and the social transformations of the 1950s caused changes in the social space of the Soviet North and in the role of expert knowledge in the USSR. By focusing on modernist urban projects for the Soviet Arctic, I analyse how urban specialists during the Thaw attempted to formulate a new conception of the North as a place for ‘ordinary life’ and therefore transform a peripheral region into an ‘average’ Soviet space.  相似文献   

中国发展道路的反思:不应抛弃社会主义革命的历史遗产   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿里夫·德里克教授现任职于美国俄勒冈大学,他长期致力于中国问题研究,尤其是中国近代史及中国革命史的研究。其代表作有《革命与历史———中国马克思主义史学的起源》、《中国共产主义的起源》、《中国革命中的无政府主义》、《革命之后:警惕全球资本主义》、《后殖民氛围》等。德里克教授是美国社会科学界的代表性人物、西方学界研究中国的权威学者。在本文中,阿里夫·德里克教授对雷默先生提出的“北京共识”进行了批判性讨论,并就中国的发展道路进行反思,认为中国在发展的进程中不应该抛弃民族经济的一体化、自主发展、政治和经济的主权以及社会平等等社会主义革命的历史遗产。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive explanation for the reasons behind governments’ decisions to relocate and build new capital cities. The process of capital-building is not a mere phenomenon of urbanization; rather it is a process of “text inventing” for nation-building projects. To emphasize implications for identity behind city constructions, the paper will discuss urbanization practices of Soviet Yerevan and post-Soviet Astana. However, to verify the validity and generalizability of the proposed argument, the article will also briefly provide historical analysis of relocation of capitals from Moscow to St. Petersburg, and from Istanbul to Ankara. The reconstruction of the capital of Soviet Armenia, Yerevan, in the 1920s is important in understanding the role of utopias in initiating identity transformations. The central conceptual premise of the article is Samuel Huntington’s theoretical concept of a “torn country” and the redefinition of civilizational identity. One reason capitals have been relocated and new capitals have been built throughout history is a need to initiate a long-term transformation of identity.  相似文献   

As the seat of the Kazakh government and a booming city since 1998, Astana has attracted hundreds of thousands of migrants. As a cultural and financial capital, Almaty has also continued to boom, drawing comparable numbers of migrants from different regions of Kazakhstan. However, varying historical trajectories and historically constructed notions of the urban and rural, as articulated by the cultural elites and policy-makers, as well as different preparedness of the government for migration flows in the 1990s and the 2000s in Almaty and Astana respectively, have resulted in quite diverse attitudes toward mobility and different perceptions about how urban order should be achieved.  相似文献   

This volume draws principally on presentations from two African Studies Association meetings (2003, 2004) that celebrated Nehemia Levtzion’s contributions to the field of Islam in Africa and reminisced about our collective personal interactions with him. It is enriched by additional papers from former students, colleagues and friends (usually one and the same), as well as from contemporary young scholars just beginning to “know” Levtzion through his legacy. The “Epilogue” gives a final, posthumous word to Levtzion himself, in an article looking at the contemporary role of fundamentalism from the perspective of an historian who spent his life engaged in the history of Islam at its Middle Eastern and African crossroads. The following pages are meant not only to pay homage to Nehemia Levtzion but also to reflect critically, to push boundaries, and to introduce Africanist scholars, engaged in other areas of study and new generations of Africanist scholars in this field, to Levtzion’s role in shaping how we have come to understand the experience of Islam in Africa.  相似文献   

In 2015 and 2017, two large contracts for nuclear decommissioning were terminated early by the UK Government. Rather than re-tender, Government took direct ownership and control of Sellafield and began an inquiry into other sites’ management. The problems with the contract model for management of the UK’s nuclear legacy stem from an inability to adequately specify contracts in uncertain environments. The embrace of management and operations contracts for all sites after nationalized ownership limited the range of “tools” to manage the nuclear legacy. This highlights the role of state capabilities alongside incentivized private sector relationships in contemporary governance.  相似文献   

当今时代一个显著而令人担忧的特点,是对理论经济学问题的漠不关心,而年轻人尤其如此.鉴于现在对社会立法的热情,情况本来应当与之相反,这使得此种倾向更加引人瞩目.  相似文献   

科技革命与人类社会主义运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学技术发展对社会生产力起着决定性作用。人类三次科技革命营造了不断上升的物质生产条件,推动社会主义运动从民族国家向世界范围、单一要素间关系向复杂要素间关系渐次展开,并与历史必然性三个不同层次的内容相继形成一致。  相似文献   

塞尔维亚2008年大选与社会党政策的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代,塞尔维亚社会党曾是主要执政党,其领导人米洛舍维奇所鼓吹的"大塞尔维亚主义",成为引发当时大规模流血冲突的重要原因之一.2000年社会党沦为在野党.2008年大选前后,社会党的政策发生了重大变化,由主张民族主义走向亲西方.这些变化有着诸多复杂原因,但核心问题是社会党认识到了塞尔维亚的未来在于欧盟.  相似文献   


This article analyzes how Chiang Kai-shek and his secretaries formulated and reformulated Chiang's use of shame and humiliation (chi) to legitimate his actions to posterity using as case studies three moments in the Nanjing era: the Ji'nan and Mukden Incidents; and the New Life Movement. It argues that the presence of an external threat facilitated Chiang's use of chi to pursue his political agenda whereas internal threats (and lack of external ones) hindered it. Because Chiang faced both types of threats, his use of chi often appeared contradictory as he sought to consolidate power and to frame the discourse on national avengement. The resulting public face he and his secretaries projected to posterity suggests an important response to divided sovereignty and external aggression (and hence a particular formulation of the national identity), and reveals the limits and possibilities of shaping a leader's political legacy based on that response.  相似文献   

法国社会党是西欧社会党中有重要影响的政党,曾在上个世纪80年代和90年代后期长期执政。去年,该党在总统和立法选举中严重受挫,丢失政权。今年5月16至18日,该党召开了第73届代表大会。在此次党代会上及围绕着会议的筹备、召开,社会党进行了深刻反思,对纲领政策采取了一系列调  相似文献   

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