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许楚敬 《时代法学》2011,9(2):90-96
无论是在国际公法中,还是在WTO争端解决中,如何界定"规则冲突"的概念,都是一个悬而未决、难以确定的问题。在国际公法和WTO争端解决中,关于规则冲突的概念,都存在定义的广义与狭义之争。在国际公法中,比较流行的是狭义的冲突定义,不承认权利可能与义务或禁止相冲突;在WTO争端解决实践中,究竟是应该采用狭义的还是广义的规则冲突的定义,目前尚未有定论。然而,狭义的冲突定义在法律上是不恰当的,并且导致自相矛盾,因此,在WTO争端解决中,关于规则冲突的狭义定义是不可取的,必须首选一个广泛的定义,把允许与义务或禁止之间冲突的情况,即矛盾的冲突,也视为构成规则冲突。  相似文献   

"法学"是什么?——比较法视域中的"法学"含义诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范进学 《法学论坛》2006,21(4):32-37
法学是什么?法学不只是一种知识谱系,它本质上是基于对法的具体场景运用的实践活动的回应。法学是一种知识、一种逻辑、一种学问,却更是一种实践、一种经验、一种解释。从比较法之视域对“法学”之原初含义进行解读,可把它概括为三个判断:法学是公平之学、法学是智识之学、法学是判断与解释之学。  相似文献   

物权的本质为何,千百年来吸引许多私法学者尝试提出一家之言。然而,大陆法系多数学者执着干物权乃人与物之关系,走入歧途;普通法主流学者把物权看成一束权利,同样是打迷糊仗。本文主张物权(或本文之名词“财产权”)有三种核心效力:对世、排他、追及。任何与物有关之权利若具备三种核心效力,就是物权。财产是人与人间关于物之法律关系之组合,而非人对物之关系。此种财产关系又可分成四种典型:人对国家、人对定限物权人、人对特定人如邻居、人对所有其他人。除了人面对国家徵收高权时外,财产关系都有或强或弱的排他本质;而此关系乃自动生成,此正是对世效力之本意。追及效力虽然有时隐而未显,但在财产权移转时会当然发挥作用。此外,所有权是财产权,但非后者之同义词。所有权(而非物权)才是一束权能。  相似文献   

A pervasive interest in the creation of a monolithic system for the administration of justice which is characterized by the lack of fragmentation and goal conflict is found throughout the criminal justice literature. This paper questions the basis and desirability of such a proposal. It is argued that criminal justice exists in a sociopolitical environment in which diverse groups exercise influence in accordance with their own interests. For this reason, it is highly unlikely that a single set of values could be identified upon which to base a monolithic system. It is further argued that goal conflict within criminal justice is desirable in that different interests can be reflected, there is a basis for system adaptation and change, and the system can better promote the smooth processing of offenders.  相似文献   

Democracy,Subsidiarity, and Citizenship in the ‘European Commonwealth’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Is there a ‘constitutional moment’in contemporary Europe? What if anything is the constitution of theEuropean Union; what kind of polity is the Union? The suggestionoffered is that there is a legally constituted order, and that asuitable term to apply to it is a‘commonwealth’, comprising a commonwealthof ‘post-sovereign’ states. Is it a democraticcommonwealth, and can it be? Is there sufficiently ademos or ‘people’ for democracy to be possible?If not democratic, what is it? Monarchy, oligarchy, ordemocracy, or a ‘mixed constitution’? Argued: thereis a mixed constitution containing a reasonableelement of democratic rule. The value of democracy isthen explored in terms of individualistic versusholistic evaluation and instrumental versus intrinsicvalue. Subsidiarity can be considered in a similarlight, suggestively in terms of forms of democracyappropriate to different levels of self-government.The conclusion is that there is no absolute democraticdeficit in the European commonwealth.


从认知角度分析英语名词化现象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
名词化现象在英语中无处不在。名词化是语法隐喻的主要来源。名词化过程主要是把表达“过程”的动词或说明某一事件的小句加以“物化”,从而浓缩成动词性名词。在这一过程中作为动作过程的参与者或发出者丢失了,这样所得到的名词化词组就会损失部分原有的信息,语义上可能产生歧义或模糊。但是,名词化词组却孕包和浓缩了许多信息,它可能是多个命题的组合体。名词化词组由于失去了动作的参与者或发出者,在描述事件或说明事物时它显得更为客观;因此,名词化是科技英语最重要的特征之一。  相似文献   

The problem of crime in a transition society in general, and in Russia in particular, is part of a much broader problem of "liberation from the state." The road to such liberation is not necessarily a peaceful one. The emergence of a new view on life, new ideas of what is permissible and what is not, what is morally justified and what is prohibited, may be manifested in the collective and concerted actions of society as a whole or in a significant segment of society, thereby producing a revolution. Also, the adoption of new moral practices and the rejection of older ones may take place at the individual level, and in this case we may speak of a person's "escape" from state and society.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We consider a hypothetical series of cases in which the DNA profile of a crime-scene sample is found to match a known profile in a DNA database (i.e., a "cold hit"), resulting in the identification of a suspect based only on genetic evidence. We show that the average probability that there is another person in the population whose profile matches the crime-scene sample but who is not in the database is approximately 2( N  −  d ) p A , where N is the number of individuals in the population, d is the number of profiles in the database, and p A is the average match probability (AMP) for the population. The AMP is estimated by computing the average of the probabilities that two individuals in the population have the same profile. We show further that if a priori each individual in the population is equally likely to have left the crime-scene sample, then the average probability that the database search attributes the crime-scene sample to a wrong person is ( N  −  d ) p A .  相似文献   

张丽  王秀芬 《法学杂志》2012,33(1):88-91
引航,旧称引水、领港、领江,是指在一定的引航区域内(港口或内河),专门性的从业人员(即引航员)登上船舶,为船舶指引航向,把船舶安全地引进、带出港口或在港内移泊。引航是一种资源,具有公益性和主权性。引航的目的不是为了盈利,而是提供公共服务。由于港口的航道条件构成了一个国家的天然屏障,事关一国的国防,因而按照国际惯例,引航员必须由本国人担任,并且对出入港口的外国籍船舶实行强制引航。这是一个国家引航权的体现,是国家主权的一部分。本文针对我国引航体制改革,结合国际相关立法,对我国引航法律制度所涉及引航管理体制模式、引航机构资质管理、引航员资质管理以及引航作业中法律责任加以研究。  相似文献   

捍卫法条主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国语境中,法条主义俨然是一个充满"贬义"指称的"稻草人"概念,但这一指称概念是由反法条主义在一种"自我想象性"的立场上"型塑"出来的。在西方,人们在对待法条主义的"是"与"非"问题上从来就没有达成过任何"共识性"的认识。在当下的中国,尽管人们都在极力地批判法条主义,但这种处于"穷途末路"的法条主义却是需要我们予以坚决捍卫的。法条主义所处的"穷途末路"困境恰恰说明了中国法律学研究的贫困,努力推进对中国"法条"的法律学研究是中国法条主义肩负的社会责任。  相似文献   

宁清同 《政法学刊》2007,24(6):63-68
和谐社会是人类的理想,要实现这一理想就必须弘扬民法的基本精神。因为,民法的平等精神是和谐社会的根本,民法的自由精神是和谐社会的前提,民法的诚实信用精神是和谐社会的灵魂,民法的私权精神是和谐社会的保障。  相似文献   

江溯 《时代法学》2012,10(4):96-103
欧洲人权法院2009年M诉德国案判决的主要争议在于德国刑法上的保安监督是否为一种刑罚以及保安监督是否具有溯及既往的效力。对此,德国联邦宪法法院和德国政府坚持形式主义的刑罚概念,认为保安监督只是德国刑法上的一种保安处分措施,而不是一种刑罚;与此不同,欧洲人权法院则主张实质主义的刑罚概念,认为德国刑法上的保安监督无异于一种刑罚。这两种不同的刑罚概念背后是国家主义与自由主义之间的对立。从实质主义的刑罚概念出发,我国的劳动教养制度就不只是一种单纯的行政措施而是一种刑罚,因此有珏要将其纳入刑法的规制之中。  相似文献   

This article considers the history of a century of juvenile justice. Illinois 'invented' the separate 'children's court' in 1899 and this concept was spearheaded in Northern America, Great Britain and continental Europe in the first decades of the new century. However, a century after its foundation the future of the juvenile court is in doubt everywhere in the Western world. Some conclude that there is a cyclical pattern in juvenile justice policies. That proposition is rejected in this article. The proposition of a cyclical pattern also presupposes that there is no real problem at stake in treating juvenile offenders. The main point of this article, however, is that juvenile justice cannot escape trying to solve a very complicated foundational issue. This issue is a double paradox, that is, juvenile justice has to solve two philosophical questions: the justification of punishment and the justification of punishment for non-adults. This diagnosis presents a new conceptual framework for an analysis of the history of juvenile justice.  相似文献   

民决团仅仅负责事实审,决定事实问题;法官则负责法律审,决定法律问题。这个认识的错误在于:普通法中没有“事实审”、“法律审”的术语,这是国人杜撰出来的。普通法事实发展出来法律,法律是事实的积累。民决团事实上既决定法律又决定事实。它在美国,具有最高权力,大于总统、国会和最高法庭。另外民决团在美国7个州还决定量刑,在有死刑的州,还决定死刑。事实与法律的区分和混合,有助于法官将复杂问题交给民决团决定并在上诉中捍卫民决团的最高权力;也有助于法官对法律问题下命令、进行违宪性审查。总之,理解民决团的最高权力,是理解普通法的关键。  相似文献   

论法律科学中的解释与诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用语义学和语用学知识分析了法律科学中的解释和诠释概念。文章认为:法律只能被解释而不能被诠释;在法律科学中,解释是法律方法,诠释是法学方法;解释是语义域概念,诠释是语用域概念;解释是客观性范畴,诠释是主观性范畴。  相似文献   

申泽波 《政法学刊》2011,28(4):125-128
同一认定理论的流行让人认为它是有用的,但它实际上是无用的。运用现代逻辑方法分析同一认定命题,在特定案件中,被寻找客体是限定摹状词,受审查客体是专名,单称的同一认定命题是一个含有限定摹状词的句子,它赋予个体一个性质。同一认定涉及的是个体识别问题,全称的同一认定命题实际上是不存在的。全称的同一认定命题是在语言形式上对全称理论命题的模仿,在逻辑上制造了混乱,对同一认定命题意义的澄清可以消除这种混乱,在刑事技术中恢复清晰的逻辑。  相似文献   

高全喜 《中国法律》2009,(3):21-23,75-78
我们都知道,当代中国正处于一个剧烈的社会转型时期,所谓“三千年未有之变局”,在今天依然如此,这个变局正在发生的过程之中。因此,考察中国的政法事务,我们要有这样一个历史时代的背景关照,我们面临的一系列政法问题是一个从旧体制向新体制转变的复杂过程中催生的问题。具体到中国当前的宗教法治化问题,我认为首先要有这样一个历史演变的视角。说起来今年是一个特殊的年份,  相似文献   

同案被告人口供的证据价值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
聂昭伟 《现代法学》2005,27(6):109-115
传统观点认为,同案被告人与案件结果存在利害关系,因此其不具有证人资格。随着世界范围内证人资格的扩张,案件的利害关系逐渐与证人资格脱离开来,同案被告人开始取得了作证的资格,其供述可以作为证人证言使用。当然,同案被告人与案件利害关系的强弱影响到其证言的证明力。具体来说,同案共犯之间由于存在直接利害关系,其口供在一般情况下需要补强;而同案非共犯以及非同案共犯与案件不存在利害关系,因此其口供证明力较强,无需补强即可作为定案依据。  相似文献   

Abstract .
This article is written with a view to clarifying the following points: First, to understand the nature of possession, its origin must be kept in mind. Possession is not a legal invention, it is a pre-legal fact. Second, possession whether in law or in common sense is a de facto control. There is no difference between possession in law and possession in fact. Third, different types of rules and policies of law to deal with possession, do not change the contents of possession. They merely represent the situations in which possession is found under different circumstances.  相似文献   

Public authorities process personal data. In most cases these data are processed because there is a legal obligation to do so, or because processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. The right to be forgotten or to erasure will, in this situation, play a limited role in the protection of the rights of the individual. There is even a public interest in maintaining archives, thus in not forgetting. At the same time, the possibility exists that not forgetting might be more valuable for the protection of rights of data subjects then forgetting. In the case of data processing by public authorities, it is important that the processing is based on a law. A close watch should be held on the grounds that public authorities use to justify the processing. As the right to be forgotten will play a limited role in the protection of the rights of data subjects in the case of data processed by public authorities, it is important to emphasize the right of access and rectification of data. It is therefore essential that the controller is transparent to the public with regard to the processing of data.  相似文献   

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