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正As of December 29,the last trading day in 2017,the Chinese yuan’s onshore exchange rate stood at 6.5120against the U.S.dollar,strengthening by 6.72 percent for the year,constituting the sharpest annual appreciation in nine years according to calculations by financial information provider Eastmoney.com.  相似文献   

Stronger Ties     
正Xi’s visit adds new impetus to China-Cambodia friendship China and Cambodia advanced their relationship during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to the Southeast Asian nation.During the two-day trip on October 13-14,Xiand Cambodian leaders exchanged views on deepening the bilateral partnership.They also reached  相似文献   

July 1 this year marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).Accordingly,many films and TV dramas on Red themes have been screened.In order to attract young audiences,producers select young stars for the leading roles.Growing up in the era of lightning-speed economic development,these young  相似文献   

Stronger Ties     
As "three direct links" across the Taiwan Straits become reality, experts and scholars express their opinions  相似文献   

正The Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee,held in Beijing on October 24-27with a focus on strengthening Party discipline,has drawn intense attention.The meeting deliberated and passed new norms of intra-Party political life as well as intra-Party supervision regulations.As China’s ruling party,the CPC has recognized that strengthening Party regulations is key to facilitating national governance.It has attached great importance,therefore,  相似文献   

The opening of a new intellectual property (IP)court in Beijing on January 1 to hear civil and administrative appeals related to patents marks a major step in strengthening IP rights (IPR) protection in China.  相似文献   

The development of China-India relations is deeply rooted in the people, originating from their exchanges. And the media have an important role in enhancing the mutual understanding and friendship,Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at the FourthIndia-China High Level Media Forum in Beijing on August 12.  相似文献   

<正>Chile was the first South American country to establish diplomatic relations with China. It was also the first Latin American country to support China’s entry into the WTO,recognize China’s full market  相似文献   

正The upcoming 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) will be inscribed as an especially historic event.The congress will further emphasize and clarify the principles and policies that have already been clearly stated by the Party.Led by the CPC,  相似文献   

Yang Jiechi,a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and former foreign minister,addresses China-Africa relations following his recent visits to Uganda,the Republic of the Congo and Senegal.This is an edited version of his interview with Xinhua News Agency from December 20,2019 What are your expectations for developing China-Africa relations in the complex and fluid international landscape?  相似文献   

正With the Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier recently handed over to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, the long-standing goal of the Chinese navy from the late 1920s has finally come true, much to the joy and fulfillment of in-service and old-generation naval personnel and the  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese economy has met an annual growth target of around 7 percent set by the Central Government for 2015 in the past few months,with new driving forces being formed.To address the current economic risks and challenges,China must accelerate reform and opening up.In the process,there needs to be a balance between maintaining stable economic growth,advancing reforms and control ing risks.When the economy is facing increasing downward pressure,macro controls should focus on boosting demand,especially consumer spending.This is not only a prerequisite to ensure sound and sustainable economic growth but is a feasible option for current macroeconomic policy.  相似文献   

<正>Russia’s pending WTO entry will bring long-term gains despite temporary pains After 16 years of marathon negotiations,Russia hopes to complete the final procedures and officially become a WTO member at the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012.  相似文献   

China Eastern Airlines is one of China's three major airline companies. It operatesmore than 20 international air routes, 12 regional routes to Hong Kong, and 13odomestic routes, on the most advanced aircraft in the world, including the MD-if,MD82, MD90, B737, A340 and A320. China Eastern has code-share agreements withAmerican Airlines, Air France, Korean Air and All Nippon Airways, forming a complete aviation network.The Hebei branch of China Eastern Airlines was founded in 1951, a…  相似文献   

经过改革开放以来的不断努力,我国的产业结构发生了很大变化,特别是近二年来,国家加大了推进经济结构,尤其是产业结构调整的力度,传统产业有所分化,有所萎缩.但是我国的产业结构目前还远未能适应经济运行机制的变化,出现了很多需要深入探讨和亟待解决的问题.需要我们在"入世"前就对可能出现的局势做出一个精确的分析,并在此基础上做出合理的判断.  相似文献   

长期高度集中的计划经济体制,使监狱不仅承担着专政职能,还承担着经济职能,监狱的这种现状与市场经济在不同程度上存在着一定的矛盾.面对"入世"后国际、国内的新形势,监狱企业必须理清思路、更新观念,加快监企分开的进程,适当调整产业结构,大力推行"科技兴监"战略.  相似文献   

As our world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is also facing the greatest challenges since its founding. However, the ruling consensus among all member countries is still to promote an effective WTO functioning and performance. China, as one of the world's leading markets and a major trading country in its own right, has been a loyal supporter of the organization's prominent role in free trade and multilateralism, and intends to continue its contributions.  相似文献   

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