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This paper examines how new technologies are employed by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies to stimulate experiences of digital engagement. It also evaluates how new technologies are put in practice by the institution, considering its potentialities and limitations in mediating the relationship between the parliament and the citizens. This analysis is anchored in concepts put forth by Polsby about arena parliaments and transformative parliaments, in order to evaluate which of these models of engagement tools have greater potential. The study concludes that the use of digital technologies by the Brazilian Parliament is very diverse, with a variety of tools that allow for the interaction and engagement of citizens, although these tools have the greatest potential for the arena parliament model.  相似文献   

There is now a flourishing but confusing debate about the ethics of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that use data extensively and intensively. There is a rush to define principles and frameworks for these activities, including the research that underlies innovations. This article illustrates and explores some of the perspectives, proposals, inventories and other materials that comprise these efforts. It begins with a look at the current interest in research ethics, and then highlights and comments on examples of the ethical frameworks, principles, and other schemes that have recently appeared. It then considers impact assessment of various kinds, especially regarding data-driven technologies, in which ethical and social issues or values are to the fore. It ends by touching on some issues that relate to attempts to devise ways of dealing with the adverse effects of advanced technologies and systems, including governance and the making of ethics-based judgments.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complex problems involved in minimizing risks when applying automated information systems to functions that can affect human safety and lives, and limitations on the way technological risk is assessed in todays environment. It calls for policies at the highest levels and research on management approaches to providing a focus for evaluating and solving automated information system problems causing failure and for applying the automated systems in a manner that will minimize the potential for harm to individuals. The author also believes it to be very important that problems presented are disclosed to information managers that may be part of the decision-making on what and how much to automate, and also those involved in other technologies and functions that use automated information at their core. Automated information systems (computers and telecommunications) have changed our everyday life. Because of fast changing technology and creative software development, beneficial computer applications in business, education, scientific applications, and personal use now prevail. With automated information systems, our society has increased productivity, saved money, and has made possible many things previously considered impossible. In general, society has benefitted from increased automation of information.  相似文献   

Multiplex DNA typing methods using massively parallel sequencing can be used to predict externally visible characteristics (EVCs) in forensic DNA phenotyping through the analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The focus of EVC determination has focused on hair color, eye color, and skin tone as well as visible biogeographical ancestry features. In this study, we researched off-label applications beyond what is currently marketed by the manufacturer of the Verogen ForenSeq kit primer set B and Imagen primer set E SNP loci. We investigated additional EVC predictions by examining published genome wide sequencing studies and reported allele-specific gene expression and predictive values. We have identified 15 SNPs included in the ForenSeq kit panel and Imagen kits that have additional EVC prediction capabilities beyond what is published in the Verogen manuals. The additional EVCs that can be predicted include hair graying, ephelides hyperpigmented spots, dermatoheliosis, facial pigmented spots, standing height, pattern balding, helix-rolling ear morphology, hair shape, hair thickness, facial morphology, eyebrow thickness, sarcoidosis, obesity, vitiligo, and tanning propensity. The loci can be used to augment and refine phenotype predictions with software such as MetaHuman for missing persons, cold case, and historic case investigations.  相似文献   

Microhaplotypes are markers that consist of haplotype blocks of SNPs, which can be analyzed by massively parallel sequencing technologies. These allow determining the haplotype phase at every locus by clonal sequencing each DNA strand. MHs are polymorphic loci with same size alleles, no stutter, and lower mutation rate than STRs. They can provide the same power of discrimination of STR-kits, thus useful for mixture deconvolution, but more accurate ancestry prediction than STRs. In this study we investigated the potential of a recently developed 74plex-MH panel for kinship testing using the Familias software.Samples from families of four major US population groups were collected and genotyped using the 74plex-MH panel. MH allele frequency data from 347 individuals were imported into Familias software along with STR allele frequency data of 29 loci (NIST dataset) from 1036 individuals. Different family scenarios were tested and these included unrelated vs parent-child, unrelated vs full siblings, unrelated vs half siblings, unrelated vs cousin pairs. The prediction of the kinship relation for the four populations of interest was reported as Log10 of the likelihood ratio (LR).Overall, the panel of 74MHs and 29STRs showed similar performance in predicting the correct kinship scenarios tested. Correct prediction was reported for parent-child, full siblings, and half sibling scenarios, but not for the cousin pairs scenario. The panel of 74 MHs showed larger Log10LR values than the 29 STR-assay, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of this biomarker as a tool for kinship testing in addition to mixture deconvolution and ancestry prediction.  相似文献   

同卵双生子具有相同的基因组DNA序列,因而无法使用常规的DNA分型方法如短串联重复序列即STR分析对其作鉴别区分。故破获涉及同卵双生子的案件有非常大的挑战性,因此在法医物证学领域迫切需要新的技术方法来应对并解决这一难题。随着表观遗传学的发展,转录组学成为法医学研究的新切入点。MicroRNA(miRNA)作为一类内源性的非编码小RNA分子,在机体中参与调节多种生理学过程,是转录组学研究的重要对象。研究表明,miRNA具有高保守性、分子量小、表达时序性及组织特异性强等特点,表现出法医物证应用方面的巨大潜力。本文综合分析了miRNA检测技术在同卵双生子甄别中的应用可行性,并综述了近年来miRNA在同卵双生子甄别上的研究进展。  相似文献   

This article examines the possibilities and implications of employing virtual environments (VEs), immersive virtual environments (IVEs), and collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) in the courtroom. We argue that the immersive and interactive reality created by these tools adds significant value as a simulation of experience to enhance courtroom practice. The obvious boundaries between real and virtual enhance the attractiveness of these tools as technologies of rhetorical persuasion that can be used to demonstrate subjective perspective, strengthen or impeach the credibility of witnesses, and provide the trier of fact with a better understanding of each side's perception of the facts at issue. The article introduces the concepts of VEs, IVEs, and CVEs, describes the manners in which these technologies have been applied to settings other than the courts system, and review the relevant psychological and legal literature. It discusses specific applications of the technology to the court system and suggests how it could improve upon current procedures. Finally, it discusses some of the limitations and problems, and suggests legal reforms necessary to the adoption of these technologies, specifically rules of procedure that provide for all parties to be able to access, manipulate and inspect any virtual environment, the trier of fact to be able to interact with, rather than just accept the lawyer's rendition, and rules that provide for the parties to introduce at trial an inventory of all digital assets contained in the virtual environment, making those that are stipulated to and those that are in controversy.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2014,11(4):295-313
Distributed filesystems provide a cost-effective means of storing high-volume, velocity and variety information in cloud computing, big data and other contemporary systems. These technologies have the potential to be exploited for illegal purposes, which highlights the need for digital forensic investigations. However, there have been few papers published in the area of distributed filesystem forensics. In this paper, we aim to address this gap in knowledge. Using our previously published cloud forensic framework as the underlying basis, we conduct an in-depth forensic experiment on XtreemFS, a Contrail EU-funded project, as a case study for distributed filesystem forensics. We discuss the technical and process issues regarding collection of evidential data from distributed filesystems, particularly when used in cloud computing environments. A number of digital forensic artefacts are also discussed. We then propose a process for the collection of evidential data from distributed filesystems.  相似文献   

Source camera identification is one of the emerging field in digital image forensics, which aims at identifying the source camera used for capturing the given image. The technique uses photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) noise as a camera fingerprint, as it is found to be one of the unique characteristic which is capable of distinguishing the images even if they are captured from similar cameras. Most of the existing PRNU based approaches are very sensitive to the random noise components existing in the estimated PRNU, and also they are not robust when some simple manipulations are performed on the images. Hence a new feature based approach of PRNU is proposed for the source camera identification by choosing the features which are robust for image manipulations. The PRNU noise is extracted from the images using wavelet based denoising method and is represented by higher order wavelet statistics (HOWS), which are invariant features for image manipulations and geometric variations. The features are fed to support vector machine classifiers to identify the originating source camera for the given image and the results have been verified by performing ten-fold cross validation technique. The experiments have been carried out using the images captured from various cell phone cameras and it demonstrated that the proposed algorithm is capable of identifying the source camera of the given image with good accuracy. The developed technique can be used for differentiating the images, even if they are captured from similar cameras, which belongs to same make and model. The analysis have also showed that the proposed technique remains robust even if the images are subjected to simple manipulations or geometric variations.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic review of the current literature on technology commercialization. It serves to establish a foundation for the following empirical and theoretical contributions. Technological inventions are fundamental for a country’s economic growth. However, in order to actually generate value for society and profits for the involved companies, these inventions need to be successfully transferred to the market. Therefore, newly developed technologies need to be integrated into products which sell. In particular, our study focuses on the different interaction channels through which technology commercialization occurs. We analyze main groups of institutions, which can either act as developers of technologies and/or organizations bringing these technologies to the market: Universities and research institutes, technology startups, and established companies. We propose a theoretical framework of possible interactions between these organizations and analyze the success factors within the respective channels. Based on the systematic review of 140 articles, key characteristics of the technology development organizations are analyzed with regard to the different possible channels available to commercialize their technology.  相似文献   

The Supplemental Homicide Reports (SHR) are widely used in criminological research and inform a broad range of research topics and subsequent policy applications. A serious issue with the SHR is missing information about the offender and incident in many recorded homicides. Although it is convenient to discard cases with missing data before analysis, such discarding is not theoretically justified and can lead to incorrect substantive conclusions. Recently, several techniques for imputing missing SHR data have been proposed, but it is difficult to evaluate their effectiveness. This research presents a new approach to testing and evaluating SHR imputation techniques. Offender data that are missing in the SHR are often found in police records available for individual cities. We examine similarities and differences among cases with known offender characteristics in the SHR, cases with such information missing in the SHR but available in police records, and cases with such information missing in both sources. We then use these data sets to evaluate four different imputation techniques suggested in the literature (Fox, 2004; Messner, Deane, and Beaulieu, 2002; Pampel and Williams, 2000; Regoeczi and Riedel, 2003). We apply each imputation technique to the SHR, and for cases with information missing in the SHR but known in the police records, we see how well the imputed values correspond both with the individual known values and with the overall distributions in the police records. We discuss the outcome of our assessment of these strategies, and we outline important implications this assessment has for research using SHR data.  相似文献   

The changes imposed by new information technologies, especially pervasive computing and the Internet, require a deep reflection on the fundamental values underlying privacy and the best way to achieve their protection. The explicit consent of the data subject, which is a cornerstone of most data protection regulations, is a typical example of requirement which is very difficult to put into practice in the new world of “pervasive computing” where many data communications necessarily occur without the users' notice. In this paper, we argue that an architecture based on “Privacy Agents” can make privacy rights protection more effective, provided however that this architecture meets a number of legal requirements to ensure the validity of consent delivered through such Privacy Agents. We first present a legal analysis of consent considering successively (1) its nature; (2) its essential features (qualities and defects) and (3) its formal requirements. Then we draw the lessons of this legal analysis for the design of a valid architecture based on Privacy Agents. To conclude, we suggest an implementation of this architecture proposed in a multidisciplinary project involving lawyers and computer scientists.  相似文献   

Allah R  Yang L  Li SB 《法医学杂志》2007,23(5):373-379
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)分型技术越来越成为法医学领域关注的热点,它在研究Y染色体或线粒体单倍型以及DNA表型的分析中具有重要应用价值。本文着重比较分析了SNP技术与片段长度多态性技术之间的优劣,同时就当前STR位点识别概率与所需选择的SNP位点数进行探讨。此外,本文还就各类SNP分型方法的优缺点及其法医学应用进行了论述。  相似文献   

A new technology has emerged, allowing applications to be stored and run on portable devices, such as flash drives and iPods. Sandisk's U3™ smart technology appears to be becoming the standard in this new realm of portability. With the advent of this technology, questions are arising as to the effects it will have on computer forensic investigations. Probably hundreds of thousands of people have purchased devices with U3 or similar technologies already. The fear is that these people will be able to plug their devices into computers, do their misdeeds and then simply unplug those devices, removing any trace. This article will illustrate that this is not the case and will discuss different artifacts that a device such as this will leave behind. For the purposes of this illustration we have investigated the use of some of the most common applications used on U3 drives. This information will serve as a guide to investigating computer crimes perpetrated via U3 or similar technologies. Investigators must keep in mind during their investigations the possibility that their suspects have used such technology, particularly when their investigations seem to lead to a dead end.  相似文献   

随着大规模基因组学的兴起,多种高通量、低成本的新一代测序技术应运而生,并逐步被应用到生命科学研究的各个领域.本文对新一代测序技术进行综述介绍,并对其在法医学领域中的应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

Nondermatomal somatosensory deficits (NDSDs) are large sensory deficits not conforming to dermatomal/root territories, and no structural pathology accounts for them. They can be very mild or very dense, highly variable, or extremely fixed over time and may be very disabling. It is now accepted by mainstream pain science that they are the product of a central neurophysiological phenomenon. We demonstrated in this paper through literature review and through multiple clinical cases that NDSDs (a) have a psychobiological substrate at the level of the central nervous system, (b) are very frequently associated with chronic pain and/or psychotraumatic experiences, (c) occur very frequently in the context of conversion disorder, but (d) can also occur in the absence of conversion disorders, (e) can be superimposed on structural neurological deficits, and (f) respond positively, or at least in part, to sodium amobarbital (commonly referred to as the “truth serum”).  相似文献   

Reproductive genetic technologies are becoming more controversial as they become more ubiquitous. The opponents of these technologies are largely religious groups, a fact that leads to the question of why religious groups would be more opposed to these technologies than others. Since all of these technologies are justified by their ability to relieve suffering of some kind, it is hypothesized that the actively religious have a notion of suffering different from that of advocates for these technologies, and this different notion of suffering leads to opposition to the technologies. In this article I report on a qualitative interview study of the religiously active in the United States. I find that the religiously active do have views of suffering that are distinct from the medical consensus, and these views are related to people's conclusions about the advisability of reproductive genetic technologies.  相似文献   

This article assesses the extent to which Germany's adaptation of European Union legal norms through altering the criteria for access to territory and rights has challenged the judicial and conceptual boundaries of its notion of national political community. It compares the policies that directly affected EU citizens’ and other immigrant groups’ access to German territory, citizenship and social integration programs. It may be seen that, in enjoying a unique and privileged position between Germans and the other foreigners, this group not only challenges and undermines the justification for this very distinction, but also transforms the concept of ‘otherness’.  相似文献   

Gunshot Residue (GSR) produced by the discharge of a firearm often provides very useful information in criminal investigations in cases involving the use of firearms. Scanning Electron Microscopy equipped with an Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (SEM-EDS) is typically used worldwide to visualize micrometric particles constituting GSR and to analyse their elemental composition. The 2017 ASTM Standard guide for gunshot residue analysis by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy specifies that “Particles classified as characteristic of GSR will have one of the following elemental compositions: Lead, antimony, barium; Lead, barium, calcium, silicon, tin”. For the first time, the presence of an additional element, such as Sn, plays a key role in ASTM particle classification. It is known that some ammunitions, used for pistols, revolvers and rifles, contain tin foil discs for sealing the primer mixture into the cup, resulting in GSR particles containing Sn. The authors faced some cases in which Sn was unexpectedly found in GSR particles from a 0.22 Long Rifle derringer and from some 12 gauge shotguns. No tin foil discs are used in rimfire ammunitions and there is no published evidence of tin foil discs in shotshell ammunitions. Following a “case by case” approach, experimental research has been carried out to explain how Sn can be present in GSR particles when the last discharged cartridge also does not contain any Sn either in components and in the explosive charges.Moreover, the use of Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) showed the capability to overcome overlap ambiguity of Sb and Sn peaks in the X-ray spectra, being a possible key issue in real shooting cases if Sn quantities are below the lower limit of SEM detection, especially when Sb is also present.  相似文献   

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