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刘拥 《法学杂志》2012,33(1):156-160
经济法责任有着自己独特的形态以及责任承担方式,经济法责任的实现机制主要是行政执法机制和诉讼机制,公益诉讼符合经济法责任社会性的要求,与经济法责任的实现之间具有天然的契合性。传统公诉权在我国长期被认为专指"刑事公诉权",客观上阻却了现代公诉权的拓展。随着现代法律对国家和社会公共利益保护的加强,传统公诉权制度日显单薄和不足。因此,建构现代公诉制度不仅是公诉权在具体制度中的应用和拓展,而且更加有利于强化检察机关法律监督职能,进而更好地保护国家和社会公共利益,维护社会公平正义,有效实现经济法责任。  相似文献   

论公诉变更   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙宗智 《现代法学》2004,26(6):31-36
公诉变更制度的设置,影响审判的公正、效率以及被告人合法权益的实现,但目前的刑事诉讼对此只有司法解释而无诉讼法规范。修改刑事诉讼法,应当设置这种规范。我国公诉变更权由检察机关享有,公诉的追加与内容的变更不得妨碍诉讼的正常进行与诉讼效率,同时应当保障被告人的辩护权,还应作出适当的审理时限规定。撤回起诉不得妨碍被告人获得公正审判的权利,并应明确撤回起诉具有不起诉的效力。  相似文献   

The article concentrates on the police role in the investigative stage in various criminal justice systems and the relationship with each national prosecution service. It is shown that in this respect the police function varies significantly from country to country. According to its legal competencies and factual procedural possibilities, the article will give a short overview of the national differences but also show that similar mechanisms are developed.  相似文献   

庭前审查是刑事案件正式庭审的必经程序,但我国公诉、自诉案件庭前审查程序的运作方式却存在明显的矛盾,与正当程序应具有的涵义相去甚远,这不仅可能使公众对法律的理性产生怀疑,并会将法律的运行置入尴尬。  相似文献   

吴承栩 《行政与法》2014,(7):113-119
刑事诉因变更制度具有制约起诉变更权、限定审判对象和保障辩护权的重要意义.我国现行制度框架内,对公诉变更问题中存在的指控事实和指控罪名随意变更问题,不仅缺乏相关的法律规制,而且有剥夺刑事被告人基本防御权之虞.英美和日本的诉因变更制度中对公诉和审判权行使范围的限制和对被告人防御权的保障值得我们借鉴和学习.  相似文献   

The use of mediation in the public prosecution of criminal matters has had a nation-wide impact since being introduced by China’s Judiciary. After almost 10 years, mediation in criminal prosecution cases has, in 2012, now been adopted by the newly revised Criminal Procedure Law 2012 (NPC 2012). This paper examines the characteristics of Chinese criminal mediation, and its introduction and development, by analyzing the empirical data collected from the practice. The ineffectiveness of collateral civil proceedings to criminal procedure to compensate victims, the resulting complaints and petitions argued by them, and the need to resolve the disputes in a way that promotes social harmony, were seen as important reasons to bring criminal mediation practices to China. Varying from ‘western’ restorative justice practices, China’s criminal mediation is closely associated with China’s powerful state criminal justice apparatus, which itself is restricted by the rigidity of the law.  相似文献   

作为一种具有司法色彩的特殊行政权,刑事侦查必须独立于司法审判权和普通行政权;作为一种刑事诉讼权力,它也必须具有排除党派等政治势力干扰的独立性.但在清末民初的中国,虽然也设置了如其他大陆法系国家的检察、司法警察等机构组织,但行使侦查权的检察和警察都带有浓郁的政治色彩,法律并未能够保证它们依法独立侦查犯罪,侦查权的独立性无法获得保障.  相似文献   

Anglo‐American guilty pleas have inspired criminal justice reformers in many inquisitorially based systems in recent years, in response to caseload pressures. In France, two different procedures based on the defendant's confession were introduced in 1999 and 2004 respectively: an out‐of‐court disposal (the composition pénale) and a prosecution pathway (the comparution sur reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité). Basing its analysis upon direct observations and interviews with French public prosecutors, this article examines the impact of these procedures on the French criminal justice system and its actors. Rather than a move from an inquisitorial to a more adversarial system, data collected for this study show a bureaucratization of the French criminal justice process. The role of public prosecutors is changing from that of judicial officers to caseload managers who have delegated part of their workload to less qualified staff for efficiency purposes.  相似文献   

This article centers on the study of the Spanish private prosecution system. It is an attempt to highlight both its theoretical potential and its practical dysfunctions. This type of lay participation in criminal matters is often seen as a way to strengthen democracy or to legitimate justice, opinions that the author rejects. Although private prosecution may work as a safety valve against the public prosecutor's inactivity, the introduction of private interests in the penal process may distort its true significance and function. Private prosecution can become a Trojan horse within the system.  相似文献   

刑事公益诉讼是不同于刑事公诉、自诉的一种独立的诉讼形式,在诉讼目的、提起主体、提起方式等方面都有其独特之处.刑事公益诉讼制度的建立在制度层面能够更新刑事诉讼民主理念、充实刑事诉讼法社会本位理念,在制度层面能够创生新的刑事诉讼起诉方式、创设监督国家公诉机关的新途径.从受案范围、提起公益诉讼的主体、方式、条件、管辖与审理程序、举证责任分配以及激约机制等方面探讨了我国刑事公益诉讼制度的建构问题.  相似文献   

Research and advocacy over the past few decades have combined to draw attention both to the inadequacies of criminal justice intervention in domestic violence as well as the law's positive potential. Radical changes in law, policy, and practice have been implemented in the civil and criminal jurisdictions in most western countries, including Australia. More proactive intervention from criminal justice agencies has not been without its critics. The interests of victims of domestic violence have been portrayed by some as being in conflict with those of the justice system. This article explores this interaction using evaluation surveys and qualitative data from interviews with 360 victims of domestic violence in an urban Australian jurisdiction. Using a smaller subset of respondents, the article provides an exploratory examination of victims’ engagement with criminal prosecution and how they place themselves within the decision‐making process and the objectives of the system. The article concludes that there is significant congruence between victim objectives and interests and those of a public‐interest justice system.  相似文献   

While there was no specific law prohibiting sex between women in the eighteenth century, some women were prosecuted as a consequence of same-sex relationships. These ‘female husbands’, women who married other women under male identities, often lived highly individual lifestyles; but their path through prosecution and punishment involved a much more intricate web of relations. Thus an exploration of their cases highlights important features of the contemporary criminal justice system as well as popular and elite attitudes to the specific offences. In particular, understandings of the role of the community in the discovery, prosecution, and punishment of criminal offences are complicated by an examination of the female husband cases. In a crucial period of change for the legal system, the complexities of its processes as well as the impact of class, gender, and culture are exposed. Light is shed upon the shifting roles and interests of the individual, the local community, and the courts at a point when criminal cases were in the early stages of a shift from private prosecution and public punishment to greater formality and state control. These unusual cases bring into focus the complex role of community relationships in an evolving legal system.  相似文献   

论刑事诉讼专家证人制度的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专家证人制度主要是英美法系的一种法律制度,功能是弥补法官在专业知识上的缺陷,帮助法庭查明案件中遇到的专业性问题。专家证人在我国民事诉讼中初露端倪,而在刑事诉讼中是一个盲点,这种状况已越来越不能适应刑事司法发展的需要。在刑事诉讼中引进专家证人制度,强化对鉴定结论的审查,应不失为一种有益的尝试。  相似文献   

The Chinese public prosecution service, the procuracy, is modelled on the Soviet Union system and has been accorded the controversial function of supervising other legal institutions in the criminal justice system. Drawing upon my own empirical data on the prosecution of crime in China, this article critically examines the way the power of supervision operates from an internal perspective. It argues that the power of supervision has been used as an institutional asset to secure the interests of the procuracy by analysing its oversight of police investigations and court decisions, the way prosecutors perceive themselves, and the efficacy of the supervision in a comparative context. The current status of the procuracy dictates that it is unable to undertake the role of supervision to safeguard the criminal process.  相似文献   

公诉案件刑事和解实证研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
刑事和解作为一种有别于传统的案件处理方式,近年来出现于我国司法实践之中,并在许多地区进行了多元化探索。数据表明,在刑事和解的内容、适用的案件范围、主持者和参与者、和解成功案件的处理方式、需要的工作量和时间、影响成功与否的因素、相关配套制度和效果等方面,有些理论预设是成立的,有些则是不完全成立甚至是根本不成立的。历时两年多的实证研究,不仅检验了刑事和解的各项功能及对刑事和解的正当性基础提供了数据支持,更重要的是在宏观上揭示了我国刑事和解的现状,从而为解决刑事和解适用中存在的问题及探索刑事和解在我国的可行性模式提供了认识上的基础和前提。  相似文献   

公诉裁量在刑事诉讼流程中处于至关重要的地位,它直接决定了刑事案件能否进入审判程序,因而对犯罪控制和人权保障具有重大意义.在我国当前一国两制三法域的司法框架下,三地区公诉裁量权在内涵、主体、原则、范围和制约机制等方面的较大差异必定导致三地互涉案件在起诉裁量进而在裁判结果上甚为悬殊,这对犯罪嫌疑人个人不公平,对三地的司法协作也存在消极影响.因此,应借鉴香港和澳门的经验,从适用范围、裁量类型等方面调整和完善大陆地区的公诉裁量制度,实现公诉的节制.  相似文献   

This article presents the aims, approach and design of a 11 countries study on diversion and prosecution in European Criminal Justice Systems. The basic assumption is that the flood of proceedings is mastered by procedural short cuts and simplifications with the public prosecutor as the key player. The article describes the methods developed in order to compare the different national concepts and and competencies of criminal justice agencies and procedures. Furthermore, it demonstrates the interdependencies of the various articles in this double issue focusing on different parts of the criminal justice system from police to the court.  相似文献   

恢复性司法应当缓行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李震 《法学论坛》2007,22(4):120-127
恢复性司法是当前时代的一个热门话题,它以其全新的司法理念引起人们的广泛关注.但是应当看到恢复性司法本身有其固有的理论缺陷:它虽名为司法,实为非司法;它不能真正实现正义;它不仅颠覆了传统的犯罪本质观,而且违反了刑法的罪刑法定原则、罪责刑相适应原则、刑法面前人人平等原则和刑事诉讼法的无罪推定原则.如果把其引入我国,它会遇到法律文化、国家本位价值观、不能有效预防犯罪以及不利于消除司法腐败等本土性障碍,所以,恢复性司法目前在我国不具有适用的土壤,应当缓行.  相似文献   

公诉裁量权视野下检察机关撤回起诉权探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏虹 《行政与法》2010,(10):73-76
在现代刑事诉讼中,世界各国普遍赋予了检察机关一定的公诉裁量权。撤回起诉权是检察机关公诉裁量权的权能范畴。检察机关享有撤回起诉权不仅有其理论依据,而且为司法实践所需要。本文通过研究我国检察机关撤回起诉权的现状,提出了相关的立法建议。  相似文献   

The essays in Waldron’s Torture, Terror, and Trade-Offs have important implications for debates about the criminalization of terrorism and terrorism-related offences and its consequences for criminal law and criminal justice. His reflections on security speak directly to contemporary debates about the preventive role of the criminal law. And his analysis of inter-personal security trade-offs invites much closer attention to the costs of counter-terrorism policies, particularly those pursued outside the criminal process. But is Waldron right to speak of a ‘welcome the return to the criminal justice model’? This article considers the arguments in favour of prioritizing the prosecution of terrorist suspects and asks if their prosecution can safely proceed without undue hazard to the criminal law and criminal process.  相似文献   

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