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Book reviews     
John P. Willerton, Patronage and Politics in the USSR. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, xv+305 pp., $59.95, £40.00.

Michael Ellman & Vladimir Kontorovich, eds, The Disintegration of the Soviet Economic System. London and New York: Routledge, 1992, xv+281 pp., h/b £45.00., p/b £14.99.

Paul R. Josephson, Physics and Politics in Revolutionary Russia. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1991, xix+423 pp., $39.95.

Hélène Carrère D'Encausse, The Great Challenge: Nationalities and the Bolshevik State 1917–1930. Nancy Festinger, Trans., Richard Pipes, Foreword. New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1991, xviii+262 pp., $39.95.

Niels Erik Rosenfeldt, Stalin's Secret Chancellery and the Comintern. University of Copenhagen, Institute of Slavonic and East European Studies, 1991. 116 pp.

Christoph Bluth, Soviet Strategic Arms Policy Before SALT. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 317 pp., £40.00.

Roger E. Kanet, Deborah Nutter Miner & Tamara J. Resler, Soviet Foreign Policy in Transition. Cambridge University Press, 1992, xvi+308 pp., £40.00, $59.95.

M. A. Babkina, ed., New Political Parties and Movements in the Soviet Union. Commack, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 1991, 156 pp., $35.00.

S. Berglund & J. A. Dellenbrandt, eds., The New Democracies in Eastern Europe: Party Systems and Political Cleavages. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1991, xii + 237 pp., £39.95.

Gyorgy Csepeli & Antal Örkény, Ideology and Political Beliefs in Hungary: The Twilight of State Socialism. Trans., Brian McLean & Julianna Parti, London: Pinter, 1992, viii+148 pp., £35.00.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Ernest Gellner, Conditions of Liberty: Civil Society and its Rivals, (Hamish Hamilton, London 1994). 225pp. ISBN 0–241–00220–6 (hb).

James Petras and Morris Morley, Empire or Republic? American Global Power and Domestic Decay, (Routledge, London 1995). 172pp. ISBN 0–415–91064–1.

Keith Cowling and Roger Sugden, Beyond Capitalism: Towards a New World Order, (Pinter, London 1994), 195pp. ISBN 1 85567 301 0.

John Lewis Gaddis, The United States and the End of the Cold War. Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations, (OUP, Oxford 1994). x. + 301 pp. ISBN 0–19–508551–5.

Alan Haworth, Anti‐Libertarianism: Markets, Philosophy and Myth, (Routledge, London 1994). 154pp. ISBN 0–415–08254–4.

Honi Fern Haber, Beyond Postmodern Politics. Selves, Community and the Politics of Difference, (Routledge, London 1995). 160pp. ISBN 0–415–90822–1.

Stjepan G. Mestrovic The Balkanization of the West: The Confluence of Postmodernism and Postcommunism (Routledge, London 1994). 226pp. ISBN 0–415–08755–4 (pbk).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Jan Marczewski, Crisis in Socialist Planning. Eastern Europe and the USSR. Translated from the French by Noel Lindsay. (Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development.) New York: Praeger Publishers and London: Pall Mall Press, 1974. xvii+245 pp. £8.00.

Alec Nove, Stalinism and After. London: Allen & Unwin, 1975. 205pp. £4.74, or £2.35 (paperback).

John Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad. Volume 1 of Stalin's War with Germany. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1975. x+594 pp. £12.00.

Henry W. Morton and Rudolf L. Tökés (eds.), Soviet Politics and Society in the 1970s. New York: The Free Press and London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1974. xxvi+401 pp. £6.50.

Dodd L. Harvey and Linda C. Ciccoritti, U.S.‐Soviet Cooperation in Space. Coral Gables, Fla: Center for Advanced International Studies, University of Miami, 1974. xxxiii+382 pp. Paperback.

T. Dixon Long and Christopher Wright (eds.), Science Policies of Industrial Nations: Case Studies of the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France, Japan and Sweden. Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government. New York: Praeger, 1975. xiii+232 pp.

Roy E. H. Mellor, Eastern Europe: A Geography of the Comecon Countries. London: Macmillan Press, 1975. x+358 pp. £7.50 or £3.95 (Paperback).

Bogdan Mieczkowski, Personal and Social Consumption in Eastern Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East Germany. Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975. xxiv+342 pp. $21.50.

Gerhard Wettig, Community and Conflict in the Socialist Camp: The Soviet Union, East Germany and the German Problem 1965–1972. Translated by Edwina Moreton and Hannes Adomeit. London: C. Hurst, 1975. xiv+161 pp. £6.30.

Kurt Sontheimer and Wilhelm Bleek, The Government and Politics of East Germany. Translated by Ursula Price. London: Hutchinson University Library, 1975. 205 pp.

Allen H. Barton, Bogdan Denitch and Charles Kadushin (eds.), Opinion‐Making Elites in Yugoslavia. Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government. New York: Praeger and London: Pall Mall Press, 1973. xxii+344 pp. £7.75.

Sharon Zukin, Beyond Marx and Tito. Theory and Practice in Yugoslav Socialism. London: Cambridge UP, 1975. x+302 pp. £7.50.

Ervin Pamlényi (ed.), A History of Hungary. Wellingborough: Collet's, 1975. (Published in Hungary, edited under the auspices of the Historical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.) 676 pp. £4.95.

Peter J. Potichnyj (ed.), Ukraine in the Seventies. (Papers and Proceedings of the McMaster Conference on Contemporary Ukraine, October 1974.) Oakville, Ontario: Mosaic Press, 1975. 355 pp. $12.95 or $6.95 (paperback).

Leon Trotsky, The Challenge of the Left Opposition (1923–25). Edited and with an introduction by Naomi Allen. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1975. 428 pp. $15.00. $3.95 or £1.65 (paperback).

Frank Haller, Sozialistische Akkumulations‐ und Wachstumstheorie. Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie des Sozialismus in der DDR. Berlin: Osteuropa‐Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin, 1974. In Kommission bei Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin. 192 pp. DM 62.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Contemporary Politics》2000,6(3):297-308

Book reviews     
KUL B. RAI, DAVID F. WALSH and PAUL J. BEST (eds), America in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities in Foreign Policy (Prentice‐Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1997), 259 pp., ISBN 0–13–570961‐X (pb)

BRIAN JENKINS and SPYROS A. SOFOS (eds), Nation and Identity in Contemporary Europe (Routledge, London, 1996), 294 pp.

WESLEY D. CHAPIN, Germany for the Germans? The Political Effects of International Migration (Greenwood Press, Westport, 1997), 173 pp., ISBN 0–313–30258–8 (hb)

JOHN REES, The Algebra of Revolution. The Dialectic and the Classical Marxist Tradition (Routledge, London, 1998), vi + 314 pp., ISBN 0–415–19876–3 (hb), 0–415–19877–1 (pb)

RANDY E. BARNETT, The Structure of Liberty: Justice and the Rule of Law (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998), 337 pp., ISBN 0–19–0829324–0 (hb)

J#AUURGEN HABERMAS, A Berlin Republic: Writings on Germany (Polity Press, Cambridge, 1998), 187 pp., ISBN 0–7456–2045–0 (pb)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
William H. Schauer, The Politics of Space: A Comparison of the Soviet and American Space Programs. New York and London: Holmes & Meier, 1976. vii+317 pp. $24.95.

Maureen Perrie, The Agrarian Policy of the Russian Socialist‐Revolutionary Party: From Its Origins Through the Revolution of 1905–1907. London: CUP, 1976. xii+216 pp. £6.75.

Peter Christian Ludz, Ideologiebegriff und marxistische Theorie: Ansätze zu einer immanenten Kritik. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1976. xviii+337 pp.

George R. Feiwel, Growth and Reforms in Centrally Planned Economies: The Lessons of the Bulgarian Experience. New York: Praeger, 1977. xxix+345 pp. £18.50.

Edy Kaufman, The Superpowers and Their Spheres of Influence: The United States and the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and Latin America. London: Croom Helm, 1976. 208 pp. £7.95.

Jane Shapiro and Peter J. Potichnyj (eds.), Change and Adaptation in Soviet and East European Politics. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1976. 236 pp. $18.50. £12.05.

Jane P. Shapiro and Lenard J. Cohen (eds.), Communist Systems in Comparative Perspective. New York: Anchor Books, 1974. xv+530 pp. $4.95.

Alec Nove, The Soviet Economic System. London: Allen & Unwin, 1977. 399 pp. £10.50, or £4.95 (paperback).

Joseph A. Mikus, Slovakia and the Slovaks. Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, 1977. xiv+224 pp. $14.00 or $8.00 (paperback).

Yeshayahu Jelinek, The Parish Republic: Hlinka's Slovak People's Party 1939–1945. East European Monographs No. XIV. New York: Columbia UP, 1976. viii+206 pp. $18.75.

William C. Wallace, Czechoslovakia. London: Ernest Benn, 1977. xiv+374 pp. £9.50.

Josef Korbel, Twentieth Century Czechoslovakia. New York: Columbia UP, 1977. xii+346 pp. $18.70.

Vinod Mehta, Soviet Economic Policy: Income Differentials in the USSR. New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1977. viii+134 pp. Rs. 45.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Karl‐Eugen Wädekin, Sozialistische Agrarpolitik in Osteuropa. II. Entwicklung und Probleme. 1960–1976. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1978. 338 pp. DM62.

Peter Vanneman, The Supreme Soviet: Politics and the Legislative Process in the Soviet Political System. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1977. xii + 256 pp. $11.75.

I. S. Koropeckyj (ed.). The Ukraine within the USSR: An Economic Balance Sheet. New York: Praeger Publishers, and London: Martin Robertson, 1977. xxi +316 pp. £14.85.

Dorothy Atkinson, Alexander Dallin, Gail Warshofsky Lapidus (eds.), Women in Russia. Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1978. viii+410 pp. £11.50.

J. Wilczynski, Comparative Monetary Economics. London: Macmillan, 1978. x + 270 pp. £12.00.

David Turnock, Eastern Europe Studies in Industrial Geography. Kent: Dawson Publishing/Westview Press, 1978. xi+273 pp. £9.50.

Edward Allworth (ed.), Nationality Group Survival in Multi‐Ethnic States: Shifting Support Patterns in the Soviet Baltic Region. New York: Praeger Publishers, and London: Martin Robertson, 1977. xiv + 299 pp. £14.40.

Robert Conquest, Kolyma—the Arctic Death Camps. London: Macmillan, 1978. 256 pp. £6.95.

Vladimir G. Treml (ed.), Studies in Soviet Input‐Output Analysis. New York: Praeger Publishers, and London: Martin Robertson, 1977. xx + 448 pp.

Richard Hennessy, The Agrarian Question in Russia 1905–1907. The Inception of the Stolypin Reform. (Marburger Abhandlungen zur Geschichte und Kultur Osteuropas, Band 16.) Giessen: Wilhelm Schmitz Verlag, 1977. 203 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
F. J. M. Feldbrugge, Samizdat and Political Dissent in the USSR. Leyden: Sijthoff, 1975. 255 pp. Dfl. 48,00. $20.00.

Daniel Stone (ed.), The Polish Memoirs of William John Rose. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1975. xxv+248 pp. $15.00.

George Maude, The Finnish Dilemma: Neutrality in the Shadow of Power. London: OUP, 1976. vi+153 pp. £6.00.

Christopher Stevens, The Soviet Union and Black Africa. London: Macmillan Press, 1976. xii+236 pp. £10.00.

Jochen Bethkenhagen, Bedeutung und Möglichkeiten des Ost‐West‐Handels mit Energierohstoffen. (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Sonder‐heft 104.) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1975. 307 pp.

Jeremy Russell, Energy as a Factor in Soviet Foreign Policy. (Published for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.) London: D. C. Heath, 1976. xix+241 pp. £7.50.

Michael Kaser, Health Care in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. London: Croom Helm, 1976. 278 pp. £12.95.

James H. Bater, St. Petersburg: Industrialisation and Change. Studies in Urban History 4. General Editor H. J. Dyos. London: Edward Arnold, 1976. xxiii+411 pp. £14.95.

Leslie Symons and Colin White (eds.), Russian Transport: An historical and geographical survey. London: G. Bell, 1975. xxiii+192 pp. £7.25 or £3.50 (paperback).

Robert Auty and Dimitri Obolensky (eds.), An introduction to Russian History. Cambridge: CUP, 1976. 403 pp. £12.50.

Edward Allworth, Soviet Asia: Bibliographies; A Compilation of Social Science and Humanities Sources on the Iranian, Mongolian and Turkic Nationalities. With an Essay on the Soviet‐Asian Controversy. New York: Praeger, 1975. lxiii+686 pp. $35.00. £21.35.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Barton Whaley, Codeword Barbarossa. Cambridge, Mass, and London: The MIT Press, 1973. x + 376 pp. $10.00 £4.50.

Dietrich A. Loeber, Diktierte Option: Die Umsiedlung der Deutsch‐Balten aus Estland und Lettland 1939–1941. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1972. 787 pp. DM 96.—

N. Valentinov (Volsky), The New Economic Policy and the Party Crisis after the Death of Lenin. Reminiscences of my Work at the VSNKh during theNEP (in Russian). Edited by J. Bunyan and V. Butenko. With an Introduction (in English) by Bertram Wolfe. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, Hoover Institution Press, 1971. (Foreign Language Series 7.) xix + 256 pp. $9.50.

William C. Fletcher, Religion and Soviet Foreign Policy 1945–1970. London. Published for Chatham House by OUP, 1973. x + 179 pp. £3.50.

Paul Dibb, Siberia and the Pacific. A Study of Economic Development and Trade Prospects. New York: Praeger Publishers and London: Pall Mall Press, 1972. xxii + 288 pp. £7.25.

Mervyn Matthews, Class and Society in Soviet Russia. London: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1972. xviii + 366 pp. £3.50.

Roger A. Clarke, Soviet Economic Facts 1917–1970. London: Macmillan, 1972. xi + 151 pp. £3.95.

Alan Abouchar, Soviet Planning and Spatial Efficiency. The Prewar Cement Industry. (Russian and East European Series, Vol. 39.) Bloomington and London: Indiana UP, 1971. x+134 pp. $5.50 (paperback). £2.60 (paperback).

Theodor Berthold, Die Agrarpreispolitik der DDR. Ziele, Mittel, Wirkungen. Osteuropastudien der Hochschulen des Landes Hessen Reihe I. Giessener Abhandlungen zur Agrar‐ und Wirtschaftsforschung des europaischen Ostens, Band 53. Berlin: In Kommission bei Duncker & Humblot, 1972. 295 pp. DM 45.— (paperback).

Geza Peter Lauter, The Manager and Economic Reform in Hungary. New York: Praeger Publishers and London: Pall Mall Press, 1972. (Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development.) xv ‐f‐189 pp. £6.25.

T. M. Podolski, Socialist Banking and Monetary Control. The Experience of Poland. London: Cambridge UP, 1973. xiii + 392pp. £9.50. $28.50.

Ryan C. Amacher, Yugoslavia's Foreign Trade. A Study of State Trade Discrimination. New York: Praeger Publishers and London: Pall Mall Press, 1972. (Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development.) xii + 185 pp. £5.75.

Institute for the Study of the USSR, Who Was Who in the USSR. Metuchen : Scarecrow Press, 1972. 677 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
This article addresses whether there are differences in regulatory regimes in the devolved nations of the UK. It focuses on the divergence between rhetoric and practice around improving performance of local authorities. By discussing general understanding of public sector quality and the possible role for regulators in ensuring quality it shows that Scotland and Wales have developed different approaches since devolution of power in 1999. By comparing case studies from each of the nations it shows that practices vary much less than could be expected based on the previous research. This is likely to be due to shared underlying assumptions about performance and how to improve it, rather than the regulatory regimes themselves. It is argued that external pressure and support are vital, and that these functions can be damaged by reducing involvement of the state in safeguarding quality of public service delivery.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Ethnic Pluralism and Public Policy, edited by Nathan Glazer and Ken Young, Heinemann Educational Books, 1983, pp. 303, £6.50 paperback.

Omega Report: Local Government Policy, Adam Smith Institute, 1983, pp. 81, £5.00.

Planning for Priority Groups, H. Glennerster with N. Korman and F. Marslew‐Wilson, Martin Robertson, 1983, pp. 202, £5.50 paperback.

Urban Economic Development: New Roles and Relationships, edited by Ken Young and Charlie Mason, Macmillan (Public Policy and Politics Series), 1983, pp. 236, £15.00 hardback, £6.50 paperback.

Educational Policy Making: An Analysis, D.A. Howell and Roger Brown, Heinemann, 1983, pp. 135, £4.50 paperback.

The Policy Process in the Modern Capitalist Slate, Christopher Ham and Michael Hill, Wheatsheaf, 1984, pp. 210, £15.95 hardback, £5.95 paperback.

Developments in British Politics, edited by H. Drucker, P. Dunleavy, A. Gamble and G. Peele, Macmillan, 1983, pp. 326, £4.95 paperback.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Policy Evaluation in the Public Sector: Approaches and Methods. By Colin Palfrey, Ceri Phillips, Paul Thomas and David Edwards. Avebury, 1992. Pp. 176. £32.50 hb.

Managing for Service Quality. By Chris Skelcher. Managing Local Government series, Longman, 1992. Pp. 125. £16.95 pb.

Working Together for Better Community Care. By Randall Smith, Lucy Gaster, Lyn Harrison, Linda Martin, Robin Means and Peter Thistlethwaite. School of Urban Advanced Studies, University of Bristol, 1993. Pp. 228. £11.95 pb.

Citizen Involvement: A Practical Guide for Change. By Peter Beresford and Suzy Croft. Practical Social Work series edited by Jo Campling. Macmillan, 1993. Pp. 240. £32.50 hb, £9.50 pb.

Implementing Housing Policy. Edited by Peter Malpass and Robin Means. Buckingham, Open University Press, 1993. Pp. 199. £37.50 hb, £12.99 pb.

In Support of Education: The Functioning of Local Government. By Philippa Cordingley and Maurice Kogan. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1993. Pp. 122. £11.50 pb.

Tourism, Museums and the Local Economy: The Economic Impact of the North of England Open Air Museum at Beamish. By Peter Johnson and Barry Thomas. Edward Elgar, 1992. Pp. 160. £29.50 hb.

The A‐Z of Council Tax and Council Tax Benefit: A Citizen's Guide. Association of District Councils, December 1992. £8.00.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. By David Held, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt and Jonathan Perraton. Cambridge: Polity, 1999. Pp.xxiii + 515. £59.50 and £16.99. ISBN 0 7456 1498 1 and 1499 X

Housing and Finance in Developing Countries. Edited by Kavita Datta and Gareth A. Jones. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. Pp.xxiii + 270. £50. ISBN 0 415 17242 X

Comprehending and Mastering African Conflicts: The Search for Sustainable Peace and Good Governance. Edited by Adebayo Adedeji. London and New York: Zed Books, in association with African Centre for Development and Strategic Studies (Ijebu‐Ode, Nigeria), 1999. Pp.xxii + 384. £50 and £16.95. ISBN 1 85649 762 3 and 763 1

Income Poverty and Beyond: Human Development in India. Edited by Raja J. Chelliah and R. Sudarshan. New Delhi: Social Science Press, 1999. Pp.xxvi + 221. Rs 395. ISBN 81 87358 00 9

Fiscal Decentralisation in Developing Countries. Edited by Richard M. Bird and Francois Vaillancourt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.xiv + 304. £37.50 (US$59.95). ISBN 0 521 64143 8

The Future of Development Assistance: Common Pools and International Public Goods. By Ravi Kanbur and Todd Sandier with Kevin M. Morrison. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1999. ODC Policy Essay No.25. Pp.x + 106. $34.95/£10.50. ISBN 1 56517 026 1

The Global Crisis in Foreign Aid. Edited by Richard Grant and Jan Nijman. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1998. Pp.xxiv + 224. $34.95. ISBN 0 8156 2771 8

Economic Development. By Michael P. Todaro. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman, 2000. Seventh Edition. Pp.xxvi + 783. £24.99 (paperback). ISBN 0 201 64858 X

Growth and Development: With Special Reference to Developing Economies. By A.P. Thirlwall. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1999. Sixth Edition. Pp.xvii + 521. £62.50 and £21.99. ISBN 0 333 74678 3 and 74679 1

Economics of Development. By Malcolm Gillis, Dwight H. Perkins, Michael Roemer and Donald R. Snodgrass. London: W.W. Norton, 1996. Fourth Edition. Pp.xvi + 604. £23.95 (paperback). ISBN 0 393 96957 6

A Finger in the Wound: Body Politics in Quincentennial Guatemala. By Diane M. Nelson. Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 1999. $55.00 and $22.00. Pp.xvii + 450. ISBN 0 520 21284 3 and 21285 1  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Given shortcomings in basic data collection and insufficient resources in preparing official statistics African growth data are unlikely to be very reliable. Estimates of an annual growth rate of 3 per cent may be consistent with a reality between 0 and 6 per cent growth. Although data from international databases are widely used in an expanding literature on African growth there has been no research into how serious these data inaccuracies are. This paper addresses the reliability of the available growth evidence for a selection of countries and offers concrete measures of inaccuracies. It examines the reasons for discrepancies and shows that they can be quite large.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Indonesia. By J. D. Legge. Prentice‐Hall, New Jersey, 1965. Pp. iii, 184. 40/‐

Pre‐capitalist Economic Formations. By Karl Marx. With an introduction by Eric Hobsbawm. Trans, by Jack Cohen. Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1964. Pp. 153. 25/‐.

Economic Survey of Latin America, 1962. Organization of American States. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1964. Pp. 425. 68/‐  相似文献   

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