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Beyond Talks     
Despite disagreements, China and the United States keep talking toward smooth trade ties When Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and a delegation of around 100 officials traveled to Washington on December14 for trade talks, the situation was not in their favor.  相似文献   

正Kim Jong Un,Chairman of the Workers’Party of Korea(WPK)and Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK),paid a visit to China on June 19-20.Xi Jinping,General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)  相似文献   

<正>With her first state visit to China wrapping up on June30,South Korean President Park Geun Hye appeared to have made the most of the occasion.Indeed,extensive talks produced agreements on issues ranging from tradeand cultural exchanges to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,makingthevisitalandmarkinbilateralrelations.Since they forged diplomatic ties in1992,the two emerging econo-mies have found awideningarray of shared interests.South Korea is China'ssixth largest trade partner with two-way trade amounting to$256.3billion  相似文献   

<正>Countries argue over climate issues holding little hope for the Durban climate change conference later this year  相似文献   

Restraint and discussion are required to relieve tensionson the Korean Peninsula Military measures will not help to reach a solution to disputes on the Korean Peninsula, and will only  相似文献   

No More Talks?     
North Korea's vows to quit the six-party talks create a stir in the international community,china has called for calmness on all sides in response to North Korea's announcement that it will withdraw from the six-party talks and restore nuclear facilities disabled under the agreements of the talks. "We hope parties concerned bear in mind overall interests, exert calmness and restraint, and jointly maintain the process of  相似文献   

China and the United States finished their latest round of high-level economic and trade talks on February 24 with significant progress made on specific issues in areas such as technology transfer,protection of intellectual property rights and non-tariff barriers.An article published in People's Daily shed light on the significance of the mutually beneficial breakthroughs.The following is an edited excerpt of the piece.  相似文献   

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's trip to North Korea helps revive the six-party talks toresolve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue During his visit to North Korea on October 4-6, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao not only charted the future course for the two countries' rela-tions but also created opportunities to restart  相似文献   

一人公司是十九世纪以后出现的一种特殊类型的公司.一百多年来,许多国家和地区纷纷出台法律规范对其进行规制.然而,当前我国在此领域内的立法仍属空白,这与国际立法趋势以及我国经济发展的实际需求极不协调.因此,我国应加快相关立法的步伐,要从制度设计上强化内部监督,并适时引入公司法人格否定制度以完善一人公司的法律运作机制.  相似文献   

<正>After negotiations between various parties,the United Nations climate talks in Bonn,Germany,finally achieved positive results and laid a solid foundation for final negotiations on the implementation of the Paris Agreement.Before this conference,Donald Trump’s announcement of the U.S. withdrawal from  相似文献   

Iran is serious, acts in good faith and considers the practical and tangible result to be the removal of sanctions. The path traveled The path taken during six rounds of intensive negotiations in Vienna did not lead to success due to the excessive demands and unrealistic stances on the part of the United States. Now we are starting a new round of talks.  相似文献   

要把古老的中国杂技变成如梦如幻、如诗如画的高雅艺术,必须在继承、借鉴的基础上,对其进行大胆探索和创新,赋予其合理的现代意识,给人以更加强烈的艺术感染力.  相似文献   

在邓小平理论的教学中 ,经常有同学提出这样的问题 :中国已经搞了50年社会主义了 ,才是初级阶段 ,看来社会主义是一个相当长的历史过程 ,这是否意味着共产主义是一个永远达不到的目标?看来讲清楚社会主义长期性问题 ,对于帮助大学生树立共产主义信念至关重要。我想可以从以下几个方面来回答和认识这个问题 :第一 ,社会主义的长期性是由率先进入社会主义的国家的历史起点决定的。在马克思恩格斯生平的大部分时间里 ,他们是以欧洲发达资本主义国家生产力及其经济结构的发育程度为着眼点 ,来考察社会主义革命和革命取得胜利后社会发展前景的…  相似文献   

性别平等社会化:一个长期而艰难的过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了性别平等社会化过程的长期性、艰难性的形成原因,其目的是为了说明,实现性别平等社会化的工作是个需要坚持不懈地工作的过程,也是一个需要社会全方位关注才能达到效果的工作,更是一个需要强化社会决策机制的工作。  相似文献   

不可否认,时下的党风是人们的议论热点之一.这方面也确实存在不少的问题.比如,墨守成规、因循守旧、教条主义、本本主义滋长;脱离群众、高高在上、形式主义、官僚主义严重;弄虚作假、虚报浮夸、花拳绣腿、追功逐利盛行;贪图享受、拜金主义、个人主义蔓延,甚至以权谋私、收受贿赂的腐败现象也不少.面对这些问题,愤慨指谪、疾恶如仇是很自然的,怀念追思历史上党风建设的感人篇章、情节、故事、成果也是无可厚非的.要看到,这些因素引导的好都可以化变为推动党风建设的积极力量.但是,在党风建设问题上,如果只是把今天和昨天、现实和历史做一种简单化的比照,得出"今不如昔"的结论,那就大谬不然了.  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping held talks on October 27 with President Milos Zeman of the Czech Republic.Xi made a point of mentioning that President Milos Zeman’s visit was on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries;also the special significance of its being the first visit by the head of state of the Czech Republic to  相似文献   

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